[IC Introduction]
So, you would all like to hear yet another story eh? One where the choices of a few disturbed individuals could effect more than just the galaxy? To begin, there are individuals known as hunters, some see them as lunatics but others see them as hero's. A group of Vault hunters managed to learn about a vault upon Pandora, that could only be opened with a mystical key. The Vault turned out to be much more what it was rumored to be, it was actually an alien prison, and from it came what could only be described as an eldritch horror, and a massive disappointment. What followed after the Vault's opening though, came as a surprise to everyone. It triggered the growth of Eridium, a priceless alien element. Soon, the rare and valuable mineral emerged all across Pandora and attracted all sorts from across the galaxy. One of these individuals was Handsome Jack, the C.O. of Hyperion an all around jackass, terrorist, and much more. Thankfully though, the original group of Vault hunters along with a team of newly arrived friends helped take him down, though at a great price. Once Jack had fallen, and the formed vault key tampered with, it showed that there were many other vaults across the stars.
Thus begun yet another chaotic series of events that seemed to rapidly fire off. A cult had formed around two individuals who quite a few people had considered gods, known as the God Twins, due to stupid rumors, a power vacuum, and their abilities as Sirens. A new group of Vault hunters joined the last two generations, and started to work together to eliminate the newly found threats, calling themselves the Crimson Raiders. Jumping from planet to planet, the Crimson Raiders recovered key fragments to open vaults across the galaxy, though the so called God Twins and their cult, the Children of the Vault, seemed to always be ahead of them by one step, or showing up mid vault to cause issues for everyone involved. The Crimson Raiders eventually were victorious against these cult leaders, though yet again, at a very heavy cost.
So begins our story, one of chaos, action, mystery, horror, investigation, intrigue, random crap, and of course a little bit of love to keep things interesting.
One year has passed since the defeat of the God Twins, and the Children of the Vault. A momentary peace has fallen across the galaxy. This so called peace is merely a calm before the storm and everyone is quite aware of that fact. However, it has granted everyone some well earned rest and relaxation. The Crimson Raiders have taken this downtime to mourn, regroup, rebuild, recruit, and become stronger than before. Sanctuary 3, has now become Sanctuary 4, resulting in a much larger and more pleasant place to live from the Raiders. Almost every aspect of the ship has been upgraded. Siren and also head commander of the Crimson Raiders, Lilith stands at the helm of the ship, remaining ever vigilant for any new threats that may appear after the events that had ended only one short year ago. This legendary figure and part of the original Vault Hunters who arrived at Pandora, also helps train newly recruited Vault Hunters, on top of her other duties.
Upon this Monday morning, a day that would be known as a red letter day by those upon Sanctuary 4, Lilith had been at the helm of the ship, like countless times before. A faint message was coming through the open coms receiver of the ship. From what could be heard, the message was an SOS originating from a lesser known planet, named Valkyrie. It warned of a fleet combined of what appeared to be remnants of Hyperion, Maliwan, and Vladof seemingly working together to lay claim to the world. A large amount of static followed this part of the message, followed by mention of a great vault, and some sort of entity like nothing recorded in the pages of time, something called The Grand Empress. Suddenly, as soon as the message had arrived, it was abruptly cut off, as if someone or something had done so. What followed this was a sort of EMP effect upon the ship before fully fading away.
Immediately, Lilith called all able Vault Hunters upon the ship to meet her at the helm with an emergency coms message. While this could all be a trap, she had to rule in the odds of it being real, and a in-depth discussion about their next course of action was about to take place.
[OOC Introduction]
Hello my friends! Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read the introduction post for Tales from the Borderlands. I have always been a huge fan of Borderlands since the first time I played it at an Internet Café quite a long time ago. The story, the characters, the action and mystery, as well as the humor have always interested me and pulled me back to the game. For the first time, I would like to try and create an Borderlands RP that takes place AFTER Borderlands 3. As I am sure some of you have noticed, I have bent the lore a bit, for those of you that do not know, I recommend playing the games and seeing the story first hand.
There are a few rules I would like to mention here, the first being that your character will be a vault hunter, and can pick from any of the character "classes" that are available in the game. Examples of this are, Lilith the Siren, Mordecai the Hunter, Brick the Berserker, Roland the Soldier, Claptrap the Fragtrap, Athena the Gladiator, Nisha the Lawbringer, Salvador the Gunzerker, Krieg the Psycho, Gaige the Mechromancer and so on.
You can combine classes if you would like but please do not add any anything from Sirens to your character unless you pick the Siren class. The reason for this is because I would like to keep the Siren %100 unique. Skills and ultimate's such as being able to fire faster and setting everything on fire are not going to be things you earn, you already have them but PLEASE use them sparingly or I will have to make changes to how they work.
As the story above says, we are all newly recruited Vault Hunters who have joined the Crimson Raiders, and are trying to prove ourselves when a strange message comes in over the ships coms for all to hear, something that has never happened. We are all called to the helm of the ship, or the command deck if you would like, beginning our adventure. The details above will obviously be discussed but I do not wish to say much more in worry of spoiling the story. What I can say is that the story will take us across Valkyrie and perhaps beyond, using everything we can to reach our goal, while meeting new and familiar characters, hostiles, and more.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
Once again, thank you for stopping by and giving this wall of text a read. <3