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Chase and Pira Jackson

Chase's face lit up at Bane's words, a smile appearing. "That's good," He responded, glancing at his sister and noticing her silence. Pira's response was much more reserved than usual, still not exactly understanding why it had taken this long. But she suspected it was as Bane said, that the Jedi master's injuries were worse than thought at first.


The brown wolf had stayed by Megara Shade's side for the last month, his distress from being separated slowly dissipating as he accepted that he may not see his human again for quite a while. Even now, he was hovering close by, eyes glued to the Jedi. From the chatter of the doctors, he figured she would be out soon, and his tail tapped in anticipation.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane smiled and pulled out a smart pad and handed it to Pira. “That’s her medical data. Maybe you will see why her injuries took so long to heal from. Shall we go see her?”

The tank was starting to unfill and the medics were helping Megara out.
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Pira and Chase Jackson

Pira took it, nodding her thanks as she amused herself by studying the information given to her. She was more interested in the scientific aspect than the actual person involved. Chase, on the other hand, nodded. "Yeah," He responded, glancing at Pira, who appeared to care very little about the situation and more about the information. It was one of the reasons they hardly got along, but both had their strengths and weaknesses and eventually they sorted themselves out. He assumed that was how siblings worked.


The brown wolf approached the doctors, his tail swaying with anticipation. A doctor tried to shoo him away but he refused to leave and that was quickly abandoned. He sat down, keeping his eyes on Megara. His ears were pricked.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane nodded and started walking saying “pira will be able to tell us after she looks those over…but it seems megara was holding back on all they did to her. But now that she’s okay we have a mission to get the holocron wherever she hid it…”

The medics laid megara on the bed to get the masks off and tubes. Megara stirred and her hand went up, knowing brown was there.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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Chase followed.

The brown wolf went forward and nudged her hand, letting out a quiet bark. His tail wagged.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane opened the doors for the kids to go first into the room as Megara was sitting up slowly and rubbed the wolf’s head. Then she looked up and saw them and smiled. “Hey everybody…sorry about this…the tank fixed me up and the stuff I didn’t know…”

Bane smiled and said “good to see you awake.”
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The brown wolf had reserved himself to happily panting at Megara's side. He knew the Jedi wasn't his human, but the two were similar enough he ignored the differences. He yawned and padded over to Bane and Chase. The boy was still jumpy around him so he went to Bane first, stopping far close enough to nudge Bane's hand. He noticed Chase's microscopic flinch away from him but the boy studied the ground and said nothing. She intimidates him, even now. He needs to get it together. He should know I would never hurt him but he's done his very best to avoid me at all costs, The wolf thought, tilting his head just a little. Maybe intimidated isn't the right word. He's... I don't know. Human needs to teach me more words.

Kissimi Cresis

Meanwhile, back on Lothal, Kissimi was going about her daily life. The raid was planned for the next day, so she opted to avoid outside stress as much as possible this time. She leaned against the doorframe, smiling tiredly as the vendor spoke to her about what she had missed. She learned very little but what she did learn was rather useful and surprising. The droids had been conducting bi-daily searches of the city to root out any Republic informants and the like. She would have to leave Lothal for good soon, but she'd have a bit of time.

Both her and the vendor knew droids were sloppy when they searched, so she had a bit of time before they caught onto her. She offered her condolences for the loss of the vendor's daughter then ducked outside and returned to her living quarters. She wouldn't have much time, but...

When she got there, she was met by her white wolf, holding the head of a droid in her jaws and six droids pointing their blasters as the animal. Three of the droids turned their weapons on Kissimi.

"Casey Rivers. You are under arrest for treason against the-" The droid never got to finish its sentence.

Kissimi's red lightsaber flashed through the air, decapitation three of the droids. "Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about."

The rest took a millisecond to process what she'd just done and the white wolf leapt onto one and tore its head off. The remaining two tried to shoot Kissimi but to no avail. They also fell, and Kissimi clicked her weapon off, nodding to her neighbor, who had come to his doorway to watch but knew who she "actually was." Or at least he thought so. She knew he would deal with the droids for her and went inside, beckoning for the white wolf to follow.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Megara looked at chase and said “it’s okay. I am fine. Coming in won’t hurt me. Bane? A hand?” Bane went over and helped megara to her feet and she rolled her neck and sighed. “Finally able to move without pain…so, what did I miss? Can my two young padiwans fill me in?”

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Chase Jackson, and Brown

Chase glanced at her before his attention went to the brown wolf, who was now padding toward him. "No much. Kissimi left. As far as I know," He replied, taking a step back from the wolf. Brown tilted his head and stepped forward, the boy stepping back again. The wolf whined then went to Megara, looking at her pleadingly.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Megara rubbed the wolfs head and said “he won’t eat you, young one. His a sweetheart once you get to know him. His not left my side which did help my healing a bit. But now we have our own mission. We must return to the planet to get the holocron. Whose coming with me?”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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Upon hearing the word 'return,' the wolf's entire body straightened. Returning meant maybe seeing his human again. He woofed quietly, expressing that he would be coming.

Chase Jackson

"That's not what I'm worried about, Master," Chase replied. He debated just being straight with her but decided against it, glancing at Bane. He wasn't sure if it was even a good idea bringing this up. But if they were going to return to Lothal, perhaps knowledge about the possible threat was good. Then again, he didn't know what Kissimi had told Bane about her mission and such.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Megara smiled at him and said “of course you are. I have to get yoh back to white and Kissimi don’t I?” She looked t chase and said “speak you mind young one. You can always talk to me about anything”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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Chase fidgeted, trying to decide what to say now. He was about to say "Never mind" when Pira walked in. Pira was still holding the smart pad but had heard most of the conversation. "He doesn't like dogs. He was attacked by one when we were alone," It was true; Chase didn't like dogs. He was just fine with the brown wolf except for the fact that it belonged to Kissimi. The brown wolf growled softly, now highly offended that he'd again been titled as a dog and not his proper species.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Megara frowned, not thinking that was the real reason. She moved to chase and knelt down to his height and asked softly “is it because of kissimi? If it is, it’s okay. I know faith and trust are not easy thing to give to others. His a friend, he won’t do any harm unless he is attacked. Okay?”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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Pita glanced at Chase then slipped away again. As usual, she left him to defend himself. Or in this case offer a slightly lame response that said everything. “She’s working with a Sith.” His words got the brown wolf to snarl. His human was doing nothing of the sort! If only the boy knew…
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Megan sighed and said “at it looks maybe. But we only had one part of a much longer story. Don’t give up on her yet, young one. If she were of the dark side…she wouldn’t have come to your aid before. Or mine. Let’s not be a judge just yet…let’s read the whole book first alright?” Bane smiled, seeing his partner was back in full force.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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I guess,” Chase muttered. He would probably never trust Kissimi nor her dogs, but oh well. The brown wolf approached Megara’s and nuzzled her hand as if to thank her for a bit of help. He glared at Chase, knowing the boy was going to be a problem.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Megara rubbed the wolf’s ears and said “his young. Just a pup. Give him a chance. Now, we have a holocron to find yes? We need a ship. And I must see the Jedi masters to be cleared for the mission”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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The wolf yawned then looked up at her. They were leaving already? Well, that was just fine with him. He wagged, circling in place before pressing into her hand. By his standards, anybody who brought him back to his human was a friend, anybody who tried to prevent that- or tried to put his human's name in the dirt- was not. Meanwhile, Chase simply hovered nearby, unsure of what to do.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Megara smiled and said “Chase? Bane? Pira? Shall we head out and find the Jedi generals so we can set out and do the hood work of the force?”
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