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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

There were lots of things he wanted to say, but Mike kept his mouth shut. Now was a bad time to start an argument, especially with a being like April, but the comment of the devil being angry about something her demons had been doing to humans as well was not taken kindly. It was obvious April was holding back some anger and it was probably showing he was doing the same thing, but for politeness' sake, he'd let it slide for now.

"Tea please," Benjamin said. "And cappuccino?" he asked, looking towards Mike, who confirmed with a nod of his head. Benjamin rubbed his hands together. "And I actually would like something to eat, if that's okay," he added. "I don't know what you have, but something with eggs would be wonderful. And maybe, once we have our drinks, we can discuss the names you don't want to mention yet because right now I have no idea what you two are talking about."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 26 min ago

April smiled as Benjamin gave his order, giving a nod before she hesitated for a moment.
"Eggs? Did you want them Scrambled, Over Easy? Egg Benedict, Omelets?" She asked, "They basically do anything you'd like here." April smiled happily before she looked over towards Mike, "Any food for you?" She tilted her head slightly.

Jack grinned as he leaned against the counter and got the attention of the waitress, giving their order that they currently had agreed on and ordered himself some Waffles and April some blueberry pancakes.
The Waitress looked to Jack for a moment, hesitant on leaving them alone before she glanced over to April, who gave her a small nod before she left to give the food order to the ones out the back.

"We'll have a private booth at least." Jack said with a small smile. "We can talk without worry at least."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

"French toast would be lovely," Benjamin said and glanced to Mike when April asked him what he wanted.
"Oh, ehm, waffles please," Mike said. It was a bit of a surprise that Jack ordered the same thing. It had been a while since he had waffles for breakfast and he was starting to look forward to it.

As the waitress left to handle their order, Benjamin turned to Jack and nodded. "Good, because I think we have a lot to talk about. The agency doesn't know we are here, so nothing we say is on behalf of our agency, nor can we make any promises for them."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 26 min ago

April smiled to the boys as Jack gave their orders as well, she looked back to the boys with a soft smile. "We can sit over here." She said softly, leading them along to what seemed to be the end of the diner, before she glanced to Jack and motioned with her hand for him to do what he needed to do.

Jack rolled his eyes and moved his hand out of his pocket to draw a rune in the air and pressed his hand against the glass, which seemed to warp and twist into a small door that slowly opened into a softly lit area.
April smiled to Jack softly and looked over to Benjamin and Mike quietly, "After you two, my darlings." She said softly, she looked to Jack with a glance to make sure he didn't comment on the Agency, like she knew he wanted to do so.

The room they were entering was definitely a strange room, it was magically protected, even those not fully tied to magic would be able to feel the strange feeling of being protected while in there. The floor was a soft grey carpet and the walls were wallpapered with a soft red wallpaper with yellow markings all across the room; almost like runes.
A few tables were inside, but a little reserved sign was sat on the table on the largest table with the large, comfortable looking Booth seats.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Benjamin and Mike took place at the reserved table. Benjamin only felt safe, for some reason, but Mike had studied a bit of magic and had recognised the rune Jack had drawn. He was far from a strong magic user himself, he mostly had theoretical knowledge and he had made one portal. He didn't feel trapped here, but he wasn't completely at ease with two creatures from hell. It was obvious Benjamin didn't share his concern, as he sat back and seemed at ease in this place.

"It's a lovely place you have here," Benjamin said. "And I'm glad we'll be able to discuss some things. A lot has happened the past few days and it's been wild. We were talking about it last night and there is so much we don't really understand yet. Are you two completely up to speed with things that have happened?"

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 26 min ago

Jack wriggled happily into his seat and almost snuggled into April as she sat down, only to be pushed away slightly from his partner as she gave him a serious look. April turned her attention back to Benjamin and Mike with a soft smile, "I have... Vague understanding." She said softly.
"We know that Lucifers own Grandchild has been locked up and she is pissed." Jack added with a smile, April kicking at him under the table. "What? Surely they know of their companions bloodline, right?" he looked to the boys with a confused look. April sighed through her teeth as he asked the boys something she knew they wouldn't know about.

April gave a small sigh, "We know that Steph and Gaia have been... Taken?" She asked with a furrowed brow.

Gaia felt a tremble through her body, she felt something was wrong and her instincts started to click through on their own.
She felt out of place, her room was wrong; where was she? She huffed, her ears flattening back before she seemed to circle the room slightly. She needed to make a nest. Why did she need to make a nest?

She trembled before moving to the metal in the walls and moved to wrap her arms around one and bit down on it, pumping heat into it to pull it from the wall before moving to slam it into the ground near the center of her room. Gaia continued to do this until she made a rough circle around the center of the room, moving towards her bed before she started to shred parts of her bed; the mattress, the blankets and everything fabric was torn and weaved around the poles.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

"They have been taken," Mike said. "To a facility of which I don't know the location. I was aware they would capture them and didn't stop it. All I did was go to Ben to make sure he wouldn't try to save Steph, and then I tried to warn Steph but all her escape routes had been blocked." He still felt bad about that, he had gotten orders and instead of trying to do something to stop it, he had followed them.

Benjamin poked him with his elbow. "What could you realistically have done to stop that from happening? You made sure I wasn't locked up in the process and I'm grateful for that." He glanced at Jack. "Which one is Satan's daughter? Gaia or Steph?"

Lily received a phonecall when Gaia started acting strange, who instructed the assistant to film it all and that she would be there soon. A part of her was furious Gaia hadn't waited with the interesting behaviour until she was there, but she was excited something interesting was happening with one of her darlings and she couldn't wait to watch the footage and observe it.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 26 min ago

Aprils' smile wavered ever so slightly as Mike mentioned that in a way he helped them get locked up, but she knew it wasn't his fault. He was being used by these assholes. She felt her muscles tense, but as Jack moved his leg beside hers, she calmed down a little bit.
"We'll get them out, of course." April said as she breathed out slowly.

"Steph is the Granddaughter." Jack said, making sure to put emphasis on the 'grand' part, but not in a way that was rude. "Lucy isn't entirely happy that she's a half-blood, but she's more angry that Humans are causing problems with her."
"Lucifer doesn't care if she's half angel." April said with a roll of her eyes, "We're over all of that demon and angel bullshit now. Only Elitists are against each other." She grumbled before she sighed. "I've seen angels do much worse things than I've seen demons do."
She put her head in her hands with a bit of a sigh.

Jack frowned at Aprils' expression before he turned to the boys, "And they didn't get the Alien as well?" He asked with a tilt of his head, "I would have thought she'd be priority number one with how powerful her father is."

It felt like Gaia's bones were cracking and twisting, her scales felt like they were burning and her vision was blurring in and out. She tried to spark the mental link to whoever she could reach, hoping for Harriet or even Ethan.
Help. She called out, Everything hurts, I feel like I'm melting.
She felt some of her scales drop from her body as she quivered and moved to cover her face as she closed her eyes.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Ethan had gone to bed in the new headquarters and was just asleep when he heard Gaia's plead for help and he jolted up.
"What the fuck..." he muttered. He grabbed his cellphone and texted his friends what just had happened. While he wanted to go back to sleep, he was far too worried about Gaia and after tossing and turning a few times he got up. Someone in this base had to be able to tell him where Gaia was and what was happening to her right now. If this was done by one of them he'd hurt them.

Benjamin frowned at the revelation. Steph wasn't just a succubus, she was the granddaughter of satan herself and, if he understood correctly, part angel as well. He rubbed his face, this was a lot to take in. Accepting she was a demon hadn't been an issue, but this was a whole lot more than just being a succubus.

"Humans have always tried to get rid of creatures that cause trouble," Mike said, "Because of the trouble they caused us. For a long time, before our technological advancements, we were pretty much at the mercy of supernatural creatures - many have fallen victim to vampires, succubi, and other creatures, with only a handful of warriors strong enough to fight them, and just a couple of humans capable to perform rituals with runestones." He sighed. "But now that we reached a status quo, it seems the sling is moving in the other direction and humans are the ones causing trouble as well. We're at a technological level where we can get the upper hand and with history in mind a lot of us feel that excessive violence towards creatures that have always preyed on humans is justified." He looked at April and Jack. "I'm not saying it was right of them to imprison Steph and Gaia, but I understand the human mindset that led to the decision, it's hard to let go of the past." He then turned to Jack. "We have diplomatic relations with Harriet's kind which we don't have with satan's kind. That's why Harriet isn't imprisoned and the other two were."

Benjamin listened to Mike when he noticed he got a text message and read Ethan's update. "Gaia is in pain," he summarized when Mike was done.

Lily listened to a live feed of what happened with Gaia through the phone as she was on her way and smiled. "My, that sounds incredibly painful. I can't wait to see it," she told her assistant.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 26 min ago

There was a couple agents in the hallway of the new agency, both of them were talking in a low voice; to ensure not to wake any of the ones who were on night watch. Harriet seemed to be the subject between them at the moment, from the whispers of "That alien girl" and "Where do you think she went?" "Surely they want to capture her as well?"

"No I understand why they would want to do it." April agreed with Mike with a small nod, "Demons are still negatively seen. Not to sound... Speciest, but Humans tend to stick to what they know of the past." She sighed for a moment as she leaned back.
Their food and drinks were brought to them by two waiters, who at first, seemed to be normal humans, but as they got closer; their skin was slightly more red than a normal human and their ears were slightly pricked. They were obviously lower demons, but they blended in well enough to seem like humans.

"Thank you~" Jack said with a wide grin, taking his plate from the Waiter and happily grinned at his waffles. If his tail was in view, it would be aggressively wagging, which would be hitting April, which would make her angry.
April listened to Mike as he continued to talk as the food came, her eyebrows furrowing at the mention of Diplomatic relations with Harriets' kind.
"Theoretically." April started, looking past Benjamin and Mike, partially ignoring the mention of Gaia, "If we could get them to have a diplomatic relation with demons, and possibly angels, would that help both sides?"
Jack looked to April hesitantly, "You're really going to ask Lu to meet a human? A human who captured her granddaughter?" He asked, April gritted her teeth.
"If we need, I will find a way." April said determinedly. "She's my Aunt, I can get her to listen."

Jack shrugged softly, "If you think she'll listen to you then sure, I'll be behind it." He continued, "As long as we can get married faster, I don't mind."
"And you care for Stephanie." April said, "That's the real reason you're helping."

Gaia felt her spine twist slightly, more scales dropping to the floor as she let out a low rumble; she felt like spines grow through her nerves and broke through her skin, the blood slowly dripping down the side of her body and dripped into the floor. Gaia quivered as she felt the bones in her arms twist and moved, cracking and splitting almost in half.

The muscle and scale slowly started to form over the new appendages, but not before the ground was soaked in her dark red, nearly purple, blood. Gaia felt her neck stretch slightly before she let out a loud roar as the extra eyes slowly formed in her skull as it twisted to accommodate them. The roar echoing through her room and through the link between her and Ethan.
Her vision was still black and blurry, as the blood stopped flowing from the formed openings, she started to see a bit. It was very blurry and stained red from the blood.

"I think I'm alive..." Gaia heaved, unaware of the link still being open, "I feel... sore. Weird. Things are numb and there's a stench of blood..."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Ethan heard them and narrowed his eyes. He joined the two agents. "She's probably resting after helping us all night dealing with creatures of the night," he told them. After a glare addressed at each of them, he walked away, until he heard Gaia's voice again.
Oh thank God, she was alive. "I don't know where you are, but I will come to you as soon as I can," he promised, mostly to himself as he was certain Gaia wouldn't hear him anyway. However, that would have to wait for a few hours, because now that the worry for the dragon girl subsided, he felt how little he had slept so far. With the immediate danger gone, he turned around to get back to bed. Maybe his friends could help him when they returned from that breakfast meeting they had.

"Theoretically," Mike said. "Yes. If humans could make a treaty with demons and angels, a non-aggression pact, or any kind of diplomatic agreement, the fighting could stop." He pricked his fork in the waffle. "But there is a lot of history we'd need to put behind us, we didn't have that same history with Harriet's race." He took the first bite. "I'm not an expert on the matter though, but we do have a diplomatic relations department."

Benjamin dug in when the food was put in front of him. "I wouldn't expect too much about that department though," he added. "It's not one of the most staffed departments of the agency, or so I was told anyway."
He made a mental note of April calling satan an aunt, it implied a relation to Steph.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 26 min ago

The agents both flinched as Ethan suddenly spoke, they looked to him with weak smiles.
"Of course." The first one said, "She helped us a lot." The second one stayed silent as they watched Ethan walk off, relaxing slightly before breathing out shakily.

"He looks angry." The second one said, the first one nodded once.
"Why would he be so angry? He fights these sort of beasts with us... right?" The first asked with a raised eyebrow.

Jack only gave a smile at Mike's words, "Then we can do that! Right April?" He asked as April sipped on her drink softly, giving a bit of a sigh as she listened to Benjamins words.
"We can try, yes." April said calmly, "Human will be easy to communicate with than what we tried with the Fae-"
"Oh that was bullshit." Jack said with a frown, for a moment his ears rippled into view for a brief second before he sighed, "They have to have specific stupid contacts that have to not have loopholes because otherwise they will use them."

April frowned slightly, "Surely if the head of Hell wishes to come and make amends with humans, giving them the permission to remove rampant demons- Because yes we do have ones that we need to get back to Hell; usually ones with sins that need to be accounted for." She continued, moving to rub her temples, "Hell we could even give them funds to hunt them down for us. And I'm sure Adam would offer a hand for help with fallen Angels from Heaven."
"Oh god can we not get Adam involved? He's an asshole to me." Jack said with a sigh, "He likes you because you're Lilith's daughter, which makes you his family too but I don't think he agrees with us."

"He can get over it." April said with a frown, "I can make some calls," She looked back towards the boys quietly, "if you think they'll listen, I can arrange it. A Peace Treaty to attempt to get Gaia and Steph back."

Steph jolted up slightly, she hesitated as she realized it was the morning before she grumbled and slipped from bed. She didn't really notice the changes that had happened to her overnight.
Her stomach rumbled for a moment and she gripped it, a strange pain came from her uterus. A period? She hoped it was that and not another type of hunger that she couldn't control.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Mike didn't have the same optimism as Jack and tried to think of a way to bring that diplomatically as he ate from the waffle, but April adjusted the expectations nicely. There was no harm in trying of course, but there was no way of predicting how such talks would go. Benjamin was likewise enjoying his French toast as the not-yet married couple discussed the diplomacy of fae and how the humans could get assistance to hunt down the rampant demons and fallen angels.

When they were addressed again, their first reaction was to look at each other.

"I can't make any promises," Mike said. "I haven't been part of this agency for long and I'm definitely not a high rank. I can reach out to Stuart, I suppose. He's the go-to person for article 12 cases..."
"Agents who aren't human," Benjamin quickly clarified.
"Right, he advocated for their rights and he is listened to. If you want to have any peace treaties, you should visit him first."

When Lily entered the observation room she asked to see the footage. From the corner of her eyes she noticed Steph move and made a mental note to examine her footage more closely as well, but she had her focus on Gaia's transformation.
"My gorgeous darling," she said at the end. "How exhausted you must be. Go on, give her a goat," she ordered.

An underling did as instructed and pushed a live goat into her room, but he didn't make eye contact and left quickly as if he was afraid.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 26 min ago

April nodded at Mike's words, "I would like if you could." She said, "If he'd like to meet with me first before anything, please give him my number. I'm open to most calls, I don't sleep a lot these days; fielding calls from all three realms."
"Plus dealing with Grymm when they come to see us for things, so technically all four realms." Jack added, April gripped the bridge of her nose in response.

"I can ask Luci...fer-" She hesitated on the idea of calling her 'Lucy', "-And Adam to be on stand-by. Lucifer would be happy to hear that we know where she is, even if theoretically, and Adam... I'll pull some strings and probably get him some more 'followers'."
"You'll get him another Harem of men?" Jack replied without a pause, causing April to swallow heavily and hit Jacks' arm. "What?! I'm just stating what would be happening."

As soon as Gaia's door was open, the stench of blood flooded the air in the doorway, and almost immediately flooded the entire hallway.
As soon as the door was closed, there was no movement from Gaia from under her structure, only the very small movement of her breathing.

After about three minutes of nothing from Gaia, three pairs of deep red eyes opened in the darkness and slowly stared over towards the goat.

Steph yawned as she exited her room and was hit by the blood smell and gagged heavily, closing her eyes for a moment as she tried not to properly vomit.
She slowly made the connection to where it came from and saw the underling moving away from Gaia's room and felt her tail flick angerily.
Steph moved her hand quickly, pulling the underling towards her with shadows and gripped them in front of her.
"What did you do to her?!"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

"We can go to HQ when we're done here," Mike said to Benjamin, getting an agreeing nod from his friend as the demons talked between them about things they could barely comprehend. The two focussed on their breakfast for a moment while they processed the conversation so far. There were things being said they had never heard of and insights they had never contemplated.

Mike was certain Stuart could be of help, but it remained to be seen if he was willing. Out of everyone in the agency, Stuart was their best bet. Once the waffle was gone he sat back in his seat.

"Was there more you wanted to discuss?" Benjamin asked, looking at April.

The young man squirmed in the shadowy grip. "N-nothing! I-I-I... I just gave her a goat that's it. I didn't do anything to her."

"Ma'am," one of the supervisors in the room with the television screens said as he pointed to what was happening in the corridor.
Reluctently Lily tore her eyes from Gaia's screen and glanced at the monitor her underling was pointing at. After an eyeroll she pushed a button and brought her lips to a microphone while keeping her eyes on Gaia's room.
"Steph, dear," Lily's voice sounded through a speaker, "Let go of him please. Good staff is hard to come by these days. If you're hungry for a man I will give you one, okay?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 26 min ago

April and Jack seemed to stop bickering by the time everyone finished their plates and drinks, April sighed softly and gripped the bridge of her nose momentarily before she looked to the boys and smiled.
"Thank you for meeting with us." April spoke gently, "Benjamin has my number I believe if you guys need me for anything specific, or to update me on anything." She continued, "I don't think there's anything for us to discuss unless you have questions for either of us?"

Jack leaned in his chair with a grin on his face, his eyes closed as he breathed out slowly.

Steph snapped herself out of her anger and stepped away from the man, letting him go as she felt her body tremble before looking towards the speaker, her tail swayed at the idea of a man but she gave a bit of a snarl.
"I don't need a man. I'm not what you think I am!" She called back angrily, although the pang flooded her body again and she almost crumbled over.

The goat seemed to bleat in confusion as it sniffed at the ground and slowly moved to the unsoaked bits of fabric and chewed on them quietly.
The three pairs of eyes focused on the goat carefully, the pupils narrowing slowly as the mound that was Gaia started to move slightly. Her wings slowly pulled away from her body; the sound of sinew moving and snapping as they fanned out, droplets of blood slowly falling to the ground, partially startling the goat, but it seemed for the most part unphased.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
Avatar of Loksfjoer

Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Questions? Thousands and they were all related to Steph, but Benjamin decided to keep that for another time. "I think we have all the information we need at the moment," he said and he got up from his seat. "Thank you for breakfast and it was very informative. We'll see what we can do from within the agency."
"I'll contact Stuart as soon as we are back at the agency," Mike promised. "The food was great, thank you."

They both extended their hands so they could shake as part of their goodbye and left the establishment. They would need a moment to discuss things between themselves as well.

The young man hasted away when he was released, holding up his keycard with trembling fingers before almost jumping through the elevator doors that would bring him to safety.

Lily just smiled when Steph asked what she thought Step was. I know what you are, but you can't seem to accept it, she thought to herself. Maybe she did need to get Benjamin in, according to her file those two were close and she'd love to see the development. Benjamin was a low-level asset. Sure, he could see invisible things, but he wasn't that important.
She kept her eyes mostly on Gaia's screen, but glanced occasionally at what Steph was doing.

"My, my," Chiyoko said as she seemed to glide forward. "What an eventful morning." She took in a deep breath. "And what a lovely smell. I like a bit of blood in the morning, don't you?" she smiled at Steph. "We could always share, you know, I like my meals to be handsome and I don't require the same of them as you do."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 26 min ago

April watched Benjamin for a moment before she shook his hand before shaking Mikes with a soft smile. "I'm more than happy to help you guys out." She started softly, "You two are good people, and I'm glad you're wanting to help the inhumans as well as the humans."
Jack offered to shake their hands as well, but April shot him down as he wasn't really part of it.

"Please don't hesitate to contact me." April said to them both, momentarily looking over to Benjamin, as if she knew that he had questions but she watched the boys leave.

Steph shivered before she looked over to Chiyoko, wincing at the very mention of the blood smell.
"I hate the smell of blood." Steph admitted, crossing her arms and shaking her head, "I don't need to share. I don't feed on humans. I already have a boyfriend and I will not feed on him either." She said with a grumble, "I just want to know what happened to Gaia, that blood isn't human or animal. It smells of Dragon, so it's Gaia's."

The fabric ties that she had made started to snap as Gaia slowly pulled herself up onto her limbs, she didn't really notice the extra pair of arms that pressed against the ground as she pulled herself from her old scales and out of the bloodied mess that she had cacooned in.
The goat finally noticed the movement and gave a bleat, Gaia took that moment to strike at the goat and dug into it almost immediately.
The goat gave a final scream as Gaia struck, before a horrible silence followed afterwards.

Steph winced at the scream before she looked around slowly, she shivered slightly. "Was that... Human?" She asked quietly.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
Avatar of Loksfjoer

Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

The boys promised they would and left the place. At first they walked in silence, both thinking about the conversation and the conclusions they had drawn. As they walked back to the new base they discussed what they would do. There was so much new information that had to properly sink in. They had come to the realization they knew very little of the realms outside the human realm and it would take some time to try and separate fact from fiction. At least they didn't have any missions planned, so they could investigate using the resources of the agency. When they reached the building, that was the first thing they'd do.

Chiyoko smiled politely when Steph said she didn't feed on humans, but brought her sleeve to her mouth to hide a giggle when she asked about the scream. "No, silly, that was an animal. I believe they feed your friend live goats, I saw them heard some into her room yesterday." She looked Steph over. "You really are new to the predator thing, aren't you? If you want I can teach you how a man screams. It's a joy to the ears."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 26 min ago

Steph looked back towards Gaia's room as Chiyoko explained it was a goat, she frowned as she offered to hear how a man screams and shook her head. "No thank you." She said with another sigh. "Are we allowed to enter other rooms...?" She asked before she looked towards Gaia's door.
"Fuck it. I need to know if she's okay."

Steph moved over to Gaia's room and pushed the door open slowly, the scent of blood hitting her nose as she held her breath to not vomit from it. The darkness was hard for her to see through, even when aided with demon-sight. The Darkness almost felt... Alive?
"Gaia?" Steph spoke, choking on the smell of blood. "Are you okay?"

A frantic knock came on the door to Lily's room.
"Ms Lily!" A voice came from the other side of the door, "There's a bit of a problem! The Siren boy, I... I don't know what happened, we fed him his breakfast and he just went... wild." They sounded scared as they knocked again to try and get Lily's attention. "He bit two of the workers and the wounds are looking a bit... Blue in colour. Do we know much about them to find out whats happened?"

Freya pulled herself from the bathtub tiredly, her wound ached but she couldn't go to the sea without her son. Without Sammy, she wouldn't leave him behind.

She slipped on her clothes quietly, she was wounded and should stay hidden, but she wanted to get out... She craved some fried food.
Surely there was a nice place to get something around here, sure she probably couldn't afford anything, but she might be able to charm someone to get some free food.

Stepping out into the fresh air felt strange to Freya at the moment, her frilled ears pricked as she looked around. Things seemed safe, at least for now. Soon the boys and Harriet would go and take the compound where their friends and her son was hidden within.
She would get her boy back, even if it would kill her.
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