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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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The brown wolf barked. Forgetting somebody, Jedi? He thought, still wagging as he padded up to the children. Pira stroked his head. "General Kenobi is in the hanger," She offered. "No clue where Skywalker is though." She added.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Megara smiled and said “I’d never forget you, Brown…let’s go check in with him then. Thank you pira. Chase? Ready to go?”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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Chase nodded. He might as well be, seeing as he didn't really have much of a choice. He knew Pira would be coming, even if Megara didn't want the girl to come along. It was that or, well, he wasn't sure what Pira would do when they were seperated. The siblings might bicker, but that was the least of all problems. The brown wolf gave Megara an unreadable look before padding in the direction of the hanger, followed closely by Pira. Chase would hang back a little.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Megara grabbed her gear and Bane grabbed her bag for her as they all headed out. Megara said to Pira and Chase and said “so have you two been busy while I healed up?” Bane was leading the way to look for Obi Wan
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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Pira nodded. "I've been keeping up with my studies from the Temple while Chase... has been doing Chase."

"Come on! You're making me look bad!" Chase objected, but he knew his sister was teasing.

"I know. Would you rather I say you've been antagonizing the clones until they told you things you didn't need to know?"

"I haven't been."

"So what have you been doing then? You never told me."

"I've been... uh..." He hadn't really been doing much of anything. A bit of antagonizing clones, as Pira would say, a bit of studying with her, and arguing with anybody who even mentioned sending Pira back to the temple. "Other than preventing us from being separated, I've also been studying. I had nothing better to do."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Megara frowned as they walked and said “who says you must go back pira? It’s no one’s calls but your masters…”
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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"The generals don't want me here. According to them, I'm 'too young.' I mean I get it, I'm younger than Chase, but it's not their call- like you said. Their logic is that since I'm two years younger than Chase, I'm too young to be a Padawan." She sighed. "Age doesn't matter is the problem. They've stopped though. Chase did a good job chasing them off." She offered her brother a small smile, which Chase returned pridefully; then he realized what she'd said and gave her a look. Pira smirked, but knew Chase would get her back for that little pun. that was how the siblings worked, after all.

The brown wolf decided to go ahead of the Jedi and was waiting just inside the hanger entrance. He yawned and started grooming himself for the sake of it.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Megara nodded and said “it’s never too easily to start. It’s the older one gets that it becomes a problem. Leave it to me. I’ll make sure you two stay together” she walked into the hanger and looked around for the general while bane went to get their ship in order.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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Pita followed Bane, trailed by the brown wolf. Chase hovered somewhere behind Megara, since he had watched his sister follow Bane and wasn’t too worried.

General Kenobi was talking to a small group of clones.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane smiled at her and said “you helping me out Pira?”

Megara moved to the group and said “master Kenobi? I’m ready to report”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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Pira smiled a little. "Yeah. Thought you might need a bit of help." her tone suggested another reason, but she kept it unsaid. The brown wolf licked her hand. That reason being that sometimes Pira just needed time away from her brother.

Chase hovered behind Megara.

The conversation leapt to a halt. Silence passed over the clones as Obi-wan turned. "Ah. Master Shade. Good to see you up." His tone was a little off. Just a little.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane smiled, sensing the real reason and said “you can always help me out…whenever you need to”

Megara frowned and asked “what’s wrong? Has something happened?”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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Obi-wan sighed. “We lost the system. Knowing you, you’ll want to finish your mission. I can’t let you do that.”

Pita smiled. the brown wolf nudged her before going up to Bane, wagging.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Megara frowned and said “I have to get the holocrone. I only need a day at most to go to the planet and get it back. You must let me do this. I will be okay. I’ll have my two padiwans and Bane with me”

Bane smiled at the wolf and said “so, do you think your master is still on the planet? I’d like to make sure we get you back to her safely. I know you just miss her and your sister”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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The wolf whined at the mention of his human and sister. But he immediately perked up and almost nodded. Of course Kissimi would still be on Lothal. She always was; that was the good thing about Kisismi. She was always on Lothal and rarely had any need to leave, even with the droids. His human always survived. Really, though, the wolf just really wanted to go home. Lothal was his home. It'd been too long.

Obi-wan sighed. "No, Megara." He told her. He wasn't going to change his mind, or at least it wasn't going to be changed very easily. With Lothal lost, bringing the padawans would be an even worse idea than it had been to send Megara and Bane alone- which that had ended badly all things considered.

Chase continued to hover and listen, curious as to how his master would go about this. He was already thinking of excuses that would probably get the General to change his mind that didn't include fully lying to him. He sighed and stepped forward, standing next to Megara. "General, forgive me for interrupting the conversation, but what if we just went down to Lothal and dropped the wolf off? We wouldn't be but a few hours if we did that."

Obi-wan did not respond to Chase, though the boy wasn't wrong. Knowing the kid though, there was something behind it. Be that attempts to simply get off the cruiser for a while, or to get his master to Lothal- probably the latter. He did want the wolf off the ship. He also wanted to see how Megara would respond to the boy stepping up.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane nodded and said “perfect. Lucky you know her well. We will get you back to her. I am worried about her if the planet is going for the worst…she might not be safe much longer…”

Megara looked at chase and nodded. “The padawan is right. I made a promise to the wolf who saved my life in some part to return him to his family. I can’t break that. I gave my word. It would only take a few hours, a trip down, a message to her to meet up then back up here. I’d even allow an escort of your choosing if it made you feel better about it?”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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Obi-wan sighed. “Fine. Bring Commander Cody and a couple of clones he decides to bring. You have hours. Any longer and we’ll have an issue.”

The wolf yawned, wagging a little still.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Megara bowed her head and said “thank you master. We will be sure to stick to the timetable. Chase? Ready to head out?”

Bane was getting the ship ready and said “Pira? Anything new about what’s going on we should take note of?”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

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Chase nodded, a little excited. Sure this would probably be a death mission, or at least dangerous, but he wanted to go. This would be good experience at the very least.

Pira shrugged. “Not as far as I know.” She didn’t know about the loss of Lothal, which was probably for the better. She also had yet to find about the time constraints, which would prove difficult if the holocron remained their objective.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Megara smiled and said “alright captain Cody, we shall meet you by the ship. I haven’t had a chance to work along side your brothers for a while so this will be very nice indeed. Also make Bane feel back at home within the ranks”

Bane nodded and told her “we won’t need long on the planet for both missions. Find Kissimi and the holocron.”
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