Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Vintage Flowers
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Vintage Flowers The Lost Collection

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I warn you now that almost everything I say and do online is probably an act. I don't like personal life connections on the internet, I like to keep everything a game of fantasy, because I come here to get away from reality. Occasionally, I might show a bit of myself as a human being. Keep in mind I have a terrible memory, but also limit how long I'll spend time here daily. I might not stay on this website either if it doesn't seem fit for me.

That said, hello, and it might be nice to meet you. You can refer to me as Vintage or Collection. My full username would be fine, but it's a bit lengthy. You can us all pronouns for me.

I've been roleplaying for a few years now, but I've been writing for much longer. My most experienced (and favorite) genre is Romance, specifically mlm, but I'm open to others.

I'll limit how much of my personal life I throw into this website, but know I write poetry. I love everything vintage, but also flowers. Flowers have a lot of meaning and symbolisms if you take the time to look into them.

Oh, also, don't flirt with me. I don't know you, so there's no reason for that. If you do try to flirt with me, I will probably laugh from behind the screen, and ignore you. Besides, I'm looking for someone who will care to ask what flower I would be. I only mention this because it's occurred in past sites for whatever reason.

With all of that said, maybe I'll open up a bit at some point, but I doubt it. I may come off rude sometimes, but I'm really just trying to be very blunt and straightforward with how I am. Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings, unless I mean to, then I'm not even the slightest bit sorry. Have patience with me, as I'm still discovering the limits and functions of this website.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

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