Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by WhiteAngel25
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WhiteAngel25 The Original Cupcake Queen

Member Seen 11 days ago

Wonder Girl had just released the scorpion man from her whip, sending the large bug man across to knock out another one like it. She had just turned her head to see Black Adam appear before she was thrown across the lobby to the back wall. Cassie winced from the impact as she barely heard Nightwing through her earpiece from the ringing in her ears. She saw Metallo-Bot standing in the creator with Superboy, Scarlet Beacon, and Supergirl before Nightwing took care of the Kryptonite. Cassie was shocked that Nightwing could handle being a chainlink for the lightning bolt that Black Adam sent.

"Are all our suits safe like that?"Cassie asked Nightwing as Diana had told her that all the super suits were custom-made. Wonder Woman wouldn't tell her where she got them, only that the Justice League took care of it.

Wonder Girl punched another scorpion man in the jaw to wrap him up in her lasso. Before the bug man could get too far and she flung him at his master. She hoped that it paused Klarion long enough to stop chanting his Latin. Cassie used the distraction of the flying bug man to fly fast at the spellcaster and whip her lasso around him. Her eyes glowed light blue as she sent electricity through her lasso to stun him.

"Frost, freeze him now! If we trap his mouth, he can't chant! Hurry! I don't know how long I can keep him under!" Cassie called out. She never had to use her electric powers for more than a few minutes before. All Cassie knew was that it took up a great amount of energy from her afterward.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@CaptainManbeard @Martian @Crimson Flame


Kara felt stupid for putting her cousins in danger. She should have attacked the robot from afar. But it was too late she was laid out on the floor having been hit by the kryptonite bolt. Slowly moving to try and grab her cousins. Noticing a large lightning bolt coming down to hit them, Kara acted quickly and tried to shield them with her body. Screaming loudly as her body soon went totally limp.

Gar meanwhile looked elated by Ray’s comment. “No problem, and yeah I can turn into any animal even the extinct ones.” The green skinned teenager had a big grin on his face. Turning his attention toward the sorcerer and his minions. “I’m gonna get rid of this dude’s minions and give you guys room to go after Voldemort.” Transformed into a large time and went after the scorpion creatures. Trying to get through the force field and towards Klarion.

Kara while down could hear the faint sounds of her teammates trying to save them. Her conciseness fades in and out unsure of what is going on. Her vision slowly came as she became more cognitive. Feeling weak as she was quite close to the Metallo-Bot. She cursed herself once again for not being able to protect her family. Feeling like a failure as a hero. But she slowly started coming to when the Metallo-Bot was disposed of by Dick. She slowly stumbled onto her feet. Trying to help her cousin back up onto their feet. Once she got back onto her feet she turned her attention towards Black Adam. Walking over towards him and stopping a few feet from him. “Hi, your shoelaces are untied.” She pointed down toward the villain's boots. As soon as he looked down, she made sure to punch him in the mouth as hard as she could. Following up with a flurry of punches to his face.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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“I don’t know about anyone else’s suit, but-” Nightwing started to answer Wonder Girl’s question but was cut-off as Black Adam came flying down from above them with a clenched fist aimed at Dick’s head. Just then Scarlet Beacon had returned to his feet and fired a red blast at the villain and gave Nightwing an opportunity to dodge out of the way.

Black Adam touched down onto the ground and then noticed Supergirl approaching him. He had to fight back the urge to laugh as she mentioned his shoelaces being untied, even though he didn’t have shoelaces on his current outfit. Is she really foolish enough to think this will work? Hmmm… Let’s have some fun… he thought to himself, playing along. Sure enough, she took what she thought was an opening and began punching him.

The heroine was so focused on the ass-beating she thought she was giving him that she didn’t even notice him releasing tiny magical spores of light from his fingertips. The little orbs then formed a cloud of mist and invaded Supergirl’s nose and mouth, causing her to cough violently.

“Your stupidity knows no bounds, girl!” Black Adam barked out a hearty laugh. “Weren’t you the least bit curious why your ridiculous ploy was working so well? Did your mentors teach you nothing? Now you shall taste the full force of a most heinous forbidden art - Blood Magic!”

The villain reached out a hand and began gripping the air as if holding a baseball, and Supergirl instantly felt a horrible pain in her chest as if her heart was being squeezed. “That magical mist you so foolishly allowed me to invade your body with has now dispersed among the blood cells in your veins. Your blood now responds to MY will, girl!” He rushed forward, grabbing her throat and flying them both up into the sky, far above the battle below.

“Let her go!” Conner screamed, taking flight after them.

Meanwhile, Klarion was trying to pull free of the whip that was now wrapped around him. Then the electricity came. “Aaaah! You fucking bitch!” he growled as he dropped to his knees, momentarily weakened. At the same time, all his scorpion monsters flickered in and out of existence like a glitch in a video game, making it clear to the heroes that they were indeed tied to the sorcerer’s concentration.

“That’s it!” Nightwing yelled out. “Focus on Klarion! Don’t let up!” He stopped for a minute to look at the conflict going on in the sky. “Be careful with Black Adam,” he said to the Kryptionians through their earpieces, assuming they even still worked after the blast they had just taken moments prior. Dick then turned and ran towards the other heroes facing Klarion. At the same time, the red and yellow sparks of light had returned as Wally and Thawne resumed their superspeed battle.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 2 hrs ago



Kara didn’t think that trick would work on a well-known villain, but it was worth a try at least. Not noticing the strange spores going up her nose and mouth. Causing her to violently cough and found it hard to catch her breath. Placing her hands on her neck while moving backwards from Black Adam. Again feeling stupid for trying to pull out such a tactic against Black Adam. And more specifically putting her teammates in a bad spot. Kara started floating backwards trying to get some fresh air into her lungs. But she stopped as she felt a sharp pain in her heart. She was now clenching her chest feeling in immense pain. Looking over at Black Adam opened her mouth to say something. But nothing came out of her mouth except for a croaking sound.

Kara looked over at Black Adam with immense rage on her face. Trying to focus her heat vision on the villain’s arms. Specifically targeting the villain’s nerves and veins to try and disable the use of his arms.

Gar meanwhile was focusing on attacking the scorpion minions. Looking surprised they were fading in and out. He guessed they were some kind of illusion, or perhaps going back to wherever they were summoned from. Hanging back for a moment to let them damage the summoner. “Hi boss do you want me to go after those weirdos that went down the hole?” He asked Dick through the comms.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Virgil couldn't believe this day was happening. He was going to meet all of the Leaguers and all under one roof. This was like Comic Con, but if all the heroes were real. He was also going to meet the other heroes around his age that he didn't get to meet last summer. His excitement turned into immediate disappointment once he and Black Lightning approached the Gala entrance. He saw all of the fancy celebrities and guests and he wondered how long it'd take him to head home from here. "I'm sorry, J. I can't go in there. I'll mingle with everyone after it's over."

"What's wrong?" Jefferson asked, visibly confused as he turned to face Virgil.

"Look at them! They're all snobs. I don't fit in around those kinds of people and I can't hold my mouth back either."

"You don't have to. You're only here to meet the other heroes and provide security. Not mingle with any pompous celebrities. That, unfortunately is my job."

"I feel for you, J. I really do. Hold on."

Virgil noticed a girl around his age standing by herself in a corner. She looked like she didn't want to be here either and from the way she was dressed he was guessing she was part of the special security detail. "I'll catch up with you later."

Virgil ran off towards her and before he even got close she looked up and stared right at him. It was kind of freaky. It almost felt like she was staring into his soul. He was definitely right about her being special. When he approached her he gave her a warm smile before speaking and introducing himself. "Not a fan of fancy parties or fancy people either, huh? I'm V---Static. I'm here with Black Lightning."

"There's too much noise. Too many thoughts and emotions. But I don't get that from you. I just hear, well, static. I'm Raven. I came with Batman."

"Batman and his flying animal theme. I didn't know he was training up a new partner."

"He's not. I... I just help him sometimes."

"Oh. Well, since neither of us really wants to go inside, you wanna hit the roof and watch the perimeter?"

Raven shrugged with a nod and the two disappeared into the darkness. Static made sure to let her know how awesome that was the entire time.

When things kicked off Static wanted to jump in and help the others without hesitation, but Raven stopped him. "There are more coming. No one knows about us yet. We can't waste that, by charging in."

Static gritted his teeth and held his place. He couldn't believe it. Metallo, Black Adam, THE REVERSE FLASH, some creepy sorcerer dude who could summon giant scorpions, and HIVE? What were they all doing here? What was so important in the Hall of Justice that you needed these guys to retrieve it? These were heavy hitters you expected to take on the Justice League, not a bunch of teenagers. The people in danger. They may have been elitist snobs, but they were still people he swore to protect. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to do something.

Raven's eyes widened as she felt emotion from Static for the first time tonight. He really wanted to help and protect people. She placed a hand on his shoulder and waved the other hand behind them. A door of darkness appeared. "Go. You'll cut off the four inside. I'll help the others finish things up. We'll join you later."

"Thank you, Raven." Electricity sparked through his eyes and fists as he was determined to put a shock to some systems. He ran into the darkness and appeared down below.

Raven turned back towards the battle and started thinking over what she could do. The spellcaster they called Klarion seemed to be handled for the time being and Metallo was out of commission. Kid Flash was fighting the Reverse Flash at speeds she couldn't keep up with and Black Adam was giving the Kryptonians a run for their money. Whatever she did she had to make it count. Then it hit her. She entered a meditative position and began concentrating and focusing on her soul self. "Azarath. Metrion. Zenthos!" Her soul self projected from her body, but it was physical and massive. She appeared as an evergrowing giant and stepped on the ground below causing it to tremble, shake, and break apart just from the size alone. She hoped this would be enough to stop the Reverse Flash in his tracks and lower Klarion's concentration, but she wasn't done yet. She then immediately reached up to smack Black Adam away with the palm of her giant soul hand.

Meanwhile Static stepped out of Raven's dark portal and cut off the HIVE crew before they got the chance to see him. "You guys are a bit far from your nest. You with the brain. You're Psimon, right? I've heard of you. I was never really good at Simon Says. I don't like being told what to do. My teachers all said I had a problem with authority." As soon as he said that he sent a blast of electricity straight for his exposed brain. He wasn't really worried about the other three. He just knew he had to take him out first.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

As Black Adam gripped Supergirl’s throat, they continued to fly up higher, Scarlet Beacon trailing close behind. He noticed her eyes begin to glow red in preparation for a heat vision attack, and right as she unleashed it, he spun her around so that the rays hit Conner instead, who had just caught up to them.

“Ah!” the boy screamed out, falling a few feet in the sky before he caught himself again. Black Adam then used his control of Kara’s blood to put pressure on the glands in the back of her eyes that triggered her heat vision, causing her to blast Scarlet Beacon a second time at full power. He yelped out again and began rocketing towards the ground, unconscious.

Meanwhile on the ground, Nightwing responded to Beast Boy. “No, you should wait until we can send multiple people down there. If one person goes against them alone, Psimon would be free to put someone in a Mind Trap without worry of anyone attacking his own body. Psychics like him should always be dealt with by larger groups. That is - whoa! Bout time you made an appearance!”

Dick chuckled and looked up as he saw Raven’s Soul-Self appear, the giant foot coming down. The asphalt was already weakened from the Shazam blast earlier, and now it cracked out in every direction, causing the two speedsters to skid to a stop before hitting the now-uneven surface. This gave Kid Flash the perfect opening to kick Reverse-Flash’s leg hard enough to break his bone so that he couldn’t run anymore.

“Arrghh! You little shit!” Thawne growled as he fell to one knee.

“What? You’ll heal in no-time. Preferably after you’re back in prison! Nighty-night!” Wally then unleashed a flurry of rapid-fire punches to the villain’s face that caused him to drop down, unconscious.

Back up in the sky, Black Adam was startled for a moment as Raven’s giant Soul-Self hand attempted to smack him, but he flung Supergirl in the way so it got her instead. The impact sent her flying towards a park down the street. Astral projection of some kind? That means the caster must be nearby… the villain thought to himself as he scanned the area.

“Aha! I found you!” he cried out maniacally as he spotted a young girl on the roof of the Hall of Justice - or what was left of it. He immediately dove out of the sky towards her, powering up lightning blasts in each hand as he dodged subsequent swipes of her Soul-Self.

Down in the tunnel underneath the Hall, the four other villains stood before a high-tech vault door of some kind, arguing with each other as they tried to figure out how to get inside.

“I told you, it’s resistant to my powers,” Shimmer was explaining in an irritated tone. “Whatever this material is, I can’t transmute it.”

“Well none of my tech is working either,” Gizmo whined.

“And my knuckles still hurt from trying to smash it,” added Mammoth.

“Well, we’ve got to figure out something,” Psimon groaned, hands on his temples. “I’m just here to back you up. It’s your job to find a way in there!”

The four of them continued bickering when suddenly a shadowy portal appeared and Static stepped out. The new arrival gave a bit of a long-winded speech and then fired a blast of electricity which subsequently turned into butterflies.

“Foolish boy,” Psimon laughed, walking towards him. The teen hero suddenly found that he could not move at all - he was frozen in place. “Here’s a bit of advice for the future. One - don’t ever go up against a psychic on your own. With no one down here to back you up and divide my attention, I can focus entirely on you. And two - if you do go up against someone like me all by your lonesome, attack right away. Your little speech gave me ample time to reach into your mind and trap you in an illusion, so that when you finally did attack, it was only a figment of your imagination. You see, I don’t need to ‘tell you what to do,’ I just need to preoccupy you for a bit!”

Suddenly, the world around Static cracked away like broken glass, and he found himself standing on a gameshow stage with people laughing. Their hysteria became downright frightening as they began ripping away their flesh, revealing skeletons with bell-shaped skulls. The world cracked away yet again and the teen was now in some kind of demonic hellscape, the laughter growing more disturbing, people banging their bell-skulls together, eerie chimes filling the air, monsters climbing out of the ground, etc.

Back in the real world, Static had fallen to the ground, twitching and seizing as his eyes stared wide-open at the ceiling, his mouth agape in a silent shriek. Psimon stood over him, maintaining the illusion while the other three continued trying to access the vault.


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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Raven's soul-self winced when it smacked Supergirl away. Black Adam was so good at using them against each other. They were used to working with other heroes, but they weren't exactly used to working together. They at least knocked the Reverse Flash out of the fight. They may have been down two Kryptonians, but Black Adam was now on his own. When he dove for Raven, her soul-self reacted immediately and placed her hand around her as a protective cocoon while she dealt with Black Adam personally. She couldn't stand cowards. Especially a coward that would pick on children.

Raven's fury manifested as shadowy tendrils emitting from her soul self to wrap around his wrists and ankles to hold him in place. Even if she succeeded in grabbing him at all her Soul-Self would emit an eldritch blast from its eyes directly at him.

Dammit. Me and my big mouth. Virgil would've thought if he could hear anything over those damn laughing bells. Psimon had trapped him in some kind of nightmare illusion of what used to be his favorite game show. Once he was out of this he was gonna kick his ass. Focus, Virg. Escape now. Revenge later.

"Sorry, Steve, but I'm leaving. The other team can have the money." Virgil closed his eyes and focused on the bioelectrical rhythms of his brain. They were off, a clear sign that he was in fact in an illusion. He did some readjustments to his brainwaves and botta bing botta boom he's out of there. The world around him started to shatter like glass before he found himself falling into darkness. He could see a light below him and found himself landing in a church back in Dakota City and instead of his costume he was wearing a choir robe. "Of course there'd be layers."

The choir around him began to sing loudly while the pastor hooted and hollered while the congregation started to shout and run around excessively. The more the choir sang, the less sense everyone had. "Yeah, no. I gotta get out of here." He closed his eyes and repeated the process from before. Shattering this reality and dropping down to the next and final one. He could feel it.

This time he appeared on the stage of Wild N'Out in the middle of Wild Style. Virgil was momentarily distracted by the Wild N'Out girls for a moment until he snapped back to reality. Well, almost. DJ DWreck kept ringing the bell at the worst lines and he couldn't take it anymore and after all of this he was starting to think Psimon was racist.

Instead of simply just breaking the illusion Static decided to give some payback with Psimon's own medicine. When he broke free of the final illusion Static sent feedback putting Psimon in an illusion of his own. He would fall to the floor and start seizing just like Static was earlier, but inside his mind Psimon would be reliving the events and games of the Squid Games.

Static stood up, annoyed and angry. Fortunately the three idiots were still focused on trying to break in so they didn't even notice how the tables had turned yet. He took Psimon's advice from earlier and attacked them without words sending a blast of electricity to Shimmer's back to knock her out and a blast to Gizmo's tech to make him useless here.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

As Black Adam dove at Raven, shadowy tendrils shot out and wrapped around his arms and legs, attempting to hold him still in midair. A moment later, her Soul-Self hit him dead-on with an eldritch blast from its eyes, causing the villain’s head to bend backwards. He brought it back forward again, his lips curling into a sinister grin.

“I sense a great power deep within you! One you desperately hope to keep at bay! No more holding back! Let’s see what you’re really made of!” His eyes began to glow as a crackling aura suddenly burst to life around him. His yellow lightning now turned a bright blue, signifying he was now using his full power. He shot out bolts in every direction, shattering the tendrils that were holding him. He then lunged forward and fired a double-handed electric blast at the Soul-Self barrier protecting Raven, causing it to slightly flicker and weaken. He started zooming around in the air almost as fast as a speedster, throwing flurries of lightning-charged punches all around the astral hand encasing the young heroine.


Meanwhile down below, Shimmer shrieked out as she was hit by Static’s attack and dropped to the ground, unconscious. Immediately following that was the sound of tech being fried as Gizmo’s flying mech pod short-circuited and slammed into the ground, smoking. The young villain jumped out and scrambled to get away as Mammoth roared and charged the teen hero.

Inside Psimon’s mind, he chuckled as he found himself in the bunk room from the show Squid Game. Interesting… I was not expecting that. It won’t take me very long to break out of this illusion, but there isn’t time for that right now. The others will no doubt be felled before I am able to free myself… he thought to himself. He then closed his eyes within his mindscape and managed to send out a telepathic message to all his allies within range, both seen and unseen. Plan A has failed. Proceed to Plan B with utmost haste…
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@CaptainManbeard @King Kindred


Supergirl looked in horror as she was forced to shoot her cousin with her heat vision. Kara then let out a shrill scream as she was hit by Raven’s magical attack. Her body was flung down onto the ground with a loud crash. A small crater was made from the large impact of her body hitting the ground. The blonde hero slowly got back up onto her feet, cursing to herself in Kryptonian.

Kara spat some blood on the ground trying to regain her senses. Rubbing her head while feeling like the whole world was spinning. Once she finally steadied herself she looked over at Connor who was knocked out. Again the rage was building seeing Black Adam besting all of them. But she was also mad at herself for not being focused.

Using her enhanced sight as Black Adam was circling around Raven. Calculating in her mind when she should attack him. Waiting for the right moment before flying toward him, trying to grab onto his leg. If she was successful then she would try to turn him upside down and get him into a hold. Placing his head on her shoulders while holding onto his thighs tightly. Moving at lightning speed toward the ground. Landing on her butt while slamming his head against her shoulders. This was an effort to try and knock him out.

Reference Video

Anyone wanna help me out with those weirdos?” Gar said through his comms, this was mostly directed toward his comrades. And once they had agreed to help him with dealing with the HIVE Gar transformed into a sparrow. Going down into the hole with the other heroes. “Sorry I'm late to the party, I hope I didn’t miss anything.” Quickly turning into a Rhino and charging at Mammoth. Trying to slam him against the wall of the tunnel.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Black Adam was so focused on trying to break through Raven’s barrier that Supergirl’s attack caught him off-guard. She was slamming him towards the ground, but at the last second, they came to a halt. “Foolish girl, did you forget that I still control your blood? Did you think it would just wear off on its own? No, my dear. Not until it is dispelled.”

Kara felt herself being pulled away from the villain as if by telekinesis, but it put pressure on her blood vessels. He spun around upright, still floating a few inches off the ground, then reached out a hand and began trashing it around. As if mimicking his movements, Supergirl felt her body being slammed up and down into the ground repeatedly, leaving cracks in the asphalt.

Meanwhile, Nightwing had extended his batons out and clipped them together to form a staff, which he was twirling as he flipped around fighting the monsters. Kid Flash had rushed over as well and was throwing rapid-fire punches at one of the beasts before grabbing a tail and swinging one across the parking lot.

Suddenly, everyone heard Psimon’s message about a Plan B ring out in their heads, followed by a disappointed look on Black Adam’s face. “Oh well, I guess playtime’s over!”

Exsolvocorpus! Klarion called out, and a moment later, all the opponents vanished in puffs of black smoke. Him, the scorpion monsters, Black Adam, the fallen Reverse-Flash and Metallo-Bot, and even the villains down by the vault.

“Did they just retreat?” Nightwing wondered out loud as he looked around, confused. A moment later, they all heard a horrible high-pitched shriek, but they couldn’t tell where it was coming from. It seemed to be emanating from all directions and even from within their own minds. It got so intense that everyone in or around the Hall of Justice became dizzy and dropped to the ground, clutching their ears tightly. Raven could likely sense the presence of a psychic mind far beyond anything she had felt before.

This entity was cloaked from view as it descended from the sky, passing right through the building into the vault room below. Assuming Static fought to maintain consciousness against the ongoing brain blast, he would spot a figure materialize into view.

The being was immediately recognizable as a Green Martian wearing a Reach exosuit. He approached the vault door and stuck out his hands, his appendages splitting into multiple extra arms. Each one morphed to resemble a member of the Justice League’s Council of Founders, and once all the hands were placed on the door, the vault opened. Inside was a small room from which he retrieved a blue Reach Scarab sitting inside a glass box.

My presence on Earth was to remain secret a bit longer, they all heard in their minds. But we underestimated your capabilities and you managed to thwart our agents before they could access the vault without me. We will not make that same mistake in the future. Until we meet again!

There was a final shriek that caused them all to develop horrible migraines before passing out. When Junior Squad recovered a few minutes later, the Justice League had returned from dealing with the prison break. They sat the teens down in what was left of the Ballroom and asked them to explain what happened.

“How did that vault go unnoticed? Not even my x-ray vision detected it…” Superman asked. “Did anyone else know it was down there?” Everyone shook their heads except Batman and Martian Manhunter.

“After we defeated the Reach, there was a Scarab left behind,” the Dark Knight began. “This one was sturdier than the others we had encountered, and we were unable to destroy it. So it was decided to hide it in a vault under the Hall of Justice and then have Zatara magically conceal it from view. To minimize the chance of its existence becoming known, all Councilmembers except for J’onn and myself agreed to have their memories of the vault erased. We chose to remember so that we could respond if there was ever a breach.”

“So how did H.I.V.E. know it was down there?” Nightwing inquired.

“That is not clear yet,” Batman replied. “J’onn, you haven’t felt any other psychics poking around in any of our minds, right?”

“That is correct,” the Manhunter confirmed. “But it is most troubling that there is another Martian on Earth, and one who has access to Reach technology. We know not yet how he learned of the vault, but the more pressing matter is that he now possesses another Scarab. He will no doubt be looking for a host…”

“Well, a silver lining to all this is that no one died tonight,” Superman added. “All the attendees were evacuated to safety by security. The Hall is trashed, but we’ll worry about that tomorrow. I think it’s time we called it a night. You all fought well considering everything that happened, and we won’t forget that.”

“Maybe we can all work together again some time,” Dick added with a smirk.

“But can we call ourselves something other than Junior Squad?” Wally asked. Then his eyes opened wide with excitement and his lips curled into a big smile. “Oh! I got it! We’re the Teen Titans!” He raised a fist into the air.

Conner crossed his arms and shook his head. “We are not calling ourselves that…” But they absolutely would.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Raven ignored Black Adam's taunts and focused on keeping her Soul Self projection shield up. It was weakening and if it hadn't been for Supergirl's intervention he would've broken through. She could sense that Static was doing better than before down below and while her mind was focusing on the vault area she received Psimon's telepathic message.

When Nightwing asked if they were retreating she too sent a message through everyone's minds saying, "No, they have a Pla---" her message was cut short by their enemy's psychic attack. In an instant her soul-self vanished from view and returned to her. She placed her hands on her head trying to shield her from the attack, but it was stronger than anything she had ever encountered. She couldn't see it, but she could sense him as he descended down below. "Static... be careful." She said before finally losing consciousness after all of tonight's exertion.

Static was charging towards Mammoth with both of his fists electrically charged ready to go hand to hand with the behemoth. Fortunately for Mammoth that moment never came as he and the rest of the HIVE disappeared. "What the hell? What is going on? And what exactly is in there?" He turned his attention to the vault and was considering retrieving whatever was inside himself so the villains couldn't get their hands on it. They went through so much trouble for it already, he doubted they'd just give up so easily.

But before he could act on this thought he felt the psychic attack in his mind. "Not again." He fought on hard trying to prevent himself from falling unconscious. When he got to the vault floor the presence became too much and Static fell to his knees trying to force himself to stay upright and think. He saw a green armor wearing alien morph into members of the Justice League. A Martian? What was a Martian doing here and working for the Reach? More importantly, the Reach were back?

Static aimed his right hand at him sparking his fist to life with an immense struggle. He had to stop him, he had to. He sent his blast just as the Martian Beetle sent out the final psychic attack causing him to miss his mark before falling unconscious.

When they regrouped with the Justice League later Static couldn't help but feel like things were going to get a helluva lot crazier and fast.

When Dick suggested that they work together again his eyes widened at the thought. A team of heroes he could relate to. He loved that idea. And the League may need them with all of these villains coming together to plan something.

"I like the name Titans, but we've got to drop the Teen. We handled ourselves like the giant heroes that started all of this today."

Raven was quiet through all of this, not too happy about how everything went down. She knew Batman was going to investigate how the villains knew about the Reach being here before they did and how long they've been back. That or he'd send this new team to do it.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Killer Frost.

Before they knew, things went to crap in a hand basket super-fast. Villains had sped out of the van and seized the upper hand fast knocking down the three group kryptonians. The three heavy hitters were knocked down so fast caught Stargirl of guard and even Killer Frost herself took a moment to even process what just happened, what was clear though, the other co-ordinated attack manage to take the Justice League out of the way and leave the teens on the front line to protect the hall of justice and save civilian’s.

While the others engaged the multiple combatants, Stargirl put herself between the monsters and the crowd, taking a defensive combat stance, she used her smaller frame and quick reflexes to help combat the monster, her combat experience though was much as maybe some others in the group she found herself fighting alongside, but her Cosmic staff helped out a lot to keep her in the fight. Killer Frost on the other hand was firing ice shards to help slow down combatants where she could, the speedsters she ignored for they were to quick, but using her ice attack could help slow down or distract give other an opening. She avoided melee combat where ever she could. When one scorpion monster did get close to killer frost, Stargirl hit it with a plasma blast from her cosmic staff.

Things only went from bad to worse when Black Adam showed up, the teen group was getting pushed to its limits. The enemy plan was clear, take out the teen group strongest members and mop up the rest, maybe they were out of their league, but like hell would any of them make it easy. When the enemy seem to stop and be have some sort of fields put around by the grimoire holding individual, Shazam was yelled and well... Killer Frost went flying, skidding along the floor until she a wall, her body felt like fire, hurting like hell, but her hands were covering her ears, the pain and the ringing really took its toll.

Stargirl on the other hand fared better, with the help of her Cosmic staff she was saved being sent flying by the shockwave, it must of absorbed some of the incoming energy to create a force field to protect her. The ear ringing though not so much and found herself holding her head for a moment also and gripping the rod tightly while she tried gathering her bearings. Her hearing came back enough to eventually hear Nightwings plan after noticing the other group make a hole in the ground and go under, this was all a distraction? Dam. Stargirl then reached for her earpiece. “This is Stargirl, we read you, get as many people out of here as you can, we will hold them off” She acknowledged the guards before turning her attention to Klarion and his minions.

With so many of the villain’s now getting engaged and tied up and the minions of Klarion being dealt with, and opening had presented itself and allowed Wonder girl, on of Frost’s team mate to get and impressive jump on the magic user. She nodded at the girl as the ice user didn’t need a second invitation. “You don’t have to tell me twice” She responded “This should be interesting” She added raising an eyebrow. She then focuses a lot of effort as her hands go icy, she then hits a stream of ice from both of her hands as she aimed them at Klarion, freezing him as much as she could before he could try breaking free. Stargirl was still taking on few monsters to keep them away from protecting their master, although became frustrating when they started flickering in and out of existence, making her miss some hits. “Hey! come on that’s cheating!” she would yell at one of them.

“Holy sh…” Stargirl’s voice drowned out by the sudden appearance of Raven and the noise that brought, not that she even knew of the girl or what she could do, but the spectacle show of force to take on Black Adam was sure dam impressive, hell even more than she would off have done by a long shot. And although some friendly fire was going on, villains were either being disable or taken out of the fight completely, they were actually getting the upper hand. But then as quick and as mental as the fight was, they all just vanished in puff of black smoke. She stood there a bit dumb founded. “Did we actually just win that?” She questioned looking around at her team mates.

Soon After there was a high pitched Shriek, it was debilitating to say the least, it was so intense and like it was everywhere all at once, Killer Frost had been covering her ears to no avail “Oh! Mother of Metallica this hurts” She would yell, weather anyone would have heard her or not she would never know as she felt so dizzy before collapsing on the group from this and the exhaustion of using her powers so extensively. Stargirl had fared no better clutching her ears tightly collapsing down, she was able to stay conscious, not until another shriek occurred causing her a massive migraine before passing out from it all.

Not long after, both Stargirl and Killer Frost had regrouped with the others after the return of the justice league, Frost had found herself leaning on what was probably a remains of a pillar with her arms crossed, she still had a migraine and felt like utter crap, she listened to what was being said but kept her thoughts to herself, if anything she was annoyed or even brooding over what had gone down. She silently wondered whether or not the news would portray her as being a fault in some way like they did when she was first discovered and portrayed as evil. Her eyes rolled at what name they should call themselves. “Oh shoot me now.” She thought out aloud. “I agree with him; we are not calling ourselves that.” Crystal added pointing at Connah when she agreed with him on the name. “You know what, screw it, I just want a shower and go to bed” she threw her hands up in protest for a second.

Stargirl on the other hand was sitting on her cosmic staff, floating in the air a little, her blonde hair was a bit of a mess but nothing compared to the trashed hall of Justice, it was a shame to see something get so wrecked, she took the positives out of their win though, the innocent was save and no one died, but she could help feel they failed, the hall was wrecked and the bad guys got what they wanted and got away. She could help but think if there was something different she could’ve done, would it of made a difference? It was playing on her mind while the group was talking, although she did perk up at hearing the name for the group, like were they officially like some new awesome super group? She couldn’t hide her big ass smile at that. “Teen Titans? Guys this is gonna be so freaking cool
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by WhiteAngel25
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WhiteAngel25 The Original Cupcake Queen

Member Seen 11 days ago

Wonder Girl gritted her teeth as she held Klarion as tight as she could while Frost froze him. Cassie barely heard Nightwing's question between the fighting around her and needing to focus on her task at hand. Suddenly, all the villains disappeared. Cassie allowed herself to crumble to the ground for a moment to regain some strength. Using her Lasso of Lighting and her strength to keep Klarion down wasn't an easy task. Sure, she practiced all the time with Artemis and Athena as well as the other Amazonians including Diana but it was nothing compared to the real thing.

Cassie stood back up after a few minutes and dusted herself off as she heard Wally's comment about the junior members being called the Teen Titans. The group's namesake was quickly shut down by Scarlet Beacon and Frost. Cassie couldn't help but laugh.

"As long as I don't have to see another seven-foot scorpion man for a while, we can be called whatever you want, Kid," Wonder Girl said as she nodded in agreement with Frost. "I second Frost's idea showers and rest."

Cassie did find it odd that two of the Justice League members kept a secret vault underneath the former headquarters of the place. She noticed the look Raven had and Nightwing's question of how H.I.V.E. knew about the vault in the first place. Her thoughts were interrupted by Diana giving her a once over like a distant but overprotective sister.

"I'm okay, I promise. Some bruises and scrapes but that's a part of the job, right?" Cassie said with a shrug and a soft smile. Diana shook her head in disbelief with a slight smile and patted Cassie's shoulder with approval.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

After emergency services cleared everyone to leave, most headed home for the night, and by the next morning, the media was in a frenzy over the attack. The Justice League tried their best to calm the public hysteria, while at the same time attempting to covertly investigate H.I.V.E.’s connection to the Reach. Once they realized the villains were organizing in countries that didn’t sign the League’s U.N. charter, the need for an independent team became clear. It was decided that the sidekicks were best situated to fill such a role since they were not members and thus not bound by the charter. They began the process of gaining parental permission for them to attend a Wayne-sponsored tutorship program which would be a front for their superhero activities.


On the busy city streets, a white car pulled up outside an enormous building reaching several dozen stories into the sky, the unmistakable Wayne Enterprises logo adorning the tower. Out of the vehicle stepped Wally, holding his smartphone in his hand as he selected the amount to tip the driver through an app. He normally preferred not to travel by 'normal' means, but they had been instructed to do so to uphold their civilian identities for school records and such. Plane tickets had been paid for as part of the program, as well as Uber funds to cover transportation from the airport to Wayne Tower West. Wally's flight had arrived a bit earlier than the others so he had the driver take him on a scenic loop around the city before reaching their destination.

“Thanks dude!” he said as he slipped a backpack over his shoulders and grabbed a few suitcases from the trunk. The vehicle sped off and the teen walked through automatic glass doors into a spacious lobby with a high ceiling. A woman behind a reception desk beckoned him over. She was clad in a business suit.

“Good afternoon! Are you here for the tutorship program?” she asked in a friendly tone.

“Sure am!” he replied with a smile, setting his bags down and leaning on the desk with one elbow. “And might I add you are looking magnificent in that suit!”

“Ah, you must be Wally West,” she frowned and wrote a check mark next to his name on a clipboard. “They said you had a bad habit of flirting with every woman you see, even those who are clearly too old for you.”

“Not every woman,” he clarified, then grinned ear to ear. “Just the sexy ones like you… Ow! I didn’t realize you had powers! Hey! OW! Okay! Point taken!” the boy cried out as he dodged fireballs the now-angry woman was flinging rapidly at him.

“Why am I not surprised!” Dick laughed out loud as he walked into the lobby just in time to see the encounter play out. Rachel was right behind him.

“What’s going on here?” Conner asked with a smirk as he and Jon entered as well.

“Wally tried to hit on the receptionist and got a fiery rejection!” Dick explained, laughing.

“Duuuuude!” the speedster hung his head and sighed.

“Sit. Over there. NOW!” the woman demanded angrily as she pointed to rows of seats off to the side. The teens gathered their bags and headed over there. After a minute, she came by to ask for names and added check marks to her clipboard. “Miss Lance will be down shortly to retrieve you.”
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by WhiteAngel25
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WhiteAngel25 The Original Cupcake Queen

Member Seen 11 days ago

Just as the white car left, a black Sudan stopped in front of Wayne Enterprise. Cassie stepped out with her Aviators shielding the glare from the sunlight reflecting off of the giant building. She wore dark blue skinny jeans, a cream-colored tank top, with a jean jacket tied around her waist. Cassie adjusted the strap of her Earthrunner sandals that matched her tank top before she smiled and thanked the driver as he handed her her bag from the back of the vehicle.

The young woman made her way into the building, just catching the end of Wally's failure at flirting and the receptionist instructing Dick, Conner, Rachel, and Jon to sit in a waiting area. Cassie lifted the sunglasses up to rest on top of her head and walked over to the receptionist's desk.

"Hi, I'm Cassandra Sandsmark. I'm here to check in," she said with a polite smile. The receptionist looked up at her and then checked Cassie off her list before dismissing her to go sit with the others. Cassie sat next to Rachel and smirked at Wally.

"Struck out again? That's got to be tough," Cassie said as she pressed the handle down on her suitcase and then crossed her arms.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

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Jon walked in with his brother, enthusiastic as ever just to be here. He arrived just in time to catch Wally fail to land a date with a receptionist. What exactly was he hoping to accomplish flirting with her? Surely, someone her age wouldn’t be interested in a teenage boy.

Jon checked himself in, and sat next to Wally. “She’s way out of your league bro. But… uh… if you’re looking for a date, I’m available! I know I’m not your usual type, but hey… it can’t hurt to taste the rainbow once in a while!” Jon said with a giggle. He was not expecting Wally to take him up on that. “Anyway, guys! We’re in THE Wayne Manor! I doubt Bruce Wayne lets just anybody here. This is a really big deal!” Jon exclaimed. His eyes were wide with excitement as he took in every detail.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Damo021
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Killer Frost.

It had been a very long drive for Courtney, her mother insisted she would drive her daughter to Wayne Tower West for a special private tutorship program through Wayne Enterprises, Courtney of course was like a hamster on coffee about the idea, Eventually Barbara gave in and gave permission to join the program on the condition she would drive her daughter there. of course days before the trip, her 'hero' equipment along with a couple of suitcases where taken, allowing the teen to travel light at least, the journey though was a gruelling one as it took nearly a day to get there. Sure she would miss home and the friends she had there, but this was a new big journey for her, filled with many unknowns.

She arrived in a 2013 Jeep Cherokee that pulled up behind a black sedan that had just finished dropping off Cassandra and the two brothers walking in also. "Other students for the tutorship?" Her mother would ask. "Of course, I'm certainly not the only one." Courtney was excited. "Well try not to cause to much trouble will you honey." This had Courtney smirk. "Now where would be the fun in that... Love you mom." Courtney said giving her mother a hug and climbing out of the vehicle. Courtney was wearing a white denim jacket open, with a white top underneath, a pair of blue denim jeans and for whatever reason only to her own, had a pair of Heely’s on. Grabbing a spinner suitcase out of the trunk, she waved bye and made her way in to the building.

Courtney just sadly missed Wally's most recent failure but she had overheard the aftermath conversation that followed She quickly wheeled her way passed her fellow team mates, making full use of the Heely’s, with a beaming smile she quickly waved. "Hey guys!" she would yell out momentarily before she went crashing into the receptionist’s desk, letting out a little groan of 'ouch' The receptionist had slowly looked up at the teen of whom quickly slapped a smile on her face, letting out a little embarrassed "Hi". The receptionist let out an audible sigh. "You must be Courtney Whitmore." checking her name of on the list. "There will be no skating in the lobby." "But I am not wearing any skates" this response only facilitated the woman behind the desk to stare at the teen. "Okay I get it, No skating in the lobby"

With her suitcase in hand, Courtney made her way over to the others, hearing the last of Wally’s failure, the dude actually tried flirting with the receptionist, no wonder why she was so cranky. She looked at wally. "Dude like really, the receptionist? She's old enough to be your mum." "I heard that!" Came a rather loud response from the desk where the woman was sat. "Sorry!!" Courtney shouted back and promptly parked her butt on a seat, sat in silence, trying to keep a straight face.

For Crystal, there was not much in the way of having to persuade anyone, she didn’t exactly have any family to speak of to debate with or persuade to go to this program at Wayne enterprises. In fact, it felt like the opposite, Crystal was most used to being by herself especially after the loss of her parents and subsequent branding by the media to be the villain responsible. it was a path she could've easily gone down if mixed with the wrong people. If it wasn't for her mentor Tora Olafsdotter, then Crystal wouldn't have this chance, but it also left her feeling like the teen didn't really have a choice in the matter and had to go, her mentor sighting it would do Crystal a lot of good in the long run to have people she could be with around her age and be part of a team, a family. that last part did hit home rather hard.

One advantage of having a mentor she did, meant the teens stuff was pretty much taken to the tower before her arrival by means she was not told about, nor could she be bothered to question it. she would only have a backpack on her after all, she didn’t really have massive amount of personal items anyhow. Crystal couldn't help and have some thoughts that had her believe that it was just easier to dump her here at the tower and no longer be a burden to Tora, even if the league member would never say such a thing and in all honestly was just her mind wondering, the woman had been kind and supportive and even help the with her inner demons.

Soon enough, the teens turned up outside of the tower, she had ended up using an Uber to get to the destination, paying for the fare with money provided to her, Crystal climbed out of the car, only for the driver attempting to give her the change. "You can keep the change." The driver thanked her and left once she had recovered her suitcase from the trunk. She took a moment to look up at the building she would be staying in behind her sunglasses, after all it was a bright day. Crystal's white hair stood out against the clothing she opted to wear, that being a black cold shoulder top, skinny black jeans and a pair of short black high heel boots. After a few moments of hesitation, Crystal made her way in.

Resting her sunglasses atop her head, Crystal glanced over at her fellow team mate she'll now be living with? that was a weird thought, considering she not really interacted with them much, she was them having some good old banter and a laugh that must of been Wally's expense and Courtney looking like she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Making her way over to the desk to the receptionist, she waited a moment to get the woman’s attention. "Crystal Frost, here to check in." the woman looked at her for a moment before ticking her off and asking the teen to take a seat with the rest.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Rachel entered with Dick and the others. She was conflicted about having to leave Gotham. She became comfortable in the mansion and in the dark city. Like she belonged there. She wanted to protest joining the team and moving to sunny San Francisco. With Nightwing gone the city definitely needed another bird-themed hero. She was starting to regret not wanting to become a permanent partner to the Batman.

She rolled her eyes at seeing Wally flirt with and subsequently get attacked by the receptionist. At least they had a genuine frontline of defense if any villains discovered what this place really was. She wondered where Bruce found her or if she was a regular hero in disguise.

She moved to sit down with the others when she noticed Static exit the bathroom.

Virgil walked out of the bathroom dressed to the nines in a business suit that looked to be personally tailored for him. He arrived a bit earlier than the others and wanted to make sure his suit was perfect. It wasn't hard for him to get his dad to agree to send him to this program. A Wayne foundation, fully paid for, and away from the dangerous Bang Babies? He couldn't wait to pack Virgil's bags.

Virgil noticed a fireball pass through and walked around the corner to see the origin. "Wally again?"

"Wally again." Rachel responded before walking over to the seats.

Virgil followed with a laugh. "I'm not even surprised. When are you gonna learn, Wally? But how was everyone's flight? Ready to kick ass and show the world we're better than the Justice League?"
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