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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Also to anyone still doing there apps I made a mistake. I meant to add a section for military so if you will add that and fill it in that be great. Sauron since you already have been accepted and went ahead and described your military within your history you don't need to fill it out but if you want thats fine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

Member Offline since relaunch

Understood. The history is mostly outdated weaponry.
However it makes sense because the country is very secretive.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Anyways. I am going to do my own app, which this nation will be in direct conflict with another person who is also creating a app.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

If you wondering what it is I have three words for you
The Canadian Empire
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

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Of course. xD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

duck55223 said
If you wondering what it is I have three words for youThe Empire

Would the Canadian empire turn a blind eye to Asia while Roman Philippines goes on a conquest spree?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

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Declaring endless wars is not allowed according to the rules, man.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I was kidding, jeez. xD.
Besides, my military would probably at the edge of it's logistical capability.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

The Canadians are actually going to control Australia and New Zealand, and it has some interventionist policies, so they will probably not turn a blind eye to the Philippines.
And Sauron is correct, you need to have other diplomatic actions mixed in amongst your Imperialist conquest.(It seems the Philippines are a bit Fascist.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It's not going to be fascist but may have fascistic tendencies.
Mind if the Canadian empire and Philippines become trade partners?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Sure why not. The Canadians like trading anyways, with Alaska under there control and Canada having lots of natural resource deposits they make good trade partners.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Awesome. Looks like my GDP is going on a rise.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Also one more thing to say to you John...
Your little SCV will bow before the swarm before long.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Can't you spare the SCV's? :(
They've never hurt anybody (Mainly because they can't).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Only if you spare my Overlords.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I only build enough marines to protect my base.
*n00b logic*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


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Name of Nation: The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
Government Type: : Monarchy under Queen Emily the First. The state is somewhat Autocratic, but if 70% of Parliament are in agreement, the Queens word can be repealed in order to ensure no tyrant ever takes control of the throne. It has managed to avoid being an absolute dictatorship, although from time to time acts of cruelty are commited, it sticks inside human rights laws for the most part and remains democratic.

Territory: The British Isle including the former Republic Of Ireland, the 14 british over sea's territories (Circa 2013), Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Papau New Guinea, Haiti, Tasmania, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Iceland, The former thirteen colonies and Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Ghana, Seirra Leone, Fiji, Dominica, Cuba, Nigeria, Jamaica, South Africa, Madagascar, Botswana, Venezuela, Burma, Nepal, Guyana, Suriname, Columbia, Belize, Portugal, Bahamas Porto Rico, Domonica, Nambia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zanzibar, Bangladesh, Guinea, Senegal, Liberia, Cote D'Ivoire, North Korea and India.
While this has placed a large deal of land under their control, it is also rather spread out. The Empire relies on rapid expansion using blitzkrieg tactics in the case of war.
The New British Empire organises it's territories into 3 catagories:
Founder: These are the Territories of England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland (Scotland was made one in 2025) and the 14 over sea territories. They have the most power of all and have representitives in the Supreme Parliament of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.
Collaborator: These are all the American Territories, South Africa, India, Jamaica, Burma, Fiji, Zanzibar, Dominica, and Sierra Leone. They either rejoined the Empire of their own accord as it grew in power and were given this special status to keep them separate to the conqured nations or have stayed loyal to the empire to the point of being granted this status. Collaborator territories have their own Parliaments for a high level of self governance, however these are subordinate to the Supreme Parliament. Collaborator territories have some representitives in the Supreme Parliament
Conqured: These are any Territories that don't fit into the other two catagories. They have the most limited self governance, but they still have elected parliaments and make some decisions of their own. Conqured territories are allowed only a single representitive in the Supreme Parliament. Overtime, Conqured territories may gain Collaborator status

Military: Her Majestys armed forces include: Royal Navy, Royal Air Force, Royal Marines, British Army. All of which are powerful and well trained. The British special forces such as the SAS, SBS, SRR, SFSG are among some of the most elite in the world. The Military of the British Empire is both large and powerful. The Royal Navy is by far the most powerful of it's branches, and is arguably the most advanced and most powerful navy in the world. The Army follows after that. Consisting of millions of highly trained soldier from across the globe, the British Army is superb. Using some of the latest technologies and with excellent training, Her Majestys Armed Forces are the envy of many nations around the globe.
Economy: The Empire's Size and Diversity allows sufficient economical exploitation to run an empire. Gold is easily obtained from the Africa Territories and Timber and Oil from the former US, while there are thousands of years worth of Coal reserves under the UK (True story, look it up). Metals come from many different territories as well as the UK. Sugar comes from the North American as well as a few african territories. The trading is mostly handled by several companies such as the East Asia Company, the West Asia Company, the Africa Company and the Americas Trading Company.
Foreign Policy: Despite the Empires past, it's main policy is geared towards peace and trying to get others to join peacefully. Peaceful Annexation is slower than it's military eqivilant, and so there is unrest among some high ranked Military Official on the Issue, but the Queen herself is in direct opposition to conquering the world through military power
History: Britain holds a colourful history, especially in the wake of the war.
In 2014 the Scottish independance referandum granted Scotland independence from the United Kingdom, Britain was set to crumble having been taken from being the most powerful nation on the planet to being a small island that was bickering amoungst itself in the space of a century. As Scotland ceceeded, so did Northen island in the following months. The united Kingdom was now merely England, Wales and the 14 oversea's terretories. In early March 2015 when Queen Elizabeth the II died and two days The prime minister, David Cameron was assassinated by a supposed Scottish extremist, and in April 2015 an army of Scottish soldiers invaded Britain. In the resulting two year conflict, the entirity of Parliament were killed, and several members of the Royal family killed, but the Scottish military was unstable, with large numbers of desertions and turn coats as many refused to fight the British, and the British, with the support of Scottish defectors, were able to rally enough support and launch a counter attack into Scotland and eventually Scotland was defeated. This victory was owed mostly to the turn coats from the Scottish force, so Scotland was not punished for it's actions
The elderly Prince was crowned king and both him and Mathew met formally in a meeting in downing street. During this meeting, power was restored to the Royal family making them more akin to the Kings and Queens of old, while the position of Prime Minister was given absolute power and the authority to make laws and changes without the consent of Parliament, although if more than 50% of parliament was in agreement, these laws could be repealed and if 70% of parliament was in agreement, the Prime Minister could even be dismissed. It was in this meeting that it was decided that, in light of the collapsing world, Britain must reform it's empire in order to stabilise the planet for the greater good. The vangaurds of the new empire started with Ireland just six months later. When the Irish saw the British naval fleet esembling off their coast, having been constructed quickly with the help of American engineers, they defiantly held their ground. They surrendered after the third day of bombardment, both from sea and from air. The commanders of the British forces congratulated the Irish on their brave defence of their lands, and offered them the chance to rejoin the United Kingdom freely and with the same rights as an English or Welsh man, a luxery the Scottish had not been afforded due to their betrayal. The Irish accepted the offer after three nights of debate, and while there was disedance throughout Ireland, no one wanted to oppose the British now that they had full backing from the USA.
It took the united kingdom two years to rebuild it's economy and army to the full, but they were two years well spent. The soldiers set sail to Iceland and claimed it for the empire. Foreseeing the return of the British Empire, the UN desperately tried to stop it, threatening military action. A series of mutually beneficial deals with the USA, however, brought Britain full backing from America and stopped the remainder of the UN in it's tracks. America knew that they would need strong allies with rising world tensions, to do this they assisted with Britains empire building. With America's aide, Britain went to Africa and claimed Sierra Leone and Gambia for it's empire. The Reformation of the Empire was put to the commonwealth and there was split opinion. A few rejoined.
South Africa pledged it's support for the Empire and rejoined, but less than two months later Prince Charles died and was succeded by Prince Henry of Wales.
In 2021, the British empires Falklands territory was once again under threat from Argentina, which invaded en masse. The British sent a force to retake the falklands and there was over a year of bloody fighting between each side, both refusing to back down, both convinced they were in the right. The falklands changed hands neumerous times before a treaty was finally made between Argentina and Britain which finally allowed the Falkland islanders to remain British in return for a sizeable monetary donation.
On December 28 2023, Princess Emily was born and the royal family rejoiced, but this was tempered by the Death of Prince Henry of Wales in a car accident just a day later. He was succeed by Princess Anne.
In 2025, World war three broke out. Britain used this opportunity to capture Portugal and Italy with little resistance due to the war having brought complete Chaos to the UN. Britain moved to support their American Allies, but after years of bloody fighting America collapsed and the war ended. Upon the end of the war, they occupied the lands of the 13 colonies to keep order. There was vicious fighting with other factions in the west and other area's of north america, but eventually the borders were settled by treaties. By now, British military strength was largely expended on protecting that which they had gained.
In 2038, India pledged it's support for the British Empire and stated that it would rejoin. As British Forces arrived to claim India as part of the Agreement of Union, however, Canadian Forces arrived and a conflict started over who controlled India. The conflict was ended with a ceasefire, but the matter of who owns the territory has never been settled. None the less, on all British Imperial Records it is stated as being part of the British Empire, and is treated as such by the British Government
In 2039, Princess Anne died of natural causes and the throne was passed to young Queen Emily
Foes: Canadian Empire. They are viewed as oppressors of the weak and are not liked among the British people, essentially making a sort of cold war between the two of them, especially since the Canadian Empire is a dictatorship rather than a democracy
Demographics: 42% White
18% Caucasian
22% Black
16% Asian
4% Other

Other: The Policy of 'Rebuilding' has been enacted and most of the former third world territories have seen rises in the standards of living, proped up on the economies of first world countries occupied by the British.
Disputed territories: India

Edit: Removed territory on GM request
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Name of Nation:The Canadian Empire(Includes Canada, Alaska, Australia, New Zealand, and India is disputed with the British Empire)

Government Type:Ministerial Dictatorship. There is one supreme Dictator but there is various Ministries that help manage the Canadian Empire and enforce laws and policies. The Dictator at the time however can still override the decisions of the Ministries if he sees fit.

Military:The Canadian Military operates on operates on a Good Offensive is Good Defensive Doctrine. They also like using Shock and Awe. There Air Force and navies tend to be there strongest branches, however Ground Forces get the short end of the stick. The Air Force and Navy tend to have the most advanced weapons available, while the Ground Infantry have little more then updated AK-47s to compete with current weaponry. There tanks and APCs all are Pre-WW3 vehicles used by the US. Even then the Air Force and Navy are usually sufficient to defend Canada.

Economy:Canada relies off of its natural resource deposits and larger manufacturing to sustain itself. The prefer buying most of the consumer goods from out of state, and most industry and companies are socialized, however small businesses and certain companies for certain industries, such as video games, are allowed to exist privately. Canada trades with other nations quite willingly, this is so they can gain a lot of economic power.

Foreign Policy:Canada tends to be neutral when it comes to making allies, but often intervenes when it comes to crises. There interventionist policies are a side of effect of the Imperialism that existed after the Coup de at that led to Canada being a Dictatorship and rises of nationalism amongst the Canadian People.

History:Sometime in 2014 Canada left many of the International Organizations it was apart of and became a bit Isolationist, only trading with the USA and occasionally making comments regarding ongoing Crises. The British Monarchs were also no longer recognized in Canada, with some liberal ideas taking hold in places. Leading up to WW3 there was a Coup de at, a group of Canadians seeking more control and that saw themselves as socialists took hold of the government. David Wilson was the person to become Canada's Dictator, he established the Ministries and appointed his friend to him. He quickly socialized a lot Canada's industry and resources, and began building factories to grow Canada's Industry, and see a bigger and more updated military to defend Canada.

Canada silently grew its military and researched more advanced weapons for its Navy and Air force, however while they did grow in numbers in there Ground military they wanted to focus most weapons development on the Navy and Air Force, so they infantry was armed with little more then AK-47s. Canada took its chance with rising Imperialist expansions when the USA starting collapsing and the Thirteen colonies were claimed by the rising British Empire and conquered Alaska. Using it resources they began fulfilling there ideas of expansion, setting there eyes upon Australia and New Zealand.

Australia, realizing they would either be augmented by the British or the Canadians so they took there chance with the Canadians. Parliament quickly voted and decided to be peacefully annexed into what was now being called The Canadian Empire. New Zealand however was more resistant and using Navy and Air Forces stationed in Australia they quickly conquered it, there was resistance for a time but New Zealand realized they wouldn't leave Canadian control anytime soon so they settled down while Canada began preparing for its next claim. They ignored the Philippines and went straight for India.

The Canadians arrived in India along with the British. Conflict quickly escalated as the two powers began fighting. Besides New Zealand and some defensive maneuvers against a few countries seeking riches from Canada this was the first true conflict that Canada faced during WW3. As WW3 began drawing to a close the Canadians and British agreed to a cease fire, with both constantly clashing diplomatically over who controls India.

The Canadian Empire grew strong and wasn't affected as most by WW3. It was what allowed it to become one of the superpowers of The New World. It began trading with nations in 2039 after the end of WW3, using it resources to gain power economically and diplomatically. It seeks to grow its empire more, but the feelings of Imperialism that existed in WW3 have died down, although under the right conditions that spark can be ignited again.

Foes:The British Empire. The see them as direct opposition to there power, and with disputes over India this has only strengthen there hate of The New British Empire.

Demographics:Estimated somewhere around 130 Million people, but due to the wide variance and immigration rates exact ethnicities are unknown.

Other:Watching My Little Pony: Friendship is magic is a popular pastime, and is accepted amongst society. The XCOM series is also popular, however in XCOM:EU Britain is usually the first to be allowed to leave The Council, and British soldiers tend to be the first ones to die.
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