Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Goose
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Chapter 1: Pallet Town

Apr. 12, 1999. 09:00 a.m.

The radiant heat of the morning sun is a welcome sight following a long winter and a good omen for departures and new beginnings, and today happens to be the day when recipients of a sponsorship from The Oak Foundation are able to begin their Pokémon journeys by receiving their Starter Pokémon from Prof. Oak’s Lab in quaint, little Pallet Town.

These Pokémon trainers, along with a few of their loved ones, are gathered here today to see them off on their grand new adventure! The challenge set ahead of them: to raise and train their partner Pokémon and grow alongside them, to find new, rare or invasive Pokémon species (or variants) in the wild of Kanto and to capture them, to capture additional Pokémon to create a strong and balanced Pokémon party, to take on the Pokémon challenge and conquer its gyms and contest halls, to become a Pokémon Master; the very best, that no one ever was!

Three trainers have arrived early. Fresh-faced, young and green, their eyes are full of hope; expectation towards a grand adventure… or perhaps its anxiety and doubt that fill their minds as they approach the threshold.

The front door to Prof. Oak’s laboratory and the trio are met by a young woman, seemingly in her mid-to-late twenties, her dark purple hair sponges up at the tips as she ventures forth towards you. “Hi there, and welcome. My name is Prof. Ivy, and I am a Pokémon Professor. I know you were probably expecting to see Prof. Oak today, unfortunately he is busy, but hey! You get me instead!” She has a cheerful personality and a pep to her step.

“Now then, I know you’re here to get your Starter Pokémon, but there are a few things we need to go over first.” She leads you into the lab at a brisk pace, and you might begin to feel some sense of purpose as you just rush in behind her.

“This right here is Faith, that is Charity, oh, hey Hope, remember to send me those files from last Thursday, they still haven’t seen my desk! That’s Hope, and I believe Daisy is out on the ranch.” Prof. Ivy says almost absent-mindedly as you walk past a number of lab assistants and a Mr. Mime struggling to control a number of baby Pokémon who happily hop around his feet, and into a room with a large machine that seems to have slots on it for Poké Balls.

“And here we are, the moment of truth. Each of you will step forward and take a ‘TOF kit’,” she states pointing towards a set of backpacks. “‘TOF’ stands for The Oak Foundation, by the way, but I think it sounds cute if you pronounce it as a ‘tough kit’ haha, where was I? Oh, yeah! Each of you will take one of these kits, they include: four Poké Balls, an Antidote, two Potions, a flashlight, a small tent, tarp, mess kit, lighter and twenty feet of rope. Swiss Army knives or similar were in the list of recommended items to bring, so I trust each of you already has one, oh, of course, a PokéDex and all that remains is your partner Pokémon, so… who will be the first to step up?”

- - -


Post requirement: Two (2).

Write one post detailing your character’s morning prior to arriving at the lab, and up to meeting their Starter Pokémon for the first time. This first post might not be the best opportunity for IC introductions, but you can feel free to establish conversations prior to meeting Prof. Ivy. Tell me about your Starter Pokémon; why did you select it? Did someone else select the one you truly wanted before you? And tell me your character’s first impression of their Starter.

The second post should go over the rest of your last day in Pallet Town. I know your first instinct when thinking about the games might be to rush ahead towards Route 1, but I want your characters to find a reason to stay one more night in Pallet Town. Have one last meal with your parent(s), help a local person with a problem they might have, battle one of your fellow trainers or a rival, or just take a day to get to know your Pokémon.

@GubGar@Crimson Flame@Olive Fontaine[
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Olive Fontaine
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Olive Fontaine Lunar Priestess

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Amy Cooper

There had been a bit of trepidation in the young girl's heart that morning when she had said goodbye to her mom. She had lived a pampered sort of life before, and while she wasn't incapable of looking out for herself at this age, becoming an independent Pokemon trainer was undeniably a huge amount of extra responsibility to take on. Thankfully, Pallet Town had been accommodating so far. Her parents had an acquaintance in the area that had been kind enough to help her get started. Their family had treated her to a nice breakfast before she set off for the lab. And the couple had a child of their own, who also hoped to become a Pokemon trainer one day - Matthew. Although the boy was only a few years her junior, he seemed to really look up to her, since she was already starting the adventure that he had always dreamed of. His bright, sparkling eyes made it all feel real to her. Today was the day.

It was a bit of a disappointment that the legendary Professor Oak was not here today, but Amy tried not to let it show too much. She politely introduced herself to Ivy and the other beginners with a practiced curtsy. "It's nice to meet you all. My name is Amy Cooper. Thank you for taking care of me!" The last part was aimed at the professor rather than her contemporaries.

The anticipation was building steadily as the introductions continued and as they were eventually led deeper into the laboratory. Just what Pokemon was she going to get? Amy had her favorites, but she wasn't hoping for any one in particular. But after grabbing her TOF kit, she inspected the remaining choices. Her heart stirred when she saw that Charmander was on the list. She had learned in her studies that it was a very capable species; and its final evolution, Charizard, was known to be a powerful and loyal partner when trained well. Thinking of what the future might hold with it by her side made her heart thrill. And it was quite an adorable creature in its current state. There were several other good options, but none of them shook her from her interest in this one.

"Charmander, I choose you!" she announced, triumphantly claiming the ball for herself. She was quiet for a few minutes while the ceremony proceeded. She seemed to be sort of absentmindedly staring at the pokeball. Once everyone had finished up, she couldn't stop herself from peppering the professor with questions.

"Professor Ivy, Professor Ivy! I'd like to know, where did this Charmander come from? And does he need any special treatment? I want to make sure he's comfortable under my care."

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by GubGar
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GubGar Manager of the Jerk Store

Member Seen 2 days ago

Cal Freesch


Excitement had gradually changed into nervous energy the closer Cal got to receiving his first Pokemon. His father had come with him, reasoning that any independent journey should come after Cal had a Pokemon of his own, not before. His mother had wanted to come as well, but one of them had to stay and tend to the garden. Even with the presence of his father, Cal was starting to get nervous. There were so many different kinds of Pokemon, each one with different habits, different needs. Was he really mature enough to take care of them? What if he messed up? What if he embarrassed himself in front of THE Professor Oak!? Fortunately, Cal's father was used to calming him down, having been doing so for years now. So his father made sure they arrived in Pallet Town early, and spent the morning with Cal, taking a look at the plant life growing around the town while enjoying sandwiches they had packed. Mundane as it were, it was a familiar routine that helped ground Cal enough that by the time he arrived at the lab, (alone, his father was very insistent he ought to do this himself) his nervousness had reverted back to excitement.. Mostly, at least.

Similar to Amy, Cal was let down by Professor Oak's absence. He had really wanted to meet the Professor and pick his brain, but Professor Ivy was just as much a professor as Oak was! She was just less familiar than the older Professor, who's radio show Cal had tuned into countless times. Cal squeaks out a timid hello at a very low volume, nearly inaudible under the background noise of assistances scrambling and machines running. "Uh, I'm Cal. N-Nice to meet everybody." As they move through the Lab, Cal hurriedly tries to etch each assistant's name into his mind, as there were few things more emotionally devastating to him than a minor social mistake, such as forgetting someone's name.

Once they came to a stop in the larger room, Cal's nerves seemed to return full force, as all his prior concerns came right back into his head. But regardless, he shakily steps up to take one of the TOF kits. Taking the time to set down his backpack, open it up, and reorganize it to fit the new belongings. He was pretty particular with how his pack was organized, so by the time he was done, the first starter had already been chosen. Cal was relieved all of the Pokemon seemed beginner friendly. He'd have no idea, for instance, how to tell if a Grimer was healthy or sick. Once Amy chose her first Pokemon and stepped back, Cal stepped forward.

Every Pokemon present seemed so exciting! It was hard to choose! Each one was fascinating, but Cal knew the moment he saw them which he'd want. "..Yeah. I'll go with Bulbasaur." Cal says firmly. Similar to Charmander, it was easy to find any signs of poor health. From Professor Oak's radio show Cal had heard that so long as you monitored the bulb, you'd have a decent idea of Bulbasaur's health. Which eased the number one concern Cal had, which was the fear that he'd fail to care for his Pokemon well enough. Less logically, Cal also simply liked Bulbasaur.

Cal takes ahold of the Pokeball, and steps back into the line, listening intently as the ceremony continued. But the whole way through, the Pokeball felt extremely present in his mind. He just couldn't wait to meet his new friend! So once it concluded, Cal went to speak. Hesitating slightly- which lead to Amy speaking up first. And she asked some really important questions that had slipped Cal's mind, so he was glad she spoke first.

After she finished speaking, Cal chimes in. "Um, those are really good questions, so I'd like to know all of that too. But I was also wondering.. Would it be alright to send out our Pokemon inside the lab? I'd really like to meet mine."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Goose
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Prof. Ivy watched with and odd sense of pride and excitement as each of these trainers, despite their trepidations, took a step forward and into the path unwinding ahead of them. She could still recall her own start as a Pokémon trainer; she recalled how nervous she had been, and how much she would've appreciated some extra layer of support and direction such as the one she was now providing for these kids. Something about that thought made her stand all the more straighter.

Cal and Niko's choice of Pokémon seemed very predictable to the Pokémon professor; 'almost stereotypically so' she figured with a slight chuckle and smile. Amy's, choice on the other hand, caught her eye. She figured the girl might be sheltered and timid, but she stepped forward with gusto and confidently selected one of the tougher Pokémon to raise in the form of Charmander. 'Good going, girl!' She cheered inwardly, inadvertently re-living the start to her own Journey.

However, these trainers needed more than just gear and Pokémon; they needed advice, and that became evident the moment two of them stepped up to her looking for advice. She pondered about Amy's questions with a finger to her cheek.

"Actually," she started. "Prof. Oak sources most of his Starter Pokémon from the hatchery in this very ranch! Why don't we go over and take a walk? That'll allow you to bring your new Pokémon out to stretch their legs!" Ivy stated as she started towards the door in the back. As she walked with the kids in tow, she proceeded to begin explaining the basics of their Pokémon, such as the importance of keeping (especially young) Charmander's tail lit, or how a healthy Bulbasaur's bulb is supposed to look...

She also brings out her own Pokémon, a Marill, and encourages the kids to scan their Pokémon with their PokéDexes, same as her:

Species: Marill, the Aqua Mouse Pokemon
Type: Water/Fairy
Level: 10
Ability: Thick Fat
Nature: Sassy
Moveset: Defense Curl | Rollout | Tackle | Bubble Beam | Charm | Helping Hand
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The day had finally come for Niko to receive his first Pokémon and embark on his journey. Niko had been counting down the days until this moment for a long time. Ever since his 12th birthday, when he got the scholarship from Professor Oak. His mother and little sister accompanied him on a road trip from Celadon City all the way to Pallet Town where Niko would receive a starter Pokémon from Professor Oak.

Niko and his sister sat in the backseat of the car chatting about Pokémon, and his upcoming adventure. His mother wore a proud smile on her face, knowing that her son was taking a significant step toward his dreams. Niko himself was feeling a whole bunch of emotions. Excitement, nervousness, but also a little sad that his dad wasn’t here to see this… He hoped that one day, his dad would see him become a Coordinator, and be proud of him.

Upon their arrival, they headed straight to Professor Oak’s lab. There were other kids there, but also, no Professor Oak. Instead, there was a nice lady Professor called Professor Ivy. Niko wasn’t to fussed that Oak wasn’t there. He was more interested in the Pokémon. “Konichiwa. I’m Niko!” The pink haired boy exclaimed with boundless enthusiasm. Niko’s mother and sister were also there, providing moral support.

They were led further into the lab where Professor Ivy introduced them to a bunch of her assistants. Niko waved and said hello to each and everyone of them. He got really excited when he saw the Mr. Mime though. “Oh my gosh, a Mr. Mime! It’s so cute!”

They were led into a room with the starter Pokémon where they were given a TOF kit, and everyone chose a starter. The other two kids, Cal and Amy chose first. That was ok, because Niko wasn’t sure what to choose. “Oh my gosh! What do I choose? There’s a Pikachu, oh but there’s a Jigglypuff too…” And then he saw it, and Niko’s eyes went wide with excitement, and he let out a gasp, and squealed. “Kawaii desu! I want you most of all!” He had chosen a Clefairy.

From there, Professor Ivy walked the group over to the hatchery, and the Professor let out her Marill. Niko could not contain his excitement. “Marill! I love Marill! I have a plushie of one at home! I have a bunch of plushies actually.” He scanned the Marill with his Pokedex.

Marill: the Aqua Mouse Pokémon. The fur on its body naturally repels water. It can stay dry, even when it plays in the water.

He then sent out his Pokémon in a flash of light, a Clefairy appeared by his side. “But now I have something better than a plushie. My own real life Pokémon!” He squealed and gave his new starter Pokémon a hug. “You’re gonna be my best friend!”

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GubGar
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GubGar Manager of the Jerk Store

Member Seen 2 days ago

Cal Freesch


Niko Watanabe's cheeriness seemed to set Cal on edge. The brief bouts of loud excitement kept making him flinch into his shirt collar, like a Squirtle retracting into its shell. He had nothing against the other new trainer, it was just that Cal had grown up in a very sedate environment, with very quiet people. He was not used to this level of energy coming from another human being, and it was agitating him a little. It was probably just because of the already pre-existing nerves from starting such an exciting (and terrifying) chapter of his life, though, Cal wasn't usually so jumpy.

A consistent way to pull him right out of his nervousness though, was the present him with something to catch his interest. And Professor Ivy offering to show them the Lab's ranch definitely qualified as interesting. Cal hurriedly followed her out, soaking up every bit of information she offered with rapt attention. He knew rookie trainers would inevitably make mistakes, but he hoped that if he prepared himself with enough knowledge he could at least cushion the blow of future mistakes.

Plus, Professor Ivy was a Pokemon Professor! Pretty much the coolest job imaginable! Why on earth would anyone not listen to what she had to say?

And of course, the second he was given permission, Cal eagerly lets his Bulbasaur out of its Pokeball, watching in awe as his first Pokemon forms from light in front of him. It was one thing to be given a Pokeball containing a Pokemon, and it was another to meet the Pokemon for the first time in person. The Bulbasaur now standing in front of him didn't look unusual compared to others of the same species, the only immediate difference being the slight increase in number of darker green patches across its body.

Cal pauses for a moment, and lowers himself down into a squat, stumbling as he does due to the size of his Backpack. He didn't want to tower over Bulbasaur on their first meeting, so getting closer to the Pokemon's level seemed better. In one hand, Cal holds his Pokedex to scan the Bulbasaur, and with his other hand, he reaches out. Not to touch, but to put his hand close and let Bulbasaur approach on its own terms. "Nice to meet you, Bulbasaur. Let's, um, let's get along. Okay?"

As he waits to see how Bulbasaur responded to him, the Pokedex finishes scanning with a vwoop!

Species: Bulbasaur, the Seed Pokemon
Type: Grass/Poison
Level: 5
Ability: Chlorophyll
Nature: Docile
Moveset: Tackle | Growl | Vine Whip | Curse
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Olive Fontaine
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Olive Fontaine Lunar Priestess

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Amy Cooper

Watching the other prospective trainers who had gathered here today put a smile on Amy's face. Niko was bubbly and a bit eccentric, but he seemed friendly. Cal on the other hand was adorably shy and withdrawn. She couldn't help but think that the journey ahead of them was the surest thing to help him come out of his shell. This was just a beginning for them. There was really no telling where they would end up after this day.

The young girl nodded enthusiastically to the answers that Professor Ivy provided her, and she looked with awe at each new Pokemon that was introduced. When they got to the ranch, she decided that it was time to meet her new partner. "Come on out Charmander!" she said, unsealing the Pokeball, and unleashing a burst of light that would quickly materialize into an upright orange lizard. The creature looked around confusedly at first, but Amy greeted it warmly. "Hey little guy! I'll be looking after you from now on." She smiled and approached the creature, gently petting its head. "I'm Amy. It's nice to meet you."

Looking around the ranch, she continued. "So this is where you grew up, huh? Don't worry - we'll come back to visit later on." The Charmander was still a little unsure, but it seemed to respond well to Amy's careful coaxing. The young trainer scanned him with her pokedex. "Charmander, the Lizard Pokémon. Charmander's health can be gauged by the fire on the tip of its tail, which burns intensely when it's in good health," the device spat out, echoing the Professor's advice.

Species: Charmander, the Lizard Pokemon
Type: Fire
Level: 5
Ability: Solar Power
Nature: Mild
Moveset: Scratch | Growl | Ember | Counter

Once the tour was over, Amy bid farewell to the others, saying that she had some things to take care of before leaving town. She returned back to her family friend's house to thank them for all their support. But that wasn't the only reason. "Hey Matthew, want to meet my first pokemon?!" The boy enthusiastically responded and came running. The two of them marveled at Charmander together, giggling intermittently, before deciding to play a game together.

"Come on Charmander!" Amy called, leading him to the backyard. "We're gonna play a game. Let's try and keep this ball in the air as long as we can!" The girl let her pokemon watch at first. Then she gave him a few gentle passes to see how he did. Once he figured out that he was meant to hit the ball in the air, they all started playing together, bouncing the ball back and forth. For such a small creature, he seemed to have a fair amount of strength in his arms. He was able to knock the ball quite high into the air on one or two occasions.

The day was getting late, and they wrapped up their play. Amy ruffled Matthew's hair and told him "Keep up your studies and stay dedicated. Some day soon you can have a Pokemon of your own, too!" The boy's eyes sparkled at her encouragement. "Really?" he asked, and she nodded in return.

"Thank you so much for taking time with our son." Matthew's mother was genuinely appreciative for her attention. She had expected to simply look after another child for a day, but the Cooper's daughter had been surprisingly mature and supportive. "Why don't you stay for dinner tonight? And don't worry - I've got something for Charmander to eat, too." Amy agreed without thinking twice. Although she had put on a strong face today, the excitement and the play had slowly worn her down. It had already grown late, so she figured it would be better to start out fresh in the morning. There would be plenty of time tomorrow for adventuring.
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