Wicked Wings
"On wicked wings, Her angels descend as ill omen and reap of the garden that is Paradise Failed."
Long ago, the Universe was given to God in a box. In conflict and jealousy, the Misbegotten Son rent the parcel from God's grasp and struck her down in a fell motion. As it tumbled with her, the Universe opened and spewed out into a new branch of Creation's grand construct. The Misbegotten Son went with it, being pulled into a thin dust that filled the Universe with the finest mist of Hate. As life coalesced, it reformed with His hate and jealousy. His desire to take and conquer echoed across the primordia, forming the very first life the Universe would ever know.
Welcome to Wicked Wings!
Thanks, but what is Wicked Wings?
Glad you asked. In Wicked Wings, you'll play as a character who is implanted with a device harboring a creature from another dimension; essentially a demon. Through a great deal of lore-specific shenanigans, the device in question allows the user to manifest their new familiar's powers (generally) into a form recognizable to just about all of us, even if it has a different name in the setting: Mecha.
Essentially, we're going for a mashup of what I think makes the genre fun: Evangelion meets Madoka Magica meets Hellsing.
I intend for this to be a bit more involved than a normal casual roleplay. Character coherency is important to me, and I am a thorough planner when it comes to worldbuilding, so please expect to be engaged with frequently for input on all fronts.
Now, I won't lie to you, prospective Roleplayer; I have a metric ton of lore for this setting. I'd like you to be interested enough to be curious, but I also don't want to force you into a history class over what you're doing, so I'll just go over a brief TLDR of what you need to know as far as I'm concerned.
- You're expected to play a humanoid character. While this doesn't mean you can't get weird with it, you can assume you'll be playing a mostly relatable kind of creature. If it has furry ears and a tail, that's your prerogative. I only ask that you keep it relatively relatable to what we know as a human.
- You'll be a practitioner of magic in one form or another. These implants aren't useful to people who can't use magic, and we'll be going off the assumption that you've been a part of whatever cult we come up with for quite a while.
- The Cult/Coven/Group that our characters are a part of is up for group discussion. There's any number of groups who could be using this technology, so making a new one that follows our chosen aesthetic isn't any trouble.
- That said, I have plenty of thoughts as the creator of the setting. But I want you guys to be involved, so we'll be making a lot of group decisions to ensure that everyone feels like its OUR version of things.
With that said, I think this is a sufficient tester. If you don't mind my awful rambling mind and the premise of magical demon mecha sounds interesting, feel free to drop me a line however you're comfortable. Once I have a group of four, I'll make a Discord Server and a post here as well for us to begin discussions. If you as a reader have any more specific questions that you're unclear on or interested in knowing, also feel free to contact me however you please!
UPDATE:Link to the Discord, feel free to join once confirmed here!