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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Iraleth Kyrios

Despite herself, Iraleth was almost overjoyed to hear that this was the last of the trials for the day. The spirit was willing, but the flesh was electrocuted and twitchy. She watched the failed aspirants be carted out with some small amount of pity, though so long as the faculty truly was able to halt the Adapa, this was still a kinder failure than the likes of which Bronsteel or Leuvalt would have given them.

My lady. The same voice from her trial echoed in her mind. This was what Raja had meant, then. As the victor of our duel, you have earned my leal service. It is an honor and a privilege to serve.

Very well. What will I refer to you as? Iraleth thought back, the grimoire forming in front of her.

Whatever you wish. I am yours to command.

A moment's thought. Acolyte, then. It suits your role well.

As you will, my lady. Acolyte it is. The grimoire faded back away.

The principal's decision to emulate the civil war of old, even in name, sat exceedingly poorly with Iraleth. Aside from her personal dislike of Vaal Shakta and its privileged peoples, this sort of competition was more than likely to grow out of hand amongst the students. Then again, based on all evidence thus far, Principal Raja had very little compunction against encouraging violence between peers. Of course, she already knew what side she was going to pick. There wasn't a single chance that Iraleth would side against Nero and with Shakta, even in this simulated scenario. And speaking of such...

She turned her gaze towards the Strigdae as he spoke, first to Valen and then to herself.

“And you should seek to become a Shield yourself. We need both to shape this school.”

"Tch." Iraleth hissed in response, forcing herself to her feet. Of course the Strigdae continued to concern her. Especially with these claims. Shaping? How conceited. Further manipulations were in store from him, then. "I would never have chosen otherwise." Her gaze shifted towards Valen, sharpening into a glare again, before she forcibly ripped it away, turning her attention towards the other two girls with her.

"If you want, put in your contacts so we can keep in touch."
"You must both be tired. Wanna find the dorms together?"

Iraleth nodded to both of them, Acolyte materializing in front of Ciara's grimoire as the two exchanged contact details.

"Very well. I admit that it would likely be easier to find our lodging together at this point. Lead on. I will follow." The shadow witch still owed answers as to what she was, but that could wait until she was rested and healed. If the girl was a threat, Iraleth was duty-bound to end her. And in their current state, the witch held the advantage, being far less injured than she. Best to bide her time.

@ERode @Estylwen @Sifr
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nanaya
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@ERode@Estylwen@Sifr@Psyker Landshark


Students shuffled out of the auditorium with relieved, exhausted breaths for the majority. Feet were dragged, some were falling asleep on their walk, and any animosity between unresolved rivalries had temporarily been beaten out of them by the morning from hell. For a small window of time, it almost felt as if The Decay could be solved simply by exhausting people until they didn't even feel like using essence. Rio was at the head of the pack of students leaving, Chloe in his arms with her eyes fluttering, the girl jumping in and out of consciousness. Rio, and by extension Chloe, went the opposite way from the crowd being lead along by Mannekin towards escort carriages.

Davil looked upon his chum with confusion, pointing at himself for confirmation as Otis followed up on his end of the bargain. "Ah? Oh, right! I suppose that was a thing, right? I don't know what you'd do with them right this moment, though, chum. They're not capable of much in their current state, after all. All the juices have left them until tomorrow!" With a chuckle and a shrug, Davil would take off his boots anyway, handing them over.

"Careful though, chum," Davil would mutter lowly with a concerned nudge, his gaze sharpened like steel. Waiting a few beats to build tension, his mouth opened again. "There's no doubt about it. They must reek right now. Be strong."

With that, the bright-eyed boy hobbled along off the stage, stopping briefly as he heard Ciara's words, looking upon her and the rest of the friendly faces in his vicinity. "Oh, all of you? That many...?" His uncertainty quickly turned to enthusiasm, however, and he excitedly summoned forth his Adapa. "Uh, never mind! Sure, that'd be awesome! Hit me up any time really, I don't have a life!"

A string-like tether of energy emerged from his Adapa as it rapidly flipped through pages to one near the front labeled 'Contacts'. It was an esoteric feeling, allowing his prime essence to be connected to that of another. It would feel like having a weighted blanket wrapped around him, and it would elicit that same feeling from anyone else exchanging contacts in that moment. To anybody exchanging contacts with Davil or another, a ghostly strand of essence would disappear inside the book of another, as if weaving a part of themselves into another's Adapa. Davil, of course, would give his contact essence to anybody that wished for it, before striding away as happy as a farmer after harvest. "Be seeing you guys later, I'm off to see what's what around here!"

And with that, Davil was off, dashing away from the crowds and vanishing somewhere else onto the campus. Valen would follow the crowd as one of the last to leave, looking upon those who remained of his fellow stage-goers with a smirk and a cold glare. Without another word, however, he left through the doorway amongst the crowd.



Chunji arrived at the library, which was unsurprisingly rather empty at the moment. Mannekin wandered, organizing and categorizing books by the dozens at a time with the precision and efficiency only an automaton could allow. The checkout desk found a familiar face behind it - the limping girl, who gave a wave with a bright, beaming smile as she caught his gaze. She sat in an office chair behind that desk, Adapa floating at her side with a levitating screen above it seemingly conjured from the same magic as the grimoire. The screen emitted loud noise, and she seemed invested in what was on it, but she prioritized Chunji the moment she saw him walk in.

"Welcome, stranger. As Wingram's Library's first visitor of flesh and blood, you've got the pick of all picks 'round here. I'm Emelie, student and librarian. Anything I can help you with in particular~?"

She gave a wink at the end, clearly waiting for Chunji to introduce himself more properly. All the while, loud cheering emerged from the screen levitating in front of her. Should Chunji look at it, he'd see some kind of recording of a modernized stadium. Thousands cheered as combatants within the circular arena below battled, spells slung and swords swung. The limping girl, now known as Emelie, couldn't help but glance at it now and again herself, trying and failing to hide her interest. She realized that closing out the screen now would be an even greater admission of shame than leaving it open.

"Perhaps you came here just to take in the book smell? I could understand that too. Or, maybe," she trailed off as she leaned back in her chair and kicked her legs up on the desk with an accusatory smirk. "Maybe you just couldn't resist following little ol' me, in the end~?"

@Estylwen@Sifr@Psyker Landshark


As the trio of Ciara, Iraleth and Hildegunde boarded one of the Mannekin-controlled carriages, they found themselves a rather pleasant reprieve from the stuffy auditorium or smoke-scented campus. They were taken through the town, bearing witness to all kinds of shops preparing for the days to come. Many of the assistants and laborers were Mannekin, but some flesh and blood humans, dwarves and elves, among others, were present as well. The carriage drove through the admittedly small campus town, and took to a road further north that ascended above a small forest. The clear destination was the gigantic structure at the end - a cluster of buildings surrounded by a large tower that almost kissed the clouds.

The carriage stopped halfway, however. As the horses' hooves came to an abrupt stop, it was clear something unexpected had transpired. "Please be at ease, deterrent. You are safe here," the Mannekin driver at the front of the carriage would echo robotically, its focus trained ahead. Should any of the three passengers look out their window to see what was out there, they would witness a familiar face.

They would see Gulliver Bronsteel, limping and stumbling along the road. Only, he looked different. His expression was plastic, and his recognition somehow... missing. He had none of the injuries from earlier, even his clothing in immaculate condition, perfect and untouched. Despite this, there was perhaps the stirring of panic in his eyes, deep inside, as he slowly stepped backwards while facing the driver. "I..." He would begin to speak, but would not finish.


In a blink, Raja was behind Gulliver with the smack of her staff to the back of his head. He slumped over unconscious immediately, right into the principal's arms - a principal that was very much scowling. She looked first at the driver, then any of the three students aboard that might have investigated in some way. "Nothing to see here, just some cleanup. Be on your way, and rest up for the days ahead."

Raja would walk past the carriage towards the campus town, ignoring any words that might be thrown her way as she lugged the unconscious Bronsteel over her shoulder and away into town. The carriage would continue on without concern, a Mannekin designed to not question things clearly lending itself well to obeying orders.

After another handful of minutes, the carriage would halt outside a building to the right of the enormous tower labeled 'Girls' Dormitory'. From here, other carriages could already be seen letting loose passengers into the dormitory. The Mannekin driver would enter the passenger cabin and hand each of the three an envelope. Within was a key that labeled their room number, whatever those might happen to be. Whether those numbers were the same for two of them? That was up to fate.

"Please disembark. Any luggage has already been delivered to your designated rooms," the Mannekin driver would state plainly, stepping aside to give them room to leave.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by AThousandCurses
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Member Seen 2 days ago

To think that the demon leg girl, now known as Emilie, was the librarian. How was she a librarian and an applicant at the same time? Was there some sort of application process that he wasn't aware of? What would have happened if she had failed the orientation? Would she still be the librarian? This academy had grown to become more and more confusing by the second, but nonetheless, he was here for a reason. If she was the librarian, then there were no more questions to ask.

"Chunji." That was sufficient for an introduction. A glance at the screen told everything that he needed to know what Emilie was doing. Watching a battle royale in an environment that was meant to be quiet was quite contrary to expectations. Deciding he need not comment on her peculiar taste in interests, Chunji blinked at the girl's flirtations.

He looked her up.

He looked her down.

Then he looked her straight in the eye. "I'm here to check out books regarding healing techniques, along with textbooks that are helpful for coursework. Both magical and medical. In addition, I want to request a detailed explanation of the organization of the library. This is so that I may find the books myself if you're occupied with something else." It was up to Emilie to think that he was talking about the video she was watching, but he really meant that she was busy helping someone else.

He considered asking her about occult textbooks but decided against it. If she got a wind that he knew about her leg, it would be akin to a boiling pot of water being poured all over his body. In other words, it is troublesome. There was also a problem with Wingram Academy's social standards. There were some places in the world where the occult was scrutinized for associating themselves with otherworldly beings and demons. With Vaalin Union being one of the more critical of Umbralism, he wouldn't be surprised if they scrutinized the occult as well.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ciara Ventura

Wingram Academy, Girls'Dorm
@Nanaya @Psyker Landshark @Sifr

"Sure, that'd be awesome! Hit me up any time really, I don't have a life!"

She nodded, noticing the sensations of essence moving as each Adapa exchanged information. It felt... nostalgic. Similar to how she felt when she had done her part-time job as an essence eradicator in Vaal Kastrix. However, this essence wouldn't stay like plant essence would when consumed. Instead, this essence felt much like a code encoded into the depths of her Adapa, instead of her stomach.

She finished exchanging information with those who were interested and let Davil be on his way. It was time to head out herself, regardless. She purposefully avoided Valen's lethal gaze until the very end, where she returned his icy stare with one of her own before leaving the auditorium.

Within the comfortable quiet of the carriage, Ciara watched as she, the knight, and the hunter passed by the Leyline Attunement Zone. The place she had seen and yearned for before entering the main building of Wingram. A part of her wanted to leap out and touch the pillar right then and there, but she seemed to be among... friends. So she held back, and turned her face to the knight and hunter riding along with her.

"You can never have friends. Not with how badly I want to Eat both of them." A Voice in her mind spoke coldly.

"I can dream." She thought defiantly.

After they passed through the town, heading towards a striking large tower, Ciara's eyes widened as she saw.... it. On the road. Different than before. Her nemesis and adversary. Yet...

"Please be at ease, deterrent. You are safe here," Their Mannekin carriage driver said, causing Ciara's head to tilt curiously.

Deterrent. Divine culling.

Affirming Gulliver's role, the Mannekin seemed hesitant to approach one so... confused. Why, though? And how was he so clean? The battle against Gulliver had been a messy combined effort. He had collapsed in a dirty heap. She saw it. She swore she saw it...


There were two Gullivers, weren't there?

Ciara glanced at the knight. Was this Gulliver the one she pulled out of the metal giant?

To confirm, she opened the passenger door and stepped out. No. Gulliver was staring, but he didn't appear like he could recognize them.

Before she could approach further, Gulliver collapsed right into the waiting arms of Principal Raja. Ciara's eyes narrowed, trying to piece the puzzle together. The principal was going out of her way to ensure her... 'deterrent' wasn't getting hurt. She also seemed to be aware this Gulliver didn't have any recent memories. Did she know how this Gulliver was linked to the other one, the 'original' she had her little spat within the halls and auditorium? Was it necessary to fuse them together somehow?

"At least we got to Eat its pathetic little wooden toys." A deeper Voice.

"Very unsatisfying." She admitted with a grimace.

Ciara stepped back into the carriage, her lips pursed as she watched the principal take the other Gulliver away. After a few minutes, they had arrived at the Girls' Dorm, the Mannekin giving them their envelopes. She looked back at the knight and the hunter a moment before glancing up at their new home, and holding open the door for those who wanted to enter with her.

As she walked through the hallways, she tapped out the key from her envelope. The number 07 was tagged on the key, which Ciara hunted down in a matter of minutes. To her surprise, there were names written on parchment and taped to the door.

Iraleth + Ciara

Ciara blinked, staring hard at the door, not comprehending for the longest moment before turning to the knight, who was staring hard as well, key in hand that matched hers.

No. Was she- was the knight- was Ciara dormed with the knight?!

"Fates be praised." A child-like Voice said gleefully in her mind.

She pressed her lips into a firm line, picturing the struggle that would be her daily life now.

"Iraleth, huh?" She said hesitantly, still not quite believing what she was seeing.

She unlocked the door and entered their dorm. She located her luggage right away on the right side of the room. The luggage on the other side, she had to assume it was the knight's. She took a few steps into the room, then turned back, looking at the hunter if she had followed. She seemed to pause in thought before glancing again at the dorm room's space in the center of the floor, close to the far wall. She raised her hand, and up from the floor sprung a whispy, inky black bed, mirrored similar to what she would be sleeping on.

Yes, there was enough space.

She released the shadow, letting it wisp away before turning to the hunter. "Show me where your room is, I can bring your bed here. There's space for all of us."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Sifr
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Sifr It/He

Member Seen 23 days ago

@Estylwen@Nanaya@Psyker Landshark

Hildegunde, despite what her instincts tell her, allows Davil to exchange contacts. There is silence from Freischütz, but once again, she can feel its smile. It gives her a sinking feeling, but she ignores it, setting off with the other girls.

She watches Gulliver with some interest, but makes no comment on the principal or him. He isn't causing mayhem right now, and Raja seems to have him under wraps; so she doesn't pay too much heed. She makes a mental map of all the different shops, as well as the general layout of the campus. Places of interest. Roads to follow. Spaces to hide. Something to distract her from the question. More important things, at the moment.

In truth, she's also still mulling over this whole faction thing, and while she did originally wish to discuss it with the others, the idea was intimidating - especially upon seeing how firm Iraleth was about joining the Shield of Nero. She has the feeling that it might cause some dissent. So thus she remains quiet. Her eyes dart to and fro as the carriage carries the trio.

Once arriving, Hildegunde steps out of the carriage and stretches, grabbing an envelope and giving a curt nod to the mannequin. While following at first, she did wander off from the duo for a moment to find her own room, scowling at what she found on the door. It wasn't far, so Ciara and Chloe could still see her easily. Room 9.

Chloe + Hildegunde

"Yeah, uh. Found it," she says with disdain, pointing at the door. Mostly so that Iraleth can look and understand her pain.

Then there comes the second part. There's space for all of us. She blinks, processing this. Did she actually offer? Is this a temporary offer, or a full time one? Hesitancy about getting close or not, Hildegunde decides it best to stick with the others. So she'll accept the offer, whatever the case, gratefully. Not only that, but...

"You think there's room for my luggage as well? I don't have much, and something tells me my roommate wouldn't mind having the space all to herself. If you'll have me."

The question. She needed to ask the real question. But not now. Not unless one of the others brings up her silence over alignments first.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Otis’s own Adapa emerged a beat later, a looseleaf tomb bound together by a brass ring that punched through the upper right corner of the thin paper. Strings of essence formed their two-way connections, binding the temporary alliance to something a bit more substantial, and with that, they parted ways, the Strigidae having tossed Davil’s reeking boots into his Workshop. A beat later, the chainsaw katana that the wannabe-hero held disappeared as well, its form becoming an apparition before dissolving into stardust.

Those shoes would be a good nighttime project to start looking into. For now, however?

He needed to map the Academy properly, to set up as many points as he could where he would be able to step out of, if expedient transportation became a necessity. There were security systems to be examined and sublimated as well, a whole bevy of things to familiarize himself with. The first step then, would be simple enough. Without entering one of the carriages, Otis pulled out his rolling board once more and kicked off it, wheeling down the well-paved roads as he headed towards the heart of the academy city.

As he headed towards the clocktower, one of the highest points of Wingram.

He had no wings, but he could still glide.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Iraleth Kyrios

Once everyone had exchanged contacts, Iraleth followed after the other two girls into the carriage, trying to conceal her limp as best she could. She was somewhat familiar with Wingram's surrounding locale, given its proximity to the city. Her father had used the area as a base to work out of on training trips and patrols he'd taken her on, so most of the scenery was familiar, even if the new buildings weren't. A trip to the clinic was definitely in order once she could muster up the energy to.

The byplay between Bronsteel and the principal was somewhat interesting, but Iraleth's particular well of empathy for the boy was bordering on empty after how he'd conducted himself. The administration had even confirmed that he'd gone well beyond his assigned role with his actions. A few more hits to the back of the head wouldn't go amiss for him, really.


Was this a joke? Iraleth stared disbelievingly at the room assignments, looking between herself and who she now knew to be Ciara. She had been actively considering the necessity of killing the girl, and now she had to room with her?! By Astra, this was cruel.

The paladin forced her gaze from Ciara for the moment to Hildegunde, matching her gaze with a wince when she saw who the markswoman was paired with. Alright. Well. Iraleth certainly could have gotten a worse roommate. At least she hadn't nearly set the shadow witch ablaze. In light of that, Ciara's offer for Hildegunde to join their room assignment was practically saintly. She wasn't exactly opposed to the idea, herself. Rooming with Ciara alone was slated to be immensely awkward. A third person in the room would help alleviate things. Hopefully. This had better be allowed.

"...I'm not opposed to the idea, and I especially wouldn't blame you for accepting, considering who you'd be moving away from." Iraleth offered her two coppers. "If you're concerned over space, I don't keep many possessions. Only what I need to maintain my armor and weapons, some scripture, and the bare necessities."

A brief glance around the area. Was there anyone to speak to about this?

"We ought to find the head of the dormitory and request permission. After all, I doubt Chloe will be averse to having a room to herself."

@Estylwen @Sifr
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nanaya
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago



Once more entering town, it quickly became apparent that the tower was indeed a place of popularity. Carriage after carriage rolled their way down the slim northern road passing over a forested region below, giving way to the notion that the dorms were, in reality, quite close to this tower. Otis would even see Principal Raja walking in the opposite direction, towards and even past him and turning a corner down another street with an unconscious Gulliver Bronsteel over her shoulder. Her aura could felt, and it was cold and spiteful, and she would pay no mind to the traveling Strigidae, tunnel vision becoming her defining characteristic as she shuffled along with a piercing gaze directed forward.

Should he continue on his travels as he was, he'd eventually reach the other end of the forest road after a few minutes. To his left, carriages parked to allow disembarking groups to enter a building labeled "Boys' Dormitory". Similarly, to the right was a scene with a building labeled "Girls' Dormitory". Straight ahead, however, was the massive, looming tower that had far less carriages outside of it. Were he to draw closer up the imposing marble steps to reach the entrance to this tower, he would eventually see a sign above the front door that read "Iris Record & Ascendis Dormitory".

Outside were two guards, each wearing black suits with nightsticks. One was a taller orc woman, and the other a bulky dwarven man, each eyeing Otis through their dark-spectacled glasses and acknowledging his presence with a nod.

"Greetings, student. You've stepped in front of the Iris Record - home to the faculty, proving grounds, and the place of respite for approved Ascendis Dormitory attendees," the orc would state plainly, her yellow eyes peeking out from under her sunglasses towards Otis. She would shift her weight to one side, crossing her arms inquisitively as she eyed the boy up and down.

"However, you don't seem like a student registered to this tower's dormitory. I'd recognize you if you were. Would you care to state your reason for being here?"



With an expression of overexaggerated disinterest all at once, Emelie kicked her feet off the table and returned to a more normal seating arrangement, blowing a tuft of hair out of her eyes to look upon Chunji once again. "Pshhh, no fun. Fine, fine! We ain't exactly a medical school here, so books on mundane medicine probably won't go as elaborate as ya want. That bein' said, I've gotcha."

From under the desk, Emelie would withdraw various books on clerical rites, alchemical remedies, and one book on the casting of the most basic healing spell simply called 'Heal' for the relieving of minor and immediate injuries. There were no mind-blowing secrets of the universe within these texts, but Emelie gave a shrug while pushing them towards Chunji's side of the desk. "I was doin' a bit of light reading, myself. Coincidences, eh? As for, uh, a more detailed layout..."

Looking upon the Mannekin moving about, her expression was one of boredom and disappointment.

"Well, we ain't quite organized yet, see. But ideally, by tomorrow it'll look a little somethin' like thiiiis..."

Retrieving a sticky note from her pocket, she rapidly began drawing a barebones layout of different sections on a more basic level. It was crude, but it became apparent that she had memorized the library in its intended state by heart, and handed off this sticky note to Chunji upon its rushed completion.

"You ain't gonna have access to everything right away, of course. They keep the truly advanced stuff, real cream of the crop kinda tomes, locked away in the fancy shmancy tower up the forest road. That place's all kinds'a locked up by magic barriers, defensive armaments 'n whatnot. I'm sure you'll get there one day though. Just gotta do your thing first, y'know?"

A smile - a more genuine one this time.

@Estylwen@Sifr@Psyker Landshark


As the trio pondered where they'd go to speak of new living arrangements, the most notable nearby sight would be the stream of students storming down the halls and around a left turn. One girl in particular walking by stared daggers at the other beside her, muttering, "I refuse to spend a single night here with you, we're sorting this out now." The other girl scoffed, one hand perched over the pommel of her dagger as she stomped to keep pace down the hall past the trio. "That makes two of us. You won't survive the night if the head advisor says no."

Should they follow, the three would turn the corner at the end of that hallway to see a line of scowling teens impatiently waiting their turn outside of a door labeled 'Head Advisor', some almost ready to start fights. Some would almost blitz out of the advisor's office in a whirlwind of rage, while others exited with relief plastered on their faces. Eventually, the angry girl holding her knife pommel from earlier looked back at the three from her place in line, her temper simmering as she sighed.

"Can't say I've seen much dissatisfaction among trios around here today. Did you accidentally all get assigned the same room? Or, which one of you wants to kill the others? Or do you all just hate each other? It's honestly fair either way, really," she finished with a shrug, letting the grip off her sheathed dagger and allowing it to simply dangle at her hip.

She looked away, dejected. "After experiencing some of the Ethos of the people around here today, stomping over each other just to get where they need to go faster... or even that red-haired weirdo that stopped us all right at the end... I just don't need any more frustration today, I dunno. How about you all?"

The line was progressing smoothly, with approvals and rejections alike seemingly coming faster. There was enough time for some small talk, and then within the next few minutes, it would be their turn to meet their dormitory's head advisor. They were even close enough now to hear some heated conversations from behind the door, with the voice of a rather aloof older woman seeming to laugh sadistically as students made their cases to her.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by AThousandCurses
Avatar of AThousandCurses


Member Seen 2 days ago

So, the most advanced arts were located somewhere else? How disappointing. There wasn't anything Chunji could do about that, so he'd needed to find a way to access those tomes later in the year. For now, the provided books would suffice. "Thank you," Chunji bowed in gratitude. It wouldn't hurt to revise the foundations of his magic. Not to mention, the 'Heal' spell would be beneficial to learn. It was good to have a spell that was consistent, if anything else. Learning the spell shouldn't take too much time since it was a lot less complex than the Yi's healing spells.

Alchemy was also a study that Chunji was interested in. He had dabbled in it a few times before, but there were a variety of problems. The first was the equipment. There was only so much that could be done with the bare minimum, and refining was even harder. The second was the lack of materials. While there were a few herbs and wildflowers, there wasn't much that Chunji could utilize. The third was the lack of information. His parents weren't experts in that regard, so the little that Chunji did was self-taught.

Everything else was something he would read throughout his days at the academy. Putting the books away and the sticky note, he looked back at Emelie. "I understand as much. I'll have to inquire about the requirements to access them from a teacher or Principal Raja." To achieve his goals, gaining access to the tower was essential to his family's goal. Not only would he gain a fountain of knowledge but a reputation as well.

With that said and done, it was now time to move on. Since there wasn't much going on for the later course of the day, Chunji would have liked to spend it studying the books he had received. Tomorrow, he'd go to the library again and search for more books once the library had been properly organized.

"I'll leave you to your..." Chunji looked at the screen projecting Adapa. "Light reading." With that, he turned and headed to the nearest table to study to settle down. Bringing out the Heal book, he began to promptly read intensively into it.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 1 hr ago

That was the thing, wasn’t it?

In the pursuit of knowledge, there were always those sorts of divergences. What classes did you choose to attend? What did you do with your limited resources? How much time do you spend on what different tasks? Where were you, physically?

And this too, was a breakpoint. This too, was something that Otis had to decide upon.

Thankfully, it was pretty easy to decide here. Between the relative permanence of a tower that was newly-built, a tower that he would likely encounter simply by merit of following the carriages that would bring everyone to their dorms, and this encounter with the principal, who carried Gulliver’s twin with all the care of a sack of potatoes, there was no way he wouldn’t pursue the latter. His situation was unique, his Ethos was unknown, his situation with his doppelganger was unexplained, and the spinning of the Foreteller’s clock never bore fruit. He clearly wasn’t as powerful as Valen Leuvalt, and yet received preferential treatment compared to that aristocrat. Tomorrow this time? There was no guarantee that the flame-haired principal would be performing this same action, doing this same thing.

So what was there to do, really?

The Strigidae turned on his heel, checked that his revolver was loaded, considered his escape routes, and followed after her, his steps the measured cadence of someone who knew exactly where he was going. He couldn’t dodge gazes from ten different directions, but so long as his movements were natural and in control, he could convince at least nine of those gazes not to pay him any mind.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ciara Ventura

Wingram Academy, Girls' Dorm
@Nanaya @Psyker Landshark @Sifr

"You think there's room for my luggage as well? I don't have much, and something tells me my roommate wouldn't mind having the space all to herself. If you'll have me."

Ciara's head tilts, staring at room number 9. Who was Chloe? Did it matter? Hildegunde at least seemed to like the idea.

"Still tasty morsels of light in it. Of course there's space." A snickering Voice said in her mind.

There's a pause, then. "Is it... like this all the time?" An innocent, whispery voice. The Adapa.

Ciara scoffed aloud, folding her arms. "...Yes. Yes it is."

"We ought to find the head of the dormitory and request permission. After all, I doubt Chloe will be averse to having a room to herself."

Ciara stared, the expression on her face approaching admiration. Of course the light was right. The curl of the radiating beams tendriling around her form, of course she was right...

"It really would be delicious. Tonight, then?" A childlike Voice chimed in expectantly.

Ciara's eyes narrowed. "You really aren't letting this go, are you?"

A mocking laugh. "Never."

That was when the picture of contention passed by Ciara, a stream of unhappy students looking to get their problems sorted. Perfect.

She stared as the girls passed by idly before turning to the hunter. "There's space. Let me move your bed."

Her eyes glanced towards Iraleth. "I see no reason why it won't get approved."

Ciara took a step into room number 9, black appendages wrapping their way around the hunter's bed frame and mattress, along with the luggage in front of it. It was a matter of seconds to delicately move the bulky objects from 9 to 7, and Ciara placed the bed down near the far wall with a satisfied sigh. That was hopefully the last heavy lifting she would have to do today.

With the move complete, she gave Iraleth and Hildegunde a curious stare, glancing down at the hall, before following where the bickering girls had gone. She saw the line in front of the door labeled 'Head advisor' and gave her tongue a click. She loathed waiting, especially amidst such a hectic crowd. But the hunter would need her own key, after all.

Speaking of which...

If Hildegunde and Iraleth had also moved to stand in line, she would turn to them, staring for a moment before addressing the hunter.

"You know... you're a good shot. You strike me as more of a... Sword of Wund." She said, as straight and plainly as possible. Her remark was slightly biased, as she had also made up her mind to join the Sword of Wund. But...

Her eyes glanced to Iraleth before returning to the hunter. "However, you may have to choose between us. I am aware Iraleth has chosen to be a Shield."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Sifr
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Sifr It/He

Member Seen 23 days ago

There's a slight smile on Hildegunde's as her stuff is moved into Room 7. It disappears quickly once Iraleth suggests asking for permission. Hildegunde wants to protest. In all honesty, her ideal solution would've been to not ask at all; what people don't know won't hurt them. Why waste time trying to find someone and ask for permission? This damn school nearly got them killed, they shouldn't need to ask for permission, especially for something so deeply harmless. It was downright stupid, in her eyes.

And yet, before she could, Ciara had already begun to move. She probably would've argued the decision if it weren't for what she said next.

"You know... you're a good shot. You strike me as more of a... Sword of Wund."

Sword of Wund. Somehow, having Ciara reiterate what Freischütz had told her makes her feel uneasy. She squirms uncomfortably. More smiles.
But the discussion that Ciara had brought up might make the time move by faster, so Hildegunde won't complain, joining her in line. Besides, she was thankful for her ripping that bandage instead of doing it herself. Even if she suspects it might be a charged topic, particularly for the half-elf.

"Is that the only reason? A gun is as much a deterrent as it is a weapon. And I don't wish to point it indiscriminately." And yet...how much easier would her life be if she could? The limitations of her ethos would no longer matter. The thought disturbs her, and she shakes it off, briefly wondering if the Adapa is messing with her brain.

"I'll be frank, I don't get these faction things, nor do I care for false binaries" she mutters, leaning against a wall as they wait. She briefly gives Iraleth a glance, feeling a bit bad for her standing up in her condition. But she was the one who suggested standing in line, so surely she could handle it.

"It don't help that I grew up in the Western Neutral Territories. Nearly isolated. Little stakes in this question. Bet I don't know the history half as well as either of ya." She messes idly with her sleeves.

"You were quick to choose. May I ask why? And while not as quick, I'd like to know your reasoning as well, Ciara."

@Estylwen@Nanaya@Psyker Landshark
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Iraleth Kyrios

Iraleth watched on impassively as Ciara simply used her magics to facilitate moving Hildegunde's bed straight over. Well. That saved her the trouble of seeing if she still had the strength remaining to do it herself. Every flash of pain as she moved towards the line reminded her that she really ought to go about heading for that clinic sooner rather than later, but there was little point to not sorting this matter out while she was still here.

The fact that enough girls had issues enough already to try to switch roommates already was disconcerting. And here Iraleth had thought their case would have been unique. She hadn't lived in communal housing ever since her father had taken her in, but given how much of her education had been with the church, she was more than aware that this sort of nonsense wouldn't have been tolerated at any church housing or abbey. As the girl with the dagger spoke to the trio, Iraleth deigned to answer her question after the other two had seemingly brushed her off.

"The opposite. We're hoping to let her," A brief gesture to Hildegunde. "Move in to our room with us. She was assigned with the girl that had been prematurely ageing everyone on the bridge." A brief glance around, now that she thought of it. "Come to think of it, how are her victims faring? I left almost immediately after defeating her, believing that the faculty would handle things."

Whatever the girl's response was, Iraleth turned back towards Ciara and Hildegunde in turn as the subject of factions was brought up. She simply shrugged when Ciara implied she was choosing to join the Shaktan faction. It wasn't as if she'd be angry at the fact.

"Why was I quick to choose? Vaal Nero is my home. I could hardly decide not to join the corresponding faction, now could I? In truth, I care little for these hypothetical divisions. No doubt the faculty wish to breed competition among us, but I only care for the symbolism on a personal level. Choose as you wish, though I can only hope to not be saddled with...certain people."

A glance towards the front of the line. It was rapidly shortening, which meant their time to stand before the head advisor was soon. Best to prepare to make their case, then.

@Estylwen @Sifr
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Nanaya
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago



The path Raja took was rather direct, admittedly. Seeing as how there was almost nobody wandering the town's streets proper yet, the vast majority of students still settling into their rooms or taking to the clinic for healing. Her every breath was measured, but with all the cussing under her breath even from a distance, it was as if all professionalism dropped while lugging the sleeping Bronsteel through the streets. After taking proper care to not drop the boy out of sheer frustration, the most notable thing was that she had long since cleared away from many of the primary establishments by the main plaza, including the clinic, continuing to hobble along until turning down an alleyway.

This alley, however, led nowhere. A tried and true dead end, by all accounts, except Raja did not seem to pay that any mind. She would briefly set Gulliver down against a wall, and removed the lids of three nearby trash cans clumped together in a triangular pattern, placing each removed lid on top of the trash can to its immediate right. Upon doing this and tracing a symbol at the top of each with arcane writing, a portal would open from the ground near the dead end wall. It almost sounded like waves crashing against rocks - a raging ocean, an all-consuming whirlpool, an eldritch azure with its open maw awaiting the arrival of the one who summoned it forth. Unlike some portals, there was no way to see what was on the other side. It was an inky world beneath, and all that seemed to await was the murky depths of uncertainty.

"Can't believe this," she would mutter as she once more slung Bronsteel over her shoulder and hopped into the portal. The moment she disappeared inside, the portal would close and the lids would each return to their original cans. The signs burned into the lids would fade soon after this as well, leaving no trace that anyone was ever here. All at once, mundanity returned to the alley. The slightest lingering of essence, felt by those looking for it, was all that remained as proof that such a scene moments prior was even real at all.



As Chunji sat with his book studying, the specifics of 'Heal' were revealed to him. It began with the concept of what it means to heal, and how that basic goal has been diverged from over the course of centuries. It would describe the origins of the spell in the year 87 SR, when a forgotten Umbralist cleric wept for the deaths of her comrades on a hunting expedition to drive back a foul beast known as a 'Lycan', or, in more modern terms, a 'Werewolf'. Nowadays, such a curse was one long since extinct after Rekordian Queen Carmine made the decree that all sufferers of lycanthropy were to be wiped from the face of the planet, deeming them a mockery of humanity. Regardless, this unknown Umbralist reportedly found a single comrade that survived their battle with one such beast, but barely. She loomed over them, her eyes drowning in tears as she channeled every last ounce of essence within her towards her dying friend. The emotional essences of 'compassion' and 'regret' mixed with the newly building essence of 'desperation' within her, fusing into what became known as the first healing brought forth through willpower alone. It was weak, but it provided enough to close off the most fatal injuries - long enough for a second party to find them.

The woman, however, did not make it, instead succumbing to rebound with a body that was not prepared to channel essence even one more time that day. The book recounted this with the note that it would be vital to think on this woman's experience and internalize what she must have felt in order to properly become a caster of Heal to its fullest potential; a true desire to save others and a compassion for their struggles was paramount. It ended that tale with the detail that the woman, though her original name long forgotten, was commemorated as Healer Guide Jeiros, one of the Six Guides of the Umbralist faith - comparable to saints, in other religions.

After covering the origins and lore of the spell and how integral it was to the progress of magic on a grander scale, the rest of the section detailed the finer points of casting. The actual motion was the simplest part, being an open hand raised towards the intended target. More importantly was the specific fusion of emotional essences invoking kindness and empathy towards others, inner peace, and above all, the true desire within the caster's mind to mend another's wounds and see their life continue. The simplest cast of Heal was to touch someone with this casting motion and these emotional essences channeled, though it also detailed other, more complex methods such as ranged casting or radial channeling. Such methods were not recommended for beginners, however, noting that emotional essence quickly dies amidst the world's winds after a short period away from its emanator, and so it would require immense focus and practice to see such targeted essence to its intended recipient in full.

It would be up to Chunji how, when and where he would practice these things, of course. Battle raged on from Emelie's screen, and she even laughed a few times before covering her mouth, realizing she was not only in a library, but was indeed the librarian. With the memory of a goldfish, though, it wouldn't be long before this cycle would repeat.

@Estylwen@Sifr@Psyker Landshark


"Oh, that bitch? Yeah, her victims recovered right away. Can't say I know what her malfunction was in the first place, but at least it got sorted. Heard she was extra crispy after that, and that's exactly what I wanna hear. Didn't bother to look at her once she fell, was just really glad she was out of the way. Who gave such egotistical brats such power, anyway? If Astra's real, she's lost her gods-forsaken mind."

The dagger perked up immediately upon being tapped on the shoulder by her unwilling roommate, ending her rant short after seeing that the pair was now next in line. "Alright, let's get this sorted and never see each other again, got it?"

"Oh, we'll see each other again. I'll mash you into the pavement once they start asking students to spar with each other!" Sparks flew, the hallway heating up with loose essence, and the two stormed into the advisor's office without breaking eye contact.

Three minutes passed before the two trudged out the door, their eyes painted with defeat. The dagger girl would look at the trio and merely stutter out a pitiful, "Good luck..." She and her new roommate would begrudgingly shuffle off after that, all fight having left them in an instant. A woman's laughter could be heard from the other side of the door alongside banging against a desk. After a few beats, it would decline into chuckles and then muttering sighs, before the voice would announce, "Next!" There was no one else in front of the trio, signaling their turn to enter.

Should they enter, they would find themselves inside a humble office space, complete with bookshelves detailing various arcane studies with a particular bias for abjuration - protection magic and wards. Seated behind an imposing oak desk was an elven woman with her eyes closed and a dark blue hooded cape with golden lining and a velvet red inside. Those vaguely knowledgeable of Vaal Shaktan culture would know this as the cape of an Undermage - the rank directly below Arcmage, the pinnacle of magic accomplishment in Shaktan society. "A plight awaits, I can almost hear it. Do take a seat, darlings, and do not but fear a wit!"

Three wooden chairs would appear in front of the woman's desk, her eyes still remaining closed, with a quill and levitating scroll now at her side as she awaited them to be seated and state their case. A small smile graced her, devious and yet curious as she leaned in over her desk.

"I am Nyxhoilv'phvamineknmos, but you may all call me Nicole, or Head Advisor if you prefer."
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ciara Ventura

Wingram Academy, Girls' Dorm
@Nanaya @Psyker Landshark @Sifr

"You were quick to choose. May I ask why? And while not as quick, I'd like to know your reasoning as well, Ciara."

"Because the Voices said so." Was Ciara's immediate thought, but she held back. Being so bluntly honest, especially with what went on in her convoluted, disturbed mind, likely wasn't the best way to reward her friend's interest.

"It's so dark... peaceful..." Said the child-like Voice in her head, referring to Otis. Indeed, that was likely the most significant reason. The Voices approved of Otis, so it wasn't hard to align with him.

On top of that, her own powers took on the symbolic shape of a sword more easily.

"I value my truces, I suppose." She said idly, not giving a specific answer to Hildegunde. Hopefully, she would trust Ciara's words at that and not press her further. There wasn't an easy way to explain her reasoning, after all.

"Why was I quick to choose? Vaal Nero is my home. I could hardly decide not to join the corresponding faction, now could I?"

Ciara stared, her face appearing a bit pained before she pursed her lips. Hunger. When the knight spoke so confidently, the light around her blazed brighter, more tantalizing for the senses.

As the group of girls in front of them left the office in defeat, and a voice called out to them, she gave an anticipating glance to Iraleth and Hildegunde before stepping into the office. She took in the elven mage, recognizing her cape's status right away. She couldn't stop her jaw from dropping slightly out of surprise and awe. It was like being in front of an idol, or superstar. Ranks as high as Undermage were something Ciara admired. Magical merit such as this amazed her, though she cared little for the hierarchy attached to it.

She took a seat, a bit at a lose for words, glancing back at Iraleth and Hildegunde before locking eyes with the elven mage.

"Head Advisor, we would like to move Hildegunde from room 9 to room 7 permanently. From what I understand, there's a certain roommate better left on their own. I've already moved her bed. We just need an extra key for room 7." She stated matter-of-factly, confident the head advisor would agree.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Regardless of how direct the path was, how distracted his quarry was, Otis was still forced to increase the distance in which he followed after Raja as the streets turned to alleyways. He could make excuses if she turned and caught him out on the street. He could just use sheer audacity to power through her suspicions, so long as she didn’t have any mind-reading spells. But in the relative isolation of an alleyway? Against a principal who had willfully designed an opening examination that would foment only conflict and aggression between students?

The Strigidae took risks, but he managed risks too. And as such, he remained one corner behind her, slipping behind empty trashcans where he could as he tinkered with a small object in his hand. Traces of essence engraved themselves upon a clockwork construct, one that could almost be mistaken for a wind-up toy. The size of a fist, it had two wheels connected to each side and Otis’s own Prime Essence inscribed upon it, as well as auxiliary spells that allowed for one-way transmission of sight and sound. His Adapa would be the receptor of such transmission, the silent grimoire having automatically grafted itself upon the spellwork within the construct. And as Principal Raja stopped in front of a dead-end, as she performed arcane scripts that Otis was simply too far away to get a clear view of, the Strigidae placed his construct on the ground instead.

The raging whirlpool manifested with the thunder of waves breaking against rocky shorelines. It masked the whirred of the clockwork device. Otis never intended on delving into the unknown without preparation or an escape route, but the obscuring nature of this portal reaffirmed his own intellect. Maybe if it was just another place in Castalia, he could use his own Ethos to leave. But what if it were another dimension? What if Raja herself had a pocket-world where she played God?

The Principal and her charge, as well as the ensorcelled device that stalked them, all entered through. The portal collapsed immediately afterwards, and Otis stepped out from his hiding place, confirming only that he was a step too late to record the fading sigils upon the lids.

No matter though.

The Strigidae strode off, out of the alleyway, his Adapa floating over his hand and prepared to relay whatever scenery beheld his mechanical spy. Prepared to relay too, through the Seeker, where exactly Otis’s device had ended up.

At least, that was the hope.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by AThousandCurses
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"Compassion. Regret. Desperation." The three key values involved the spell 'heal.' Chunji could already tell what the problems were even before casting the spell itself. Compassion and Regret were words that Chunji did not resonate with. It was honesty that made clear that the word 'compassion' was not a word to describe Chunji. Logically, efficiently, and cold. There is nothing warm about him that could be labeled as 'compassion.' Regret was something he was unfamiliar with, either. He gave it his all in his training, his procedures, his everything. There was not a time that he regretted failure.


That word was the only thing that made sense to Chunji. He had seen it in the eyes of his parents. Their desire to free themselves from the poor lives and live in more comfort. He had felt it. The eyes of his parents made him train him to his limit. There were times when he wanted to cry but held it in to press onward. Those tears were never seen again. Even back at the auditorium, he felt desperation at his stolen seat. Chunji still resented the shadow witch for taking the seat. He was not a good person by definition.

Still, it did not deter him. Failure was inevitable, but how to overcome it was important. Taking out a scalpel from his pouch, Chunji proceeded to slit the palm of his hand. A perfect incision, a habitual repetition that Chunji couldn't even feel the pain of it. Blood began dripping out of the new wound. Chunji dug his thumb into it, festering it in the process.

"Heal." Compassion for himself. That at the end of the tunnel, there was a reward of light. Regret about failure. Even if it was shallow, there was still a negative pool that dragged him down. Desperation for everything. The desire for glory, the desire for family, the desire to find the answer.

A sharp pain crunched his hand. It was nothing that he had ever felt before. Compassion was self-pity. He was only in it for himself. Selfish, arrogant, and idiotic. Regret was melancholy. Laziness, ineptitude, and disconnect. The only thing that went right was desperation. Desperation. Desperation. Desperation.

His flesh regrew, his bones realigned themselves, and the feel of touch reassembled. It was the 'perfect' heal. Perfect in the way that it cared nothing about the process but only for the end goal.

When Chunji looked down at his hand, it was perfectly normal. It was also insufficient. The amount of pain he went through could send someone into shock if they were heavily injured. He needed to readjust the parameters. The practice was made perfect, and this healing spell would be the same.

Grabbing his scalpel, he went through the same process again. He would do it as many times as possible until he got the spell correct.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Iraleth Kyrios

Chloe's victims recovered almost immediately after Iraleth had taken her out of commission? Good. It meant she'd been right to leave the girl alive. Moreover, it made Chloe's actions far less insane, knowing that the effects were temporary. There were enough students already with an immense lack of care for their peers, with abilities to match. The haughty bitch still may not have been a decent person by any means, but at least she hadn't crippled dozens for life. One concern off her shoulders.

Iraleth sideeyed Ciara as she uttered her answer, wondering just what exactly the girl meant. She valued her truces? What, was she under the impression that she'd be balancing out the weaker faction? Judging by their performances today, the upper hand between factions would be decided by whom Leuvalt, and to a lesser degree, Bronsteel, chose to join, much to her chagrin. Hopefully, neither chose to join the Shield of Nero. Though the chance that Iraleth would get what she wanted was miniscule.

In the meantime, it seemed the queue had finally gotten to them. All the fire had gone out of those two feuding girls, in just three minutes? Concerning.

"Unfortunate for you." She commented before the girl with the dagger left. "Still, try not to kill each other, yes?"

As the three entered the office, Iraleth took a seat, raising an eyebrow at the woman's symbol of title. An Undermage, just to manage a pack of teenage girls? Albeit, ones with immense magical ability or potential. In that light, it was more reasonable. Though Iraleth was under the assumption that most among this woman's rank would have thought the posting beneath them.

After Ciara spoke, Iraleth chimed in with her piece, though the shadow witch had already gone over the important parts.

"We realize we're asking for forgiveness rather than permission, but at the very least, we're not threatening a fight. Unlike half of the line before us." The last bit was delivered dryly. "Ciara and I would very much prefer having Hildegunde room with us, though. We did fight alongside each other in the auditorium earlier." That, and leaving Hildegunde to deal with Chloe would be tantamount to torture, if the bridge had been any indication.

@Estylwen @Sifr
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Sifr
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Sifr It/He

Member Seen 23 days ago

"Oh, that bitch? Yeah, her victims recovered right away. Can't say I know what her malfunction was in the first place, but at least it got sorted. Heard she was extra crispy after that, and that's exactly what I wanna hear. Didn't bother to look at her once she fell, was just really glad she was out of the way. Who gave such egotistical brats such power, anyway? If Astra's real, she's lost her gods-forsaken mind."

There's a pang of guilt in Hildegunde. Not that the woman cared at all for Chloe, quite the opposite; she wouldn't be here in line otherwise. But she had been fully on board with killing her if she had gotten too close. A thought built on ignorance and self defense it might've been, but the idea of needlessly taking a life didn't sit well with the hunter. She gives the slightest of sighs of relief; if there is denial, at least she knew the woman's Ethos wasn't fatal.

The hunter watches the girls silently, but with curiousity piqued - particularly when they came out of the room, fight gone from their eyes. What was waiting for them? Hildegunde didn't recognize the significance of the woman's cape, nor why Ciara seemed so impressed. Hildegunde speaks to her in the same tone as her two allies.

"Nyxhoilv'phvamineknmos, was it? Just wanna add that if you do decline, it's understood. I'm trying to make your job easier, not harder." She means what she says, but she's admittedly not happy about it. As for how Hildegunde got the name right on her first try? Perhaps it's the German.

"We'd all appreciate it if you would let us bend the school's room plans." All including Nyxhoilv'phyamineknmos as well - she can see future disputes with Chloe if the request wasn't granted.
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Nanaya
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago



Upon reaching the other side of the portal, all would come into vision immediately. It was a sunny day, and from the view of the cliff directly in front stretching off into the great blue horizon, the scene felt like painted perfection. Crystal blue waters crashed against the rocks below, and seagulls sang their crooked songs off into the clouds as if to complete the idea of a photographer's paradise. Behind the clockwork contraption was, plainly and simply, a cottage. Raja walked towards it with the uncaring saunter of an individual that had danced this dance many times, Gulliver slung over her shoulder and still out cold.

Smoke emerged from the chimney, and torchlight could be seen from one of the windows. By all accounts, if this was within the borders of the Union, it was intentionally humble. With more of a look around, it seemed as if the cottage, and this whole cliff by extension, was in some kind of carved out piece of land that dwelt below a vast, cavernous overhang. It was a place that civilization had not touched with its corrupting hand, still free to exist in exile, either in defiance of loud bustling streets or simply in indifference to them.

Raja would knock thrice upon the door with her body leaning over, clearly unenthused at having to lug an unconscious student around. Three beats later, as if she were expected in advance, the oaken door would creak open to reveal a sickly-looking gnome man. With a single glance at Raja, it was as if he knew why she was there, and begrudgingly stepped aside to let her in - his gaze wholly focused towards the principal, addressing her more as an intruder than a welcomed guest.

"I can't keep doing this. You know I can't. It's going to burn out," the gnome would finally blurt out in a wheezing voice as Raja cleared the doorway and entered into a humble living room, complete with a burning fireplace and multiple sofas.

"That's just the price you'll pay. We can't afford to worry about such mundane problems. Can you do it again, or not? If not, you know that-"

"I know. I know, every time. You don't need to talk me into it. I've already let you in, haven't I? Set him down," the gnome would cut her off, his sentence ending with a sharp cough as he gestures towards a sofa near the fireplace and limps to sit down on it. All the while, Raja is looking about the room as she slowly wanders over, eventually setting Bronsteel down next to the gnome.



"Hey! Hey, hey, hey!"

Emelie bolted out of her chair and stormed towards Chunji, side-eyeing for a while before completely blowing her lid the moment she saw the boy tearing into himself repeatedly. Her face was the very embodiment of concern, hands on hips as she loomed over him like an angry mom. She pointed first at his scalpel, then at his hand.

"This is still a public place! You can't just... I dunno, hurt yourself over and over like that! That's just not how you're supposed to do it, it's more..."

Finger to chin, swaying side to side in thought to find the right words, before the metaphorical lightbulb arose in her mind. Looking back at him, Emelie would appear disturbed. There was an air about her, as if the entire scene made her deeply uncomfortable. The realization struck her all at once.

"This is your first time trying to learn Heal, isn't it? Your first ever casts? Normally, the rule of thumb is to start by practicing on injured animals rather than actual people - or, Astra forbid, yourself. It's utter insanity, and it's only good if you plan on completely screwing up how your subconscious mind takes in essence."

Taking a seat next to him at the table, she leaned back in her chair, waving her cane around in the air haphazardly and aimlessly. Her eyes focused on something far away, perhaps a memory rather than an actual physical place in the library, as she released a deep exhale. There was apprehension in her body language, as if this were a familiar sight to her.

"If you spend too much time associating healing with self-harm and focus too much on the desperation over feelings of warmth or empathy, your mind will eventually twist that, y'see. Irreversible change, such that you'll only see helping others as transactional at best and a burden at worst. I've seen it before, people who try to rush these things. There are consequences for advancing so rapidly in something that's intended to take time, trust me. The prodigious and the desperate each suffer worst, in a life of study."

Turning to Chunji, Emelie's furrowed eyebrows would burrow into him, wondering if she'd gotten her point across. There was no way to know how the boy would react to this, seeing as how they barely knew one another, so the pale girl's azure eyes remained trained firmly on the self-harm healer, taking in his every movement and expression to determine what sort of person he was.

@Estylwen@Sifr@Psyker Landshark


The hooded Undermage raised her eyebrows with a little nod of acknowledgement towards Hildegunde, eyes still firmly shut as her lips curled upwards. If there was a way to properly show respect to a high society wizard, it'd be to give them the honor of speaking aloud their full name and title; it seemed that such respect was given back, the head advisor looking very pleased with herself. It was an arduous thirty year journey to ascend from Undermage to Arcmage, after all, and regardless of the point of said journey she was at, every day would be a struggle of the self.

"A strong introduction begins and ends with respect to the details and commitment to rapport. In that regard, thank you for making use of my full name, as it is exquisite to hear sing from the mouth of another. For now though, child, you may call me Nicole. I was informed by Principal Raja that such a compromise would be preferred by most."

Nicole would lean forward on her desk, hands clasped in front of her in thought as she allowed the trio to speak their minds and make their case. With a more stoic expression than moments prior, she would point at each of them one after the other in quick succession before placing that very same finger to her forehead in thought, an idea clearly coming to her.

"You were not all placed on a brigade in advance, were you? That was not to happen until later. But between names like Valen Leuvalt or Gulliver Bronsteel receiving special treatment from Raja, I suppose it could be expected that others would be privy to unique circumstances. This is a concentrated hub of unique circumstances, after all."

Her closed gaze turned to each of them after a moment, taking them in and pondering something.

"No, I suppose not. As a collective, the air of a well-acquainted group does not suit you. The winds paint the aura of near strangers, rather, and yet the compatibility of your prime essences with one another is unarguable. Very unusual."

The levitating scroll and quill at her side would begin to move around the three girls, the quill beginning to write various words at a rapid pace as it passed by each of them, pausing a moment as it hovered near each. If any of them looked at what was written on the scroll at any time, it would become obvious what it was.

Emotions. The quill was taking note on the scroll, with masterful penmanship, the emotions strongest at the forefront of each of their minds as it patrolled the room. With each word written, Nicole would either give a small nod in the scroll's direction, or a muttered, "Hm." It wasn't long before the scroll and quill had made their trip about the room, and returned to her side. All of the emotions were on full display for everybody present to review, and Nicole would raise a finger to the list while maintaining her closed gaze on the trio.

"You will need to convince me that it would be a wise choice to make. Sell me on the idea, I want to be talked into it. Given that you are not in the same brigade, the argument of bettering your teamwork would fall utterly flat, as would the idea of bonding with friends - something that this school was not founded with the intent to take on as a priority. And do tell me how the words on this scroll might perhaps alter your plans, if at all?"
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