a warcraft argent crusade-inspired roleplay

E S A R U S T H A R N O ' D A R A D O R
E S A R U S T H A R N O ' D A R A D O R
E S A R U S T H A R N O ' D A R A D O R
a warcraft argent crusade-inspired roleplay

R O L E P L A Y S Y N O P S I S :
R O L E P L A Y S Y N O P S I S :
R O L E P L A Y S Y N O P S I S :
Once upon a time, you had been a member of the Alliance or its counterpart, the Horde.
For whatever reasons you might've had, you've sought to cast away what ties you had in favor of a neutral organization, the Argent Crusade. In the wake of the recent Scourgewar, the Crusade has never before seen a stronger need for membership, and so the call to action had been put forth by its representatives and embassies throughout Azeroth. It is through this recruitment that you've chosen your calling as a crusader.
Placed in the care of two veteran crusaders, you've made the long, tiring journey to the Eastweald, a region more commonly known nowadays as the Plaguelands. Together, you are destined for Light's Hope, wherein you'll receive a formal introduction into the Argent Crusade alongside some training to replenish their ranks as the organization's main contingent moves towards Northrend. Yet as your motley crew of assorted adventurers travels across the Plaguelands themselves, something seems amiss, as it usually does in the Plaguelands. It seems something is hunting you, intending to put an end to your living life.
Best put your faith in the Light, and your comrades.
For whatever reasons you might've had, you've sought to cast away what ties you had in favor of a neutral organization, the Argent Crusade. In the wake of the recent Scourgewar, the Crusade has never before seen a stronger need for membership, and so the call to action had been put forth by its representatives and embassies throughout Azeroth. It is through this recruitment that you've chosen your calling as a crusader.
Placed in the care of two veteran crusaders, you've made the long, tiring journey to the Eastweald, a region more commonly known nowadays as the Plaguelands. Together, you are destined for Light's Hope, wherein you'll receive a formal introduction into the Argent Crusade alongside some training to replenish their ranks as the organization's main contingent moves towards Northrend. Yet as your motley crew of assorted adventurers travels across the Plaguelands themselves, something seems amiss, as it usually does in the Plaguelands. It seems something is hunting you, intending to put an end to your living life.
Best put your faith in the Light, and your comrades.
O O C I N F O R M A T I O N :
O O C I N F O R M A T I O N :
O O C I N F O R M A T I O N :
Hello, everyone.
As you may have figured out, this is a WoW/Warcraft-based roleplay, in particular one situated during the WOTLK expansion. The players will be playing basic adventurers (not famous heroes!) that are planning on pledging their blades or spells in service to the Argent Crusade when something goes horribly wrong during their travels, turning their quest into a world of nightmares.
Rules-wise, I tend to be rules-light when it comes to roleplay. I feel it can bog things down and get in the way of actual storytelling at times. However, I do keep the standard few that every roleplay uses: don't be a dick (aka follow guild rules), post a solid enough post that keeps the roleplay moving, and please don't ghost the roleplay without warning (life issues are understandable, but it gets in the way of the RP if you vanish from existence without a word).
If you're interested, then you're more than welcome to make a character sheet and/or ask any questions you may have. I will be accepting character sheets in batches at a later mentioned date, probably around 8-10 total slots at most, so make certain to get yours in before the deadline.
As you may have figured out, this is a WoW/Warcraft-based roleplay, in particular one situated during the WOTLK expansion. The players will be playing basic adventurers (not famous heroes!) that are planning on pledging their blades or spells in service to the Argent Crusade when something goes horribly wrong during their travels, turning their quest into a world of nightmares.
Rules-wise, I tend to be rules-light when it comes to roleplay. I feel it can bog things down and get in the way of actual storytelling at times. However, I do keep the standard few that every roleplay uses: don't be a dick (aka follow guild rules), post a solid enough post that keeps the roleplay moving, and please don't ghost the roleplay without warning (life issues are understandable, but it gets in the way of the RP if you vanish from existence without a word).
If you're interested, then you're more than welcome to make a character sheet and/or ask any questions you may have. I will be accepting character sheets in batches at a later mentioned date, probably around 8-10 total slots at most, so make certain to get yours in before the deadline.
C H A R A C T E R S H E E T :
C H A R A C T E R S H E E T :
C H A R A C T E R S H E E T :
Please leave the actual BBCode alone. Only adjust the placeholder sections as needed. The block borders will look funky in a hider, but leave them be as accepted sheets will be placed in the CS tab without one.