Character Name: Kyria Na-Anda'four (kih-ree-uh nah-and-arrf-orr)
Sex/Gender: Gynomorphic Hermaphrodite/female (e.g. Female appearance and body-shape, functional sets of both genitals. Identifies as female)
Race & Species: Avirala
Age: 37

Approximately 5' 8". Blue-jay like appearance in terms of coloration, markings and patterning of her plumage and her beak shape, etc.
She has a quite slender and sleek build, very much that of a runner or swimmer. She has quite modest curves, though they're still there, and suit her slim physique. And at her age and experience in life, she knows enough and has enough confidence to know she looks good, and has enough humility not to brag about it or take it for granted.
Her normal style of dress - outside of combat and duty - tends toward jeans or trousers, checked flannel, and t-shirts, with the occasional dress when the mood and place takes her.
The feathers on her head are a little longer, and she often styles them by gathering them into a ponytail type arrangement.
Kyria, at first impression can come across as naive or even obliviously optimistic and upbeat, something that can often lead people to misjudge or underestimate her, leading them to miss her underlying qualities of infallible determination, great thoughtfulness, quick wits, and a sharp mind. That she is positive and looks for the best in people and situations is simply another quality of her personality and a facet of her caring, loving, and affectionate qualities.
However caring and loving she may be, she is still a calculating, canny and quick-witted fighter and tactician, and a superb Mecha pilot, and is pragmatic in combat situations, as able to strike ruthlessly at her enemies as she is to show sympathy and respect for the defeated - when, of course, it is warranted and deserved. For the cruel, vicious, and brutally bullying, abusive or truly evil, she has no compassion or care.
Personal History:
Kyria's early life was relatively hard, by comparison to some, but by the standard of the post-shatter world, sadly not an unusual one.
Her family were located in a slum-like region, living a meagre existence with little comfort or luxury. Her father worked a gruelling and brutal job in salvaging rusting hulks of vast, otherworldly war machines. The raw materials and technology within them were invaluable, but many held still functioning defences. Automated weapons, sentry robots, or other traps or dangers. Often these cost lives, and this was alongside the dangerous nature of the work itself.
The work was organised and administered by clans of arms dealers and black !marketeers, paying enough to keep their workers alive and tease the promise of a better life, but never enough to achieve it. As such, every family strove and struggled to supplement their income and resources in any way they could.
Kyria was no exception, and she and her brother and sister spent much of their youth combing through gigantic junk and scrap piles, gathering what little knowledge they could from the few and sparse school classes they received.
Kyria's father loved his family dearly, and desperately wanted a better life for them. It was his desire for this that was taken advantage of, and ended up with him losing his life in a deal gone wrong. After this, the family's situation became worse and worse, and her mother turned to drink to escape from her shame, sadness and depression. And with the 'quality' of the alcohol available in the slum, it ruined her body and mind.
When salvation finally came, it was in the shape of Mecha Teams, dropping from the sky on parachutes and plumes of flame, of weapons streaking to and from the skies. The Sanctuary defence forces had come to liberate them after the flow of weapons had been traced back, after a months-long surveillance operation and planning.
To the young, impressionable Kyria, it was like a prayer that had been answered. And from there on, she wanted to be like the people who had saved her.
Her mother received the help she needed; medical and trauma counselling. Her siblings were given full educational support, as was she, and together they acclimated quickly into Sanctuary society.
Kyria's desire to fight, save and protect never left her, and she went on to enlist in the defence forces.
As she served, she learned more about what had happened to the families that lived like hers, and the people that put them into those situations, and it formed a strong ideology and moral sense in her to protect the innocent against anyone who would abuse or take advantage of them.
Sometimes this has bought her into conflict with superior officers and the chain of command when she refuses to accept the subtleties or nuance of a situation, even to the point of taking things into her own hands on occasion, but overall, her career has been a positive one, and she has been trusted with her first command.
Special Skills:
Street Smarts - growing up in such a insecure, rough environment, Kyria learned the way of the streets. She has a great grasp of how to make contact with and understand the ways of the black market and the world of the streets.
Empathic Nature - while not empathic in the psychically active sense, Kyria does have an inate and natural affinity for understanding emotions and the emotional states and triggers of other people.
Intuitive Pilot - Kyria has an intuitive knack and talent for mecha piloting and combat. She has a talent for improvisation, adaptability, and ingenuity in using all and any of the weapons and equipment of a mecha to their utmost to pull herself out of difficult situations
Personal Weapons & Gear:
Sex/Gender: Gynomorphic Hermaphrodite/female (e.g. Female appearance and body-shape, functional sets of both genitals. Identifies as female)
Race & Species: Avirala
Age: 37

Approximately 5' 8". Blue-jay like appearance in terms of coloration, markings and patterning of her plumage and her beak shape, etc.
She has a quite slender and sleek build, very much that of a runner or swimmer. She has quite modest curves, though they're still there, and suit her slim physique. And at her age and experience in life, she knows enough and has enough confidence to know she looks good, and has enough humility not to brag about it or take it for granted.
Her normal style of dress - outside of combat and duty - tends toward jeans or trousers, checked flannel, and t-shirts, with the occasional dress when the mood and place takes her.
The feathers on her head are a little longer, and she often styles them by gathering them into a ponytail type arrangement.
Kyria, at first impression can come across as naive or even obliviously optimistic and upbeat, something that can often lead people to misjudge or underestimate her, leading them to miss her underlying qualities of infallible determination, great thoughtfulness, quick wits, and a sharp mind. That she is positive and looks for the best in people and situations is simply another quality of her personality and a facet of her caring, loving, and affectionate qualities.
However caring and loving she may be, she is still a calculating, canny and quick-witted fighter and tactician, and a superb Mecha pilot, and is pragmatic in combat situations, as able to strike ruthlessly at her enemies as she is to show sympathy and respect for the defeated - when, of course, it is warranted and deserved. For the cruel, vicious, and brutally bullying, abusive or truly evil, she has no compassion or care.
Personal History:
Kyria's early life was relatively hard, by comparison to some, but by the standard of the post-shatter world, sadly not an unusual one.
Her family were located in a slum-like region, living a meagre existence with little comfort or luxury. Her father worked a gruelling and brutal job in salvaging rusting hulks of vast, otherworldly war machines. The raw materials and technology within them were invaluable, but many held still functioning defences. Automated weapons, sentry robots, or other traps or dangers. Often these cost lives, and this was alongside the dangerous nature of the work itself.
The work was organised and administered by clans of arms dealers and black !marketeers, paying enough to keep their workers alive and tease the promise of a better life, but never enough to achieve it. As such, every family strove and struggled to supplement their income and resources in any way they could.
Kyria was no exception, and she and her brother and sister spent much of their youth combing through gigantic junk and scrap piles, gathering what little knowledge they could from the few and sparse school classes they received.
Kyria's father loved his family dearly, and desperately wanted a better life for them. It was his desire for this that was taken advantage of, and ended up with him losing his life in a deal gone wrong. After this, the family's situation became worse and worse, and her mother turned to drink to escape from her shame, sadness and depression. And with the 'quality' of the alcohol available in the slum, it ruined her body and mind.
When salvation finally came, it was in the shape of Mecha Teams, dropping from the sky on parachutes and plumes of flame, of weapons streaking to and from the skies. The Sanctuary defence forces had come to liberate them after the flow of weapons had been traced back, after a months-long surveillance operation and planning.
To the young, impressionable Kyria, it was like a prayer that had been answered. And from there on, she wanted to be like the people who had saved her.
Her mother received the help she needed; medical and trauma counselling. Her siblings were given full educational support, as was she, and together they acclimated quickly into Sanctuary society.
Kyria's desire to fight, save and protect never left her, and she went on to enlist in the defence forces.
As she served, she learned more about what had happened to the families that lived like hers, and the people that put them into those situations, and it formed a strong ideology and moral sense in her to protect the innocent against anyone who would abuse or take advantage of them.
Sometimes this has bought her into conflict with superior officers and the chain of command when she refuses to accept the subtleties or nuance of a situation, even to the point of taking things into her own hands on occasion, but overall, her career has been a positive one, and she has been trusted with her first command.
Special Skills:
Street Smarts - growing up in such a insecure, rough environment, Kyria learned the way of the streets. She has a great grasp of how to make contact with and understand the ways of the black market and the world of the streets.
Empathic Nature - while not empathic in the psychically active sense, Kyria does have an inate and natural affinity for understanding emotions and the emotional states and triggers of other people.
Intuitive Pilot - Kyria has an intuitive knack and talent for mecha piloting and combat. She has a talent for improvisation, adaptability, and ingenuity in using all and any of the weapons and equipment of a mecha to their utmost to pull herself out of difficult situations
Personal Weapons & Gear:
- Standard pilots suit
- Standard pilots helmet
- Pilots survival kit
- Military spec PADD
- Heavy machine-pistol
- Combat/Survival knife
Mecha Name: SMW-MCR05G Razorline

Internal Weapon Systems:
2 x Head-mounted light machine-guns; mounted either side of the head for anti-personnel/anti-missile use.
Additional Systems/Equipment of note:
High-speed winch mounted on lower torso.
Floodlights mounted on either shoulder with IR Filters
External speaker and microphone system
Other notable features/Traits:
Modular chassis design with quick-change mounting for all limbs. Modular internal electronic/vectronics packages to allow for easy upgrade and expansion of systems over the life-cycle of the mecha.
Kyria's Razorline is painted in an all-over three-tone desert camouflage scheme with minor red and black trim.

Internal Weapon Systems:
2 x Head-mounted light machine-guns; mounted either side of the head for anti-personnel/anti-missile use.
Additional Systems/Equipment of note:
High-speed winch mounted on lower torso.
Floodlights mounted on either shoulder with IR Filters
External speaker and microphone system
Other notable features/Traits:
Modular chassis design with quick-change mounting for all limbs. Modular internal electronic/vectronics packages to allow for easy upgrade and expansion of systems over the life-cycle of the mecha.
Kyria's Razorline is painted in an all-over three-tone desert camouflage scheme with minor red and black trim.