Hidden 1 yr ago 10 mos ago Post by Krayzikk
Avatar of Krayzikk

Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 17 days ago

Her lungs weren’t actually on fire. Aside from the impossibility she had come to know what fire felt like. The warmth, the glow, the way it licked over her skin leaving her unscathed in its path. Didn’t feel like that. This made her chest ache, her throat feel tight and every breath felt like a fraction of the precious air she needed.

“Keep it up! I told you, you drop you’re done.”

That was the reason she was having such a terrible day. Rewind the clock a bit.

Written tests were rarely difficult. Equally rarely were they interesting. Education in Rivka’s experience was usually not much more than rote memorization. She was not blessed with a perfect memory- one couldn’t have everything- but memory could be trained just like everything else. Memorizing a piece was easy. The movement of her fingers, whatever the instrument, created a roadmap; even if her mind could not recall, her fingers could. The sequence became muscle memory. Memorizing anything else wasn’t much different. In fact she usually did it exactly the same way; map a concept to a piece. Each phantom note recalled a piece of information.

Preparing for Nova Lux’s tests was a little different. There were fewer facts to memorize, fewer pieces of information to recall on command. But the principle remained. Tie a concept to a piece and her fingers could lead her through every relevant thought. Then it was just articulation. Outline her thoughts, explain her reasoning and the rest handled itself.

Preparing for this evaluation was the next best thing to impossible. Individual assessments were just that. The identity of her evaluator, the nature of the test, all of these were obscured from her. The only thing she knew was where and when to show up.

And she’d been waiting for three fucking hours.

She didn’t have the woman’s name or number, so there was no contacting her directly. ‘Surely she’s just a little late’ had expired hours ago. Then she’d wondered if she had the right place. After checking- multiple times- that she did she had segued into irritation. She had stood waiting patiently, leaned on the wall, sat on the floor, and now had progressed all the way into laying on the floor with her hands clasped behind her head. What else could she do? Where the was this woman?

“Comfortable down there?”

The sort words caught her attention and Rivka sat up too quickly to avoid smacking her head on the same surface that was keeping the sun out of her eyes. Air sucked in through her nose and she suppressed the urge to curse. Loudly. But rubbing her forehead gave her a chance to look over the speaker. Dark-haired. Green eyes. Tall. Could have been twenty five as easily as twenty. Nondescript clothes- light jacket, plain black shirt, jeans and well-worn boots. And on second look what seemed like a pair of headphones around her neck.

She also clearly expected an answer to her not-rhetorical question.

“No. But I’ve been waiting.”

“Waiting for what?”

“My evaluating Ars Magi.” Her voice was definitely soft. Curiously soft. Like she was in a library, or raising her voice might strain it. If the background noise wasn’t so low Rivka might have had a hard time hearing her. “She was supposed to meet me three hours ago.”

“Was she? I say I’m right on time.”

Rivka blinked. There was no helping it. It wasn’t a surprise that this was her evaluator, it wasn’t hard to guess. She was prepared for all sorts of reasons why she might be late. But not in a million years did she expect her to just say she wasn’t late.

“You were supposed to be here three hours ago. I have the notice. Right here.”


“So… You’re late.”

“I rescheduled.” The older Magi shrugged. “I changed my mind. I had somewhere more important to be. Take your pick. What does it matter? You’re a cadet. This evaluation is important to you, but it’s just a part of my job.”

“No,” There was a note of dismissal- almost disdain- in that soft voice now and Rivka bristled. She shot to her feet, the ache in her head forgotten, and crossed her arms. “You’re late.”

“Prove it. Did you know your name’s wrong?” The Magi drew a folder- one of the big ones, with a notebook on the opposite side- out from under her arm and opened it. “Rivka Sokolov. Isn’t it supposed to be Sokolova?”

“My… delivering doctor. They weren’t from the Russian diaspora. My Mom has awful handwriting, they thought she meant to write ‘Sokolov’.” Rivka was off-balance. The bareknuckled disregard rocked her back, but that was the point. She was sure of it. It had to be some mind game. “What about it?”

“Just wanted to make sure I had it right.” She leafed through a few pages. “Well, Rivka Sokolov, we’re going to be going on a hike.”

Hike didn’t prove very descriptive. In the sense that they were moving by way of their own feet, yes. Otherwise? Not a fucking thing in common. Miss Evaluator was moving along no problem, aided by a magitech bike. She probably had it in the lowest gear— how should she know— but that was still too fast to keep up with. That wouldn’t be a problem if she could transform. But she wasn’t allowed.

Know what else she wasn’t allowed? Breaks. If she slowed down that soft, bored voice tinged with distaste started counting down from ten. She could game that a little, buy herself a couple paces to breathe during the countdown, but that only lasted a little while. By now she had been running so long that if she slowed down she was sure she would stop. Pitch into the dirt, maybe, but she wouldn’t be able to pick the pace back up. So now she was keeping the pace constantly, every step her muscles felt worse and her lungs burned harder. She had been sure she would drop a while back. Now she thought she’d just die.


That voice was so quiet she barely heard it. When she heard it she still barely processed it. She was so starved for air, for rest, that it almost didn’t register. It wasn’t until the bike stopped that it clicked and then she just… Dropped. Like her strings were cut. Her legs gave out, she hit the concrete and barely caught herself on her hands. She wasn’t panting, panting didn’t cover it; she tried to suck down air like she’d never taken a breath, like she could pull in every bit of oxygen around if she tried hard enough. Rivka was used to being a little short of breath. Singing was a passion, and to be good at it she needed to have lungs fit to shout the Devil out of Hell. Good, strong lungs. But never, ever had she been so out of breath. The red haze in her vision wasn’t even noticeable until air brought its absence, stopped her head feeling light enough to float away. The older Magi was just leaning on her bike, watching with distant and unreadable eyes. Bored. Waiting for her to stop looking like a fish on dry land.

That really, really made her mad.

She pushed herself back to her feet with bloody knuckles, wiped them off on her pant leg, and met her evaluator’s eyes as steadily as she could.

“So what now?”

“Do you know where we are?” She gestured with a hand, pulling a small pack out of the bike’s pannier bag. Rivka followed the movement, taking in what was around her; a place that might once have been a busy suburban region on the water, with commercial buildings and docks along the bank. But it hadn’t been used for decades. Maybe longer. No one lived here, no one had in a long time. Nature was overtaking it again, crumbling buildings and eroding docks. The Nox wasn’t too heavy so they hadn’t strayed completely outside Palmyra’s reach, but… Very close. “This used to be an important, industrious port city of your native Russia. When the Void came people ran. Russians fled east. Many from what used to be Japan fled west. They met in the middle, right here. This one city.”

“But there was nowhere to go. Many stayed here, made this place into Palmyra like we know it now. Some, the most desperate, took to the sea. Right over there, do you see?” Her extended finger lingered on the waterfront, among the rotted and crumbling ruins of docks and moorings. A little further, out into the water, sunken ships protruded from the surface like cairns marking the dead. Skeletal wrecks of dreams and livelihoods, lost to the merciless black water that had claimed them. “There was nowhere for them to go, either, but they tried. They tried, and they prayed so desperately that somewhere they might find safe harbor. Do you know where they went?”

Rivka shook her head, something in her tone raising prickling at her spine. The fire that she had building, the anger she had stoked, banked instantly. Left behind was only weariness.

“Nowhere. In their desperation they sailed straight into the Nox.” The finger curled back into her fist. “Their flight damned them. They never came ashore. Their boats were never seen. Out there, in that black fog, they became monsters. Sunken beneath the waves on rusted ships, forever adrift from any hope of salvation. We’re at the very edge of Palmyra’s shields. The Nox is heavy here, I’m sure even you can feel it.”

“Why are we here, then?”

“Maybe to make a point. To show an arrogant, disrespectful cadet that monsters have been made here. That they can still be found here.” She leaned in closer. “Maybe it was to take you far outside any comforting surroundings. Maybe it was to make sure no one would bother us, or see what happens out here.”

The last, so calm and assured, made the pit of her stomach fall out. Brought an awareness that maybe she was further outside her depth than she realized. The moment passed and her evaluator swung her legs over to the other side of the bike, standing and beginning to stride in that direction.

“Don’t ask questions. It’ll be dark soon. We’re making camp.”

“With what?”

“I brought gear.” She swung the pack side to side. “Since you didn’t bring anything with you, I assume you’re set. No transforming. You can make a fire without your magic. I suggest it, it gets pretty chilly after dark.”

Chilly proved to be an understatement. Temperatures stayed above freezing— not that it felt like it. The area, Rivka vaguely knew, hadn’t been warm before the Void but after the Nox blanketed the world it was worse. So little sunlight reached much of the surface that outside the shields would be bitterly cold, even if the Nox didn’t kill you.

She had time to think about it— longer than was comfortable, and shorter than restful. She had barely blinked her eyes, closed them to the more distant campfire ahead for merely a second, when a boot nudged her ribs.

“Get up.”

Rivka made a noise that wasn’t even human, let alone an answer. Her muscles ached, the brevity of her rest disorienting more than restorative. The boot nudged her ribs again, harder, and she realized she could barely see the Ars Magi. At the edge of Palmyra like this the light pollution was nearly zero, and no stars could shine through the sky; the only light came from the low, flickering flames that cast her surroundings in shades of dark and darker. Darker was pulling her foot back again when Rivka slapped at it, managing an irritated; “I’m up, is it still night?”

“Do the Void have to make a schedule?”

Again, that disdain. The anger that coursed through her veins scourged away the remnants of sleep and she pushed herself upright, stubbornly ignoring the way that her body complained. She would not give this icey bitch the satisfaction of seeing her discomfort.

“No, but human beings tend to know why they’re doing something. And when.” She locked eyes with her evaluator— what she could see of them in the dark— and brushed herself off. “In case they forgot to tell you that.”
“Coffee. Ration bar.” The Ars Magi pushed a tin mug and a wrapper into her hands harder, Rivka thought, than necessary. “Eat quickly. Maybe it’ll shut you up for a minute.”

For an instant she thought about throwing that coffee in the Magi’s face— maybe contact with liquid would melt her, like the witch she was. Every piece of her body language, her tone radiated aggression. This little moment alone had enough pressure to start a real altercation anywhere, and anywhen else. Knowing that was what she wanted— that the witch was still playing some kind of game— cooled the impulse, and she settled for slurping the awful coffee instead. Loudly.

“I wouldn’t bet on it.”

“God knows how you got past the headshrinks.”

Rivka washed down the first few bites of her ration bar— a substance more likely to make someone wish for death than survival— with bitter, gritty coffee and waited. She was supposed to ask, that was the next step in this little game. It was a tiny victory, even petty, but she wouldn’t ask for an explanation. The Magi would have to offer it up herself. It wasn’t like she’d missed a chance to rag on her yet.

“I had the chance to read your file before the evaluation, and I can’t see how they didn’t flunk you out from the jump.” The explanation came right on schedule. “I know we’re always desperate for more Ars Magi, but you just shouldn’t have qualified. There’s a reason we test for screw-ups like you. You’re my problem now, though. So I have to figure out which kind of mistake you are.”

“Yeah?” Taciturn silence couldn’t hold up forever. Subtlety wasn’t doing the trick, so the witch stopped pulling her punches. Understanding it didn’t do anything to stop her from getting pissed. The words slipped out of her mouth without asking her brain for permission. “Which kind am I?”

“Well, my first thought is you’re just a spoiled brat. An arrogant little narcissist.” Her voice didn’t get any louder, she just continued in the same soft and disdainful tone. She wasn’t detached, the strength of her opinion was too much for that. Still the vitriol wasn’t personal; it was the manner of disgust you reserved for shit on your shoe, knowing it had no agency of its own but feeling wroth with its presence nonetheless. “I had a roommate like you when I was going through the academy. Brilliant. Talented. Lazy. She had that same artistic temperament, that breed of perfectionism that means nothing gets done at all. But that’s okay, because you’re a genius just like she was.”

There was venom in those words, bubbling beneath no matter how controlled they seemed. Venom she had underestimated. This attitude wasn’t the game she’d pegged it for, not quite, and that realization shifted the whole of the Earth beneath her feet. Her mouth was too dry to answer, and the Ars Magi didn’t really wait; she pushed a harness and a rifle into her hands, something satisfied in those eyes dimly seen.

“We’re going to get to the rest of your test now. Put in the earpiece,” She demonstrated by pulling the device out of a pouch on a second harness, and pushing it into her ear. “We’ll be able to communicate for the duration.”

“This harness will pick up magic.” She swung it from her finger, gesturing at it with her sidearm. “Your rifle’s output has been limited. It’ll still sting, but mostly it’ll just be enough to trigger the sensor. We’re both going to wear one. If yours records more pulses than mine, you lose.”
“And if yours does?”

“You win. Obviously.” Rivka got the sense her eyes had rolled, while both fastened the harnesses around their torsos. “You’ve got half an hour’s head start. We’ll end when I decide I’ve seen enough. You can go in any direction.”

The Magi reached for something on her wrist, and Rivka heard a single beep.


Rivka dropped to one knee, rather than beginning to walk, and checked her laces. Then she checked the laces on her other boot. Then how secure the sling on the rifle was. Her evaluator’s foot started tapping while she checked the sight’s alignment and the rifle’s charge.

“A head start is supposed to be for moving, you know. Or do you think the test is on how well you tie your shoes?”

“Never,” Rivka replied, finally slinging the rifle’s strap across her body. “Trust a weapon you haven’t personally examined and fired.”

She rose to her feet in a smooth motion, leveled the rifle and put a single low strength shot into her evaluator’s chest. The older Magi staggered in the brief flash, and Rivka stepped away around the corner of the building while the harness beeped a shot recorded.

“Think you’re funny, cadet?”

“Very. But the head start is for me, not you. If you’re as good as you think you can make up the point difference fast.”

“I will.” Absolute surety took a little of the fun away, sent a little splash of cold water through her system. But Rivka had been keeping time, and her lead was far from over. Which was fortunate, since she could barely see in the dark. She’d tripped twice already. But she knew what she was looking for, the witch could yap while she searched. “Captain Wei was the first one to be a little suspicious. Unfortunately for you.”

“Of what?”

“Of what I think you might really be. Wei thought you were just a pain, a singularly unlikable cadet. But she noticed at the end of the ambush, when you were almost out of the subway. The moment you almost kept walking. Left everyone else to fend for themselves.”

“I didn’t,” Rivka protested, pausing in the street. “Wei told us to keep moving.”

“Which, I can’t help but notice you disobeyed.”

“What? Would you make up your mind? Is it a problem that I almost left, or that I didn’t?”

“Both.” Came the reply, to Rivka’s exasperation. “Disobedience isn’t a good trait in a cadet. But an unwillingness to leave anyone behind is a good trait in an Ars Magi. It’d be a good thing if I thought that was it.”

“I don’t, though. I just think you were too afraid.” The ridicule flowed into her ear, that venom burning through her like fire. She had no idea what this witch’s problem was. What the hell she’d done to earn this kind of reception so fast. “Thought you were better off sticking with the group. Hiding behind Selma, that’s your way isn’t it? Perfectly brave as long as someone else is in the firing line.”

“Go to hell.”

“Struck a nerve there.”

It was a change felt not seen, like a note’s change too low to be heard over the group’s composite but perceptible in the hands of a skilled musician. A change in pressure, a little blip on the sixth sense that came with the ability to manipulate the Nox. She felt it move, as if drawn into a vacuum, and she dropped to the street before she’d even processed it.

The shot struck a ruined building two feet in front of her, shattering a portion of the wall and sprinkling debris on the street. That wasn’t the same as her rifle. she would’ve barely chipped it. What the hell was she playing at, that—

Could have been her head.

“… sure what I think, yet.” The voice continued in her ear, when the flood of adrenaline allowed her to hear again. Rivka’s blood ran abruptly cold, the bottom of her stomach dropping away completely. She felt sick. “Whatever the reason, though, you’re my problem now.”

“Are you insane? That would have killed me!”

“Probably.” Her evaluator allowed, the same disinterest that had pissed her off chilling her very bones. “Crippled you, at least. That was the point. You were right when you told Dr. Oaken that your powers made you akin to a god, a minor one at least. All that power, in your hands.”

“So what? You’ll kill me?”

“If I have to.” The words cut like a knife, and pushed away Rivka’s indecision. Her brain hadn’t caught up, not just yet, but she was in danger. Just like in the subway. If she stayed still she’d die. She rolled to one side of the ruined street, pushing herself back up to her knees and listening carefully. “You can’t be allowed to keep that power. It’d be better if you quit. Just went away. But you’re too arrogant for that, or you wouldn’t be here, would you?”

“I’m here to be an Ars Magi,” Rivka managed, pressing ber back to a wall and breathing slowly. In the dark, she couldn’t see where to go. Or where the older Magi might be coming from.

“You’re here to be special. It’s nothing but ego.”

Again, her instincts screamed and again she heeded them; she dove and rolled aside just before another crack of force shattered part of the wall she’d leaned on. Just like in the subway, she knew, this was not a straight fight she could win. Insane or not, her instructor was a full Ars Magi skilled enough to be asked to evaluate a cadet. Victory was not assured here. She had to escape. In the dark she wouldn’t be able to see, she’d be hopelessly lost even if she could make it more than a few feet without tripping. And she—

“Did it bother you, killing humans?”


She wasn’t quite fast enough this time, but fortunately the building was thick. It passed through one wall and a second, hitting her in the side and knocking her to the street. She felt the vibrations all the way through to her teeth, let alone the ringing in her ears. Lucky break that it had to be bleed so much energy before it reached her, or she’d be feeling more than an imminent bruise. Now if she could just listen…

Listen. The vibration, the ringing— the Magi had to have sound for an elementum. That was half, at least, the reason to keep talking to her. Every time she spoke the lunatic could zero in on her and fire, no real sight needed.

That was a problem, but it was one she understood. She had the parameters of the situation, she could work it out. But she’d have to play along a little first.

“Is it bothering you?” She asked, jogging slowly down the street as soon as she finished speaking. The next shot, just as she’d been hoping, impacted where she’d been when she spoke. A sort of echolocation, then, for sure. Don’t speak and stay still.

“A little. But that’s not what I asked.”

“When have I killed anyone?”

“In the subway? Wei’s report made it clear. She had to read all four of you in on what they were.” Right. The… Zombies, for lack of a better word. The infected. The people in the subway. Driven mad, perhaps, by the Nox but beyond a doubt no longer human. Not when they could take a shot to the head and stay standing. She’d never admitted it, not out loud, but it had taken more than a week to stop having nightmares about them. She still did, sometimes. “Wei says you didn’t hesitate. Not when you didn’t know who they could be. Not when you saw that they might be people, either.”

“They had Chie.” The words were slow to come out, hampered by fear and the memory of fear. She didn’t move as far, this time, but she needn’t have bothered; the shot didn’t come. Was she out of position? Trying to disguise the trick? “And Crystal. I had to, even if they’d been human.”


“Do you think they still were?”

“Are we?”

“… I’m not sure.”

“That’s something. For what it’s worth, I doubt there was anything else you could do. But there’s our problem.” Rivka heard, she was sure, boots on rubble. Maybe a couple streets over? “You didn’t hesitate. Actually, I hear you tried to bill the Academy before they recovered your luggage. No idea what state your escort might be in, no idea how many people might’ve died in the subway, and you thought you’d submit a complaint?”

“An Ars Magi should be brave. Carry on whatever the cost. But they shouldn’t be numb to it. With the power you have, you could do so much damage. Just don’t think you’re wired right. But it’s not your fault they didn’t see the signs. One chance, Sokolov. Give up.”

“… Nyet.” Panic began to burn away, gradually but with greater fervor every moment. This witch didn’t know a goddamned thing about her. She’d already decided, right there in the subway, that she was an Ars Magi. Qualified or not, with power or without, she had chosen to protect. She wouldn’t give up because this nut demanded it. She wouldn’t die because she decreed it. Not without one hell of a fight, first. She had promises to keep. Expectations to live up to.

Like hell was she going to let all those girls down now.

She had a plan, too, at least a bit of one. Enough maybe to have a shot. The sun was rising enough to see, just barely, but her hunter’s sound trick would serve her better for a while yet. She could use that. And she could use the oil drums that hadn’t quite been used up during the panic, right here by the street. Rivka slammed a brick down on the lid, letting the metallic sound ring loud and clear, before taking off across the street at a dead run. The shot hit the building, just like she’d expected, but that hadn’t been the point. The point had been to get her to focus those senses in one place.

It wasn’t much, not without giving herself away completely. If she transformed first, her hunter would hear and she’d be finished. But here, at the edge of Palmyra’s shields, the Nox was thicker. She’d had the potential to use it before they placed this stone inside her.

She just needed a spark.

The moment it answered her call, the brief second when Nox became fire, she started moving. This was where it’d be tricky. She started running with all the strength she could muster, adrenaline permitting her to ignore the burning in her muscles from a run that in hindsight was clearly meant to weaken her. The barrels went up, loud and bright, and she heard the cry of pain from her hunter. Certainly it hadn’t helped her super hearing, and if she was very, very lucky she might’ve been close enough to take some of the blast.

Now it was a matter of if she could reach the magibike before the Magi recovered and realized what she was doing.

One block.




The shock hit her shoulder and knocked her spinning to the ground, but she knew better than to stay still. She kept rolling so the next one didn’t strike home.

“That was clever,” Her evaluator growled, extending her Gladius; a long, blade bisected so as to resemble a tuning fork. That confirmed her elementum for sure, at least. “Should’ve taken the deal. Used that brain someplace else, you arrogant brat.”

“I am so fucking sick of you!”

God above, if she was going to die she was not going to listen to this nagging any longer. The curse came out without grace, without music, without patience; she simple screamed the last, pure desperation as she reached for the magic at her core. So bright was the flare of magic, of flame, that the shape was burned into any retina in sight. Another sonic bolt flew, but it was all wrong; Rivka was moving, shot out like a rocket, and the older Magi couldn’t see to adjust.

She was blinking the light away when the moment passed, but she wasn’t idle. And for all her fucking lunacy, she was good. The edge of her sword was pressing against Rivka’s stomach. Only her greater durability and her Parma kept it from biting into her as her chest rose and fell, breathing raggedly after the sudden exertion.

But her bayonet, held in her off hand, was at the older Magi’s throat, and her rifle pointed at the ground between them.

“Now what, you fucking psycho?” She breathed, staring down those disdainful eyes. “What’s the play?”

“You can’t kill me.” The Sonic Magi’s voice was soft again, but no less angry. “Even if you could do it without dying, they’d never believe you.”

“Think they’ll buy ‘training accident’ after what I can do to you first?”

“… Why do this?” The Magi tilted her head, as much as she could with a blade at her neck. “Your only chance was to run. You’ve got a chance of taking me with you, maybe, but no chance to get out of here. Why struggle like this? Why not take the deal?”

“Because I chose to be an Ars Magi. Because I write the symphony of my life, and that means I write how it ends. I won’t write such a pathetic ending.” Her bayonet pressed a little closer, the edge beginning to heat red hot. “I deserve better than that. My team deserves better than that. Everyone I could ever have helped deserves better, even your psychotic ass. And frankly? Because fuck you.”


That, after the morning she’d had, was when Rivka thought she might have lost her mind. When the Magi started laughing. Softly at first, but with genuine mirth that seemed a little more natural on her face than veiled disdain had. She pulled away her sword, very carefully, and held her other hand up palm forward.

“You can breathe now, Rivka.”

“Here. Nice and clear.” The opposing Magi’s Parma faded away, replaced again by her clothes from before. Rivka stared, a little blankly, which she seemed to find just a little funny. “You can keep the gun on me, if you want. No trouble. I promise. I’m Kraya.”

At a loss for words, Rivka withdrew a couple steps. She didn’t put the bayonet down, not just yet. She couldn’t quite get the question to form in her mind, the one with an answer that might make this lunacy make sense. Instead all she managed was; “Why?”

“Tell you over a proper breakfast. Come on, follow me back to camp. You can stoke the fire back up for us before you relax.”

Kraya headed for camp, comfortable and casual as can be despite the potential for a gun aimed at her back. Still a little dumbstruck Rivka trailed behind for the few blocks to camp, where a dying fire waited. Kraya shrugged off her harness and dropped her sidearm on her pack, gesturing patiently with a hand towards the fire.

If her evaluator was acting, Rivka couldn’t see any reason for it. Or sign of it. She might have been completely, genuinely certifiable but that… Just didn’t seem to fit. Maybe she really had just completely snapped, and none of this was happening. That didn’t really track either, though. So she stoked the fire with her rifle, encouraged the flames to new life with her magic, and sat down on a conveniently sized rock.

“Thank you. There’s coffee, but I’m not ready for more energy just yet. I doubt you are, either.” The older Magi hung a pot, evidently pre-prepared, above the fire. “First of all, in case it wasn’t obvious— you passed.”

“Passed what? What kind of test was—“ The musician trailed off helplessly, gesturing futilely around as though the movement could finish her sentence.

“The most important kind.” Kraya settled on a rock of her own, stirring the pot idly. “I’m sure it was distressing. I meant it to be. I had to have you under duress, if I was going to be sure I got the honest truth.”

“Truth about what?”

“Who you are. Rivka, you have the vices of your virtues. Talent and passion serve you well, but you can seem pretty intense. Aloof. Mercurial.” She laughed again. “I gotta tell you, your psych report was a real read and a half. The thing is, I know you’ve got the skills. I can read your file to see that. Could have told you that even without reading your file. But all of that passion, how do I know what you’ll do when there’s someone you don’t want to save? When your duty requires that you put your life on the line for a real piece of work? They’re people, too.”

“Doesn’t matter who they are. I decided to—“

“To be an Ars Magi. Be a hero.” Kraya smiled more gently and picked up a pair of tin plates. “That’s good. It’s the first step. You’ve shown a lot of it, too. Three or four times, depending on how you want to count, you’ve jumped in to help someone else and risked your own hide to do it. For people you like. For people you’re neutral on, even. But you’ve got a temper, too. Not hard to notice.”

“… You thought I might hurt someone?”

“No. Psych eval doesn’t think so. I didn’t think so. But ‘think’ really isn’t good enough.” She leaned in while ladling out what looked to be potatoes cooked with onions and— Rivka’s mouth watered— bacon. “You really do have power. If we were wrong, people could get hurt. It’s happened in the past.”

“How are you so sure now? I mean, I only proved I was willing to make a great big mess before I died.”

“Yes, you did. Good attitude for it, too!” Her laugh was louder, and she passed over a plate. “No, that’s not what I meant. In that moment there were half a dozen different ways you could have tried to kill me. If that was what you wanted, you could have gotten to it even after we got into our little standoff. You seem like you’d have wanted to get some choice words in first, even if no one was going to remember them. But there was plenty of time. You didn’t want to kill me.”

“I kinda did.”

“Well, yes. After pushing your buttons that hard and that long, I’d be surprised if you didn’t. I should say you didn’t want to have to kill me.” Kraya shrugged, taking a few bites of her breakfast. “A small distinction, but an important one. I am, now, completely reassured.”

“So, that was all an act?”

“Sort of.” Kraya waggled her hand, palm down. “Just like your virtues produce your vices, the best lies are hidden in truths. Sometimes they’re the same thing, depending on how you present them.”

“… Did you really know an artist like that in the academy?”

“She was my roommate.” Out came two mugs, as Rivka’s own Parma finally was permitted to fade. “That’s where the truth of it ends, though. She’s brilliant, always has been. Once I understood her better.”

“Now what?”

“Now, we’ll have breakfast. Coffee. Let the sun come up properly. Then we’ll run through a few skill checks, just to give me a proper, personal idea of what you can do without all the extra psychological warfare. Give it a few more hours and we’ll have you back with your team yet.”
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Inedible
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Inedible Sanitize 99.9%!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

𝙽𝚘𝚟𝚊 𝙻𝚞𝚡 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢

𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚢 𝟸𝟷𝚜𝚝, 𝟷𝟷𝟽 𝙰𝚅
𝟸:𝟶𝟶 𝙿𝙼

Masuzu Chie, Crystal von Caelestis, Rivka Sokolov, Selma Rosmarie


Fire tests gold, and none of Kheper were found wanting.

It is not so for every cadet at Nova Lux. As the dormitories slowly fill once again there are tales of victories and losses, of sweat, blood, and magic. Very few tell the same story, and not every cadet has been cleared for field work. Failure, however, is merely a painful setback—each girl is too precious a resource to merely write off entirely.

Still, there is a clear divide between those who have and those who lack. It’s the latter who receive the greatest reward: Two weeks reprieve from drills, tests, or schoolwork. A proper, no-strings-attached break.

That brief vacation is marred only by the reports that begin to slowly filter through the city. They come from the local TV networks first; A heavy front of Nox is sweeping down across the coast, a slowly-building vortex of toxic magic. Soon enough the Palmyran military is confirming that the storm will be hitting the city, and the preparations begin soon after.

Barricades are re-enforced, shelters shuttered, Nox diffusers checked and re-checked. There’s a palpable air of unease that turns to sinking dread. This is not the first time such a thing has happened, but such storms have never boded well, and no sanctum city has ever weathered one without issue.

By the time the cadets are back on duty they have new briefings waiting for them. Nova Lux’s Ars Magi will be second in the line of defense should anything break through the walls and the full-fledged Magi defending them. Teams are to be deployed throughout the city at strategic points to repel any invaders, along with a small detail of officers to supervise and coordinate the defensive efforts.

And so begins the storm of the century.

𝚂𝚝. 𝙽𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚊𝚜 𝙲𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚕
𝙰𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝟾𝚝𝚑, 𝟷𝟷𝟽 𝙰𝚅
𝟺:𝟶𝟶 𝙿𝙼

Masuzu Chie, Crystal von Caelestis, Rivka Sokolov, Selma Rosmarie

The tempest hits at exactly 1600 hours.

Kheper’s assignment is South-Central Palmyra, near the northern end of the massive Zolotoy Bridge that stretches across the bay cutting through the center of the city. Their base of operations is St. Nicholas Cathedral, a weathered two-story building on a tall hill overlooking the bay. From its single tower one can see the burning blue lights of the Nox diffusers lining the bay, and the gleaming lights of the Zolotoy.

A vanguard of heavy raindrops splatter against the arched windows of the church, the steady rattle soon replaced by a thundering roar as the sky outside turns a wicked black. Anyone at one of those windows can see the churning black fog creeping across the bay, poisonous clouds billowing up against the lines of the glowing blue pylons that serve as Palmyra’s defenses.

The satellite imagery provided by the array of monitors the officers have set up paints the full picture in blurry infra-red: A swirling tornado of Nox is slowly engulfing the city, eating away at the glowing median of Palmyra’s border.

Kheper are spared the details of the wider effort. What little they can glean from the screens and quiet chatter of their handlers is that their seniors are hard at work at the walls.

Time passes. The night deepens and the sky goes black.

One of the cadets from the Officer’s Academy—Crystal recognizes him as Liam Castra Neptune, her dance partner from the military ball—provides coffee to ward against the sleep and the steadily increasing chill, plus grainy protean bars on request.

The downpour grows stronger. The wind howls.

“Captain.” One of the young officers voices cuts through the makeshift outpost. “Power Station 5 is reporting an attack.”

The older woman in charge switches the satellite feed, scrolling a few buildings over. The glowing shape of the Station is pristine, bright yellow against the red cloud that surrounds the city. It’s not far—about five city blocks.
“We’ve lost comms.” Reports another cadet.

“Understood.” Replies the captain. She turns toward the Ars Magi next, her voice clipped and authoritative:

“Deploy and investigate. Protect the station at all costs.”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 17 days ago

She wasn't complaining, and that was almost worth worrying over.

The last time their exercises had taken them out in the rain Rivka had sulked, almost from start to finish. This passivity under unpleasant conditions was... Unusual. She had accepted coffee graciously, cupping it with both hands for its warmth. It wasn't the first time she had been like this, though; since her evaluation the Magi had been...

Humbled wasn't the word. It was doubtful she could be humbled, that wasn't a word that belonged in a sentence with her. Her belief in herself, her absolute sense of self, was too durable for that. Too resilient. But she had been quieter. Not subdued, but slightly disconnected. Distracted. The first few days of her two week break were among the quietest, for she seemed as though her mind was always on something else. Ignis aurum probat; the golden girl had been tested, and in the process something had changed. Some quality, some kind of ineffable wisdom, had been given unto her, and she had like a caterpillar taken to her cocoon (of blankets) to undergo metamorphosis. Unlike a caterpillar however, hers was much faster; not even Rivka Sokolov at her laziest could simply lay around for so long. There were arts to be perfected, ideas to test, all manner of life to be lived. But still some quality of that silence had lingered, eluding understanding.

"Ponyal. Thank you, Cadet." The latter remark she addressed to Liam Neptune, as she set her cup of coffee down lightly and rose from her seat shrugging the light blanket she had draped over her shoulders off in the process. There was in her carriage something new, a surety of foot that hadn't been there before. She was heading for the door from the first step, without a moment's hesitation to face the howling wind and booming thunder. They were instruments themselves, of course; life was a performance, its trials and adversities the crescendos and diminuendos of the piece. Without them there could be no true flare, so who was she to complain about the instruments she was given?

The darkness beyond the door blazed lilac for the briefest moment, as though the water that reached her skin had ignited. Her standby clothes were gone and replaced by her Parma; the rain that touched her did not ignite, but it did give rise to training steam that followed her every move. It was time to work. It was time to work. It was time to aim high. It was time to perform.

"Come on, girls. Let's knock 'em dead."
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As the bulwark of Kheper, Selma had long treated the staff and logistics teams around their base of operations to the emerald light show of ascending to radiance already— they’d dug their heels in and waited a good while now, after all. Never hurt to have one element immediately ready to go, and hurt even less to have it be the one with stamina for days and a built-in warning system. Never one to slack on her work, she’d spent the weeks since her examination looking to refine and iterate on that seismic sense that had proven a keystone in her passing marks. Pointedly, the building they had been stationed at was built more than anything else to carry sound.

While she had yet to touch upon any breakthrough as major as those the summit had forced out of her, she was, at this point, quite confident she had as clear a read on their immediate surroundings as anyone could, tying milling points of vibration to each face in the crew that feverishly transmitted information around and through Saint Nicholas’s venerable cathedral. As her focus meandered between point to point, she inevitably took in snippets of the chatter flowing into the radio comms. She couldn’t stick to any one conversation too long, needed to keep casting a wide net to catch any would-be saboteurs trying to knock them out ahead of schedule— but as a composite, she gleaned the most important thing of all— this was the big one.

She heard more than that, too—

Caught in the depths of the wood and stone, bouncing between the smallest cracks that time had weathered in the humble spires, gilded domes, and carved archways of the old tower, the breath of music still lived within, singing hymns of joy and hope in the ghostly chorus of generations past. Those that knew this place not as Palmyra, but as Vladivostok. Those that knew nothing of the scourge that assailed their ancient home.

Ever the traditionalist, our heroine sat perched upon a knee with her head down, hands clasped near the heart as she let the sole of her boot press into the walls, letting the phantoms of choir, organ, and heavy bell high above wash over her. She was no Orthodox— theology was always a little high-minded for her in general— but all the same the big girl drank in the music, drank in the belief behind it, and resolved to pay her dues to the history she, and only she, was privileged to connect with.

Hmmm hmmm hmmm...

Kheper were always a quiet bunch by nature, but this attunement with the voices of the earth left even Selma, the brashest of them, reduced to absently weighing in on the idle chatter that floated between her girls, “hurry up and wait” enough to draw it out of anyone. As Rivka sidled up close by and began to entomb herself in soft, heavy blankets, it was with some chagrin that Selma was incapable of sharing the symphony. That firecracker, so much more than she, was the one who would appreciate how song and will survived the ages.

Time passed. The winds raged. Rain hammered. The building creaked upon the hill. Her subsonic vigil continued.

There was a swell in activity. Sharp voices from young cadets cut through the tense chatter, relaying a problem that had cropped up some five blocks removed from them. Hearts began to hammer. Far enough to not be an imminent threat, barely passed over by the big girl’s furthest listening, but close enough that Kheper were on call to investigate— but Selma caught the edge in the Captain’s tone as she said “Protect at all costs”. Same as Wei’s, seemingly a lifetime ago.

With this vortex of Nox overhead, battering the city all through the long night, everyone here knew as well as she— all likelihood said that they were headed in for a fight.

Mighty bellows deep in her chest blew a wind to match the storm as she rose to attention, cracking her knuckles beneath the metallic gauntlets of her Parma. Each popping joint cast the outpost outside her cone of vision into a moment of sharp relief in the mind’s eye, something she used to her full, petty advantage— Swiping a cup offered a while back from Liam, who she recognized from the ball, while Rivka’s transformation blazed front and center.

She’d waved him away initially, on grounds of not wanting the caffeine to push her pulse too high while listening in, but now…

“Can’t let this go to waste. Cheers~” she chuckled, tapping her cup against his own with a cheeky grin before downing it all in one massive pull. Lukewarmed by the nighttime chill, but no less effective for it, she felt her mind sharpen and a lightness flood out from the torso, as though embossing the flow of Nox within. Good. Strong stuff, justifying the bitter smoke of it. Pulling her scarf up to ward away the cold, she stepped out into the night promptly, letting the hammer inside sing as Kleinbruder appeared in her grip.

Ready, she reported, scanning the wet, empty streets. That easy grin still plastered itself on her visage, never to leave, but her gaze was alert in a manner foreign to their prior trials— her instructor had done well to impress upon her proper respect for situations like these. “Everybody stick close, alright? As long as we don’t stray more than a couple blocks…”

A pair of fingers to the carotid, confirming a hammerlike beat on heightened time, mirroring an uptick in the heart.

“I’ll be able to keep an eye out. Same goes for the approach on the station. If I feel anything weird, we’ll all know ahead of time. Be keeping you guys back here as in the loop as we can, Captain. Anything left before we bound, ladies?”
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 30 min ago

In the weeks that followed the field readiness exam, Crystal had spent a decent chunk of her time recovering from it, and twice as much trying to make up for doing so and take her mind off of it by training. The girl didn't know why Mara had acted like her family name meant something to her, and perhaps she'd never know. Still, she hadn't been foolhardy enough to try to wean herself off her crutches despite the now-blooming thought of trying to do so. Crystal would never admit it, especially to Mara, nor would she ever thank her for it, but simply surviving the ordeal got her thinking that maybe she actually did have the strength to overcome her mental handicap. She had never considered trying to do so to be a good idea until her exam instructor had shown her that it was, however minutely, possible to do so at all. But with the increasing possibility that lives would depend on her functioning at a proper pace, the needed time to experiment with that possibility was nonexistent. And so the days leading to the storm she made the decision to use her coping methods more effectively, rather than less often.

As the storm raged, the twin-tailed girl had a strong need to politely but firmly reject Liam's kind offer of coffee. While she didn't particularly care for the stuff, she knew that the caffeine would likely be useful... unfortunate then that she had chosen citrus as her passcode in the time leading up to it being presented to her. To be faced with such a (literal) storm of Nox would put many of her fellow Nova Lux students on edge. It was enough that she herself felt the need to preempt such feelings with such a choice. She didn't have time to lament or feel bad about it; she had to be ready to go at a moment's notice.

The call to mobilize came, and Rivka led them through the door. Selma gave her usual reassurance, both via her words and her clear confidence. Stick close echoed in her mind as she transformed in a brilliant flash of azure. As she passed through the door herself, she chose to swallow the now nigh-flavorless confection she was known to be addicted to, rather than waste further time being proper.

Standing just outside, where the rain could reach her, she breathed in the chilly air slowly, holding it for a moment before an equally deep exhale. "Right." A glance was cast over her shoulder towards the non-combatants who would be remaining behind Kheper, and as Hiems materialized in her loose grip so too did a light smile on her lips.

"Consider it safe."

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Chie had spent most of her time looking out the windows, losing herself in the chaotic rattling of the rain. Something was bugging her about the exams everyone had gone through, a feeling that had eaten away at her ever since the four girls reunited after their individual evaluations.

She had it easy.

Nobody had said so out loud; a good chance it didn't even cross their mind. But compared to what the others had gone through, their stories; Chie's evaluation was a breeze. Chie ended up with a few wounds, sure. None of them severe, and her instructor was more toying with her than actually trying to kill her. But Rivka, Selma, Crystal- their instructors sounded downright malicious. Days long excursions that tested the limit of the girls' endurance, fights that had a real chance of killing one of them... not to mention the state Crystal was left in after her trial.

It bugged Chie. She couldn't quite tell why, but it did. It's not like she wanted to be as beat up as her teammates were, and her first instinct was worry for their health above all else. So then why did her getting off easy plague her mind so? Chie closed her eyes for a bit, remembering back to it. Remembering the words of her instructor.

"Stop doubting yourself."

A tapping on her shoulder snapped the girl out of her thinking. Liam, one of the cadets, offered her a cup of coffee. Chie gave him a warm, if slightly pained smile and humbly accepted it. She... didn't like coffee very much. It was bitter, it often tasted burnt and her household was much more fond of tea. Beggars can't be choosers, though, and its not like she was going to pass up on some needed stimulants. Chie carefully drank down the cup, trying not to think too much about the taste as she did. Luckily the protein bar- though hardly exciting itself- did a good enough job of cleansing her palette after. All too well, too, since it looked time for Kheper to shape up and roll out. Chie hadn't missed the ominous black clouds that had tainted the sky, so it was only a matter of time before something happened. Chie glanced over at the monitors, trying to get as good of a look in at the area as she could get before the orders to deploy came in.

"Yes Ma'am!" Chie saluted and wasted no time with transforming into her parma. She stuck close to her team while still being the last one out of the building, frowning at the awful weather. Rivka, Selma, Crystal- all of them talkative, all of them gearing up for a fight. Chie didn't spare much of a look back at the soldiers who would be left behind, her eyes fixed on her team. She felt some of the tension glide off her shoulders when she saw their confidence shining so radiantly against the darkened night. Involuntarily, her face eased up, the corners of her mouth curled up just a tiny bit. Its their first real mission together, and somehow, maybe, everything was going to be alright. She just knew it would be.

"Selma, I'll use my magic to help you scout the area. Don't be afraid to rely on me," she offered. She knows about Selma's seismic trick, but it took a lot of concentration. Chie had a slightly easier time feeling out the shifting centers of gravity than she used to, but the rain was throwing a lot of grey noise into the mix. Between her and Selma, though, there wasn't a whole lot that could slip by unnoticed. "Nothing should get past the both of us. And even if something somehow did," Chie continued her thought, pausing to look at her two other teammates, "then Rivka and Crystal should be able to cover us."
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Inedible
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Inedible Sanitize 99.9%!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Then, into the storm.

The weather they'd faced in their training exercises pales in comparison to what lurks now in the skies above Palmyra. Even towering Selma Rosemarie, who has touched the snow-capped tips of the world, hasn't seen nature at this level of maliciousness.
Maybe it's because it isn't entirely natural.

Rain sleets down, a heavy curtain that would force a normal human to bow under its pressure. Lightning dances across the skies, jagged arcs with an unnatural red tint. Between those staccato bursts the world is lit only by the pale blue glow of Plamyra's Nox diffusers, glowing lanterns that cap the long metal poles suspending them above the city streets. Normally they'd breathe gently with light, a slow and steady pulse–but tonight burn bright and hot with effort to repel the poison in the frigid air.

It only takes a few minutes of travel, given the speed at which Team Kheper can move. Soon enough they arrive at the power station, a blocky two-story building surrounded by sturdy fencing. A row of blocky generators and stocky pylons sit within the protected enclosure, several of them protected by heavy tarps and sheets.

The path of destruction is immediately obvious: a chunk of the heavy duty fencing has been sliced through, a clean V shaped cut that's left the edges of the thick bars melted into slag. There are scorch marks along the concrete, thin burns that scour the path forward. Chie and Selma, both with sonars of their own type, can feel the limp figures of Imperium soldiers slumped across the inner perimeter of the power station.

They at least have some forewarning before the explosion. They are people-shapes moving amongst the pylons, disguised in the rain and dark. They're detectable for just a moment before the distortion of the eruption, a blue ball of flame that erupts from the line of generators and briefly lights the darkness. A nearby pylon, a chunk now missing, groans as the latticework of metal begins toppling toward the ground.

In its wake is another pop, and then another, electric blue sparks blossoming across the long line of batteries.

And in the midst of the machinery, wreaking destruction as she walks, is a woman. It's hard to make out clear details in the brief flashes of light, but she's of average height, dressed in a sleek and armored bodysuit. More interesting are what hovers in the air around her; around a half-dozen fist sized metal diamonds that glow with a burning yellow light. They twirl and arc through the air, releasing beams of vivid white energy that slice through the generators like a hot knife through butter.

On the streets nearby the sapphire light of the Nox diffusers flicker and dim, the buildings nearby letting out a anguished hum as the power coursing through their walls is abruptly and violently halted. The lights in the windows of the nearby control building flicker as well, dimming, slowly losing life as magic bleeds out from machinery and disperses uselessly into the cool air.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 17 days ago

"Could, can, and will," she confirmed, meeting Chie's look with one of reassurance. Not that she felt Chie specifically needed it; she didn't have any doubts about the other Magi's resolve. The nature of the statement, the choice of 'should', spoke instead to the simple fact that they hadn't worked together as a team yet. Not for real, not when the stakes were genuine. When the only real safety net was that which they could provide each other. The statement was for all of them, herself included; an affirmation that she could watch their backs, and that she would watch their backs.

"We've got plenty of time left, so I want to give you some pointers and run you through some exercises. The first, most important thing I need you to hear; fire is energy. Fire is a reaction. Without you to maintain it it'll only burn as long as it has fuel. You'll always burn through magical power faster than your friends, if you try and match their output."

What, then?

"Fight smart. Fight creatively. I'm going to show you how much you've limited yourself since your Elementum. But when you get right down to it you need to go into a fight for the long haul—"

—or finish it hard and finish it fast.

Water came down oppressively, less like droplets and more a suffocating blanket that draped itself over everything. Like an ocean had appeared above their heads in an instant. It didn't steam when it struck her skin like it had in the past, there was no time; it grounded away the excess heat as it sluiced off of her to mingle with the water accumulating around her feet. She'd have been more concerned about working with her element if she hadn't felt the air brimming with nox. It was stronger, denser, the closer they grew to the generators.

She had expected a Void, maybe even a few of them; not whoever— whatever— the woman striding through the carnage was. Her evaluator. her instructor, had tried to warn her of what could happen if an Ars Magi went bad. It seemed an awful lot like they were going to see firsthand.

"Eyes up, girls," Her rifle broke open and she spun it once, twice, thrice around her finger by the trigger guard, with every rotation imagining the barrels scooping Nox out of the air. Compressing it, denser, denser, and denser. After the third rotation her fingers closed fast around the grip and the barrel snapped back into place; the red inlay of the weapon glowed. It smoldered in the low light, hot enough to the touch that the rain sputtered when it struck metal. "She doesn't look friendly. Station is engaged by suspected hostile Ars Magi, Captain."

"Kheper, babes, I'm ready to hit her hard. Selma-Selma, you and Crytal are gonna be our best defense I think. Sound off when you're ready and I'll start the music."
Hidden 9 mos ago 9 mos ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Selma-Selma, ever steadfast, smirked for a single moment in recognition of her beloved catchphrase beginning to spread to the rest of her girls, proof positive that the seeds she'd planted in them were now set to germinate—

And then exhaled, wide-mouthed so as to let as little sound as she could muster free, and shifted Kleinbruder's heft in her hand, eyes settled upon their mysterious soon-to-be adversary. Beneath the bodysuit could have really been anything or anyone, but the way the armored woman carried herself didn't at all match up with anybody Selma could claim to recognize. Before, sufficiently strong Voids had manifested more humanoid shapes and intent than their sub-C-Class counterparts—

But to her knowledge, none had shown the faculty to command anything looking so like Elementa. Metallic, laser shooting diamonds weren't exactly a one-to-one with any of the traditional natural forces like those the four of them held Dominion over, true, but each arc of destructive force they drew clearly punched at the same weight class. As far as she was concerned, Rivka made the right call in her communication— Even if this wasn't technically an Ars Magi once the dust settled, she didn't plan on treating the woman like anything less.

"Ready here. Crystal and I can fortify this spot no problem. The only problem would be..." she relayed in a soft tone, gaze quickly darting to the ruins of shorn metal above and around them. "I can attack her balance or drop more scaffolding onto her if we need to, but it's going to need precision. We shouldn't count on it unless bringing more than we bargain for down on our heads is worth the risk. Chie, can you tell how many workers are still trapped further in?"
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Chie was focused. Dashing through the streets, rain crashing down on the team, she did her best to attune herself to the ripples caused by any center of gravity in motion- or in this case, the distinct lack of one. She couldn't sense a thing besides the four of them. She didn't have much time to process if it was a good or ill omen, but until they got closer to their target, there was... nothing. But when the four did get to the power station, the presence was unmistakable. Something- no, several somethings were moving about. Skulking, darting, sneaking- different weights to different shapes. A chill ran down Chie's spine as she tried to warn her team:

"Wait, stay--"

But she was too late. A bright flash of light blinded the four of them, their ears bursting with the loud bang of an explosion. Machinery came crashing down with sparks flying everywhere as blue-hot fire tore through, only to be followed by another, and another. If the lightning wasn't bad enough already, now this was causing even more of a whiplash between the dark and the brief flashes of light. Still, there was something unmistakable walking casually between the chaos. Something all four of them saw: A woman, clad in armor, using what can only be described as magic not dissimilar to their own.

Rivka took charge, Selma followed up. "Right! Give me a moment," Chie chimed in, crouching down to make herself small so she could close her eyes and cast out a wide net, feeling her way through all the foreign objects. Heavy, light... wrong, wrong... until she found the healthy middle ground, human bodies panicking and running about. "Eight... no, ten. I can sense ten people conscious, maybe more that aren't."

Chie got up and summoned her gladius, bracing herself for combat. "They're all over... I can stop the fall of anything that might hit them, but if we tear everything up, we'll just cause casualties," she said, her eyes darting around. "What do we do? Engage her together, or try to lure her away?"
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 30 min ago

Lucky to be so used to the cold, unlucky to have its vehicle of delivery so damn annoying. It was like standing under the waterfall again, yet somehow less... comforting, if she had to put it to words. A waterfall at least was natural. Taking a look at the fence, pausing just for a moment, the thought that this was going to be more trouble than expected flew by. It didn't look like it came from a single source, but rather two. Or perhaps someone with Rivka's power, though why then in the shape it was?

Then came the explosion. Crystal had to cover her eyes with a hand not to be blinded, and when her sight returned to full strength she could see the damage it had done. She didn't have much time to study it before movement caught her eye, what certainly seemed to be a human woman armed and armored. Her first thought was that she might also be an Ars Magi, but this was washed away by another. That looks like weaponry tech. Tech she hadn't seen, but technology nonetheless.

Crystal nodded as her teammates mentioned her, and then again as Chie asked for a plan. "We can probably fight here, but I doubt it'd be to our advantage..." Looking around proved that Selma was right, this spot would be fine to defend. However, weapons like the woman's, be they magical or not, seemed like they'd be tough to fight. On the one hand, Rivka could potentially take the woman down with a single well-placed shot, maybe a handful if that failed. Defending her would be harder if only because of the way that their soon to be foe seemed to be able to attack, but should be very much possible.

On the other hand, Chie mentioned a minimum of ten people in the area. If they were allies or civilians, then they had to be protected as well. If they were enemies, then the feasibility of holding the current position lessened. If they all attacked at once, normally Crystal would have utmost confidence in their victory, but against what to her count seemed like six of a weapon they knew little about the workings of, attacking all at once seemed foolhardy.

Could they lure her away? If she were human, then chances were fifty-fifty, and if she were a creature of Nox, then... the odds could sway in either direction. Crystal didn't want to assume they had time to get strategic orders, and doubted the information that would make such orders more useful was available. So she turned her eye towards her teammates as she readied Hiems.

"My concern is twofold. Firstly, do we know if the others around are friendly. Second, we're either fighting an Ars Magi or someone with weapons we know nothing about." She gave a small smile. "With that said, I'm ready."

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 17 days ago

Eight to ten conscious innocents, generators under attack, and an unknown opposition. Quite a crescendo she was building to, hm? Dueling priorities. Protection for whom? The people before them, or those relying on these generators? Counter-attack, or containment? The truth, however, was that the question presented a false dichotomy; you don't choose, or you've accepted the premise of the sadistic сука tying people to train tracks.

You can't save everyone.

You still have to try.

"I'll get her attention." Her gladius, for once, was braced fully with the sight in line with her gaze. 'Surgical' wasn't her usual forte— she preferred to put on a show. Even so, all art called for discernment. When to be bold, and when to be precise. The opalescent inlay of her rifle pulsed dimly, radiating a sullen heat that was nearly uncomfortable for her. The tension, the mana she'd gathered and compressed, almost ached— still she listened to her teammates, trusted their instincts, and in a handful of breaths made her decision. "Anyone you can get to, anyone you can find, get them together. Selma can make them some cover."

"As long as I keep her eyes on me, she can't do so much to the generators, da?"
The Baeterran flashed Kheper a wink, refusing to let on that— for once— she knew she might be out of her depth. "I'll keep her dancing, long as I can. When the field's as clear as we can make it, we'll try and put her down. Anything comes up, I guess we'll have to improvise!"

"Mind your eyes."

She waited a breath— the girls all knew how bright fire could get, by now— and briefly switched on the sun. The mana she'd intentionally compressed and compressed shot through the gloom towards the unknown woman's back— as nice as a headshot would have been, she didn't want to miss. The fiery lance vaporized the rain that intersected it instantly on its path to the target. Both 'barrels' loosed, she broke the top and spun it around once more.

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

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The big girl bore the words flying about like the mountainside did the wind, drinking them as rainfall on her slopes while her eyes remained pinned upon their newfound Priority Target, ready to leap ahead of them all if their hushed tones had a fifth set of ears playing audience where they'd only run the program for four, and one of those lasers turned upon their number prematurely.

But luck, however nominally in a situation like this, was on their side tonight— their brief exchange of deliberations went off uninterrupted, information clearly relayed and decisions rattled off on as quick a tempo as they needed. It was as though the choices all fell into place on their own, once all the cards had been laid onto the table. Ten people trapped further within the compound. One enemy at the fore, at the very least equivalent to any one of them in raw destructive capability. The generators and structure themselves, already so damaged by the attack. She weighed odds, concerns, and ability—

And with an encouraging clap between the shoulder blades, nodded sharply and sent their lovely maestro out onto the stage with no other well wishes than the timeless, ceaselessly faithful "Knock 'er dead." That was one task delegated out as a matter of course— the tip of Kheper's spear. Behind it came the weighty oaken haft, driving that brilliant point home— nothing better than a tree like her to play that role.

"Alright, ladies, I have a plan."

Swiftly, in the instants where Rivka revealed herself, Selma circled 'round to the fore and wrapped her burly arms round the shoulders of her remaining two teammmates, favoring each with that classic cocksure grin as her furs and frame shielded their eyes from the premature sunrise that was the opening salvo. Her mossy locks were tossed by wind and flame, but her back was straight and solid as ever even as she leaned forward, keeping her voice low even as she tapped one sabaton of arcane steel to the stone beneath.

"You two are better suited for rounding the survivors up, ja? Smaller, faster than me, probably much more quiet. Between the both of you, coordinating and protecting people should be plenty doable. The two of you can definitely kick the ass any problem that comes knocking. Given the disarray this place is in already, I might get more in the way than anything— Better I stay here." she jerked her head back, to the fireworks over her shoulder building their opening stanzas note by note. "Keep an eye on die komponist. If things get hairy for her while you run exfil, I can jump in right away. Not to mention..."

Another tap, the pulse running pointedly through their boots as a clear image of the space around them drew itself upon the mind's eye of the big girl. Following that up, she raised one gauntleted finger to brush away a lock of green that covered her earpiece. Part of her wanted to be miffed that she didn't indulge her instincts to brawl, to venture forth, to be at the front either saving lives or shielding them—

But it was the strong and mighty branches that bore leaves, fruit, and flowers. The stalwart wood of the trunk that rooted these beautiful things to the stable earth, lest the careless wind and rain rip them away. Her teachers had been thorough in this idea that she should foster her strength in support—

One in particular, needing no introduction, had been exacting.

"I can still keep an eye on you girls from this position, too. Once I've got your heartbeats and footfalls to work with on-site, I can warn you if I'm imaging any destructive interference near you or any of our hostages you're running into. That should buy you a little more room to focus on finding and transporting the people. Quickly now, while we still have time to move and I have time to get dug in where that thing won't see me— this makes sense?"

Her trust was resolute. The four of them had been through hell together and hell apart— they could more than handle themselves without her needing to rush and clear the front. Even with Rivka already being spoken for, Crystal and Chie had both, in their own ways, told their brasher counterparts as much. She and Rivka had been selfish about that, in some respect.

So long as she held them high and gave them space by spreading her branches wide, they could surely blossom all their own.
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