For years, people have spoken House of Ruin in hushed tones. As the old story goes, the lord of the manor, driven mad with a thirst for knowledge, meddled with powers that were beyond his comprehension. Since then, many have come to the manor, and few were ever seen again.
For my own research, I must go to this house and try to piece together what happened. I have hired a few mercenaries to accompany me. I pray to the Great Beyond that it will be enough, but I have come to far to turn back now.
-Journal entry from Abdul AlHazred
Two years ago, before I took an extended break from this website, I ran this RP. I feel like it might be a good time to dust it off and try again. For those of you who don't know, Darkest Dungeon dives into the mental toll that adventures take on those who take part in them. In this RP, I want players who are willing and interested in playing damaged characters, with phobias and deep rooted fears as we try and make our way to the bottom of the abyss. Will we survive and triumph over the Eldritch horrors that await us? Or shall we meet our end... in the Darkest Dungeon.
Standard rules apply (don't be a dick, no Mary Sues).
And here is a link for Class Info: darkestdungeon.com/about-the-game/heroes