Alaria The Songweaver

Deceased - Sealing of Malakith / She-Her / The voice of the fated.
DESCRIPTIONAlaria was the first-born daughter of the ruling family of the Silvermoor High-Elves. She spent most of her childhood, and young adult years, in front of crowds as her singing voice and abilities drew crowds from all over her realm. She was a well-known, popular, and beloved figure back in Silvermoor, and when word of Malakith's corruption reached her home she wanted nothing more than to be the voice that led her people to salvation. Instead, she was forced to stay behind as her father and her brothers left for a battle they would never win.
After the news reached her ears of her beloved family's demise, the fates appeared to her and gifted her the Songweaver harp and gave her a fated quest. She traveled around the realm, collected the other fated warriors, and led them through the cursed lands in search of The Maestro. When the initial sealing attempt failed, it was Alaria who gave her life first to bind The Maestro in the strands of her own fate.
FATED WEAPONAlaria was given the Songweaver. The Songweaver was a powerful fated weapon that gifted Alaria with the power to both protect those around her and to push back the corruptive music of the Maestro Alaria was able to protect her fellow fated warriors through the use of her music played through the Songweaver. The Songweaver did not give her power beyond enhancing what her music could do. The Songweaver's harp itself is a masterpiece of craftsmanship and fated enchantment. Crafted from the wood of the immortal woods of the fae realm, and strands of fate from heroes past, the harp is both an impressive-sounding musical instrument and a powerful conduit for the mystical powers bestowed upon Aria. The strings of the harp glow a soft golden hue, and this color changes to reflect the song that Alaria plays
Serenade of the Shield - Alaria plays an upbeat song on her Crescendo Harp, invoking the Serenade of the Shield. The song tells the story of a young warrior who saved the life of a young man who would become king, and the king rewarded him with riches beyond measure in return later in life. This spell forms a protective barrier around her allies, creating an ethereal shield that absorbs incoming damage. The shield is woven with fated energies, deflecting physical and magical harm while radiating a calming aura that fortifies the resilience of those within its embrace.
Harmony's Resilience: As The Maestro's corrupting melodies threatened to seep into the minds of her allies, Aria performed the Harmony's Resilience spell. This song is slower and darker than the first, and it tells the story of a young woman who shielded her baby from the harsh winter outside, giving her life in the hope of saving her child. This is a mental barrier that shields her companions from the insidious effects of The Maestro's dark music. The spell enhances their mental fortitude, allowing them to resist the corrupting influence and maintain clarity of thought.
Crescendo of Renewal: In moments of dire need, Aria unleashes the Crescendo of Renewal, a healing melody that resonates with the Fates' power. The song tells a story of a group of friends, overcoming a momentous occasion and is told through the celebration after the fact. The harmonious notes of this spell weave through the air, mending wounds and revitalizing the strength of her allies. The Crescendo of Renewal accelerates natural healing processes, providing immediate relief and restoring vigor to those touched by its soothing melody. It was not a death cure, nor could it replace a missing limb or cure a fatal blow.
Lyra The Shield Of The Fated

Deceased - Sealing of Malakith / They-Them / The shield of the fated.
DESCRIPTIONLyra was born in te Gunter Badlands and spent most of her early years consumed in the persistent war among her people. It was in this constant cycle of war that a warrior mentality was drilled into Lyra. She became a feared fighter in her own right, and none had managed to defeat her in combat.
When Malakiths music reached the edge of their lands the Orc tribes all united under one banner for the first time in centuries, forming a mighty army that would have swept any other army. The Maestros army was no mortal army, however, and despite a week-long battle the Gunter Badlands were breached and Lyra was forced to run. On this retreat, the fates intervened, saving Lyra from one of The Maestros' monsters and gifted her The Fated Ward. With this shield, she was able to not only save more of her people but also kill monsters faster than ever. Alaria found her in combat with many monsters and helped her win the fight. Afterward, Lyra swore that she would do whatever it took to end this nightmare.
FATED WEAPONLyra was given The Fated Ward. It is a large, round shield with a razor-sharp edge all around. The shield itself allowed Lyra to tank hits that would otherwise demolish her, and redirect the force of the impact back at her attacker. The redirection action creates a noise louder than the hit would suggest. As well, the shield would also serve as a very powerful weapon. If Lyra strikes the front of the shield herself, she can create a shockwave that is both powerful and loud.
She can extend the effect of her shield's protection to another, however, she can only protect one person at a time. So while she protects someone she leaves herself vulnerable
Fate On Our Side - Lyra’s shield is enchanted by the fates to protect the wielder from harm. Any blows that come against the shield will be negated before it is returned to the target who struck her. The return blow is a forceful event, and it has been known to shatter steel, bones, and armor alike.
Might Makes Right - When Lyra strikes the front of her shield with her hand she can create a powerful shockwave that can send even the most hearty of enemies flying. The shockwave extends out for fifteen meters from where Lyra strikes, and it is relatively narrow. Thus, Lyra must ensure that she is both close enough to hit a foe but also precise enough to not miss.
Protect The Small Ones - If one of her companions finds themselves in need, Lyra can extend the blessing from her shield to a single other target. This brings great risk to Lyra as when she does this it removes the blessing from her, leaving herself open to strikes.
Ignis, the Fated Paladin:

Deceased - Sealing of Malakith / He-Him / The hammer of the fated.
DESCRIPTIONIgnis knew he was destined for greatness. He grew up in the Temple of Zray, and learned from the witches of death from a young age. It was here he took his oath as a Paladin of the Dead Goddess and began to travel the world in search of helping those unfortunate souls who have been prevented from passing on.
It was on this mission that he first encountered the corrupted souls that The Maestros music. With the blessing of the dead goddess, he was able to fight back the demented souls, before allowing the soul itself to pass on peacefully. The fight was not easy, and it nearly claimed him in the end but he emerged victorious all the same. The fates visited him as did the Lady of Death (which was significant because the Lady of Death has always hated the Fates). The fates bestowed upon Ignis the fated Sacred Band meanwhile Death bestowed her highest blessings on Ignis.
Once Ignis met up with the rest of the fated warriors he quickly proved to be their strongest fighter, and their most powerful tool to reverse the corruption
FATED WEAPONIgnis is the Fated Paladin and he wields the massive two-handed hammer Sacred Band. It is a colossal weapon, with one side being a pure blunt instrument while the other side is an equally massive pointed piece. The Sacred Band was blessed by both the Fates and the Lady of Death. The weapon’s function is split between the two sides. On the one, cleansing. He can use the pointy end to pull the corruption out of any living creature. This is a prolonged process and it can take between an hour and a day to pull the corruption and during this process, the hammer can not be removed from the target. Within an hour, the corrupted monster will return back to their former form. They will be bruised, their body broken, but they will be brought back. The other end is the end that the Lady of Death blessed. It is designed to shake the soul free from the corrupted bodies. It is instant, and it is devastating to the monstrous hordes. Ignis is forced to choose who to save, and who to spare, during every battle.
Come back to the light - Ignis is the only one who can cure the corrupted. His Sacred Band has a unique fated power that allows it to purge the corruption of Malakith from a target. This is a slow process that leaves not only himself but the group as a whole, open to to attack and corruption. As such, this has always been reserved for returning a fellow fated warrior if they themselves fall under the corruption
Free The Trapped And Deliver them - Ignis can also send the souls of the corrupted to the next place with each hit of the hammer. This renders the monstrous forms of the corrupted almost inert, leaving it an easy creature to finish off and kill. When the weapon hits a target with this end, it makes a deep boom sound. The boom is loud enough and forceful enough that it will be able to knock nearby creatures off their feet.
Caely, the Fire Phoneix:

Deceased - Sealing of Malakith / She - Her / The Fire Phoneix Of The Fated.
DESCRIPTIONCaely has been called many things in her life. A demon, a monster, the savage who burned Calthor to the ground, and the Fire Phoneix. She grew up with the curse of a very potent magical bloodline, and her magic began to show itself from a young age. Instead of sending her off to learn how to control the power, she was instead considered a threat and treated as a monster. Her childhood home tried to take her away, but her fire made sure she was kept safe even as the villagers drew their blades.
As she grew up into her teenage years she had spent more time hiding on the road than she did inside a town or a city. Eventually, her infamy caught up with her outside the town of Calthor. In the resulting fight, a stray spark ignited a fire that razed the town down to the ground.
Caely kept on the run before she was eventually discovered by The Fates. She tried to fight them at first, and she scorched the eyebrows off two of them before they were able to convince her to cool down. It was here she made the first selfish decision of her fated life. She told the fates no. She told them to find someone else. To her, the people had done nothing to deserve her help and as such, she decided that she would not be their savior. The Fates pulled a few strings to get her in front of the horror of what was happening. Once she saw what people were becoming, what she would become, she decided to accept the fate offer and was rewarded with the Fated Weapon The Fire Phoneix amulet.
FATED WEAPONCaely was already a fiery inferno before she met the Fates. After they gifted her with The Firey Phoenix she truly embodied it. The Firey Phoenix is an amulet that Caely wears at all times. She can summon additional power from the amulet during times of need further enhancing her power.
You want a monster?t - Caely can summon the Fire Phoenix to further increase the heat of her spells. This has the added effect of making her fire magic hiss an almost wind-like sound. When she engages the first form of the Phoenix she will become engulfed in a vibrant red and orange inferno. It is almost as if the fire is sentient, and it will reach out and defend Caely if a threat gets too close.
I will give you a monster - In times of need Caley can summon more power from the amulet. This power changes her fiery appearance, and now the flames will be of a bright blue hue. The sound from her fire attacks makes a sound that sounds like a hurricane. Her spells in this form can melt through armor on impact, turn a monster into ash, and cover an entire battlefield in her inferno. As she draws more power in this form the more the power will begin to burn her in response.
Eros, the Fated Shadow:

Deceased - Sealing of Malakith / He - Him/ The Charming Devil Of The Fated.
DESCRIPTIONWhen he wasn’t spending his ill-gotten gains on hookers and gambling, Eros was busy planning his next score or finding his next target. Eros was a man who spent more time in the shadows than the light, and he was known all across the land as one of the most feared assassins.
Eros was getting ready for a night of debauchery when the fates paid him a visit. They talked of all his exploits, both those he wanted known and those he had done terrible things to keep secret. At first, he was ready for a fight. Yet the fates seemed to know the man better than anyone before them. They knew the intimate details of his life in a way that made him trust what they said. When they finally told him that he was chosen, and that he would be a key figure in the fight to come, he was all too pleased to receive his fated gift, The Nightshade Blade
FATED WEAPONThe Nightshade Blade is a powerful weapon. It allows Eros to control, and transport between, shadows. To do this, he has to simply turn the handle to the side and play a simple melody. The blade is an instrument in and of itself, and plays very similar to a flute.
Isolate The Markt - Eros can control any shadow through the use of his Nightshade Fated Blade. He can use the shadows to do a number of different things but he primarily uses it to pin down a target, The shadows will reach up and grab at their target, appearing to rise from the shadows itself. The arms are cordial, and can be hacked at thus destroying their form, however, as long as the shadow itself still exists more hands will attempt to grab at their target.
To control this Eros must use the musical aspect of his blade. He must play a tune that is slow and deliberate to select the target, before he picks up the pace as the attack begins..
Bring Them Out Of Their Zone - If the grasping hands manage to pull at the target for long enough it will then begin to try and drag the mark into the shadows itself. If successful, the mark will be killed in whatever shadow realm the arms drag them to. To speed up this process Eros can play his Nightshade at an even faster pace.
Or Bring Yourself To It - Eros can teleport to any shadow he desires. Unlike the other powers of the blade this does not require more than the thought in his mind