This is a reboot of Welcome to Vradia. More will be up momentarily. :)
A strange plague has begun to spread across Vradia. First, it was just a few individuals, then it took over a whole village. Currently, the strange illness is being contained with the Royal Guard setting up checkpoints throughout Vradia along the Trade Roads. Those that exhibit symptoms are taken away.
People that contract this disease first have symptoms of pneumonia but as they’re being treated for that, their skin, hair, and flesh becomes necrotic causing chunks of their muscle to fall off with the simplest of movements. Once the whole body has molted its original body, gray flesh is left behind as well as soulless blind appearing eyes. By that time, the infected person attacks, consuming whoever is within the household, however, they leave one victim behind to continue the disease.
These infected individuals can only be killed by cutting off their heads or burning them. Some experts believe that the person they once were is stuck within their minds as their body is controlled by whatever the disease is. Some believe that the disease turns the person into a mindless beast. No one knows for certain as no one can get a clear study of these infected without being attacked themselves.
The people that show symptoms, whether reported to village or town authorities or the checkpoints, are immediately taken to the nearest mage tower as the mages have been granted temporary protection in the public to allow these infected to be contained. This ‘protection’ for the mages is quickly camps built with poor conditions, nothing like the slightly better towers depending on which tower a mage was sent to.
People that contract this disease first have symptoms of pneumonia but as they’re being treated for that, their skin, hair, and flesh becomes necrotic causing chunks of their muscle to fall off with the simplest of movements. Once the whole body has molted its original body, gray flesh is left behind as well as soulless blind appearing eyes. By that time, the infected person attacks, consuming whoever is within the household, however, they leave one victim behind to continue the disease.
These infected individuals can only be killed by cutting off their heads or burning them. Some experts believe that the person they once were is stuck within their minds as their body is controlled by whatever the disease is. Some believe that the disease turns the person into a mindless beast. No one knows for certain as no one can get a clear study of these infected without being attacked themselves.
The people that show symptoms, whether reported to village or town authorities or the checkpoints, are immediately taken to the nearest mage tower as the mages have been granted temporary protection in the public to allow these infected to be contained. This ‘protection’ for the mages is quickly camps built with poor conditions, nothing like the slightly better towers depending on which tower a mage was sent to.
About Our Characters...
Our characters are all apprentices of the current experts in different parts of Vradia secretly studying the disease for the Emperor. One day our characters wake up and their respected mentor has disappeared. Clues bring our characters together and find that the mentors are a part of a secret society, they realize that they have a duty to continue their mentors’ work.
Now your character’s mentor can be a parent, guardian, uncle/aunt, or whatever. Just that they are experts in their fields of study. These fields are combat, strategy, magic, apothecary/medicine, cryptology/zoology, and biochemistry/biology.
Each character should have some combat knowledge of at least one of the following:
- single-hand weaponry (ex. sword and shield)
- two-hand weaponry (ex. Great sword)
- staff combat
- dual-welding weaponry (ex. daggers)
- archery/crossbow
- Martial arts
- traps
Your character can be at least two classes, max is three. For example, my character is a Druid with Rogue and Bard skills.
- Here is a summary of classes to choose from: https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/classes#Classes%C2%A0Summary
Your character can be Dragonian, Elvian (Elves), Human, Dwarf, Goblins, or Orcs. They can also be 'half' races too like a half-elf.
For simplicity's sake, if your character is a warlock, witch, sorcerer, or wizard they will all fall under the Mage title in Vradia. The Emperor and the church (called the Cleric) don’t care if your character has different practices, magic is dangerous and should serve man not rule over them. Again, those areas that are further from the capital are looser on their laws with magic, and magic is accepted more by the common folk.
One of the Eight Realms of Laelilon...
One of the Eight Realms of Laelilon. Vradia is a secluded realm isolated by the Western Rife Mountains, the Evergreen Forest, the Sea of Contenious to the South, and the Frozen Ocean to the North.
Our band of heroes begins their journey here in the small towns of Vradia's countryside.