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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shannon - Inside The Building - Daniel & James

The clip landed in her lap. She had went out of her way to not try and catch it, even though she realized it was a pretty meaningless act of defiance. Her eyes met Daniel's as she stuffed the spare ammo in her pack. "Keep away from the window, James," she said, gathering the energy to lift herself to her feet. The guys were right about having to move quickly, but Shannon felt sluggish and gross. She adjusted her belongings as fast as she could, though it was a monumentally slow process to anyone watching her. She stuffed the police baton in her backpack and shrugged it on. She kept the gun held tightly in her hands.

"Okay then, Daniel." Daniel. It bugged her that this guy's name was Daniel. That was Danny's name, and a childish part of Shannon didn't want anyone else to have it. The man before her simply wasn't her Daniel. "My name's Shannon." She hesitated slightly before putting an arm around James. She was going to have to play being a mother for at least a while. Christ.

"If you... If you fuck us, I'll kill you." It probably wasn't the time to swear, but Shannon was in no mood for niceties. "Just get us out of here."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Chapter: Troubles With the Past

James Feryana, Shannon Greene & Daniel Crowe - To the Truck

“Well for both of our sakes lets hope I do this right.” Daniel hurried down the stairs, wielding his pistol frontwards as he had done many a time before. Shannon paused for a moment to gather herself before gently pushing James ahead of her. She took a glancing look back toward the broken window and followed the pair downstairs. There was very little to assure her that Daniel didn’t mean to harm them once they were out of here, but there was no way around it now.

James followed closely behind Daniel, knife in hand. “Um, exactly how far did you park the truck?” He walked down the stairs, glancing behind him at Shannon with a look on his face that literally said; Are we really going to do this? Looking back in front of him, he saw the exit door, along with a walker that had apparently walked it’s way in front of it. “Walker,” James whispered.

Daniel raised his pistol level with the walker’s head as it turned around and gnashed its decaying teeth. He fired a single round and put the walker on the floor, proceeding to the half-opened exit door. Precariously, the man pushed through the door quickly checking left and right side to make certain no danger lurked outside. He moved with practiced feet to the corner of the building, peeking his head out and looking towards the railroad. Albeit no shots were fired, the group was still at their spot. “Get ready to run when I say go.” He raised his hand and counted down. Three… two… one… “Go!” He waved his hand forward to motion their advance.

Shannon hunched over James protectively. “Okay,” she said into his ear, pushing him into a run. Together, they ran to the nearby truck, crouched low in case of gunfire. When they hit the truck, Shannon threw open one of the back doors. “In!” she commanded, to which James complied without word. She then moved to circle around the truck, stopping momentarily to look back toward Daniel. She realized then that he had been right behind them the whole time, as she was staring at him in the face. She nodded her head toward the truck before wordlessly getting into the seat next to James.

Daniel quickly turned the key, which he’d left in the ignition, and shifted gears to drive. He drove forward, firmly tapped the brake, and veered a sharp left turn, doubling back onto the street from which he’d come. Gripping the headrest of the seat in front of her, Shannon felt her heart leap into her throat as the trucked veered sharply to the left. She closed her eyes and waited for the ride to smooth out. Leaning forward, she breathed heavily into the headrest.

He kept on the road from which he’d come. “Sorry about that, buddy.” He turned right onto another street. “Do you guys have anywhere in mind? If not, I do,” he said, glancing behind him. Before he turned his eyes back to the road, he noticed that James had tucked against Shannon, looking a little scared.

Shannon couldn’t answer Daniel right away, only responding by turning her head slightly toward James, who was now tucked in beside her. She wanted to smile at that, but it felt like her heart was splitting in two. “Are you okay?” she asked.

James looked up at Shannon’s face, and shook his head slightly. “I-I saw some walkers while we were running earlier,” the boy stuttered, looking like he is going to explode in sadness. “A-and, a-and…” He swallowed deeply, and started to shiver. “T-two of them, l-looked like my parents.” James erupted into tears.

Shannon stared; she didn’t question if James had been mistaken, didn’t even bother to pacify him. She simply didn’t have the energy. Hugging him closer, Shannon lifted her head to finally answer Daniel. “Just drive us wherever you want,” she said, her voice exhausted. Leaning back into the headrest, Shannon felt something rise in the pit of her stomach. She swallowed, trying to abate the feeling, but it came regardless. Tears streamed down her cheeks. She was finally mourning for Lexi, and maybe just about everyone else who had left her. Her sobs were nearly silent, a valiant effort, but they were sobs nonetheless.

Daniel absently heard the two in mourning, he’d think them foolish had he not understood exactly what they felt like. His voice interrupted the silence. “Every one of those walkers used to be somebody… but they aren’t more. They’re just empty shells…”

“Bastard,” James cried out suddenly. “You really think that?” He turned his head to look at Daniel. Tears were streaming down from his eyes like a waterfall. “They can’t be like that. They can’t.” James swallowed hard. “It’s like vampires. Their personalities are still there! They’re not gone!” Even the boy himself knew he was telling rubbish, but he couldn’t stop himself.

Daniel pulled the car to a sudden stop. He turned his head to look the boy in the eyes. “No. They’re gone.” He turned back to the road and driving. “Trust me… I put a bullet in my girlfriend’s head.”

“I’ve been on my own for, I don’t even know anymore! I lost everything! I’ve got nothing left!” James cried, his eyes staring straight into Daniel’s eyes like lasers.

“You’ve got Shannon. No, you’re not alone. As far as I know, everyone one of my relatives is dead. You’ve got to grow up and realize what this world is now.” And with that he discussed with him no further.

James simply turned away from Daniel, and instead, nuzzled his head against Shannon, crying loudly to himself. ’You’ve got to grow up and realize what this world is now.’ I already know what this world is. It’s hell on earth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The road had been long and unforgiving, the weight in her pocket tugging at her emotional strings and causing her mind to waver on the edge between sanity and all consuming madness. Dog tags, eight of them, jingling in her pocket as she moved, reminding her that not even the might of the governments forces could have helped prevent what was to come. She'd been there for many of them, seen them dye. Either by turning themselves or being dragged away and consumed by those abominations. A friend of hers, Naomi was shot down by the very gun which was strapped to her back, another weight to add to the building mass weighing upon her mind. "Keep moving", that's what she needed to do, that's what she told herself was necessary to ensure she lived for their sake. She looked up ahead, spotting a promising looking building before making her way towards it, being sure to check around her as she made a quick run at it. She stopped as she reached the side, falling to a low crouch before peering through a window between the boards which had obviously been placed to prevent the walkers getting in. It looked empty, but safe... and safe meant a place to rest.

Picking herself up she moved around the back of the building, looking up to see a window which hadn't been boarded, likely an escape route should the walkers manage to get inside. The window overlooked a shelter with support beams, likely where the previous owner would have stored stuff to keep it from the rain. Taking a last look around she took a few steps back before she run and jumped, catching the edge of the shelter before pulling herself up and onto it, quickly moving to the window before smashing it with her elbow. As she moved through it she found a metal grate which ran around the edge of the inside, presumably for mechanics to repair bigger vehicles. She pulled out her M9 and gave a quick survey of the area before she made her way down to the ground level, securing that it was safe before she finally allowed herself to relax a little. She took off her backpack and placed it against the wall before deciding to take a look around, see if there wasn't something she could salvage before she made herself a little camp.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jess - wherever Floyd took her - Floyd

Jess didn't fight when Floyd pulled her onto the bike. She worried about Lynn but at this point she knew any protests from her would be ignored by Floyd. Since she was sitting front of him, she turned and pressed her face into his shoulder and hung on as they sped off. Tears leaked from her eyes to make little spots of moisture on his shirt.

When they stopped and he ordered her off she nearly panicked because she thought he was leaving her, but once he explained she breathed a sigh of relief. Since he was off setting up camp Jess looked around for something to do. She started gathering dry sticks in case he wanted to build a fire. She was in the middle of gathering them when she noticed her hands were trembling. Then her lip started to tremble. Soon her eyes were flooded with tears and she couldn't see. She wiped them away, but fresh ones replaced them.

She understood he was not happy being stuck with her, but did he have to be so... so... mean?
He had been nothing but gruff and irritable with her. It hurt her feelings. It hurt even more that he didn't even care that he hurt her feelings.
What was it with her and men? Her first time having sex was supposed to be beautiful and moving, making love with someone special. Instead it was rough and impersonal, quick and dismissed easily by the guy who then abandoned her with his child growing inside of her.
Then those men attacked her and Lynn, taking nearly everything they had.
And now Floyd obviously resented her presence and didn't want her around.

She was tired... just so tired...
The sudden exhaustion came on quickly followed by a feeling of dizziness. She stumbled over to a tree and leaned against it before sliding to the ground. She panted as the world spun around her. It was so hot here...
Next thing she knew she was laying on the ground, scratchy brown leaves under her cheek. She cried silently, not wanting to attract the attention of either the walkers or Floyd.
She just wanted to go home. She wanted to be safe. She wanted to be inside and warm and clean.
She wanted... she wanted someone to comfort her, to tell her everything was going to be alright. Even if it was a lie, she wanted to have someone tell her everything was going to be alright. She wanted to be held and comforted. She wanted to feel protected.
She didn't want to be alone anymore.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel - Auto Garage - Amelia, Shannon, & James

Daniel stepped out of the truck, scanning the area for danger. When none presented itself, he walked towards the side door of the large auto garage. He motioned for Shannon to follow, and continued to the door. He held his M9 leveled as he clicked on the flashlight strapped to his vest, and continued.

Crowe saw the figure the second his flash light hit them. Her came to hand with his pistol, steadying his aim. "Don't move!" He barked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As Amelia picked through some of the drawers she could hardly believe her luck, finding a few pieces of medical equipment, some ammunition, food, water. And then the hopes were all dashed as she heard the door, causing her to quickly spin and bring her own M9 to bear with practised military precision. The flash light against her orange tinted glasses made it hard for her to pick out her target, but gave her a clear indication of where to fire. To his response she shouted back, "DOWN, NOW!" she shouted, correcting her stance into a defensive firing position, arms bent for recoil and legs spread out to keep her form secure.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Floyd - Camp - Jessalyn

About twenty to thirty minutes later, Floyd returned from the inner woods, reuniting with his bike. He looked around for the girl until his eyes met her location. She had dozed off where she initially was told to remain. As Floyd started towards her, he noticed her condition. Her facial expression, the tears flowing down her cheeks, her body language - all these aspects gave her away. She was most definitely feeling the after effects of abandoning her friend, the after effects of living in the shit hole they currently roam.

Floyd walked up to her slowly, crouching to meet her. Without saying anything he took her by the arm and helped her stand. He looked at her for a couple of seconds, the wind behind them whistling in harmony. The silence was beautiful, regardless how lonesome it made the scene. Without anymore time wasted, Floyd headed towards his motorcycle, starting to push it further into the woods, heading towards camp. "C'mon, it's gettin' dark" Floyd said softly, his voice rasping neutrally.

After about three-fourths a mile, the two would reach the camp. Floyd set up a perimeter of string that had cans attached to it. This would make it easy to catch incoming walkers, or anyone for that matter. He left his bike outside if the perimeter, making sure he left it where an escape route was attainable. He marked trees with his trench knife so he would know the way back to the tracks. The cans had been filled with food, but in need of protection, he pull all the food into one single container, mixing the different soups, fruits, vegetables, meats, etc.

"Here, you go ahead and get some rest girl, I'll keep watch" Floyd said without looking at her. He had handed her the only blanket he packed in his bag. The moon was already coming out and the sun had pretty much faded. It would be darker in the woods than it would have been near the tracks, but out there they were vulnerable able to any sort of attack, in the woods, it would most likely be only walkers. "If you get hungry, here, you can have as much as you need" he said, putting his mixed food container next to her.

Floyd then resumed by laying next to a tree by his bike, a few feet away from her. He just stared at the stars above, as if able to see the universe. It was an amazing sight, though he would most likely never admit it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shannon - Auto Garage - Amelia & Daniel

Shannon was tempted to ignore Daniel and take a nap in his truck. Now that she had managed to stop crying, her eyelids felt droopy and her body felt like molasses. Still, she was interested in checking out wherever Daniel had taken them. "Stay here for a minute," she said quietly to James before exiting the vehicle and following after Daniel. She held out her gun, trying to match Daniel's poise, though just about anyone could probably catch her off guard in the state she was in.

When the door opened, Daniel caught sight of someone inside. They both yelled at each other, raising their weapons in an instant stand-off. Shannon snapped to attention, some of her tiredness melting away as she aimed her own gun at the figure. "It's two against one here," she quickly said, though this woman looked about ready to take down an entire platoon. Her long blonde hair was a striking sight to see. Shannon gave Daniel a sidelong look. "We don't want to hurt you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel - Auto Garage - Amelia and Shannon

"Hey now, slow down, we don't want trouble, just wanna know why you're in my home..." He took a few steps back, towards the electricity panel. "I'm just gonna flip on the light switch, so we ain't gotta stand here in the dark." He reached back, found the panel in the dark, and dropped his hand to the third light switch, the house lights. He flipped the switch and the light flickered on, one after another, until the entire garage was lit.

The girl was tall, but still smaller than Daniel. He looked her over for a moment. She had military gear on, and the way she held her pistol demonstrated the discipline of a soldier. However, her accent indicated English; maybe RAF or the BAF. It was then that Daniel saw the M4 on her back. "That's a mighty fine weapon, little lady. If we can talk, maybe you won't have to use it. Hmm?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Amelia - Auto Garage - Daniel and Shannon

Amelia's anxiety began to heighten as another person appeared in the doorway, causing her to tighten her grip on the M9 and shift between targets. Her stance remained still, ready for the slightest indication that a mental decision was being made to fire. Should their fingers so much as pull tension she'd have to consider taking the small chance that she might get away with just a bullet in her. "We don't want to hurt you" said the women. She'd heard that one before, right before they pulled a knife and went for her throat. She kept her M9 steady, "I don't believe you" she replied honestly, watching carefully as the man slowly moved to flick the lights on which allowed her to see them much more clearly. She adjusted her aim now she had a clearer line of sight as the man continued. So this was their home, which meant their reaction was justified and it did explain the rich amount of resources to be found here. She listened as he spoke further, motioning towards her M4. She decided not to mention it was empty. She knew if she fired the chances of surviving the retaliation at this range was basically nil, she'd have to trust... just this once. After a moment of silence she slowly lowered the M9, keeping it gripped in both hands with the barrel pointed towards her feet. "Alright, then let's talk" she replied.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel - Auto Garage - Amelia and Shannon

"That's much better, ma'am." Daniel lowered the Beretta, sliding the clip from the gun, and pulling back the slide to empty the round in the chamber. He stuffed the magazine in his back pocket and shoved the m9 into his vest holster. Daniel cautiously slid off his rucksack, but pulled the tac-tomahawk from its strap, sliding it into his belt.

"M4 Carbine... I believe..." he went over to a cabinet near the right wall, opening it. He produced a case of 5.56 NATO Rounds. "...that these would fit that gun just fine. And I'd bet that you've got an empty clip; as you're using a Beretta instead of a carbine." He looked back at her. "But I'm gonna need you to unload your weapon for me before I give you these."

Emma Crowe - Train Tracks - Hoedown of Doom Group

Emma looked over to Aleck. "I think they're gone..." She held her knife tightly in her hand. She'd heard a voice... one that sounded mildly familiar... She dismissed the thought and looked over to Aleck. "W-what now...?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shannon - Auto Garage - Amelia & Daniel

Shannon held her gun on the woman, lowering it only when Daniel put away his own. She stuffed it in the back of her jeans, letting out a deep sigh. She was tired of guns for the day. While Daniel fished through one of the cabinets, Shannon looked around, finally taking in where they were. She figured this had been an auto garage of some sort from the outside, but now that she was inside and could see it in all its glory, it brought a small smile to her face. It all reminded her of her father, especially the faint smell of oil.

She moved to lean against one of the cabinets against the wall. She crossed her arms, watching Daniel as he fished out the bullets. She had become more acquainted with guns since six months ago, but it was clear her knowledge was nothing compared to Daniel's. It was fairly obvious, even back when he was helping her escape, that he had some sort of connection to the military. The woman gave off a similar sort of air, Shannon recognized. Though, all of that was completely foreign to her. "So, you English?" she asked the woman, absentmindedly running a hand through her hair. "What's your name?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by riprofsuls


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aleck ~ taking cover near the train tracks with Emma at his side

He heard a truck engine start up and heard the crunching of tires on concrete fading away. Whatever had just transpired was over now.

"I have a place nearby was actually heading there when I saw you," He said to her reloading the revolver and disassembling the rifle. He didn't mention the raiders, doubted she had even seen them. "It's getting late and we need to get moving there if we are going to make it before sundown. If we run we can get there in thirty minutes but I'll need to carry you, I didn't notice the limp when I first got you at the tracks. We cant dawdle either, it would leave a trail to the Haven if we go back at your limping pace. As for the others, we have to leave them behind, might seem cruel but I don't trust them."

Dinner night was today, he usually headed out for days on end but every Sunday was dinner night and his sister was likely waiting for him with a hot meal. It would take an army and a half to keep him from returning to her and even then he'd fight his way through or die trying.

"They are probably going to head the way of the motorcycle," he pointed out. "That direction leads to nowhere safe, trust me I have been to just about everywhere in this town."

He stood up and strapped on the backpack no longer fearing a rain of bullets from whomever had shot at the group and consequently at Emma.

He offered his hand, he planned to carry her in a fireman carry, any other kind of carry would be awkward with his pack in the way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Amelia was confused. She'd just pointed her weapon at these people and now one of them was offering her ammunition for a weapon which could easily take them both out with a pull of the trigger, although she did note how he knew it was empty. It seemed to good to be true but alas the odds still stood against her. Though taking the rounds from his pistol which also seemed to be an M9 settled her anxieties a little. She hesitated as he asked her to do the same before agreeing, ejecting the clip and holding it upside down against the grip before pulling the slider back, the loaded round popping into the air where she caught it in her hand. She pushed the round back into the clip before holding up both clearly, storing them on separate parts of her body. "My name is Amelia, and yes I'm from England" she replied, her accent giving off a strong north east London vibe with the inflection on her words. She folded her arms, still not seeming quite comfortable.

Both the man and the women looked to be fairly young and in good shape. She wondered on their relationship, story and what they'd survived through all this time. Though she kept such questions to herself for now, after all they'd just met. "I'm sorry about breaking into your home, I thought it was abandoned and these day's it's hard to tell one from the other" she said honestly. "It's a good thing you caught me before I made off with stuff that wasn't salvage" she said, trying to bring the previous conflict to a softer light. She might be a survivor now but she still felt an echo of her duty to protect. And soldiers weren't thieves.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Brandon - Church - Julia, Alexander, and Quinn (NPCs). - Nearby the rooftop.

Brandon saw the walkers, coming into the church and he realized that his group must get out. He shouted, "RUN!" to the remaining group, and they grabbed as many supplies as they could hold. He got out his pistol and fired at the walkers, entering from the back. Quinn ran along with Julia and Alexander while Brandon was behind them. Brandon fired at the walkers and saw a parking lot and he said, "Look at the parking lot, we could jack a car somehow." and the group ran towards the parking lot before saying a word. Walkers were advancing for the church to the parking lot, as they followed the group. The group ran into the parking lot and searched for any cars, that they could take. Julia ran towards a truck and said, "Found one, that has the keys inside. I can drive it." and Brandon ran to her and said, "How much fuel is there?" and Julia said about half. Quinn ran to the truck and said, "Well can we get in it?" and Brandon said yes and Quinn opened the door and got to the backside. Alexander ran to the truck and shouted, "Let's get going before they eat us!" and the group got in the truck and drove out of the parking lot, running few walkers over. They drove pass the railroad and into the woods, it seem that they drove for hours.

The night sky took over and Julia was still driving the car, tired and getting sleepy. Brandon said to her to pull over on the dirt road and let him drive, but Julia said no and kept driving. Quinn was still awake and said, "Where are we going?" and Julia said to Quinn, "Until we see a camping ground, we aren't stopping." and Quinn just said okay and kept his eyes open. She finally found a sign and smiled, "We are here, now let's just get inside one of the cabins." and she stopped the truck and walked to the nearest cabin of the truck and the dirt road, in case the cabin gets overrun by walkers. They broke into the cabin and found it untouched and they smiled as Brandon closed and he said, "Alright, let's rest here and we got to go back to the city tomorrow and back here again, got it?" and the group shook their head and started unpacking. It was going to be a long night, but a good one it will be.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rob-outskirts of city?/Unknown-Nobody

Running, that was a thing that happened a lot. He didn't even know how, he was just waiting for an answer when suddenly he heard a walker behind him, oh how he thought he could handle it. Rob ran up with his bat and bashed it's brain out, but then suddenly when he turned back there were a group of walkers blocking him from the other two. So he ran, he hoped the other two were okay. "I-I..*Gasp* Need.....to breeeeaath" Rob suddenly collapsed. It was just a group, but then more just came. maybe some left, but more just replaced them. He didn't know how long it had been, too long was the answer either way.

"Alright...Get up, c'mon......" Rob stumbled up and looked around. "Wh-where Am I?...pffff this is not good" Rob conceded to himself. There has to be something somewhere....come on!

Rob looked around and started to slowly walk, watching out for walkers. He was tired, and he didn't want to deal with them at the moment. "I'm just going to walk in a random direction and hope something good happens....that's a great idea......I'm so going to die now...."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel Crowe - Auto Garage - Amelia and Shannon

"I probably would have shot you on the spot, so yes, that is a good thing." Daniel remarked, looking over his supplies in the cabinet. The top shelf was ammunition; a mixture of 4 clips worth of 9mm rounds, one box of 5.56 NATO cartridges(as he'd given the other box to Amelia), and a single case of 12 gauge shotgun shells, which made him suspect that at one time their was a shotgun in the building. The second shelf, which was twice the size of the top, held two full tanks of gas in case he couldn't get to more when he needed it.The bottom shelf held a safe, in which Daniel had found the 12 gauge shells, and a green hose for siphoning gas from cars.

Daniel closed the doors, assured that he made the right decision. Even if he'd made the wrong choice, Amelia had stashed her weapon, and she didn't have enough time to load the M4; meaning she would have to fight him by hand. He judged that his tactical tomahawk would easily deal damage, never mind the fact that he was almost twice her size. He was 6'5, and, last time he weighed, was 205 pounds, and he guessed Amelia was around 5'9 to 5'10, and not even close to 205 pounds. Daniel favored his chances and moved on. "My name is Daniel Crowe, and this is Shannon." He motioned to the woman.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Amelia inclined her head with a simple nod at their introductions before she pulled the strap so she could reach her M4. She hit the clip release and loaded up the cartridges before stowing them on the ammunition loops located around her waist area. Normally she's slam one into the M4 and have it cocked and ready, but she guessed such a move wouldn't be welcomed by the two civilians in front of her. If she had to, her Combat knife was close by so at least she had that to rely on if she had to make a quick move. "Well, I better get moving before the sun completely drops and I lose visibility. These glasses only help so much" she said gesturing to the orange tinted shades which while not night vision, had a special tint which helped the retina of the eye focus the outline of objects. She unfolded her arms and began to make a move for the door before stopping, "Before I go... how many more of you are here?" she asked curiously.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel Crowe - Auto Garage - Shannon & Amelia

"...The two of us, plus one more. He's still out in my truck..." Daniel unwrapped his kiffiyeh scarf and tossed it onto a table adjacent to the closet. "Listen... you're a soldier; that much is obvious; you said you're English, so you're probably from the RAF troops that were sent to help during the initial outbreak, am I right? If I am right, then you know how to handle yourself in combat. And if you are a soldier, you know how to work in a group." He lifted his eyebrows. "See... if the dead aren't the threat than its the living: and now days, it can be difficult to tell which is the monster in the world. We could use someone like you to help us."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Amelia paused at he explained how she could be of use to them. It had been a very long time since the last time she'd been apart of a group. She could recount the deaths of her friends as though it had been only yesterday. Having to shoot Naomi in the head, Michael being dragged down from on top of an overturned car. Gareth being engulfed in flame at the gas station. And many more all from the moment they had to retreat from the first blockade. She could remember the roar of gunfire and how by each minute it became quieter save for the sounds of sputtering and gargling. She breathed a deep breath before considering it. She picked up her backpack and for a moment you could be certain she was about to walk away before she reached into it, pulling out two small black squares with a rubber loop, a tiny blue light coming to life on both as she pressed a small switch before turning them off again. "If we're going to be working together, you'll want these. They're short range radios, got a good charge left in them too. I only have one charger so when they run dry we'll have to charge them all up together" she said as she handed them over with her gloved hand. "And yeah... I am RAF... what remains of it" she said in a sombre tone. She then took out her food and drink items, some of which came from vending machines she'd smashed and others from grocery stores she'd risked. "This is all I have, add it to your stock if you have one" she continued before tossing the empty bag aside. She exhaled nerves which came from risking letting people get closer to her. "My full name is Amelia Rosanna Stephens. Rose is good enough, or Amy. It's up to you" she said finally.
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