"Ah fuck off"
Basic Info
Olivia Jessica Parker
Turns with the tide
None she knows of
Liv has the ability to teleport, a subset of psychokinesis. She can teleport to any location she's previously visited, bringing along anything or anyone she's touching at the time. Larger object have a higher tax load. She does not have a limit on range to which she can teleport. Every time she teleports, she enters a 4th dimensional bubble that can move her near instantly anywhere, any position, and any sub-velocity (less than the current one she has, she can't increase her speed). This means she doesn't flip upside down when teleporting to Australia, and she doesn't break her neck when she teleports from the poles to the equator.
What comes along with this bubble is a build up of heat and radiation. Each teleport causes her internal body temperature to rise a fraction as its trapped within the bubble. The radiation leaking through adds to the heat trapping in the bubble while damaging her body. Thankfully it's for micro portions at a time, but if she teleports rapidly it can add up. This results in her being out of commission in order to cool down. When pushed to extremes she can encounter heat-stroke, nausea, and black-outs. While the radiation adding to the heat of the bubble is bad enough on its own it also has the side affect of causing her body to by pinholed by particles every time she jumps. The exact amount of radiation and heat depends on the distance and amount shes transporting, but with the frequency the she teleports, Liv's body is already riddled with early cancers.
One benefit of her ability is it does allow her a heightened spacial awareness of her surroundings. This is especially useful as when she teleports into an object it can cause intermingling of the atoms between both interfering objects as they fight for placement. This has lead to many injuries over her lifetime, including the loss of her left leg. With practice over time her own atoms have started to win out more so injuries aren't always serious. For good reason she doesn't like to practice this technique.
What comes along with this bubble is a build up of heat and radiation. Each teleport causes her internal body temperature to rise a fraction as its trapped within the bubble. The radiation leaking through adds to the heat trapping in the bubble while damaging her body. Thankfully it's for micro portions at a time, but if she teleports rapidly it can add up. This results in her being out of commission in order to cool down. When pushed to extremes she can encounter heat-stroke, nausea, and black-outs. While the radiation adding to the heat of the bubble is bad enough on its own it also has the side affect of causing her body to by pinholed by particles every time she jumps. The exact amount of radiation and heat depends on the distance and amount shes transporting, but with the frequency the she teleports, Liv's body is already riddled with early cancers.
One benefit of her ability is it does allow her a heightened spacial awareness of her surroundings. This is especially useful as when she teleports into an object it can cause intermingling of the atoms between both interfering objects as they fight for placement. This has lead to many injuries over her lifetime, including the loss of her left leg. With practice over time her own atoms have started to win out more so injuries aren't always serious. For good reason she doesn't like to practice this technique.
Abilities & Skills
Stealing, she's a pretty good thief
- "Trading"
- Traveling
- Smoking
- Falling
- Blowing shit up
- Being serious
- Walking
- Slow stuff
- Onions
- Resilient - can deal with pain
- Adaptable - can fit into most situations
- Creative - always uses her powers in a unique way
- Cancer - she dying
- Stubborn - can't give up things
- Impulsive - doesn't like to listen to authority
- Chaotic - enjoys shaking things up
Liv's appearance is a little chaotic. She's 5'6", skinny, and pale white. Her face, arms, and neck are covered in a speckle of freckles. For her slim frame she's surprisingly well muscled. Her hair is often patchy, with large missing chunks, and long remaining strands. The right side is completely shaved. Her hair is a mix of platinum blond and bright pink dyed pieces. Commonly she'll cover it with a hat or helmet, though she's not embarrassed. Either way she almost always has her goggles with her.
At a glance you can tell Liv isnt a stranger to a tumble or two. It not uncommon for her to be banged up and bandaged in several places. Shes almost always covered in some sort of bruises and dirt, particularly around her knees and elbows from all her tumbling. An intricate tapestry of tattoos winds its way up her left arm, extending onto the rest of her body. The tattoos intermingle a variety of scars. Most of the scars tend to be piercing wounds. She does have a single scar going through her eye brow and onto her left cheek and a few piercings through her ears. She is missing her left leg up to the knee, which has been replaced with a metallic prosthesis.
While she may not picky about what she wears, she'll often strip off clothing to less than most people would wear as she tends to run hot. She despises a uniform. Always within arm's reach is a cigarette or cigar, a trusty companion amidst her disorder. She always has a weapon slung over her shoulder, on display for the world to see. After all, Liv has never been one for subtlety.
At a glance you can tell Liv isnt a stranger to a tumble or two. It not uncommon for her to be banged up and bandaged in several places. Shes almost always covered in some sort of bruises and dirt, particularly around her knees and elbows from all her tumbling. An intricate tapestry of tattoos winds its way up her left arm, extending onto the rest of her body. The tattoos intermingle a variety of scars. Most of the scars tend to be piercing wounds. She does have a single scar going through her eye brow and onto her left cheek and a few piercings through her ears. She is missing her left leg up to the knee, which has been replaced with a metallic prosthesis.
While she may not picky about what she wears, she'll often strip off clothing to less than most people would wear as she tends to run hot. She despises a uniform. Always within arm's reach is a cigarette or cigar, a trusty companion amidst her disorder. She always has a weapon slung over her shoulder, on display for the world to see. After all, Liv has never been one for subtlety.

Resilient - Reckless - Manic - Impulsive - Chaotic - Ruthless
Liv's is a firework. Explosive and a more than a little unpredictable. She's a bundle of energy, often manic, and always looking for the next adventure or fight. She's got a bit of a wild streak and a bit of a bloodlust that often lands her in more trouble than she bargained for. Despite her impulsive nature, Liv is no fool. She's highly intelligent. She often plays it off with humor and absurdity.
She's stubborn as a mule, especially when she gets an idea in her head. Though Liv is exceptionally adaptable, often coming up with creative solutions to problems. She's also not one to shy away from changing course or making a swift exit when things don't go her way, her teleportation ability comes in handy for that. She never claimed to be brave.
Despite the chaos of her personality, Liv holds steadfast to a few principles. She has a curious sense of honor when it comes to teleportation. She never steals during her jumps, instead she always leaves something in exchange for what she takes. This little quirk to Liv is an important rule. Well mostly.
Underneath her manic and chaotic demeanor, Liv is resilient. This resilience is reflected in her constant joking and teasing. It's her way of keeping her guard up, they are her walls. She's not one for distance, often invading personal space without a second thought. It's just another way she keeps people on their toes, unsure of how to handle her.
Living with the threat of cancer and the physical toll of her powers has made Liv more reckless than ever. She doesn't let the idea of cancer get her down, instead choosing to live for each moment. She's impulsive, but not aimlessly so. Every action, every teleport, is her thumbing her nose at fate. After all, if life's a ticking time bomb, she might as well enjoy the fireworks.
She's stubborn as a mule, especially when she gets an idea in her head. Though Liv is exceptionally adaptable, often coming up with creative solutions to problems. She's also not one to shy away from changing course or making a swift exit when things don't go her way, her teleportation ability comes in handy for that. She never claimed to be brave.
Despite the chaos of her personality, Liv holds steadfast to a few principles. She has a curious sense of honor when it comes to teleportation. She never steals during her jumps, instead she always leaves something in exchange for what she takes. This little quirk to Liv is an important rule. Well mostly.
Underneath her manic and chaotic demeanor, Liv is resilient. This resilience is reflected in her constant joking and teasing. It's her way of keeping her guard up, they are her walls. She's not one for distance, often invading personal space without a second thought. It's just another way she keeps people on their toes, unsure of how to handle her.
Living with the threat of cancer and the physical toll of her powers has made Liv more reckless than ever. She doesn't let the idea of cancer get her down, instead choosing to live for each moment. She's impulsive, but not aimlessly so. Every action, every teleport, is her thumbing her nose at fate. After all, if life's a ticking time bomb, she might as well enjoy the fireworks.
Liv's powers emerged early when she was just a few months old. Her infant instincts prompted her powers to activate causing her to begin teleporting all over the country. Her parents never could find her after the that first night.
After causing enough chaos in her orphanages, she was brought into the custody of a military company named SkyPulse. Seeing her potential they leaped at the chance to shape her into their tool. She was trained, conditioned, and broken into serving them. As their own personal teleportation system, Liv transported everything from soldiers to raw materials, saving them time and resources. There were even the few occasional times one of the higher up used her personally for traveling. The worst things they made her do was collections. Picking up of other Mutes. Despite it she was ruthlessly efficient at her job.
Thankfully they never could figure out how to limit or control her powers themselves. She was always free to teleport wherever she wanted to her hearts content. Though she was well aware of the multiple trackers in her system, the bomb in her spine, and of course the special neckband. She never could go far before she was called back.
For nearly two decades, Liv was the backbone of SkyPulse's transportation. But the toll of her power usage began to show. After years of intense use her body was already showing major signs of deterioration. Worn out and never given a chance to rest, she became more and more rebellious, much to the annoyance of SkyPulse's higher ups. She started to wrack up multiple complaints about her actions and behavior. To mitigate the situation, they sent her off to the prison camp. This way, they could slow down her physical degradation without losing their precious tool. A harsh solution, but one SkyPulse saw as necessary.
After causing enough chaos in her orphanages, she was brought into the custody of a military company named SkyPulse. Seeing her potential they leaped at the chance to shape her into their tool. She was trained, conditioned, and broken into serving them. As their own personal teleportation system, Liv transported everything from soldiers to raw materials, saving them time and resources. There were even the few occasional times one of the higher up used her personally for traveling. The worst things they made her do was collections. Picking up of other Mutes. Despite it she was ruthlessly efficient at her job.
Thankfully they never could figure out how to limit or control her powers themselves. She was always free to teleport wherever she wanted to her hearts content. Though she was well aware of the multiple trackers in her system, the bomb in her spine, and of course the special neckband. She never could go far before she was called back.
For nearly two decades, Liv was the backbone of SkyPulse's transportation. But the toll of her power usage began to show. After years of intense use her body was already showing major signs of deterioration. Worn out and never given a chance to rest, she became more and more rebellious, much to the annoyance of SkyPulse's higher ups. She started to wrack up multiple complaints about her actions and behavior. To mitigate the situation, they sent her off to the prison camp. This way, they could slow down her physical degradation without losing their precious tool. A harsh solution, but one SkyPulse saw as necessary.
Theme Song