Back with my pirate bullshit again. This is meant to be a high fantasy RP, loosely inspired by the historical pirates. A large group is preferred, but I can also work with a smaller one. Any other information will be in the actual thread or added here once enough interest exists. It's meant to be more of a character lead, sandbox RP, with the plot and any side plots taking a secondary role.
Here's the basic premise:
Lreya is a set of islands in the middle of an expansive, ever-blue sea. Its land was once ripe with resources, and the seemingly neverending underwater caves provided the island's residents with materials to build upon its fertile land. Being the only land for miles, it became a common pit-stop for traders, who welcomed the chance to rest and restock before setting off again for their destination. Soon enough, Lreyans joined in on the trade. The common gems found in the mines were rare in other lands, and Lreyans prospered in their newfound riches.
Of course, that would only last for a while. With wealth, envy followed, and Lreyans, unaccustomed yet with disloyalty, were invaded by a larger, more powerful empire of Fherd. The land was stripped bare of its resources, its former glory only reflected in empty palaces, old portraits sold overseas and what little remains of the nobility that chose to betray their Lreya to retain their power.
That's the story you know, at least.
You were born in Lreya only a few years before the invasion. Your childhood was marked by bloodshed, heartbreak and loss. Only now are you recovering from the hardship, but it isn't easy when the island has no opportunities and everything is overtaxed. That is, until they arrived. You watched them from afar, fascinated by their rebellion and disregard for the powers in charge. And they had sugar, coffee and citrus. You could faintly remember such things being served at the dinner when you were young. Once they left, you knew what you had to do. Following in their steps would bring you power, riches and freedom. Or revenge against the empire that wronged your people. Whatever your motivation was, you knew one thing.
You had to become a pirate. But first, you needed a crew.

Basic description of the regions (by no means complete, just to give a general idea!)
The Islands of Lreya, scattered across an expansive, ever-blue sea, were once a flourishing haven of resources and prosperity. The fertile land, enriched by the seemingly endless underwater caves, provided the inhabitants with abundant construction materials. Now, though, the land is mainly left alone except by passing traders looking for rest. The islands are deprived of opportunities for growth while under the thumb of Fherd. The summers in Lreya are warm, and the autumns are moist and even hotter. As such, the plants are hard to cultivate and even harder to restore with the exorbitant exports done by the Fherd. Some of the native plants could now be considered nearly endangered. The people are polytheistic, and welcoming of other religions.
Its former king, Duke Ect, has infamously been rumoured to have sold the islands in exchange for protection from the Fherd. He disappeared a year before the invasion, leaving his children to deal with the invasion and the following fallout. Their family can live in wealth at the cost of ostracisation from the community.
The magical caves under the sea had lost their lustre, now devoid of their precious gems and minerals. Some still try their luck, but most have yet to return with anything substantial. Some say the caves have begun to collapse on themselves. Some say it's sirens luring them away.
Its former king, Duke Ect, has infamously been rumoured to have sold the islands in exchange for protection from the Fherd. He disappeared a year before the invasion, leaving his children to deal with the invasion and the following fallout. Their family can live in wealth at the cost of ostracisation from the community.
The magical caves under the sea had lost their lustre, now devoid of their precious gems and minerals. Some still try their luck, but most have yet to return with anything substantial. Some say the caves have begun to collapse on themselves. Some say it's sirens luring them away.
The Fherd Empire is a powerful and expansive realm ruled primarily by its Emperor Erlan and his self-appointed council. Motivated by envy and greed, the empire invaded Lreya, profiting from Lreyans' suffering. The Fherd Empire is known for its military might, imposing rule, and highly religious doctrine. Most people of this land follow the teachings of a forest god, Yfer. Fherd doesn't allow magic use without a license unlike most other lands. The government records every magic user, and the mage's magic must be specialised in one specific type.
The land consists of mountains, valleys and forests. The climate cycles between four seasons:
- The season of sun
- The season of harvest
- The season of fire
- The season of drought
Its land, when fertile, can produce large quantities of average-quality crops, most of which are used to feed its people instead of being traded away.
The Emperor, despite his warmonger ways, is known for being a devoted and doting father. His only heir has more freedom than other children of his station and is kept out of the public eye.
At the heart of the Fherd Empire lies the capital, the Duchy of Flamia. This sprawling city, adorned with grand palaces, imposing citadels, and bustling marketplaces, symbolises imperial power. The Duchy of Flamia serves as the seat of authority, where imperial leaders dictate the fate of conquered territories. It is a place of luxury for the elite, and the very place where the Emperor's family is housed.
The land consists of mountains, valleys and forests. The climate cycles between four seasons:
- The season of sun
- The season of harvest
- The season of fire
- The season of drought
Its land, when fertile, can produce large quantities of average-quality crops, most of which are used to feed its people instead of being traded away.
The Emperor, despite his warmonger ways, is known for being a devoted and doting father. His only heir has more freedom than other children of his station and is kept out of the public eye.
At the heart of the Fherd Empire lies the capital, the Duchy of Flamia. This sprawling city, adorned with grand palaces, imposing citadels, and bustling marketplaces, symbolises imperial power. The Duchy of Flamia serves as the seat of authority, where imperial leaders dictate the fate of conquered territories. It is a place of luxury for the elite, and the very place where the Emperor's family is housed.
The Kingdom of Kroda is a land of seafaring people. More often than not, most of its populace can be found daring the seas while a few remain to tend to their homes. They were the first to make contact with the islands of Lreya, and the two lands shared a close-knit alliance. During the invasion, Krodans provided aid to Lreyans, but as the outcome began favouring the Fherd, Kroda retreated to protect their own. Regardless of their retreat, Kroda now has to deal with Fherd going after them in retaliation.
The blight on their crops doesn't help, and they have caught less fish than usual. A divine punishment, or simply bad luck?
The blight on their crops doesn't help, and they have caught less fish than usual. A divine punishment, or simply bad luck?
Murgol is a wealthy kingdom built upon rocky cliffs and mountains. The mountains are lush with vegetation, and the vibrant colours can overwhelm someone unfamiliar. Homes are built out of marble, a stark white contrast against the land's natural state. At the bottom of the mountain is the City State of Maz, where traders bustle and only contribute to enriching Murgol. It's no surprise that such a traffic of wealth has made Murgol an ideal vacation location for bored nobles and a perfect place for diplomats to meet and discuss matters of state.
Both Murgol and Maz are ruled by councils.
Every paradise has its hidden vices, though. Crime runs rampant in Murgol, and the wealth divide is immense. The slums, hidden away from the view of visitors, are overrun with people in need.
Both Murgol and Maz are ruled by councils.
Every paradise has its hidden vices, though. Crime runs rampant in Murgol, and the wealth divide is immense. The slums, hidden away from the view of visitors, are overrun with people in need.
The bustling City State of Maz is a hub of commerce. Always sunny, it is located in the west of Murgol; Maz is a melting pot of diverse cultures and influences. It houses the largest port in the realm, and its guards are willing to turn the other way when pirates port their ships after a small donation. The city is known for its grand marketplaces, where merchants from distant lands converge to trade exotic goods. Maz is also an archive of world history, with prestigious archives and libraries attracting scholars and intellectuals. The city's skyline is adorned with towering spires and elegant bridges, creating a breathtaking urban landscape. As a beacon of cosmopolitan living, Maz thrives on the exchange of ideas and the vibrancy of city life.
Magic is permitted in most places in Maz except in archives.
Magic is permitted in most places in Maz except in archives.
The Grand Duchy of Heth is a land of rolling hills, meandering rivers, and fortified castles. Once a duchy of Fherd, Heth fought for their freedom and succeeded. Unfortunately, due to civil unrest, its current Duchess Pefrel has been unable to change its status officially to a kingdom. The government is currently focusing on establishing its own trade and building up defences in case Fherd decides to reclaim the land.
Heth is a realm where chivalry and honour are held in high regard, and the ruling nobility upholds a code of conduct that values justice and fairness. Some disillusioned Fherdan knights ended up defecting to Heth during the civil war. The countryside is dotted with picturesque villages and fertile farmlands, showcasing the prosperity and stability that define Heth.
In the past, Heth was known for its exports of wine and cider and for providing skilled knights for foreign rulers' protection.
Heth is a realm where chivalry and honour are held in high regard, and the ruling nobility upholds a code of conduct that values justice and fairness. Some disillusioned Fherdan knights ended up defecting to Heth during the civil war. The countryside is dotted with picturesque villages and fertile farmlands, showcasing the prosperity and stability that define Heth.
In the past, Heth was known for its exports of wine and cider and for providing skilled knights for foreign rulers' protection.
The Bazyurt is a vast and powerful group of nomads whose population stretches across expansive steppes, arid deserts and tropical forests larger than anything outsiders could've ever seen. Ruled by the charismatic and skilled Leader Arte, this nomadic society is a force to be reckoned with, with a rich history and deep appreciation of the arts, visible in any place they leave their mark on.
While their military prowess decreased over the past decades, they rose to fame thanks to their creation of the most impressive and unique tactics. They find they have little use for them these days, choosing to pursue peace over warfare. If the need arose, though, they had a draft in place to ensure they could protect their people and their Leaders are still elected through combat prowess.
Despite most of their people not settling anywhere for long, those who chose to do so managed to build beautiful and physics-defying structures. Entire cities carved into trunks of the gigantic Hund trees are able to house hundreds of people, and their art academies are envied across the realm. Water gardens are where rivers flow backwards, and flowers grow from the ceiling towards the earth. Their instruments, when played well, can cause nature to still or make the trees bend to the musicians' will.
Their attunement to nature gave them a unique ability to interact with it without magic. Some say their abilities might be the next advance in evolution, while some, jealous of Bazyurts's skill, call it a magical defect. Regardless, it can't be denied that the people of Bazyurt Plains are skilled architects, artists and intellectuals.
While their military prowess decreased over the past decades, they rose to fame thanks to their creation of the most impressive and unique tactics. They find they have little use for them these days, choosing to pursue peace over warfare. If the need arose, though, they had a draft in place to ensure they could protect their people and their Leaders are still elected through combat prowess.
Despite most of their people not settling anywhere for long, those who chose to do so managed to build beautiful and physics-defying structures. Entire cities carved into trunks of the gigantic Hund trees are able to house hundreds of people, and their art academies are envied across the realm. Water gardens are where rivers flow backwards, and flowers grow from the ceiling towards the earth. Their instruments, when played well, can cause nature to still or make the trees bend to the musicians' will.
Their attunement to nature gave them a unique ability to interact with it without magic. Some say their abilities might be the next advance in evolution, while some, jealous of Bazyurts's skill, call it a magical defect. Regardless, it can't be denied that the people of Bazyurt Plains are skilled architects, artists and intellectuals.
Rumoured to be the birthplace of Fae, Slaje is an everchanging land. Magically, it can snow one moment and be boiling the next. The streets have a mind of their own, never staying the same or leading to the same destination. It's no wonder that it became the hub for magic users.
Located in the capital, the Arcane Academy welcomes any magical user willing to dedicate their life to studying the supernatural. There's something to see for those with less academic inclinations, too. Once you have gazed upon the glowing pine forests and glass flowers growing from the stone soil, you can visit the Beastiary, a zoo for magical creatures. They have everything from imps to chimaeras. Not dragons anymore, ever since Slajel struck a deal with Cal'a.
Its ruler is a quiet and reserved Arch-Mage Hep, an orc who managed to give themselves magic through alchemy. To this day, they refuse to reveal how they did it. They're happy to teach anything else to whoever asks, but that one topic seems sensitive to them. They are a capable leader who has helped Slalej open up to different cultures throughout the years.
The weather remains moist and rainy for most of the year. The people of Slalej don't worship gods per say, but instead powerful Fey, which, according to legends, bestowed their powers onto other races.
Located in the capital, the Arcane Academy welcomes any magical user willing to dedicate their life to studying the supernatural. There's something to see for those with less academic inclinations, too. Once you have gazed upon the glowing pine forests and glass flowers growing from the stone soil, you can visit the Beastiary, a zoo for magical creatures. They have everything from imps to chimaeras. Not dragons anymore, ever since Slajel struck a deal with Cal'a.
Its ruler is a quiet and reserved Arch-Mage Hep, an orc who managed to give themselves magic through alchemy. To this day, they refuse to reveal how they did it. They're happy to teach anything else to whoever asks, but that one topic seems sensitive to them. They are a capable leader who has helped Slalej open up to different cultures throughout the years.
The weather remains moist and rainy for most of the year. The people of Slalej don't worship gods per say, but instead powerful Fey, which, according to legends, bestowed their powers onto other races.
Under the protection of Slalej. Once the homeplace of dragons, it now stands abandoned by these majestic creatures who chose freedom over servitude. Despite the illegality of enslavement, the dragons remain steadfast in their refusal to return, leaving Cal'a with an air of melancholy and loss. Those with draconic blood that remain try their best to ensure that the culture lives on and that the twelve high dragon gods are appeased and deified in an attempt not to provoke their wrath.
The weather remains steadfast throughout the year, dry and cool.
Cal'a has become a hot spot for those who want to escape from the opulence of Slalej. While the magic is just as present here within every stone, it isn't as dazzling as in the bright Slalej. No, the magic here is aeons old, shrouded in the rich history and culture left by the dragons. The presence of outsiders is a great bother to the remaining natives.
The weather remains steadfast throughout the year, dry and cool.
Cal'a has become a hot spot for those who want to escape from the opulence of Slalej. While the magic is just as present here within every stone, it isn't as dazzling as in the bright Slalej. No, the magic here is aeons old, shrouded in the rich history and culture left by the dragons. The presence of outsiders is a great bother to the remaining natives.
So-called the land of invention, Stiol is characterised by lush forests and only two seasons- a season of snow and a season of bloom. Magic is practised freely in Stiol, and used to boost the technological advances for which the kingdom is famous. They are welcoming to outsiders and greet the unknown with no fear. After all, their military is only second to the Empire of Fherd. There's no primary religion in this region.
Their king is a naive and idealistic elf, Maire Silas. He became a ruler at a young age and only goes anywhere with his advisor, Lord Yniol and his Queen consort, a naga called Elisane. There are rumours of an affair between the Queen and the advisor and concerns that the king is nothing but a puppet to those around him.
While it did not partake in the invasion of Lreya, it benefited the most. It's where most of the stolen gems ended up, the kingdom having discovered that they were imbued with ancient magical energy. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the crystals power the entire kingdom.
Their king is a naive and idealistic elf, Maire Silas. He became a ruler at a young age and only goes anywhere with his advisor, Lord Yniol and his Queen consort, a naga called Elisane. There are rumours of an affair between the Queen and the advisor and concerns that the king is nothing but a puppet to those around him.
While it did not partake in the invasion of Lreya, it benefited the most. It's where most of the stolen gems ended up, the kingdom having discovered that they were imbued with ancient magical energy. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the crystals power the entire kingdom.
Hauls was a small kingdom devoid of resources. It only had agriculture to keep itself afloat. Not anymore, though. After becoming a principality of Stiol, its land bloomed with factories and workhouses. It was finally exporting something valuable. They have always been an atheist society, which has changed in recent years as Stioll continues to push their doctrine onto the people.
The principality is governed by specially appointed governors from Stiol with one or two native Haus politicians. Stiol seems to have little regard for the land, using it as their primary means of production. Even though the factories provide the people of Haus with jobs, they're growing more tired of Stiol's rule over them each day. They're at a precipice of a revolt.
There has been an increase in earthquakes in the region. The local monks seem the most worried of all, always carrying a blindfold with them at all times.
The principality is governed by specially appointed governors from Stiol with one or two native Haus politicians. Stiol seems to have little regard for the land, using it as their primary means of production. Even though the factories provide the people of Haus with jobs, they're growing more tired of Stiol's rule over them each day. They're at a precipice of a revolt.
There has been an increase in earthquakes in the region. The local monks seem the most worried of all, always carrying a blindfold with them at all times.
Not pictured, west to Stiol, Cal'a and Hauls:
Not much is known about this region. It has isolated itself from the outside world, and no one has seen any Kyuetheian in decades. Gods only know what's going on there. Some Lreyan artefacts suggest a close alliance between the two in the ancient past, but no one has ever come close to decyphering what they mean.
(Note: A character can have combined roles depending on the group size, or if it makes sense for the character. Role limits can be disregarded if the roles are combined, as it's assumed that the additional roles would be performed part-time/less than the primary role (which will be assumed to be the first role listed unless stated otherwise). Roles can be added on request)
Captain (1)
First mate (1)
Navigator/Sailing Master (1-2)
Quartermaster (1)
Boatswains (Up to 3)
Carpenter/Sailmaker/Cooper (Up to 3)
Doctor/Surgeon (Up to 2)
Cook (Up to 3)
Gunners and Powder Monkeys (Up to 3 each)
Captain (1)
First mate (1)
Navigator/Sailing Master (1-2)
Quartermaster (1)
Boatswains (Up to 3)
Carpenter/Sailmaker/Cooper (Up to 3)
Doctor/Surgeon (Up to 2)
Cook (Up to 3)
Gunners and Powder Monkeys (Up to 3 each)
Have as many characters as you can handle.
Romance allowed
Don't overpower yourself or others
Don't metagame
Don't powerplay
Don't play Mary-sues
Listen to the Gm and Co-Gm(s)
Constructive criticism is very much welcome
Post your character sheet in the OOC, and once approved, move it to the character sheets tab.
A minimum of 2 paragraphs is preferred but not required. The rp level is meant to be high free/low casual.
Romance allowed
Don't overpower yourself or others
Don't metagame
Don't powerplay
Don't play Mary-sues
Listen to the Gm and Co-Gm(s)
Constructive criticism is very much welcome
Post your character sheet in the OOC, and once approved, move it to the character sheets tab.
A minimum of 2 paragraphs is preferred but not required. The rp level is meant to be high free/low casual.
Unless it's something innate, casting or using a power should take energy or focus. How much will depend on how complex the casting is or how large the area affected is. Additionally, large spells or long-lasting spells should take longer to cast. Feel free to introduce your own limits so long as they are present.
Be any species you want! So long as it can fit on a ship with other people.
Unless it's something innate, casting or using a power should take energy or focus. How much will depend on how complex the casting is or how large the area affected is. Additionally, large spells or long-lasting spells should take longer to cast. Feel free to introduce your own limits so long as they are present.
Be any species you want! So long as it can fit on a ship with other people.
(Post it in OOC, once approved, post it in the CS)
Moniker:(Optional, can be added later on in the story)
Species: (Most fantasy races should be fine. Feel free to ask if you're unsure)
Powers: (Optional, refers to any magic for characters who can cast spells or powers related to a species. Include limits or effects of excessive use)
Social Class: (Lower/Middle/Upper/Nobility)
Motivation for joining the crew:
Role on the ship: (see roles for available roles; feel free to suggest new ones)
Appearance: (Written, images, face claims, whatever works for you)
Personality: (A few sentences of what kind of person they are)
Bio: (A brief summary of their life so far)
Belongings:(Personal trinkets, heirlooms, whatever your character will bring with them and what matters to them, maximum of 5)
Talents and skills: (Any noteworthy skills they have accumulated so far?)
Other: (Anything else you'd like us to know)
Moniker:(Optional, can be added later on in the story)
Species: (Most fantasy races should be fine. Feel free to ask if you're unsure)
Powers: (Optional, refers to any magic for characters who can cast spells or powers related to a species. Include limits or effects of excessive use)
Social Class: (Lower/Middle/Upper/Nobility)
Motivation for joining the crew:
Role on the ship: (see roles for available roles; feel free to suggest new ones)
Appearance: (Written, images, face claims, whatever works for you)
Personality: (A few sentences of what kind of person they are)
Bio: (A brief summary of their life so far)
Belongings:(Personal trinkets, heirlooms, whatever your character will bring with them and what matters to them, maximum of 5)
Talents and skills: (Any noteworthy skills they have accumulated so far?)
Other: (Anything else you'd like us to know)
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