“When a man is prey to his emotions, he is not his own master.”Basic Info
NameShinohara Kousuke
(孝 for ko, meaning "obedience"; 介 for suke, meaning "assist")
NicknameUnless he permits you to call him Kousuke, you will refer to him as Shinohara, nothing else
GenderBiologically male and presents as such, though has little care or opinion and identifies mostly as agendered; He/They
SexualityHas little care for the troubles of relations; Asexual and Aromantic
RelationshipEngaged by arranged marriage to the daughter of a close family who holds moderately high social standing
FamilyHis family consists of his father, mother, and two younger sisters (twins), as well as a pet harlequin rabbit belonging to Kousuke themself; all others are irrelevant and he hasn't a single care for his fiancee's family
TypeHeat ─ Order
AfterimageA striking figure of pure white from head to toe, the Afterimage of Kousuke is a true marvel to behold. He stands tall and rigid, his slender form having a strong air of dominance. From the base image of an unassuming white rabbit, this Afterimage shares in the creature's stark appearance, with a mostly colorless form, right down to his skin. The only color to be found on this form lies in blood-red eyes which hold a truly piercing quality, their gaze holding a chill so fierce, it is said to burn.
Mirror Artes- Rising Heat - Sense subtle shifts in air and surrounding energies to predict how an enemy plans to move
- Word of Passion - Lace spoken words with an almost hypnotic element, willing the listener to comply
- Ember - When reduced to a weakened state, gain a "second wind"; state of blind rage, almost feral
Abilities & SkillsPractical- Kendo Student - Kousuke has recently reached 3-dan in their kendo training
- Parkour Partakee - Having incredible balance and reflexes from their kendo training, Kousuke has a fair skill in getting around in...less conventional methods
- Minor Psycho-Analyst - As a psychology student, Kousuke has a deeper understanding of others
- Culinary Artist - While he doesn't consider it much of a skill himself, Kousuke is a marvelous cook
Otherwise- Angelic Voice - A choir student from a young age, they have a strong grasp on how to properly use their voice
- Friend of the Feral - Though he would never call it an ability, Kousuke has a way with animals and gaining their trust
- Instant Slumber - While it may not be considered much of an ability to anyone, Kousuke has the strange ability to fall asleep instantly, and stay asleep for as long as they need; this rather peculiar ability has gone so far as to allow him to sleep standing up if it were ever needed
Likes- A well-cooked meal
- A good, dense novel
- Any creature that isn't human
Dislikes- Interruptions
- Disagreements
- Arranged marriage
Strengths- Intellect
- Perception
- Dexterity
Weaknesses- Constitution
- Moral Standing
- Stubborn Nature
For the most part, Kousuke is really quite the average-looking individual among society. There's really not too much that stands out in regard to his choppily-cut black hair and dark brown eyes. He has no notable markings on his skin, nor any sort identifying features, rather, their individuality comes out in their personalized style. Something of an alternative, Kousuke is prone to wearing dark and loudly-colored clothing with a considerably "gritty" aesthetic. They are known to attempt to tie their messy hair back in various ways, never really seeming to give a damn about whether or not his stylings are "traditionally appropriate" to the masculine variety. Most notably, Kousuke has several piercings and often accessorizes with various pieces of "occult" jewelry. They are of moderate size and build, standing no taller really than any of their peers, though can be noted to have a fair amount of muscular structure from their kendo training.

The best way to describe Kousuke as a person would be "distant". Kousuke has never been one to socialize very well at all, and has often stood off to the side, merely watching others while never partaking in games or other social activities himself. They are a quiet sort, and tend to use their voice very meticulously, never wasting such effort on small talk or other nonsensical blather; when they speak, it is precise, and always for a reason. This, however, isn't to say that Kousuke utterly avoids people. Quite the contrary, really. Despite their participation avoidance, Kousuke often places themself among others, making efforts to blend in to any given social circle so they may study their peers from within. Kousuke, is, after all, an analyst, and makes strides to understand everything and everyone around him. He views others as various creatures, animals to be studied, and revels in the opportunity to get close enough to anyone that he can learn each and every one of their secrets. He's not sure where the obsession came from, or why he feeds into it, but what he does know is that he's damned good at what he does. As such, Kousuke holds a great deal of pride in themself, and this pride can often get the better of them. Kousuke hates a challenge, and even more so, a threat. Like a wild animal, Kousuke will lash out at anyone who dares to stand against them, and with a ruthless resolve, they aren't above turning one's secrets against them. Kousuke has no regard for privacy or secrecy, and will gladly reveal all that someone attempts to hide should he see it as a fit punishment. So what if people dislike him, it's not like he ever liked anyone in return.

Kousuke lived a somewhat sheltered life as a moderately upper-class individual, their parents sending them to finest private academies that money could lend. They made few friends throughout their early childhood, often cast off from the group for being "weird" with his tendency to simply watch everyone around him. Few children talked to Kousuke and those who did quickly left out of fear of the cold manner in which they often spoke. The only time anyone ever heard Kousuke's voice used for anything but stating callous facts was when he would sing with the choir, a position he was forced into at a young age. Never has Kousuke argued against the direction of their parents, always compliant to every choice they made for him, and perhaps it is this fact that led him to the place he is today. With no control of their own life, Kousuke eventually began making attempts to control the lives of others, soon finding that it was an easier task than one would think. People were weak and malleable, just like him, and he had all the personal experience to know just what it took to take advantage of that.
Theme SongExtra Information- Kousuke's rabbit is named Unmei (運命) meaning "fate" and they often call her their "lucky coin"
- While he'll cook almost anything, his best and favorite dish to make is Tamagoyaki
- Though they rarely let it be known, Kousuke is a fan of most idol bands; one of his comforts in stressful times is to sing these songs quietly to himself
- Kousuke is 163cm, making them just over 5'4"; short, but not much shorter than his peers