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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
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EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Kronshi I like the vibe you are going for, but I would say maybe not go with a guaranteed fear effect for Chilling Howl. Perhaps make it a bit more chancey? I say this because that would be leaning into more Order than War.
Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Kronshi
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I didn't mean it to be guaranteed, I figured the strength of the mirror creature would determine if it worked and how much. Similar to if I created a fireball power and said it did explosive AOE damage. The enemy could still dodge it, or resist fire, or save for half damage like in dnd.

So in this case, the enemy could plug their ears if they know it's coming, or have resistance to fear effects, or have a strong enough will to not be scared anyways. It's more of a Soule Energy infused intimidation tactic.

I intended it to basically encourage enemies to fight other targets since it only weakens attacks against him, so that he can have his 1v1 predator-prey hunt. Or, against a weak enemy create a combo where he Predators them, Howls to stop their movement, and then Shatters with a sure-hit since they can't dodge.

As for the prey freezing effect, I set the objectively weaker condition so that you as the GM get the say of if this enemy is decidedly weaker, as in there is no feasible way already that it wins against Fubuki. So really, it's basically just a get this minion out of my way combo.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
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EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Kronshi Alright, that makes more sense. Thanks for explaining, you're good to go!
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Added some clarifying words to the Chilling Howl ability. But Fubuki is done.
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
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EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Kronshi You are good to put Fubuki into the Character tab
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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So my concept is that my girlie is skater chick by day and an performer by night. She is an aspiring Cirque du Soleil candidate with her unique acrobatic dancing routine. She moved to Japan recently when her dad got a good gig here. She knows its only for a year but she will make the best of it and has enrolled in a dance academy, hoping to bring what she'll learn into her act.

K right. So like as for Artes i'll go Light/Chaos then.

Blink - 'Teleports' within a 10m volume area. Not really teleporting as it is moving at the speed of light. Very effective but very uncontrollable and very random where it is in that volume that she 'blinks' into.

Dazzle - She begins to dance then suddenly beams of light all colours of the rainbow emit from her. Random snippets of all the music she ever heard begins to pound away, tracers of her movements shimmer away. All those watching will feel as if they are in a club from hell. Too bright, too loud, too chaotic. And that's the point. It is sensory overload and if the viewer/listener stay in her vicinity they will succumb and fall, their brains going numb.

Chaos Light Strike - literally her Artes weaponized as a dazzling laser/sonic attack. She will fire a beam, a spray pattern, form a blade or create an explosion centered from her. As it is chaos she will never know which particular attack she will manifest nor how powerful it will be.

Lmk if this works.

Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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@Kronshi Just read over Fubuki and man, I'm looking forward to interactions between him and Kousuke, I can see the two getting along just pleasantly


I feel like the both of them would clash quite a lot, and this could cause some good character conflict that hopefully, eventually, resolves as they grow to understand each other and support each other as a team
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Kronshi
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Yeah..... They're definitely going to be the absolute best of friends...

I read over your CS while I was still formulating who Fubuki was and saw that Kousuke was so uncaring. I was like, "Hmm, a Heat character that's this uncaring? Well, I can't have Cold be too cold otherwise we'll be making the same character." So I decided to mimic you in opposite and make a Cold character who cares a lot actually.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

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Yeah, I wanted to go for a bit of a twist on the concept of "passion" when it came to Kousuke, and so rather than being passionate about others as individuals, he's more so passionate about people as a thing to study, and furthermore, control. His heat comes out in his obsession, obsession over understanding the people who have always cast him out, and obsession over having something in his life he can actually control. It's the one passionate thing about him. He cares, but not necessarily in the direction you'd think. His care for people is less about the person themself, and more about preserving what can serve of use to him. It's a dark and twisted mindset that just fits so perfectly into the controlling tendency of order, because in the end, that's what he's truly the most passionate about.
Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
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EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Girlie Go Boom The concept is alright with me!

I was planning on using whatever combination y'all left for our fourth character, so Dark/Peace is an interesting build for me to work with~
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

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Oooh, I'm excited to see where Dark/Peace will lead 👀
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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@Girlie Go Boom The concept is alright with me!

I was planning on using whatever combination y'all left for our fourth character, so Dark/Peace is an interesting build for me to work with~

k well i wont have time to do up a sheet today so hopin tmrw
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 8 days ago

I want to hold Chihiro, she's so precious

I feel like she's gonna be such a good balancer to the group in a way, and it's good that we have a healer now because I have a feeling the rest of this lot are gonna be prone to injury XD
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
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EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

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Glad you like them! I decided to play off a flipped version of the concept of a "dark side", the Peace inclination only strengthened this idea, and I felt like you all needed someone who counteracts what's already going on with Kousuke and Fubuki.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
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EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 6 days ago

Once @Girlie Go Boom finishes their CS, I will start on our 1st post
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

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C'mooooooon Girlie!
Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
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EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Girlie Go Boom She is good to go, you can put her into the Character Tab.

It is time to let it begin.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
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EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

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