Hidden 1 yr ago Post by LetsFly
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LetsFly Concierge of Crime

Member Seen 5 mos ago

As they drew nearer to Whiterun, Lyra found solace in the familiar cacophony of bustling voices that carried on the wind. While she harbored no particular aversion to Finrod's company, she was a bit uneasy travelling with only one companion, especially a male. Habitually cautious, she kept her knife sheathed on her hip within easy reach, the strap left undone in readiness for any unforseen threat. She was feeling more trusting of Finrod as time went by, but she couldn't be too careful.

Finrod explained that he wasn’t entirely certain what the significance of the Inn was, beyond a stopping point on their journey. Lyra shrugged, accepting his answer; she was no more knowledgeable in the hidden symbolisms of her own vision.

She agreed with his elaboration, however. “If we can afford it, I’d be pleased to avoid camping when we can. Nothing like waking up to a bear tearing at your dinner’s bones in the middle of the night, only a few meters from your face. Nearly soiled myself.” She crinkled her nose, disgusted with her own rudeness. Why she felt the need to add that last bit, she wasn’t sure. She certainly wasn’t adding any points to her allure with Finrod — though perhaps that was for the better, if they were to be travelling together; it was safer if he saw her as one of the guys, rough and tumble and not to be trifled with.

“I think we aim for it, though who knows what we’ll run into along the way. It’s more of a plan than any I have — which is none, really.”

They’d reached the gates, and it didn’t escape Lyra that with Finrod beside her, the guard — the same one from the other day — didn’t have any teasing words for her this time. She was almost disappointed; some part of her looked forward to the jabs she’d planned on throwing back at him. Of course, she’d also imagined wringing his neck, but that would more likely place her in the Whiterun dungeons, and that would certainly put a damper on their quest.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by LoadedGuns
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LoadedGuns The Bearded Wonder!

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As Finrod and Lyra entered the bustling gates of the city of Whiterun, the vibrant energy of the market enveloped them. The lively sounds of merchants hawking their wares, the tantalizing aromas wafting from nearby eateries, and the warm rays of the sun casting a golden hue over everything created an atmosphere of anticipation.

"I agree, Lyra," Finrod remarked, taking in the scene around them. "It is far safer indoors in areas we don't know well. We can purchase lodging at local inns along the way."

Making their way through the throng of people, Finrod began mentally listing the supplies they needed. "So, we need to gather up some food and drink, perhaps some arrows, a potion or two..." His voice trailed off as he absorbed the bustling surroundings. "We should be fast though so we can capitalize on the day, and get as far as we can!"

As they moved further into the market, Finrod couldn't help but notice the way the gentle breeze tousled Lyra's hair, framing her face in a captivating manner. Her hair dances like sunlight on water, he thought to himself, admiring her presence beside him, trying not to be obvious of his seemingly growing attraction to her beauty, he has remained isolated from growing close to people for so long, it is a foreign feeling for him to attempt to deal with.

"Is there anything you want specifically, Lyra?" Finrod inquired, his gaze lingering on her. I'd like to get her something special, something that reflects her essence, he pondered silently, hoping to discern her desires amidst the bustling ambiance.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by LetsFly
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LetsFly Concierge of Crime

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Finrod listed off the things they would need to obtain before beginning their journey, and Lyra nodded, ticking them off in her head. "Got it. If we want to split up, it might be faster. I can get us arrows and a couple of extra waterskins, if you want to go for food and potions."

Lyra took a deep breath, enjoying the smell of cooking food and leather and flame. She knew it might be a while before she were surrounded by other people in this capacity again. She would soak up the city environment while she still could. She slipped a few fingers into her coin pouch, checking to ensure she would have enough to gather up her share of the items needed. What she had would only just cover what she needed -- she would have to find a way to either make or steal more money in the near future, if she had any hope of buying anything more in the future.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by LoadedGuns
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LoadedGuns The Bearded Wonder!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Yeah sounds like a good plan!" Finrod agreeing with Lyra, knowing the faster they get on the road, the more ground they can cover today. With a slight smile, and a nod of respect, "Meet back at The Bannard Mare when we are ready? We can head out from there!" Finrod makes his way towards the city market.

Enjoying the smells and sounds of the city, the breeze cool blowing through his hair, He makes his way back to Ysoldas stall to purchase some fresh fruits and vegetables. "Good Morning Ysolda! How are you today?" Ysolda with a smile replies "Finrod! Good to see you again! How are you?" Finrod not trying to sound rude and rushed, replies "Not bad at all! I'll be heading out of town for a little bit! Headed out west for a few days!" Ysolda looking excited at the sight of an adventure replies "Oh wow!! Sounds fun! Be safe!" With a slight smile "What can I get for you!?" Finrod replies "I'm thinking about a bag of apples, oranges, and perhaps some of those spicy peppers you grow! I can not get enough of those!" Finrod said with a chuckle. I hope Lyra is okay with some spicy food Finrod paying Ysolda, gathering the food, thanks her and heads across the market to Arcadia's Cauldron to grab a few potions.

"Morning Arcadia!" Finrod said with a pleasant tone entering the shop "Good morning Finrod, what can I get for you?" Finrod looking over at the potions behind the shelf, not wanting to carry too much at a time, replies "Just a few healing potions please!" Paying Arcadia the two exchange goodbyes.

Finrod makes his way back over to The Bannered Mare to leave some of his gold in the room, not wanting to travel with too much in case some thieves take notice of his coin pouch. Using his profound skill in alteration magic, hiding the coins left behind behind a spell in case the room is broken into, Finrod is never too careful.

Finrod makes his way downstairs to wait for Lyra, taking notice of the strange old lady still in the corner from the night he met Lyra. Who is she...? Finrod sits down at the bar and grabs a bottle of mead to relax and enjoy while waiting for Lyra.

As he sips the honeyed drink, Finrod's mind wanders to the journey ahead. He mentally maps out the route they'll take, considering the terrain and any potential obstacles they might encounter. The anticipation of adventure courses through his veins, fueling his excitement for the quest ahead. Sitting lost in his thoughts, with the bottle in hand, Finrod starts to think more about Lyra, wanting to know more about her, her past. Trying to understand his interest in her, is an internal struggle, knowing he never gets close to anyone, yet he cant help but grow closer to her. What does she think of me? Finrods mind races, getting even more lost in thought...
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by LetsFly
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LetsFly Concierge of Crime

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Navigating the increasingly familiar streets of Whiterun, Lyra's steps quickened with purpose as she embarked on her mission to gather supplies. The city buzzed with activity, merchants calling out to passerby to bring attention to their wares, and citizens going about their daily routines.

Her first stop was the Drunken Huntsman, a haven for hunters and adventurers alike. Pushing open the creaking door, she was greeted by the cozy interior, dimly lit by flickering torches, casting dancing shadows across the worn wooden walls.

Approaching the counter, Lyra engaged in a silent debate with herself over the choice between quantity and quality when it came to purchasing arrows. With a decisive nod, she opted for quality, selecting a few dozen steel-tipped arrows. She reasoned that she and Finrod were skilled enough to make each shot count, and the extra penetration power could prove invaluable in their travels.

Additionally, she procured two sturdy waterskins, one extra for each of them to keep in their packs in case of damage to the ones they currently carried. When food was scarce and all else failed, fresh water was perhaps the most important asset that could make the difference between life and death.

As she made her way back through the bustling market toward the Bannered Mare, her keen eyes spotted a tempting apple nestled among the colorful array of fruits on a nearby stall. With practiced finesse, she deftly snagged the ripe fruit, concealing her theft from the watchful gaze of the shopkeeper. Taking a bite, she relished in the crisp sweetness as she ascended the stairs to the inn.

Entering the dimly lit interior of the Bannered Mare, Lyra's gaze immediately sought out Finrod, who sat lost in thought with a tankard of mead in hand. The scene before her felt oddly reminiscent of their encounter the previous evening, yet somehow different. There was a sense of gravity in the air now, a weight of shared purpose that hung between them.

A smile of admiration tugged at Lyra's lips as she approached him. In the span of a day, their lives had become inexplicably intertwined. As she drew closer, she couldn't help but wonder what adventures awaited them on the road ahead.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by LoadedGuns
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LoadedGuns The Bearded Wonder!

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Finrod quickly snaps to attention when he spots Lyra enter the Inn, a bright smile spreading across his face. "Lyra!" he exclaimed with genuine excitement in his voice, rising from his seat to greet her. "Hopefully you found everything okay?"

Lyra returns his smile with one of her own, her eyes alight with adventure. The lively atmosphere of the Inn surrounds them, the faint strains of music from a nearby lute adding to the ambiance. "I grabbed us some fresh fruit and vegetables, figured we can hunt or fish for meat along the way!"

Settling back into his seat, Finrod gestures towards the map he had spread out on the bar. "So from what I can think of, we have two options for today." He traces a route on the map with his finger, indicating their potential paths. "Ideally, I'd like to head to the Old Hroldan Inn, but it's quite a distance. We'd need to maintain a steady pace with no interruptions to make it there before nightfall."

He pauses, considering their options before continuing, "If we can't make it, there's an old hunting cabin south of the four-way split near Falkreath. It's not too far off our current path, and it'll offer us a safe place indoors for the night." Finrod points out both destinations on the map, allowing Lyra to examine them closely. "What do you think, Lyra?"

As he waits for Lyra's response, Finrod finishes the last of his mead, the warmth spreading through him. Yet, amidst the lively chatter of the Inn, he can't shake the feeling of a presence lingering in the corner. The old lady, still seemingly asleep, captures his attention once more. It's as though her presence is trying to convey something to him, though he brushes off the notion, attributing it to his own overactive imagination.

With a mental shake, he refocuses on Lyra, eager to hear her thoughts on their next move. The anticipation of their journey ahead fuels his excitement, knowing that whatever path they choose, it will be another chapter in their shared adventure.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by LetsFly
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LetsFly Concierge of Crime

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Lyra slid into the seat beside Finrod, a shiver running down her spine despite the warmth of the tavern's fire. She couldn't help but inch closer to him, seeking the heat of another body near hers. Glancing around the room, she expected to find the door open and letting a draft in, or perhaps that the old woman had charmed some sort of cold feeling into her, but found the door closed and the old woman lost in a slumber in her usual chair.

Regardless, their closeness felt nice, so Lyra didn't move away. As she settled in beside Finrod, her gaze fell upon the map spread out before them, his finger tracing the potential routes they could take. The prospect of their journey ahead filled her with a sense of excitement, mingled with a hint of apprehension. She nodded as she considered their options. "I think we aim for the Inn," she continued, her voice laden with optimism, "With my luck, something will certainly go wrong and we won't make it that far, but I like to hope for the best. Worst case scenario, the cabin is a good back-up."
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by LoadedGuns
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LoadedGuns The Bearded Wonder!

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Finrod's laughter rings out, a warm sound that fills the air with camaraderie. "Yeah... I was thinking the same thing," he admits, his eyes meeting Lyra's with a shared understanding. "Try for the Inn, but if not, I love a good backup plan!"

As Finrod notices Lyra inching closer, a subtle tension lingers between them, a silent acknowledgment of their growing closeness. He feels a rush of playful energy as he stands up, lightly brushing against Lyra's arm in a teasing manner. "Let's get started! We've got a long day ahead of us," he declares, leading the way towards the door with a sense of purpose.

Exiting the inn, they step into the bustling market, the vibrant energy of the city enveloping them. The air is filled with the aroma of exotic spices and the sounds of merchants haggling with customers. With determined strides, the duo makes their way towards the city gates, eager to begin their journey beyond the familiar confines of civilization.

Passing through the massive gates, they leave behind the comfort and safety of the city, stepping onto the winding path that leads into the wilderness. Gradually, the cacophony of the city fades into the serene tranquility of nature, replaced by the gentle chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves in the breeze, and the soothing murmur of a nearby river.

The warmth of the sun bathes them in its golden glow, casting long shadows across the path as they walk. Yet, despite the idyllic surroundings, the wilderness of Skyrim is fraught with dangers lurking in the shadows. Wolves and bears roam the dense forests, while bandits and thugs lurk in the shadows, ready to prey on unsuspecting travelers. Darker still are the whispers of necromancers practicing their dark arts and cults with radical views, hidden deep within the heart of the wilderness.

In the midst of this vast expanse, a strange silence settles over the duo, broken only by the sound of their footsteps crunching on the dirt path. Sensing the need to fill the void, Finrod breaks the silence with a question, his voice cutting through the stillness. "So, Lyra, when you're not off on adventures to the unknown... what do you normally do for fun?" His gaze lingers on her, a mix of curiosity and genuine interest shining in his eyes. It's as if a spell has been cast over him, drawing him closer to the enigmatic Dark Elf with each passing moment.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by LetsFly
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LetsFly Concierge of Crime

Member Seen 5 mos ago

As they ventured out of the bustling city of Whiterun and onto the path leading towards Karthspire, Lyra couldn’t shake the sense of relief that washed over her. The open wilderness embraced them, offering a sense of freedom and comfort she hadn’t realized she missed. Beside her, Finrod’s presence was a reassuring anchor, his steady strides matching her own as they walked side by side.

Surprisingly, when their arms brushed against each other, neither shied away. It was as if an unspoken understanding had settled between them, allowing for the subtle exchange of physical contact without awkwardness. Lyra found herself drawn to the warmth of Finrod’s presence, grateful for the unexpected comfort it brought.

Their footsteps echoed softly on the dirt path, the rhythm of their journey filling the quiet air. After a while, Finrod broke the silence, his voice cutting through the tranquil surroundings. He inquired what she did for fun, his tone laced with genuine curiosity.

Lyra chuckled softly at the question, the sound carrying a hint of amusement. “Fun?” she repeated, the word feeling foreign on her tongue. “I’m not really sure,” she admitted, pausing to ponder. “I enjoy reading. Dancing, though I’m not very good at it. And fishing,” she added with a small smile, the memories of casting lines into tranquil waters bringing a sense of peace to her soul.

Turning the question back to Finrod, she raised an eyebrow playfully. “What about you? What does a high elf like yourself do for fun?” she asked, genuinely curious to learn more about the enigmatic man by her side.

As they continued their journey, the air between them seemed charged with an undeniable tension, a palpable energy that crackled with unspoken words and shared moments. Beneath the vast expanse of the Skyrim sky, amidst the beauty of the wilderness, Lyra couldn’t help but wonder what adventures awaited them on the road ahead — and what it was that had drawn them together, forging a connection bound by fate whether they liked it or not.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by LoadedGuns
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LoadedGuns The Bearded Wonder!

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"I think I can dance well, only when I am drunk..." Finrod said with a chuckle, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes as he recalled his moments of foolishness under the influence of mead. The memory brought a lightness to his heart, a brief respite from the weight of the world.

Pausing for a moment to reflect on Lyra's question directed back at him, Finrod's gaze drifted to the winding path ahead, the verdant landscape unfolding before them like a painting come to life. "I used to fish as well back home with my friends," he continued, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips. "We would spend hours down at the water's edge, casting our lines and enjoying each other's company."

But as the memories of simpler times faded, a shadow crossed Finrod's expression, a reminder of the scars left behind by the war. But what do I do now for fun... Not much since the war... His thoughts turned inward, dwelling on the darkness that still lurked within him, the echoes of battles fought and lives lost.

"Recently... I tend to just spend time at the Inn," he admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. "And when I like to get away from people, that campsite I showed you." There was a noticeable hesitation in his tone, a vulnerability he tried to conceal. "I used to be a very lively and outgoing person..." His voice trailed off, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air.

As Finrod's thoughts turned to his family, the ache of longing washed over him like a wave crashing against the shore. The pain of their absence gnawed at his heart, a constant reminder of all he had lost. Without conscious thought, his hand reached out and found Lyra's, seeking solace in her presence as they walked side by side along the trail.

Meanwhile, the sounds of nature surrounded them, a symphony of life unfolding in the wilderness. The gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze, the melodious chirping of birds overhead, and the rhythmic babbling of a nearby stream filled the air with a sense of tranquility. Despite the turmoil within him, Finrod found a measure of peace in the embrace of Lyra and her company, and of nature, a fleeting moment of respite from the trials of the world.
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