Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Kanarus tilted his head confused. "Guess we will. But now we know more than we did before." Feeling positive."
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Shinlo smiled as Scarlet sighed. “We all better get some sleep too…I think we need to leave as soon as we can…before more red eyed cursed souls show up”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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The three assassins agreed. "Rest is a good idea. We are a building away should we be needed." They said as they stood up. Though they had thought about taking shifts outside just to be safe. They left the house leaving Scarlet and Shinlo in the house with Ash and Carth asleep in another room.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Scarlet said “good night guys.” She looked at Shinlo who said “I’ll keep watch for a while. You get some sleep” scarlet paused but nodded and left to go to bed.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Within a couple hours, there was a knock on the door. On the other side, Orion was waiting patiently with his pack and waiting to be let in. When the door opened, he looks to whom opens it and gives a bowed greeting. "I've come to check on Ash's wraps and change them." He states.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Shinlo opened the door, his eyes blood shot and he smiled weakly. “Doctor yes come in. I think she’s still asleep. But I can wake her for you…” he moved and bumped into the door, looking like he was having a hard time seeing.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Orion looked Shinlo over before entering. He shook his head and looked to the man. "No but you can do yourself a favor and get some rest. I'll take over watch since I need to take care of Ash." He comments before going into the room where he could see Carth and Ash who he could see were snuggled into each other.

As much as he found it adorable, he shook their shoulders gently. "Hey you two. I need to continue Ash's treatment."

Carth groans, peering sleepily to Orion before stretching his back and legs.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Shinlo followed and said “oh I’m alright. I’m not tired…my eyes are bugging me something terrible…” Ash groaned and muttered “not yet…too cozy…”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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"I have some medicine for that. Give me just a moment and I'll help ya." He then looks to Ash and sighs. "Ash, treatment first. Cozy after."

Carth shifts as he moves his arm. "Come on Ash. I'll still be here after." He assures her.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ash sighed and sat up, rubbing her face and said “okay okay…” she got up and stumbled a little in which Shinlo caught her and moved to her the chair so she could sit. “Still pale for my liking…from what I can see…” he rubbed his eyes again, his hand shaking. Isis was curled up and hiding in his hood, clearly not feeling well either.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Carth slowly sat up when Ash got up and yawned. Rubbing his eyes, he looked to Shinlo who was helping Ash to a chair. Seeing that he was rubbing his eyes, Carth got out of bed and went over to Shinlo. Seeing his hand shake when he got closer, he took his hand and examined it before examining his eyes. "You didn't look like this before when I met you with Ash on the roofs." Carth pointed out. He took notice of the snake and reached his other hand to her.

Orion had begun to unwrap Ash's legs as he examined the burns she had. "How are your burns feeling?" He asks Ash while moving from one leg to the other.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Isis looked at him and only Carth heard a soft voice say “cold…so cold…can’t get warm…master isn’t okay…something wrong…inside…” Shinlo smiled and said “oh it’s nothing to worry about please have no fear”

The burns were already looking a lot better, fast healing which was odd for Ash in times like this
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Carth seemed a bit confused at first, wondering if he was hearing things before looking to Isis with a more concentrated look. He wondered if he should say something or not. Instead he looked to Shinlo and with an unconvinced look. "I'll believe that when we don't have selfless weirdos in our group." He then moves is hand to the side of Shinlo's neck to feel his pulse and provide a little heat to hopefully provide an invitation to Isis to seek warmth. After a moment he frowned. "You aren't feeling so great, are you?" He asks.

Orion took notice of her injuries and their progress. "Should be good tomorrow morning. I'll put some salve on and rewrap and check back in the morning." He explains, unwrapping the rest and applying the salve while he wrapped them up again.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Shinlo looked at Carth then sighed, the weariness now showing in his eyes. “No…I’m not. But I’ll be fine truly…” isis moved to Carths hand and shook her head, curling to his hand to be warm. Shinlo wasn’t okay and it was starting to show. He was pale and shaking and cold. His pulse was slow.

Ash smiled and said “that’s great. Finally something working out for me…” then she looked up and saw Shinlo ans said “but I don’t think it is for our snake friend”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Carth sighed before moving his hand with Isis on it to his neck so he could use two hands again. "You're pulse is slow. Your also pale and shaking like Ash did as well as cold." He pointed out before looking around. "It looks like I need to move outside into a more clear space. It looks like I will need to try and access being a beast again in order to try and keep them warm." Carth told Orion. He then leaves the room and heads outside. He looks for a large space before coming back. "There is a large space behind the houses. I can try to shift there." He sighed though. "Though I don't know how to willingly."

Orion was finishing Ash's arms when Carth came back. "Huh. Well....hmmmm." Orion didn't know how to help Carth with that. But he understood what Carth was trying to do in helping both Shinlo and Ash.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ash said “Carth I’m alright. But what’s wrong with Shinlo?” The white snake said “I’m just under the weather is all…happens with great stress and…well not sleeping well…on the run for a while…” he sighed and held his face and Ash frowned. “Shinlo…have you been looking for me while running from the cursed ones?” Shinlo looked at her and nodded. “Yes…”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Carth looks to Ash though examines her compared to Shinlo. Hearing about what Shinlo had been through, he looked back to the man and sighs. I'll still need to shift to have him at my side for him to get part of the proper care he needs."

Orion nods. "Indeed. I'll go make him a porridge to help. If you haven't made sure that you had a proper meal than this also factors into why you are not feeling well. I could see if a butcher has any tiny chunks of meat for your little snake friend. She may not have had a proper meal either, why she is seeking Carth's warmth" Orion explains.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ash moved to her bag and dug and pulled out dried meat. “Here, this will help. Carth hold off on changing yet. Orion maybe give him a check up and see what he needs. Snakes and other reptiles get cold with just a cold. I don’t know if heat will fix this”

Shinlo waved his hand and said “really I’m fine. No need to go to all this worry for little…” he paused as his vision blurred and he paused to rub his eyes.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Orion seemed to think on this before nodding and motioning him to sit in a chair. "Alright. Take a seat Shinlo. Let me have a look at you and let's see what we can come to. "Doctors orders and no buts." His tone near the end was sturn like a parent having to scold a child. "Carth, check on his little friend you have there." With that once Shinlo sat, he started his examination. Starting with his eyes, skin, heart, joint reaction and so on.

Carth looked to Isis and looked her over. Unsure what he could do. "Well, is my body heat helping any?" He asks her.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Isis moved over to Carth as Shinlo sat down and sighed. “This is really too much trouble I’m okay…” he sat down and swayed little, seeming off balanced. Isis curled into Carths hands and said to him “yes scale brother. I’m doing better. I’m just cold. His worse. His been like this for two weeks. Since we caught onto Lady Asterias scent and then we were attacked by those plant like monsters. I think his sick. Please help him”

Shinlo was moving his shirt back to Orion and the doctor saw bad scaring on his chest. Whip marks that didn’t heal well.
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