Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami stopped to look around feeling something wasn't right. He looked to Yugi to see Dark Magician Girl at his defense. He looks for Serena next. Looking around for her, he spotted her and felt his heart drop. To see Serena on the ground with someone over her. It made his blood boil. Without another thought he ran to Serena and her attacker. Mahad looked to Duke before leaving to help Yami.

Joey cursed as he saw Yami run into the middle of the battle. "Tristen, go help Duke!" Red-Eyes roared in response and swooped to Duke's defense.

Seto had also seen Yami's rush to Serena's side and frowned, annoyed by his reckless act. He though ran after him with Blue eyes to cover them.

When Yami got close enough he decided to summon another monster. "Twin-Hearted Knight! Come to my aid!"
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Drake got up and moved in front of Serena. “No! I won’t let you hurt her again! It’s her life!” He pulled a card free and called out “Black Knight!” The monster came and tried to hit Yami but Guardian of the King came out of no where and blasted it. “Hurry my king! Get her out of harms way!”

Serena stirred a little, the shadows wrapped around her protectively.

Yugi looked around and said “Joey! We need to take these monsters down! Yami knows what his doing!”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Mahad was ready to go to his King's defense when Guardian of the King came to their defense. Yami nodded as he concentrated on his path to Serena. Seto went after the stranger who went after Yami. "Now you have my attention and can deal with me." He challenges.

Joey looked to Yugi and nodded "Alright Gearfried! Slice and dice these creeps!"
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Drake smiled at Seto and said “you haven’t caught me yet what makes you think you’ll beat me!” He sent the Black knight after Seto now, rage burning in his eyes.

Serena was laying on the ground and turning her head, the shadows clearing Yamis path to her.

Yugi yelled “Dark magician Girl! Attack!”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Seto's smiled, almost giddy that he found a worthy opponent. "Because you better be a worthy opponent and no disappoint." At the moment the knight went after Seto, his dragon came to his defense curling around him her head infront as she opened her maw for a blast of white Lightning to be unleashed right then infront of the knight.

Yami came upon the barrier of Shadows of which opened up upon his approach. He entered the barrier cautiously till he laid his eyes on Serena, whom he knelt down infront of. He tentively reached a hand to her, slipping his hand to her cheek as he accessed her injuries. "Serena..."
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The Knight took the blast but it didn't blast him as Drake said "Magic against my knight are useless. He is a knight of the holy right. I'm more then ready for you Kaiba"

Serena grunted as he touched her and opened her eyes weakly. "Yami...what...hit me..." She tried to sit up, her pendent glowing brightly.

Yugi was leading the battle against the guard monsters with Duke behind Red Eyes with Tristen. He said "I wish we could do more.."
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Kaiba couldn't help but laugh. Oh this amazing. A true opponent at last! Oh how he missed this. The laughing died down before looking back to the guy. "Oh this is going to be fun!" He the summons another monster. "Black Luster Soldier! Show this guy who he's messing with!" The black and green armored soldier stood between seto and the man. Upon Seto's order, charged the Black Knight with sword and shield.

Yami shook his head. "That's I do not know. All I knew was there was someone standing over you and I rushed to you aid." He slowly helped Serena sit up, he leaned in closer to check the would she took to the head. He noticed her pendant glowing, carefully held the pendant in the palm of his hand before looking to Serena. It was as if the world stopped for him. Who knew what he would have done if something happened to her.

Joey helped in the effort, his monster working off monsters right and left as Dark Magician Girl picked them off too. The monsters were slowly dwindling.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The Black Knight blocked the attack and Drake said “how can you help him? Why do you want history to repeat itself!”

Serena looked at him and her sight changed. Atem the king knelt by her and said “darling are you alright? Where are you hurt? I should have been watching…I hate seeing you hurt because of me…”

Serena blinked and said “what? Sorry what were you…” shadows wrapped around them and Yami and Serena heard the same voice say “remember who you are to each other…the heart and soul together…”

Yuki was breathing hard, leading like a general but his own energy was fading. He watched his monster, not mana, get blasted across the alter room and he held his chest. “We have to…end this…”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Seto smirked as he watched Black Luster Soldier fighting the Black Knight. "You are worried about the past repeating itself yet you seem to be the one doing all of this. And if you're going to be here getting in my way, then I will make sure you're plans are stopped." Seto explained, knowing though that he was doing this to protect his brother, he guessed saving the world wasn't going to be so bad.

Yami seemed confused which turned into slight worry when Serena didn't answer him. With a blink Atem could see Zhara who was also injured. Having one of his court, Mahad perform a healing spell to help her. She had been wounded due to an attack on his life. While they had fought and won, he was careless which lead to her being injured. Another blink to reality and notice shadows wrapping around him.

Hearing the voice, it seemed to click remembering what Yugi had said. "Heart and Soul..." The glyphs must be talking about them. He looks to Serena, in a new light so to speak.

"Yugi!" Joey rushed to his friends side. He cursed as he looked to see the bubble of Shadows and wondered if the two were okay. Seto was duking it out with someone else near where the two were. He looks back to Yugi helping support him. "I'm right here bud." He looks to his monster then. "Gearfried! Take out that Exodia Guard!"
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Drake sighed and said “you don’t get it. If I let all of this unfold then Serena dies at the Gods hands, just like her past self did with Zorc! I am not letting that happen! Black Knight! Holy slash!” The knight pushed the other monster back and swung his blade, the slash taking out half the room.

Serena looked at Yami and said “we have to take it down…together…” she slowly got up with Yamis help, pulling her staff from her back and smiling at him. “I will always be there to protect you my king. No matter what”

Yugi leaned on Joey and said “Dark…Magician Girl…give him a hand…” he was breathing hard, his hands shaking as he pointed towards the last of the guard monsters.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Seto's eyes narrowed, wondering where this was coming from. From what his memory of that past (he was stuck with despite not wanting to remember), he didn't know about that incident.

Before he could say anything, he had to get Black Luster out of harm. "Black Luster Soldier! Dodge the attack." Blue eyes grabbed her master and dodged the attack. Seto was determined to beat this guy. "Black Luster Soldier attack the Black Knight before he recovers!" The soldier nodded and rushed to the Knight and a slash of his sword.

Yami helped Serena to her feet. Her declaration made him smile. "If only you let me support you. Now. Let's finish this." Yami was ready. He stood tall, ready to face the dangers.

Dark Magician Girl looked to Yugi and nodded. "I'll give it my all!" She prepped her spell, many magical circles appeared before unleashing magic blasts, in taking out the last of the guards. Leaving the Exodia Forbidden Guard left. Joey smiled to Yugi. "Take it easy there Yug'. We got this."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Drake yelled “Black Knight! Move! Then go for the Blue Eyes!” The knight nodded and jumped out of Lusters way and aimed a slash at Seto directly. Drake said “I won’t let her die for him again…I won’t!”

Yugi saw this and said “Kaiba!” He pulled a card out and yelled “Big Shield Guardian! Block that attack!” The warrior appeared and jumped in front of the attack. The Black Knight sliced the warrior in half and it vanished. But now Blue Eyes was perfect to hit the knight down with her claws.

Yugi gasped and held his chest, the monster being destroyed hit him hard. He fell to his knees, breathing hard. “Joey…gather…the monsters…we have to…attack at once…”

Serena nodded and the shadows pulled back and saw Yugi go down. “Yugi. We have to end this. Guardian!” Her card appeared and she said “we strike now. Mahad? Will you cover her attack?” She moved her staff and said “I’ll attack right behind the pair. I’ll finish this nightmare”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Kaiba was surprised that Big Shield guardian came to their defense and Yugi taking the hit for him. This only annoyed him knowing that Yugi had to come to his defense. His eyes narrowed, a glint in his eye as the man saw an error in his strategy. Just before the Black Knight could land his attack, Blue Eyes uncoiled herself and went for the attack with her claws. Just after Black Luster Soldier had come in and stabbed Black Knight in the back.

"You see, you don't seem to understand many things here. If you really want to end this supposed cycle, then maybe your on the wrong side. You went after me, my family, and my town. I will stop this one way or another and it will be on my terms as well this group of weirdos. But I'll give you this warning. You go after them. And you will lose. They have aways come back stronger and hitting two times harder than the last." Seto warned with venom in his voice. For not only was he hoping the guy would try again, but that he has experience and that was enough for him.

The Dark Magician nodded. "Understood." He goes with Guardian to cover her. Yami looked to Yugi then Serena. "I will go see to Yugi. Be careful." He tells her before running to Yugi.

Joey was worried for his friend. He nods in understanding. "Red-Eyes, Gearfried! Attack Exodia! Give'em all you got!" His monsters go after Exodia, as does Mana.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Drake cursed as the pain hit him, his knight vanished. He said “I can’t trust that guy…he doesn’t even know who she is…and she will do everything to protect him! I won’t let it happen!” He pulled another card and said “I summon Bone Dragon!” The huge creature appeared and roared.

Serena nodded and pulled a card free. “Hound of the Guardian” he appeared and she jumped onto his back and said “get me close to the core while the guardian is being attacked” the hound woofed and started running.

Guardian of the King yelled and launched her attack, Mahad covering her as the other monsters attacked.

Yugi was breathing hard as he leaned on Joey, his vision blurring. “Mana…make sure…Serena is…safe…”

When the attacked landed Serena made it around the back and saw the item. She pulled her staff out and ran forward. She moved to grab the gem floating where the core had been and she said “just have to” then she touched it and the whole room flashed white. Serena’s and Yamis items flashed gold and suddenly they were all in a new space. It was the same alter room but during the night and in the past. The room was filled with men in dark hoods and chanting.

In the alter was young Atem. Chained down and fighting weakly against the bonds as a black mass was gathering above him. Red eyes laughing darkly above him. But suddenly an arrow flew in and landed into the stone above the god, flashing gold. Three young figures ran into the room. Two attacking those who tried to stop them, the light flashing to show a young Seto and Mahad, Mana by the doors waiting. The three was running towards the alter and called “my prince!” She swung a gold staff and shadows shot out, reaching and breaking the chains on the prince. The girl jumped onto the alter and said “I am the Princes Shadow! You shall not harm him while I am here!” She swung her staff again and sent the god back, the mass hitting the far wall. She picked Atem up and pulled him onto her back, the others clearing the path for them as the alter was filled with a red light. The red eyes roared “no! I must have the pure soul!”

The teens escaped as mana made a barrier to block the entrance. They raced for the horses close by and Atem opened his eyes weakly. “Zahra…Mahad…” Zhara smiled back at him and said “don’t worry my prince, we have you. Your safe…”

The scene changed to a day light scene and to the palace years later. It was the room of the kings.

They all could see a hooded figure walk into the space and lower her hood. Zahara stood before the alter and bowed her head in respect when she heard steps. “Lady Zahara” she turned to see Priest Seto behind her. “Master Seto. You called me here. I should be protecting our king”

Seto nodded and walked to her and said “I must ask you something. These rumors of the cult from before…the dark god…have you looked into it?” Zahra smiled and said “of course I have. I am the kings shadow. They are the same as the ones who took the king as a young boy. The same ones you, Mahad and I saved him from all those years ago. And I don’t plan letting them take him now. I will die to keep him safe”

Seto sighed and said “is it out of duty? Or your feelings for him?” Zahara paused then smiled a knowing smile and said “does it matter my reason? Both are the right path to lead me here. Besides…” the shadow behind Zahara shifted and took the form of a huge wolf with gold eyes. “I am the Keeper of Shadows and the host of the God of Shadows. And his will is mine. But yes…to your question you won’t say. I love our king with all my heart. The rest matters little to me” she turned to leave and pulled her hood up.

“The god of lost realm will never touch the king. In this life…or any other. I will be there in any life our king takes. No matter the challenges…” she walked outside, the shadows wrapping around her like a cloak. Her staff in hand now as she walked into the sunlight.

The light faded and soon they were back in the street, the portal in front of them now the guardian was gone.

Yugi suddenly collapsed and was aiming for the ground. Serena was close to the portal, holding a strange item in her hand as she panted from the whole thing. But the job wasn’t finished yet.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Seto scoffed as he looks to see the mass attack happen as well as Serena about to touch a gem. "Too late. You should have listened." He watched as the room was consumed with light when the Guardian of the portal was gone.

Yami watched the events unfold, this past coming back to memory for him.
He was quite surprised and wondered how he had forgotten such a memory. Seeing it all fade and back in the city with everyone grouped together. Yami looked to everyone and then to Yugi who he took action in catching, kneeling down beside. "Yugi!" He cradled his friend and looked him over. Seeing no injury on him, he side and figured the battle he went through took a toll. Especially since he defended Kaiba and took the damage. "Rest now Yugi." He whispers, then looking for Serena and seeing her close to the portal.

Seto looks around, especially seeing if the guy was still there and his bone dragon.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Tristen moved over and said “I’ll take him Yami. Go help Serena with that gateway. I’ll watch over Yug” Yugi was out cold in his arms, looking pale as his breathing was hard.

Serena got up, holding the item in hand which looked like a key but more styled like the items of the past. But not the Key of the Mind. She looked at the portal and then she heard steps. She turned and Drake was standing there, panting hard and holding his shoulder. “No…I won’t let him take you…he can’t have you not this time…” Serena looked at Drake and said “Drake you don’t need to do this…I want to help…” he pulled out a wand and aimed it at her. “I’ll take your soul right now to keep you safe Serena. He can’t get you killed if your soul isn’t there!” He ran and grabbed her.

Duke yelled “Serena!” But as Drake tried to take her there was a howl and shadows shot out and blocked his attack. Then Serena’s eyes flashed and she moved and kicked him hard in the chest. Drake landed a few feet away and she stood tall. She said “don’t think your more then a man, you fool. I am the guardian of the throne. I am the Kings Shadow. And I will be his shield and sword when he asks it of me. And I am the keeper of his heart and I will always in any life after…”

Drake stared at her and said “Zahra…” she smiled and said “you bet I am.”

Suddenly Joeys pendent flashed and his Goddess appeared and wrapped her arms around him. “My dear seems you need a gods aid.” Setos and Dukes pendants flashed as well and the god of creation appeared and roared into the sky. The two gods moved forward and stood by Yami. “We are here. We will need more of us to close this portal.”

Drake got up, holding his chest and said “I will save you Serena…no matter what I have to do…” then he vanished in a red mist.

Serena spun her staff in hand and planted it in front of the portal. She looked at the key and said “Yami? This key looks like it belongs to your puzzle…” her eyes were still glowing, the power that flows thru Yami coming off of her.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Yami nodded giving Yugi to Tristen carefully, his heart tight just seeing Yugi in this state. He stood up then and went to help Serena. When he got half way where Seto was, feeling the force of the Howl and the shadows. He looked up to see Drake between Serena and himself. Yami watched on in awe then looked about him to see the two deities standing by him. He nodded as he watched Drake turn to mist.

Once the mist was gone, Yami walked up to her and examined the key in her hand. "The gods say we will need more help to close the portal." Relaying what they had said. Wondering if they could use help.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Serena nodded and handed him the key. Then a voice called to Yami “the key at last…put it in the hole in your puzzle my king…” when Yami did both the puzzle and Serena’s pendant flashed and Serena’s shadow moved and grew, take shape and form. Then the shadows moved away as a huge gold and black wolf appeared behind Serena. It was huge, bigger than Khurm, and bent his head to Yami. “My king…I’m honored to finally be by your side again…”

Serena turned and her eyes went wide. “The Bane…” the god of shadows moved forward and said “let’s shut this gate down…” he howled loudly as Khurm did the same and the goddess of luck blasted her magic into the portal to shut it. The portal flashed and then vanished in a flash of gold. The gods nodded and two behind them vanished.

The Bane moved to Yami and said “when you need me, use the key to call on me as your father did…and have my shadow nearby. She is my host…” then he vanished.

Serena stumbled back, breathing hard. “That was…nuts…” she then saw the red mist behind Yami and she yelled “Yami look out!” She moved and pulled Yami out of harms way and Drake was there blasting the wand from before into where Yami had been and hit Serena in the chest. She cried out as the wand targeted her soul to pull it out.

Duke yelled “Serena! Joey get that freak off of her!”

Yami was caught by shadows and he heard the voice again “let me take him down my king…let me save my shadow…”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Yami had honestly though his puzzle had been complete. To know it wasn't was a surprise. But he took the piece and placed it where it was suppose to go. He was in awe when he saw the black and gold wolf. The Bane.

When the portal shut, he looked to Bane and bowed to him. Before he knew it, Yami was pulled out of the way, losing his balance and landing on his butt. He watched as Serena was caught in blast as the wand was used on her instead. "Serena!"

Seto sprinted to the pairs aid since he was faster and closer, tackling Drake to the ground and aiming to snatch the wand from him. If he had to wrestle for it so be it. But he was ready to punch him and get dirty if need be.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Drake cried out hitting the ground and the wand rolled away from the fighting pair. He tried to slug Seto to get the wand back and yelled “no! Get off of me!”

Serena gasped and fell backwards, her pendent flashing showing it had protected her for the most part. She hit the ground, her eyes closed and her head falling to the side.

Duke ran up and grabbed the wand, aiming it at Drake. “That’s enough! You hurt Serena in your mad dash to get to Yami! Your done man!”

Drake was still fighting Kaiba and yelled “no! I won’t give up! She will be mine! I’ll protect her!”

Yugi stirred in Tristen’s arms. He felt the shadow magic at play. Tristen looked up and said “that thing can take people’s souls?”

Adam in the van sat up and said “marik, we better get out there and stop this guy…”
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