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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Seto caught the man's fist when he tried to slug him. Twisted his hand and forced his hand to the ground to force dislocation of his shoulder. "She can choose what she wants for herself!" Kaiba snapped.

Yami had scrambled to his feet and went to Serena's side. He gently cradled her over. "Serena..." bringing a hand to her cheek, saw her pendant and sighed in relief as he looked over to Drake, his eyes narrowed. His anger grew.

Marik nodded and got out. "Let's go."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Duke moved over and said “your done man…” Adam and marik ran out of the van with Odion behind them. Adam was cursing as he said “if he hurt her I swear I’ll send him to the shadow realm myself…”

Tristen walked over holding yugi, glaring at the guy. Drake looked up at Seto and said “how can you let it happen again…she saved your life! How can you let her be used by that…so called king! She kills herself every time he is in trouble..,for what!”

Serena moaned softly as he picked her up into his arms, a nasty what could only be called road rash on her chest on her lower neck, the only part with no fabric covering. Yami heard the Bane say “he must pay for this…he may have been a friend once but now he suffers…”

Adam and Marik showed up and Adam said “Marik, can you check on Serena please?” He moved to Duke and the dice master handed him the wand like item. Adam took it and Duke said “this is what they used on me. Well tried to. It’s how they take the soul of a duelist. He was trying to take Yamis…but Serena pulled him out of harms way…” Adam glared at Drake and said “how low could you fall…”
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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"And yet what have you done?! What you have done is more rich than I can compare. You hurt her! Whatever Harry Potter crap you pulled up here with hurt that someone you held dear to you! You call yourself a friend?! Look at her! You did that!" Snapping at the man still as she slowly starts to lose his cool.

Yami heard Bane as he took the words right out of his mouth. No so called friend would do this to their friends. This was everything he stood against. But the more he felt his powers rise, but in reality thinking about Serena who he had in his arms. He couldn't leave her side. Especially now. He was truly terrified. He was terrified for her. His eyes began to water, his throat tightened, and Yami was afraid of leaving her side and let everything out on this person. 'I cant leave her. She needs me right now," closing his eyes and tightening them shut. Yugi was hurt, now Serena. He had enough of his friends taking the fall for him. Not after Dueling and fighting beside them all. No way he should be the last one standing.

Marik rushed straight to Yami's side as he saw his King in turmoil. He looked over Serena and her injuries. Seeing the road rash like injury, he checked her pulse and the feel of her energy to get an idea of what Drake had done.

Though Yami was in turmoil about Serena and which he found out in passing, Yugi was injured, this didn't spell good news as he felt his King's power rising. He was angry and rightfully so. "I'll take care of them, my King. Do what you must." As he gingerly took Serena into his own care and Yami free to take care of business. "Sister! Come quickly!"

That was all Yami needed in order to properly snap and fulfill everyone's thoughts and feelings. Standing up, he walked toward Drake. His eyes crimson with power.

Seto still was ontop of Drake as he felt the hairs on the back of neck.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ishiu ran out and knelt by Serena, checking her over. “She’s drained and this looks like energy friction…but her soul is still intact. I think she will be alright with treatment and rest. If we had a monster that aided in healing it would help greatly but…” she rested a hand on Serena’s forehead and smiled. “You did well Guardian…that attack would have hurt Yami worse then anything else…you did well…” she looked at her brother and said “keep her safe and let me know of any change. I’ll go check on dear Yugi” she stood and moved over to Tristen, know moved so she could check on Yugi.

“His alright. Just tired and tapped out. Using his powers in a shadow realm battle and his monsters being taken down take a toll. But he was defending his friends so…I see his true self like this” Tristen smiled and looked down at his friend. “Ya…he fought well in there…”

Odion moved to back up the pharaoh and said “I am here my king…if you need me…”

Adam was shaking next to Duke and said “why did you do this Drake? I don’t understand any of…” then he stopped and knelt down, making Drake look at him. “Wait a minute…Drake?” Drake was fighting against Seto still but his eyes looked wrong. Adam looked at Yami and said “his eyes weren’t red like this. He normally had blue eyes. His not even a duelist. His game is Dice Monsters.”

Duke looked at Yami and said “could he…be being control like other duelists you’ve faced in the past?” Odion said “a dark spirit using him as a pawn? It’s highly possible. Or…using him as a puppet. Like master Marik in the past…”

Adam moved and forced Drakes shirt open and they all saw the same scars on his chest Serena had now. They all froze at that. Adam cursed and said “he didn’t turn sides…they took his soul and now using his body like a game piece…I knew this all felt wrong…he wouldn’t do this to Serena…”

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Joey came over to check on everyone and relieved to hear that they would be okay. He looked over to Kaiba who was still holding down Drake. He gathered with the others as well as Yami who was going up to Drake but noticed Yami was acting different.

Yami watched as Seto was keeping Drake pinned down. As they discussed things about Drake and revealing the same scar. Though Seto was not all that surprised, Yami looked at the man and laid a hand on chest and closed his eyes. "This is a spirit who sees the darker half ones self. This was the possibility of what he was feeling deep down that not even even he knew these feelings." Yami explained. He could take the spirit out of Drake, but then he would be a shell. But they couldn't let this spirit continue to run amuck.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Adam looked at the wand and then held it to Odion. “You better hold onto this. You guys know these types of items better then I do”

Drake was fighting to get away, knowing he had been found out. “Get off of me you fools! The dark god will rise again! He will get you Pharaoh! You and your heart! And then darkness will take this world once and for all!”

Odion was looking at the wand and suddenly turned it. “Lady Ishzu? I sense a light inside this item” the priestess came over and looked it over. “My pharaoh there’s a soul trapped in this item. It must be this Drakes true soul”

Duke said “we have to get that dark spirit out and put the real one back in”

Yugi stirred in Tristen’s arms and opened his eyes a bit. “Tristen? What…” Tristen smiled and said “Yami? Yugi woke up. He seems okay.”

Serena was shaking against Marik, her skin getting goose bumps.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Seto used his weight to continue to hold down Drake. Yami's eyes narrowed at the spirit's words. "Odion. Do you or Lady Ishizu know how to use the item? To reverse what has been done?" He asks him. If they could then he would remove the spirit in order to place the right one back within.

Hearing that Yugi was okay lifted his heavy heart. Though he did not smile, it was good news to hear.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The Tomb Keeper studied the item for a few minutes then said “yes, I can reverse it. Give me a moment…” she turned the handle and the wands end changed from red to blue and she said “alright, ready to release the soul. Are you ready my pharaoh?” When he nodded she hit the switch and a white sphere appeared on the end of the wand. Odion said “interesting way of doing the work of the shadow realm…”

Yugi was sitting against Tristen as he watched what was going on. He was still tapped out but he could move a little.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Yami nodded. "I am." With that he pressed helps hand firmly against Drake's chest. He then slowly rose his hand. "Spirit of darkness, hear your king. Leave this body and return to the shadows from once you came. You are hear by banished from the world of light."

Yami rose his hand further, extracting the spirit from within. He too rose to his feet till the spirit was out before banishing it back to the Shadow Realm. Once Ishizu placed the true soul back into Drakes body, Kaiba got off of Drake, sitting down next to Yami and panting from the exertion of energy. Yami sighed a breath of relief as his eyes returned to the deep Amethyst he possessed. He waited for the body's response.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Duke moved to help moved Drake onto his back and checked his pulse. “His alive…he may need a hospital…” Drake stirred and opened his eyes slowly. “Aaron…I have…warn…him…Serena…” he flinched as he tried to move. Adam stared and said “that’s the Drake I know…”

Drake looked around and saw them standing there. “Wait…the duel…what…” he flinched again. Ishizu moved to him and nodded to Odion. He knelt and helped sit up and she said “we are friends. Are you alright?” Drake looked around weakly and saw Seto and he said “wait…mr. Kaiba? What…you weren’t here…Aaron…said he was meeting you in a few days…” he held his head and Odion said “his soul is in bad shape. They must have done more to him then just take him from his body.”

Drakes eyes opened and said “no…I lost…the duel…I am not a duelist but I..had to stall so Aaron could…get to Serena…” he looked up at a saw Yami and he stared a moment. “Wait…king of games? I…I don’t understand what’s going on…”

Yugi was trying to get up and said “Seto? Can he go to your hospital? To recover fully? I think he needs that kind of help”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kaiba got up from where he was sitting as he watched the interaction when Drake came back to his senses. He sighed as he figured that Drake would need medical attention so he pulled out his cell phone and dialed for a helicopter from his company and some medical professionals. He then looked back to Yugi. "Already done. I sent for a car as well. It will be here shortly."

Yami's eyes widened a bit at Drake calling him the King of Games. It had been so long since he was called that. He knelt down next to Drake as he explained what he had last done. "Know you are safe now. We will explain what we can when you have seen a hospital. For now let my friends see to you while we wait for help." He assures as he then gets up and looks back to Serena and Yugi.

He walked over to Yugi and smiles. "You alright Yugi?" He asks his partner, still worried about him but just glad he was awake and alright.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Drake looked around and saw Serena and he went white. “No…not Serena…crap I promised him I would keep her safe…” he tried to get up to get to her, but his body was still numb and he hit the ground. “Is she okay? Did she lose? No…no way she would lose to those freaks…” odion tried to support him, checking his pulse. “His heart rate is too high.”

Yugi smiled at Yami and said “I’m okay…tired and light headed but I’ll…” he blinked after a moment and he swayed a bit but Tristen caught him. “I think his still out of it Yami. But his okay. I think”

Serena stirred a little in Mariks arms, turning her head a little to the side.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"She's alright. Serena just needs some sleep." Joey told Drake though realized that he didn't need to know yet what happened. "She exerted herself a bit."

Yami placed a hand on his partner's shoulder. "Just take it easy. We'll be going home soon." He assures.

Seto looks to Odion and hums. He looks up hearing the helicopters in the distance and fast approaching. Watching them come to slowly lower themselves in a clearing. The medical group come rushing over with a stretcher. Stopping next to Drake they come and check the man over before helping him to the stretcher. Taking Drake to the helicopter and securing him. They then take off and taking Drake to the hospital.

Yami goes over Serena and checks on her. Kneeling next to her. Not long after Kaiba’s limo shows up.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Drake kept staring at her and looked down at his all black outfit and he said “what the heck am I wearing…what happened to me…where is Aaron? He should be here?”

Drake was loaded up and started to go but he reached out and caught Setos arm. “Mr. Kaiba…please…help her…I think I did something I shouldn’t have and…please help her…” then he was gone. Duke stood by Seto and said “he has no idea what’s his body has been up to…heck how long do you think he was like that?”

Odion moved to Marik and said “sir do you want help carrying her?” Serena stirred again and opened her eyes weakly, seeing Yami above her. “Yami…are you…okay…” when he answered she smiled weakly then passed out again.

Tristen carried Yugi over to limo and said “are we done here? All good?” Adam nodded and said “ya…if you want to go back to the home base go for it. I’m…going to follow Drake to the hospital if that’s okay Kaiba? I’ll be there for him” he went for the van to follow.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Seto was surprised Drake catching his arm. He thought about saying something but decided against it. He only nodded as he watched them take Drake. Hearing Duke's question, he simply shrugged. "Don't know and don't care. He's back to himself and that's all that matters." He says before going toward the limo. "Do what you want Adam. Just let them know I sent you." Seto states.

Marik watched Serena till Odion came over to them and nodded, helping transfer Serena to Odion. Yami smiled to Serena when she woke up for the brief moment before standing and walking with them to the Limo. Joey follows after Tristen and Yugi. "Yep! Finally! A good night's sleep!" He says just before he yawns. He was tuckered out and ready for sleep.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Adam smiled and said “thanks…and her brother is Aaron. His in your coma ward…we better have his chest checked now…” he left to follow the chopper. He wouldn’t say anything yet till Seto was told he could tell Drake what he missed.

Tristen chuckled and said “Joey help me with Yugi. His still out of it” he climbed into the limo keeping Yugi against him.
Odion took Serena and said “I’ll take care of her my pharaoh. Do not fear” he carried her to the car as Marik and Ishizu and the woman said “where would like to go Yami? Back to that home base or down here else? Marik? We need to find where the riders ended up. They never got here”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Joey helped Tristen with Yugi so Tristen could get in easier. Yami looked to the Tomb Keepers. Marik looked to his sister and wondered that himself. He wondered what happened. He pulled out his cell phone and called up Raphael.

Yami stayed. "I think I'll stay with you for now. If the Riders didn't show up, something must have happened to them."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 hr ago

When the call was picked up he heard panting and a painful grunt. “Sorry…Marik…we got…hit…we can’t…get there…we aren’t…in great shape…get the pharaoh…and Guardian somewhere safe…we will try and get there…when we can move again…”

Ishizu frowned hearing the other end and said “we need to find them. They aren’t alright. Adam said he had trackers with them. We might be able to find them on our way to the warehouse. We can help them there”

Odion looked to Seto and said “mind giving me a hand with her. The brave girl is shaking like a leaf…I think she might be in a little shock…”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Yami was worried about the riders that when he saw Marik's eyes widen and worried, he looked to Ishizu who heard what happened. "Agreed." The pharaoh sighed as he looked at their feet. This is was just getting worse. There was at least some good done tonight and that was all he could ask for. Looking back to the Tomb Keepers, he smiles. "We'll find them and bring them back."

Seto sighed but helped Odion with Serena. "With what happened in there and after, I would assume so." He then gets in after and sits down with his arms crossed over his chest. He watched Yami and the Tomb Keepers conversing, waiting on them.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ishizu nodded and said “Marik tell them to send us their location and not to move. We will come to them” then she headed to the limo and got in. “We need to make a stop Kaiba. The riders were hit on their way to meet us. We need to get to them and help them pull out”

When Marik told Raphael he chuckled weakly and said “figured…pharaoh would…say that…I’ll try I…” then the line went dead. But a moment later Marik got the GPS on the riders location. It was half way from the base and their current location.

Odion was trying to slip his jacket off so he could wrap Serena in it but he couldn’t get it off. Serena was shaking more now.
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