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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Marik relayed what Ishizu said. Having chuckled himself before he was surprised before the line went dead. He looked back to his phone and finding out that he got their location. Marik nodded to Yami whom nodded back to him as they went to the limo and the last to get in. "I got their location."

Seto sighed before knocking on the screen between them and the driver. Marik hands Seto the phone who hands it to the driver. "Go to this location." "Of course sir." The driver started the car and they were off. Yami looked to Odion and Serena, seeing her shaking. "Is she okay?" He asks.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Odion sighed and said “I’m trying to keep her warm but I can’t get my jacket over her. I think she’s in shock from the attack…”

Tristen moved Yugi to his side so he he could check his pulse and said “his okay. Just passed out. What happened with the riders?”

They soon pulled into the side street and they saw the signs of a shadow battle. The three riders were laying in the road in different spots, looking beaten up but breathing.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami nodded and carefully kneeled on the floorboard to help Odion with getting his jacket over and around Serena. He then looked to Yugi and smiled though he frowned. "I don't know. Only that they were attacked."

Yami, Joey and Marik got out of the limo when they saw what wrong. They went to each rider to check on them. Yami looked around the surrounding battlefield. Examined what may have happened. "Raphael. Raph we are here."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena stirred again when she felt Yami touch her skin, her skin cold. Odion nodded and said “that will help. I hope she will be alright. That was very brave what she did…”

Tristen jumped out with Duke to help as Allen, Alister and Raphael were laying around the street. Raph was shaking when Yami got to him and he opened his eyes weakly “Yami…your okay…the others…are they…” he gasped in pain. Alister was leaning against a wall sitting, blood running down his face. “Seto…is he…alright…” Duke found him and yelled “Kaiba! These guys are messed up bad”

Allen was laying on his side, unconscious with one of the wands by him broken.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Kaiba stepped out to see what was going on. Hearing Duke call out to him drew his attention to what was going on seeing him with Alister, he could see the extent of the damage. He gritted his teeth with disgust. He grabbed his cell phone and called for another helicopter.

Yami frowned. "We are figuring that out as we speak. Can you tell me what happened here?" He asks Raph.

Marik and Joey ran to Allen's side. Joey rolled the man onto his back and checked him over. Marik saw the broken wand and picked it up. "Sister! I found a wand!" He called out to her.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Raph coughed and said “we were heading to the portal when a monster appeared in the road and exploded…we barely stopped to avoid…the blast. Then more of those Brotherhood goons showed up with monsters that were beyond anything we have seen before…it was insane…we were able to defeat them but the last guy pulled out that wand and tried to take Allen. But when they fought…a shadow came and wrapped around all of them and they vanished. That was about…ten minutes before you called…” he flinched again and held his ribs.

Ishizu stepped out and ran over, picking the wand up. “It’s broken but I bet between us and Adam we can find out how it works. Is he alright?” Allen was out cold, the same markings on his chest but he was breathing.

Duke was trying to get Alister up and the rider said “Seto…check…mokuba…they…said his…name…” he was holding a red gem pendent in his hand. Duke said “Kaiba, call your brother! Alister said to check on him”

Odion laid Serena on the seat and climbed out. “What can I do?”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami listened carefully to what Raph explained to him and nodded. "I'm sorry. Rest easy Raph. I believe Seto has called for help for you."

Joey looked to Ishizu. "I'm not sure. He's breathin' but we won't know till he wakes up if it's really him, so I hope."

Seto's eyes widened upon hearing about Mokuba. He dialed his brother and waited for his answer. Last he knew, Mokuba should already be at the hideout. So he hoped. "Come on Mokuba..." He muttered waiting for an answer.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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There was a few rings then an answer “Seto? Is everything okay? I was watching the whole thing and then the riders got attacked and I was trying to go help with this huge wolf shadow thing appeared outside the base and was stopping another monster from getting inside. I think it was Tri-Horned Dragon card Seto! Please are you and the others okay?”

Duke brought Alister over to Seto, supporting him as the rider asked “is he okay? Is he safe?”

Raph tried to sit up and said “we can’t…we have to…protect…the guardian…and you…the war…is going to begin now…”

Ishizu knelt down to Allen and rested a hand on his forehead and closed her eyes. After a moment she said “it’s him. His soul hasn’t been altered. I think those shadows must have stopped any attack from going thru. He might been in a similar state that Serena is in but not as bad as her”

Odion walked over and said “should we get them in the limo?”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Kaiba felt his relief as his brother answered, exhaling the large breath he had been holding in. "We're okay Mokuba. We'll be back soon. Be safe Mokuba." He says softly before hanging up the phone. "He is alright."

Yami frowned to Raph. "If you respect my role as Pharaoh as you so dub me, then I shall make this an order. Rest easy and recover. You have done above beyond as have your riders." He ordered Raph before looking up to see how everything was progressing.

Marik nodded before looking to Joey. "Wheeler, help me with Allen. We'll take him to the limo. Odion. Help Yami." Joey grabbed Allen's other arm and they lifted him up together and taking him toward the limo.

Seto looked to them. "A Helicopter is on the way for the Riders."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Alister sighed with relief and said “thank goodness…I panicked when I heard his name and lost my cool…it felt so wrong to put him in the middle of this…” he swayed a little and Duke kept him upright. “His head is bleeding good. We need to get them out of the alley so that chopper can land”

Raph sighed and nodded, understanding. “Is everyone else alright? What about yugi and Serena? They were with you right?” Odion was there and helped him onto his feet and pulled his arm around his neck. “Shall we move him Yami?”

Allen groaned softly as he was picked up, looking like he took the worst of the fighting. Ishizu moved to Seto and said “we can move them to a place more easily accessible to your helicopter Mr. Kaiba. I am glad young mokuba is safe.”

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Seto looked around before seeing a clear landing in sight. "Just a few buildings down here is a clear spot. That's what they'll see and use to get to us." Kaiba instructs as he had pointed to where they needed to go.

Joey and Marik made their way where Kaiba said to go. Yami would have help but compared to Odion, his height would not allow it. "Let's. It looks like Kaiba has a clearing set. Let's go." Leading the way to join up with the rest of the group. "Yugi and Serena are alright. They exerted themselves more than we had." Yami explains to Raph.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Raph frowned and said “you’re leaving something out. I can tell by your face” they walked to the clear area as Duke helped Alister sit down and checked his head. “What hit you man?” The rider chuckled weakly and said “I think I was hit with a mace…my Gorlag was fighting a warrior type monster and I was hit from behind…”

Odion rested Raph down when they got to the spot and Raph saw Yamis face and his eyes widened. “She’s hurt isn’t she. Really hurt. Was one of those wands used on her?” Tristen was helping with Valon (finally found his name) with Joey and he said “ya the guy tried to use it on Yami.” Raph cursed and said “Valon got hit but he was wearing that armor his deck has. Think it’s what saved him til those shadows showed up…what are those shadows about?”

Ishizu went back to the Limo to check on Serena who was shaking more under Odions jacket, sweat running down her face. “My dear…hold on…”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami flinched a little knowing he was leaving out details. However he knew he was just trying to not have them fret over Serena so they could focus on their own injuries. But when Raph figured it out Yami flinched a little more visibly. Talk about being called out.

When he asked about the shadows, he sighed and looked to the limo. "It was likely due to The Bane when we were actually able to give him a physical form. I wonder if that was how the shadows came about." He looked to the limo and, wondering how Serena was.

When the helicopter showed up, the medical team went to each rider ,provided with a stretcher. Accessing their injuries, they even had Raph and Alister lay on their respective stretch due to their own injuries. While that happened Yami looked to them all. "I'm going to check on Serena." So he leaves to the Limo to check on Serena.

Peeking in, he could see her shaking even more and goes in to sit next to her. He then pulls her to him and holds her. "I'm so sorry." He murmurs into her hair as he rests his head against hers as he closes his eyes.

When they say their farewells, Seto is one of the first to head to the limo. Joey, and Marik head back too. "I hope Serena will get better soon." Joey says with a saddened look.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Raph sighed snd took Yamis hand. “She will…be alright Yami…she’s strong. She won’t be taken down by something like this…” then he waved when they picked him up, Alister nodding to Seto as they were loaded up.

Ishizu was kneeling by Serena when he came in and said “she needs a warmer jacket around her. Odions wasn’t made for cold. Mainly made to block the sun” Yugi was just sleeping now on the seat as the others got back, Tristen moving in and pulling Yugi so he was a sleeping on his lap.

Once they were all loaded back into the limo Odion said “we are all Mr. Kaiba…”

Serena stirred a little when Yami held her, her pendent glowing weakly.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami nodded to Ishizu though didn't think his jacket would help any either. He decided to try anyway. Shrugging on the one side, he carefully pulled the sleeve around that the jacket would transfer to her as he slid it off himself. He adjusted it to make sure it was wrapped around her. He then rubbed her arm to help warm her up. "I hope mine is enough."

Seto had waited for everyone to sit and load up when he knocked on the screen. The Driver took the que and drove the car once more to their original destination.

The drive was rather silent. Joey was nodding off next to Tristen, Seto sat, leg crossed, arms folded over his chest while he closed his eyes. Marik had dosed next to Odion, propped against him.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Odion pulled Marik closer to him and put his arm around him, a soft smile on his lips. Tristen moved a little so Joey could rest on his shoulder more comfortably and sighed fighting not to fall asleep himself, his black jacket covering yugi.

Duke was on his phone texting Adam the updates then yawned and shook his head to stay awake. Ishizu moved to pull the jacket around Serena and nodded “that will do better. I think after the battle in that shadow realm then the attack just pushed her to the edge. Just need to stop the shock and make sure she is alright. But I don’t see any signs to worry about…” she looked at Yami and asked “how are you doing?”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami looked from Serena to Ishizu and sighed, his shoulders relaxed. "Tired. Happy? Confused. There is so much I'm relearning, thinking I already had all my memories. I mean...I'm happy to have met Serena, finding out that she was the missing piece. But yet tired that something always wants to take what I care for most. I'm just tired of it all... I guess that's what happens when you have power over the shadow realm..." He says sadly. He just wanted peace. "I'm alright physically. But not alright."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Ishizu nodded softly and moved and took his hand. “Remember…you always win. Against all the odds you and your friends have always come out on top. Against gods, monsters, and great evils…even evils older than you…you defeated tham and saved the lives of those who were in need. Look at the riders. They were bond to darkness and yet…you spared them the fate they stepped into. Same with Pegasus…my own brother…Bakura…no one has truly been lost Yami…and that’s thanks to your heart and faith…”

They pulled up to the warehouse and Odion looked down at Marik. “Master Marik? We are here” Tristen woke Joey and said “hey man, we made it. Give me a hand with yugi”

Duke moved to Seto and rested a hand on his shoulder. “Kaiba, we are here. I see mokuba in the window.”

Ishizu smiled and opened the door and said “can I help you with your shadow?”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami looked to her and listened. He would fight for what he believed and what he held dear. He smiled and nodded.

When they made it back to the warehouse, Marik stirred from his nap and looked around. He nodded to Odion and got out. Joey also stirred from his sleep. He grumbled and noticed they were back but help Tristen with Yugi.

Seto opened his eyes, blinking a few times. He looked out the window to see Mokuba as Duke said he was at and got out of the car.

Yami accept Ishizu's help. When he got out next, he went to getting Serena on his back and carrying her into the warehouse.

Once everyone was inside, everyone was worse for wear and tired. Even Kaiba looked tired.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Duke helped Kabia out and looked sound. “Looks like Adam is back already too. The van is here” he headed to open the door but paused. “You okay Seto?”

Tristen carried Yugi inside, making sure Joey didn’t trip as he came up the stairs.

Serena made a soft sigh as he picked her up, her color coming back. The doors opened and Mokuba came out and said “Seto! Did something happen? Adam beat you guys here and he went right past me. I don’t think he even saw me and went to his lab up the stairs. He was pale and didn’t look okay…” he paused and looked around. “No one looks okay. Seto your pale too”
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