Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 1 day ago

With his magic, I'm wanting it to technically all be fire magic, but fire magic that he has honed to be so formidable that it has gained equivalent strength and drawbacks to Contingent Magic in the form of Inferno and Celestial Magic in the form of The Flames of Jophiel. If that's not okay, I'll make changes of course.

[insert wooyeah dancing alien]

You've inspired me to rework the magic system because I really liked your view of the fire evolving with the levels of magic schools, so here you go:

At the Cardinal level of magical schools, the elements are restricted to purely their base forms. One who focuses their magic through Fire would be able to not just form, control, and manipulate fire in its literal form (see "Fire Bending" or "Pyrokinesis"), but so too, they would be able to cast spells with Fire as the focusing core of the incantation. This is to say, when casting, one uses the literal embodiment of Fire as a foundation for this spell. For example, if a Fire focuser were to cast a healing spell, it would be brought from the heat of the flame with themes of cauterization and sterilization. One could use a focus of Fire to mend and bind materials, or, on the contrary, they could use their fiery focus to boil and break materials down to their finer forms. For one who focuses on Fire as their center, spells are read as passionate and warm in nature. Naturally, all magic comes at a cost, though the drawback of these simpler castings is minimal. Headaches, fatigue, and hunger are the worst of the extent paid for Cardinal spellwork.

At the Contingent level of magic schools, the elements are broken own to their finer forms. One who focuses their magic through Fire opens way to expanding their power to encompassing the finer notes of the flame: Heat, Glow, and Spark are among these notes in the realm of Fire. These refined points of focus allow for finer, more refined spells when used as the focusing core. Heat is used for higher, more severe healing spells, while Spark is used not only to produce specialized flames, but can also be used in spells for energizing, inspiring, or even soothing. For one who focuses on the finer note of Fire as their center, spells are read as invigorated and hot in nature. Unsurprisingly, the cost of these higher level spells come quite greater. Headaches rise to migraines, while fatigue becomes utter exhaustion, and hunger is replaced with painful nausea and other internal pains.

At the Celestial level of magic schools, the elements are expanded further into their abstract forms. One who focuses their magic through Fire rises high in the overlaying planes of mortal and soul, evolving their power to reach the abstract characterization of the pyre: Passion, Ferocity, and Rebirth are among these characterizations. These abstractions of focus allow for the highest of spells when used as the focusing core. Most notably, one who focuses a healing spell through the abstract of Rebirth is believed to be capable of bringing a soul back to life, though to attempt this is said to risk the greatest of drawbacks. As is to be expected, the drawback of paramount spells like these is of the extreme. Migraines so severe they bring the onset of temporary blindness or deafness, bleeding of the nose, ears, and eyes, and exhaustion leading into long-lasting unconsciousness, and even coma and organ failure are possibilities when using these high-level spells.

I have to take care of something irl right fast, but when I'm done with that, I'll work at expanding the other three cardinal elements into their finer notes and abstracts. Thank you for the inspiration!!
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 1 day ago

Alright, people, I'll put all this new information in a zeroth post for easier access, but this is what I've got. I tried to be as unspecific as I could to allow for people to interpret the elements in their own way so they can shape their magic by their character rather than strict rules or ideals. I also did my best to avoid specifying overlays between the elements, in favor of letting such be seen through perspective. For example: Air and water both have a characteristic of flow shared between them, but one could argue that fire, too, has that characteristic, and even earth, in the form of sand especially is able to freely flow. Finally, I tried to have contrast between the notes and abstracts of traditionally opposing elements (water ↔ fire, and earth ↔ air) while also including contrast in these between the other core elements as well (see stability vs flexibility). I was also applying a third, more complicated level of connection between the notes and abstracts, see Dense to Strength, or Loose to Freedom. The main idea behind all of this is to open up the magic system to creativity and allow users to run wild with the implications these elements can hold. From the Cardinal level of the basic core element, to the Contingent level of using those finer notes of the element, all the way up to the Celestial level of encompassing the abstract character of each element. As the element is broken down to its very meaning, it becomes more powerful and allows for more creative applications and a wider range of use.

Element: Fire; referred to often as "Soul"
  • Notes: Heat, Glow, Spark
  • Abstracts: Passion, Ferocity, Rebirth

Element: Earth; referred to often as "Shape"
  • Notes: Dense, Root, Bloom
  • Abstracts: Strength, Stability, Compression

Element: Water; referred to often as "Fluid"
  • Notes: Crisp, Dark, Pitch
  • Abstracts: Adaptivity, Flexibility, Birth

Element: Air; referred to often as "Breath"
  • Notes: Loose, Drift, Range
  • Abstracts: Freedom, Tranquility, Growth
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Autumn Moon @CorviDoggo @Kronshi @Sanity @amorphical

A zeroth post has been created logging all the new information into a more organized and concise format. Please view at your leisure and make any adjustments to your characters that may be necessary (as I will be doing the same dfcvgbh)
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by amorphical
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Question on magic: So are the magics in the opening post tiers? Like at level one [the magics tab] carnal is level one and what is capable at this basic level, then contingent(level 2), and finally celestial?
So does this mean I need to select one at each level?

I choose the abstract mind. As a type of telepath reading peoples thoughts as to their movements. Is this the correct interpretation?
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 1 day ago


Question on magic: So are the magics in the opening post tiers? Like at level one [the magics tab] carnal is level one and what is capable at this basic level, then contingent(level 2), and finally celestial?
So does this mean I need to select one at each level?

I choose the abstract mind. As a type of telepath reading peoples thoughts as to their movements. Is this the correct interpretation?

As you'll see in the Zeroth post, the elements have been reworked to focus on the four elements of Soul, Shape, Fluid, and Breath-- or Fire, Earth, Water, and Air for better understanding --These elements then expand into their key notes, such as Shape being composed of Dense, the very essence of the earth itself, Root, the fact that all life is tied to the earth in one way or another, and Bloom, the idea that the earth is a giver of life, a provider that allows things to take form. From there, the core element of Shape is further observed to encompass a more abstract essence. Here we look at Shape's abstracts of Strength, Stability, and Compression. Through Strength, we gain the will to not just survive but thrive. Stability gives one the ability to keep their place in life. Compression acts as a control in conjunction with the Growth offered by Fluid, keeping things simple and straightforward rather than spiraling out of comprehension.

You'll see, if you look back at my CS for Aleksei, I've altered the form just a bit. Rather than simply determining a primary and secondary magic from the original list, I chose a core focus element, and allowed for a minoring focus for the purpose of the applications I was searching for.

As you can see, Alek's primary focus is Soul, or Fire, but he also works with Shape, or Earth, and with this, he has developed his own means of utilizing these elements through not just their core, but the notes and abstracts as well. With the Knights being in the position they were, they will have mastered their core elements to the Celestial level. The idea with this altered system is not to pick and choose elements from different levels, but rather, to interpret the core element in a way that works for you! Breath, with its abstract of Freedom could be interpreted in a way that allows for one to "free their mind" and utilize the note of "Drift" in order to enter the minds of others on a metaphysical plane, allowing them to access the thoughts of those around them.

In conjecture, you could use the Pitch of Fluid along with Adaptivity to do the same. This is the idea behind this setup! The notion that the same non-elementally driven spell could be achieved just as likely through one core as another. Though, with your character's Key's weakness to water, and reliance on the wind, I would think Breath is a more fitting means of approaching the application than that Fluid, haha
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by amorphical
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So i could say mind and air creating the prcognition effect with the air flow around a person to give the hint of the characters/NPC's next move? With mind i can shape and move the air as I wish?
Main Magic: abstract /mind < foresight/veil
Foresight: Utilizing the Abstract mind Terisa can strategize several moves ahead[precognition]. This allows her to shoot at a location her opponent will be with deadly accuracy.
Veil: Utilizing abstract mind makes Terisa's intentions and movements harder to anticipate.
Secondary magic: Air, dense/flow/void
With air magic I can condense it to step on or make a area resistant to movement [think running underwater]. Flow allows me to fly or hinder something flying by pressing down ward [eventually redirection]. With void I remove the air from a space making it impossible to breathe or the area silent as sound unable to travel.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 1 day ago

@amorphical Again, if you look at the Zeroth post, you'll see that the elements have been completely reworked from that of the original post. Now being limited to fire, earth, water, and air. These four are broken down into their notes and expanded into their abstracts. Mind/abstract no longer exists as an element, and flow is not a note of any one element as all elements are capable of flow. Please look at the Zeroth post or my update on the elements to see the new elements and the new system we are working with (friendly)
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by amorphical
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Ah... that is helpful thanks. ^^
Ill make corrections now and resubmit. Does the weapon/ virtue key work?
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 1 day ago

Yes! I'd say the Key is perfect ^u^ and like I said, you can still utilize the idea of reading minds, just instead of being labeled directly as mind, it is achieved through creatively utilizing the more abstract reaches of an element. A similar idea to this would be using a core focus of Shape/Earth to control bones based on Shape's note of Root and abstract of Stability as well as the concept that bones are made of minerals, minerals found in the Earth, from which the life that holds these bones originates. It all comes together in a wonderful, chaotic cycle!
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by amorphical
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Im sticking with air and updated my character post. Thanks for the clarification and patience. XD
When will we get the thumbs up for posting the CS in the section?
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

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Title: Terisa of the piercing strata
Full Name: Terisa Sokolov
Age/DOB (before the slumber): 26
Height/Weight: 5'6 /128
Sex/Gender: Female

Personality: Originally Terisa was a very patient soul. Taking her time like an archer taking aim, awaiting for the single perfect moment in time. Then with all the speed and certainty moving in a strait line to the target with astounding results. Whenever a choice is offered one can be assured that Terisa would weigh all the angles, choose the best item to get the task done in a single shot.

The corruption has made Terisa impatient, very impatient after learning her time was wasted and she never got married or experienced life fully. While in the void it was not the waiting or continual nothingness, it was the lack of substance, it was the constant reminder of all of life's bounty she was being denied. The once ginger now has become glutton for all that life has to offer in all its forms!

Main Magic: Breath of creation
Secondary magic: Air, flow, void

Virtue Key: Raudra, Compound bow
Utilizing Vitanima the bow creates softly glowing blue arrows. These mystic arrows are capable of piercing any target bypassing armor or hardness as spiritual damage. The Compound bows mystic ammunition is harmless to inanimate objects passing through them. The bows one weakness is water, the bolts seem to disburse in the life giving element.

So, you still seem to be missing the idea here? (friendly) Breath and Air are one in the same, Air is just another name for ethe core element of Breath. The notes of Breath are Loose, Drift, and Range, while the abstracts of Breath are Freedom, Tranquility, Growth, as can be seen in the Zeroth post

This means that Terisa would have a core focus of Breath, and her applications of this would allow her to utilize its note of Drift in conjunction with its abstract of Freedom to both reach into the minds of others and glimpse into the future through the astral plane as her soul drifts and exists in freedom from the mortal plane

I suggest altering the CS to have Focus Core and Applications the way I did for Aleksei as it allows for more freedom and explanation in how an element is used by the character!
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by CorviDoggo
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

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@CorviDoggo I will have mercy on your soul for not having your applications of Haoran's magic yet, for now... e_e

Otherwise he looks great! I love him so much shdbsjwnsjs
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by amorphical
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@Baphomini =)
The "breath of creation" was just a cool sounding I took the que from @kronshi main magic: The Flames Of Jophiel
Am I bound by the three notes: Loose, Drift, Range and abstracts: Freedom, Tranquility, Growth? may I be allowed to incorporate opposites like void? would void be range, like i create negative spaces of air? Sorry I'm trying to understand the concept and just seeking clarification. *friendly attitude in all posting. ^^
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

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Kronshi's was written before the change, I've already worked with him in the Discord to rework his power to fit the new system. "The Flames of Jophiel" is now the name of a spell, while his focus core is soul/fire

Yes, you are "bound" by the three notes and abstracts in name, but you are free to interpret the applications of these aspects however you see fit, such as viewing Range as encompassing void by it being the absence of Breath/Air

The idea with this system is not to limit, but rather to provide a simple foundation from which you can build the powerset of your knight and make it unique to them and their personality. It's all about how you utilize the element and its notes and aspects. A good example I used in the Discord was using a mending spell to mend a clay pot, while also using that same spell to entomb someone in the rubble of a fallen building. The possibilities are endless because it all depends on your creativity!
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Kronshi
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Edited. Finished Wips, added a new spell, reworded a few things to account for Blood over Fluid naming, and added some more text to Applications before his spell list.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by amorphical
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I was looking at the posted character as I am trying to finish my character. Is there a updated character sheet or the one posting is just a custom thing? ^^ I ask wanting to turn in my character for approval.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by rexgn
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I was looking at the posted character as I am trying to finish my character. Is there a updated character sheet or the one posting is just a custom thing? ^^ I ask wanting to turn in my character for approval.

It's just custom! You can continue the CS, you're working on, right now.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 1 day ago


I was looking at the posted character as I am trying to finish my character. Is there a updated character sheet or the one posting is just a custom thing? ^^ I ask wanting to turn in my character for approval.

The posted character from Reign uses a new CS we decided to introduce to round out the characters with more depth, but the "hefty cs" as it's named in the Zeroth on the character tab is OPTIONAL you can stick with the "light cs"
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by rexgn
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@Autumn Moon Is your character coming out anytime soon?
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