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The Corleone Family

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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by MightyHorus
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Duncan Fraser
Alias: Red Haze
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Height: 6’1
Weight: 193 lbs
Mutant: Yes
Affiliation: X-men (formerly)

Physical Description:
Duncan is a muscular man of above average height, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He typically appears neat and tidy, keeping his beard well-groomed and wearing white stainless shirts. Duncan wears glasses to reduce the strain on his eyes as caused by his mutant gene.

Duncan is a calm and intelligent individual with an unshakable determination to complete the goals he has set out for himself. While thoughtful at heart, his strained relations with his family made him appear apathetic. He is plagued by a feeling of responsibility for his younger sister Clementine but prefers to keep his distance from this source of stress in his life. Moreover, Duncan worries that both his siblings – who unlike him are omega level mutants – will come to abuse their powers. However, he doubts if these worries of his are just, or if they are borne from jealousy.

Duncan Fraser was the first child set on this world by the infamous mutant Giovanni Corleone. Protected from his father's nefarious ambition by his mother's fiery temper and iron will, the young Duncan experienced a warm, stable, and supportive upbringing. That was, until his mutation manifested at the age of eleven. Aileen Fraser, who was very much aware of her husband's criminal activities, could not bear to see her son go down the same path. She kept his mutation a secret by lying that her son's sight had deteriorated beyond repair. Duncan, who's out of control mutation began causing migraine and partial colour-blindness, was forced by his mother's lies to feign blindness. The lies that had forced the pre-teen to live impaired could not protect him for long. At the age of fourteen, his father figured out the truth. In a last ditch effort to protect him from his father's influence, Aileen Fraser sent her son away. To the only safe-haven for mutants - Xavier's School for the Gifted. In that same year, her mother would trade her life for that of her daughter; Clementine Fraser.

Despite the grief that Duncan went through, the guidance of his experienced teachers helped him wrestle control over his mutation. More - he was able to make it a genuine part of himself. However, the beliefs of his teachers at Xavier's diametrically opposed that of his father - who he stayed with during summer holidays. With his mother no longer there to shield him, Duncan became aware of his father's true nature. While he had hoped to heal the rift between him and his father, if only for the wellbeing of his younger sister Clementine, they only grew further apart. Their strained relationship turned into a full-blown fight when Duncan at age sixteen joined the X-men's division in Europe.

It ended with a battle between the X-men and Giovanni in the streets of the French city Nice. While determined to end his father's vast criminal empire and claim guardianship of his sister, Duncan failed at both. There was not enough evidence to put Giovanni away, and neither could Duncan present a strong enough case to save his sister. Duncan Fraser - now going by his maternal surname - had won the battle, but lost the war.

Wrecked by the outcome of both trials, Duncan resigned from active duty as X-man. Believing himself unfit for the role, he instead began to pursue a career in life sciences. In the years that followed he would frequently support his former team as expert and advisor, even leading some small field missions. At twenty-nine, Duncan earned his doctor's title and took a position as head-researcher of an institute in Helsinki, Finland. There he would continue to work for the next three years, carefully watching every move of Giovanni and his siblings.

Mutant power level: Alpha
General description: Duncan can turn shades of the colour red that are present in his field of vision into a malleable kinetic energy. This kinetic energy can be shaped into weapons and constructs or released as powerful concussive blasts of ruby-coloured force.
Limits & Weaknesses: Duncan can only draw on the available amount of “red” that is in his field of vision. For example, the surface area of a red cup is enough to generate a dagger from, but not a shield. Additionally, once the colour red is drawn from its source by Duncan, the source desaturates to a dull grey, making his kinetic energy a finite resource. Duncan’s kinetic constructs keep existing outside of his field of vision, but to move them or change their shape, he must be able to see them.
As a side-effect of his mutation Duncan perceives shades of red as bright and vibrating, while other colours are dulled. He wears a pair of special glasses to prevent a headache from this effect.

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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by AfroBandit23
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Full Name: Errol Travis Acosta
Alias: Killerwatt
Age: 24
POB: Brookyln, New York, United States of America
Mutant: Yes
Nationality: American
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 163lbs
Ethnicity: Afro-Latino/Italian-American
Affiliations: Corleone Family (formerly), The Strays
Relatives: Corleone (father), Sinead Acosta (mother), Duncan Fraser (half-brother), Clementine Fraser (half-sister)
Voice Claim: https://youtu.be/J5w3XAl57Pg?si=UsPhk3NEKMNNDQfT

The illegitimate son of mutant crime lord, Corleone, and a woman by the name of Sinead Acosta. Born with glowing electric yellow eyes, it was quickly determined that Errol was a mutant, taking after his father. Coming from a mutantphobic family, Sinead hid Errol’s obvious mutation from the rest of their family.

However, at the age of 13 Errol’s mutant abilities manifested when he caused a neighbourhood wide blackout with his newly discovered electrical abilities. Ashamed and disgusted at having a mutant in the family, Errol’s family disowned both him and his mother.
Fearing for her son’s safety now that his status as a mutant had been discovered. Sinead contacted Corleone in order for him to take Errol into his care. Pleased to hear of his son’s existence, and now a male “heir” to his criminal empire, Corleone happily took Errol in.

Living with his father, Errol would learn he had an older half-brother and younger half-sister also being raised by their father, Duncan and Clementine Fraser. For the next 5 years, Errol was taught how to control his powers as well as groomed into taking over his father’s criminal empire. Corleone’s attention on Errol, as well as Errol’s status as an illegitimate child caused a strain between him and his eldest brother, Duncan. However, while distant, he formed a somewhat close relationship with his youngest sister and despite his distance, he cared for her and looked out for her.

At 18, Errol would disrupt the entire dynamic of the family when he abruptly left home and joined a mutant gang that rivalled Corleone, the Strays. Errol was tired of the pressure on his shoulders as well as desired to be his own man and free of his father’s influence.
Over the next 6 years, Errol, now going by the name Killerwatt, actively contended with his father as he rose through the ranks of the Strays.

Born into a working-class family in the harsh streets of Brooklyn, Errol spent the early years of his life learning to become self-reliant, self-assured and tough. To others, Errol comes off as reclusive, overconfident and unserious. As well as this, Errol is an ambitious and determined young man focused on becoming successful and “self-made”.

A caring and protective individual, Errol “takes care of his own” with ferocity. Unopposed to go above what is seen as “moral” in order to protect and serve those closest to him. This has earned him a positive reputation amongst circles he runs with, and he is viewed as a loyal and trusted member of his gang due to the lengths he has and will go through for his people.

The mutant abilities Errol has have somewhat inflated his ego, making him somewhat arrogant. While not the strongest of the Corleone children, Errol is a powerhouse in his own right and his capabilities are near limitless. His powers have also helped him create a name for himself and he is feared and respected by many in the criminal underworld. Because of this, Errol believes himself to be near unbeatable and he operates with reckless abandon, challenging anyone that crosses him without fear or knowledge of their abilities.

Errol carries a chip on his shoulder being the son of Corleone and a blood-born member of his family. The pressure placed on him while living with his father and being displaced from the family he grew up with made Errol bear a deep resentment for the man. This led to Errol developing a rebellious spirit and a desire to be his own man. These feelings would ultimately lead him to abandoning the family and siding with a rival gang to actively spite his father. His relationship with his eldest half-sibling is also strained due to the nature of his birth, however he secretly wishes to be closer to him but believes it is a lost cause. Errol is somewhat close with his half-sister, Clementine, and is protective and caring of her but was unfortunately limited interacting with her due to the nature of Clementine’s relationship with their father and Corleone’s near obsession with Errol. Not wanting her involved in his lifestyle or caught between the feud involving himself and their father, Errol keeps Clementine at arm’s length.

Errol’s resentment also extends toward his maternal family for their mutantphobic beliefs and forcing him to be uplifted from the only life he had known, as well as his mother. Experiencing mutantphobia firsthand from his own family would cause Errol to develop an instinctive mistrust of homo sapiens.

As a self-assured individual, Errol lacks many insecurities and is prideful about a multitude of aspects of himself. These include being a mutant, the son of Corleone, belonging to a gang and even his Italian, African-American and Dominican heritage. Errol occasionally also speaks with Spanish phrases here and there because of this.

Physical Description:
Killerwatt’s appearance takes mostly after that of his father, Corleone. His striking resemblance to his father is highlighted by most that know Corleone, much to the dismay of Killerwatt. Despite this though, he has inherited some features from his mother, a woman of African-American and Domican descent. He has a light brown skin texture with black dreadlocked hair, faded at the sides.

Standing at average height, Killerwatt engages in regular physical activity in order to stay fit as a result of the lifestyle he lives. Killerwatt has a lean fighter’s build.

A result of his mutation, Killerwatt was born with glowing eyes that are permanently yellow, changing to either blue or purple, depending on how supercharged he is. Because of this, Killerwatt’s mutant status can be easily discovered and he is forced to wear black sunglasses to hide his electrically charged irises. Some theorise that his glowing eyes serve as a “window” into the dimension his power hails from.

Mutant Power Level: Omega
Electrostatic Energy Generation: Killerwatt is an Omega-Mutant who possesses the ability to absorb, generate and redirect all forms of electricity. His body serves as a living capacitor, harnessing energy from a dimension of pure ambient electromagnetic energy. This energy stores into his cells which then metabolises into electricity. In his base state, Killerwatt’s body can generate 15,000 volts per minute, up to his natural storage capacity of 30,000,000 volts before it would stop producing electricity. Killerwatt is able to control the amount of electricity he discharges, whether that be a single volt or his entire supply of electricity. However, both the amount of voltage he can generate and store is susceptible to increase depending on if Killerwatt has absorbed electrical energy from an external source.

Killerwatt is able to expel electric bolts from any part of his body, but usually he shoots bolts from his hands. The speed at which these electric bolts travel is light speed, making it nigh impossible to evade. Killerwatt is able to manipulate the course of his electrostatic bolts, unlike traditional lightning, which does not always follow a straight line as it could be influenced by conducting substances like metal.

Being a living capacitor, Killerwatt is able to circulate the electricity within his body and focus it on certain areas of his body. In example, Killerwatt is able to supercharge his hands and give himself an edge whenever in close quarters combat.

Electrical Absorption: Killerwatt is capable of recharging his body’s energy reserves as well as increasing his power through external electrical power sources. Depending on how much energy he has absorbed, the color of electricity he generates changes. In his base state it is yellow, when powered beyond his natural reserves his electricity turns blue, and finally when he is “fully charged”, Killerwatt’s electricity turns purple.

Electrical Transportation: Killerwatt is able to transport himself via electricity, lightning or electronics. This is achieved where Killerwatt temporarily becomes electricity itself and rides the electromagnetic currents between sources. For example, Killerwatt can transport from point A to point B through power lines or multiple headlights.

Electricity Detection: Killerwatt can sense the presence of electricity and gain detailed understanding about the electricity he senses, including the amount/size of electricity and whether it is hidden.

Supercharged Form: Once exceeding a certain amount of voltage, Killerwatt is capable of transforming his whole body into pure electricity. Augmenting his physical capabilities as well as his mutant abilities.

Weaknesses & Limitations:
Overcharging:Despite being able to increase his own energy reserves via electrical absorption, Killerwatt is capable of overcharging and leaving himself in a weakened and dazed state. Following this, he is incapable of using his powers for a certain amount of time

Short-circuiting: While in the middle of using his powers or in his supercharged state, Killerwatt is vulnerable to things that may short-circuit him such as water.

Limited energy reserves: If unable to recharge or increase his natural voltage reserves through an external source, Killerwatt is susceptible to exhausting his own natural energy supply. Once this happens, Killerwatt is unable to generate electricity and must wait for his natural reserves to recharge.

Insulators: Killerwatt's base abilities are useless against insulators such as rubber. However, if Killerwatt is charged with enough electricity, he may be able overload certain insulators.
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Posh Raven
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Posh Raven

Member Seen 13 days ago

Full name: Clementine Fraser
Age: 18 years
POB (Place of Birth): United States of America
Species: Human (Mutant)
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Scottish-American
Affiliations: Corleone Family
Relatives: Giovanni Corleone (father), Aileen Fraser (mother), Errol Travis Acosta (older half-brother), Duncan Fraser (big-brother)

Physical Description
Hair color and style: Wavy hair that is a bright shade of red. Her hair is thick and has a lot of volume, and it is styled in a way that is both casual and flattering. Her hair is parted in the middle, and it falls in soft waves around her face. She has long, side-swept bangs that frame her eyes. Sometimes she puts her wild mane into a messy bun, but that's mostly when she's home.
Skin Tone: Fair complexion
Eye Color: Pale blue
Height: 5′6″ (1.68 m)
Weight: 110 lbs (49.9 kg)
Build: Lithe
Other features: (Scars/tattoos/piercings, visible mutations, or any other feature. if applicable)
Everyday clothing style: Clementine is usually wearing a black blouse with a white collar and cuffs. The blouse is untucked and slightly wrinkled. She is also wearing a pair of black pants with a belt. The pants are slightly baggy and have a low waist. She is wearing a pair of black boots with heels. The boots are scuffed and worn.
She is also typically wearing a black choker around her neck with a pair of silver earrings and rings.

Born into the shadowy underworld of organized crime, Clementine Fraser's life began with tragedy and turmoil. Her birth shrouded in mystery and darkness, claimed the life of her mother, casting a long shadow over her tumultuous upbringing. Clementine's arrival into the world was marred by the loss of her mother, a devastating blow that haunted her father, Giovanni Corleone, which he never really managed to overcome.

From her earliest days, Clementine was burdened with the weight of her father's hatred and blame. Giovanni, a formidable figure in the criminal underworld, saw in his daughter not a blessing, but a curse—the spitting image of the woman he had lost. Reminders of her mother's presence echoed through the corridors of their home, Giovanni's disdain for his daughter a constant presence in Clementine's life.

Despite his animosity towards her, Giovanni saw in Clementine the potential heir to his criminal empire—a legacy left vacant by her oldest brother's departure to the school for the gifted. Duncan Fraser's abandonment was a bitter pill for their father to swallow, his disappointment in his eldest son fueling his determination to mold Clementine into the successor he so desperately desired.

Yet, Giovanni's efforts to groom his daughter were marked by cruelty and indifference. Clementine, bearing the physical resemblance of her late mother, endured his harsh treatment in the hopes of earning even a sliver of his affection. Her world shifted once more when, at the age of seven, she met her second brother, Errol Travis Acosta—a half-sibling taken in by Giovanni at the tender age of thirteen.

With Errol's arrival, Giovanni's focus shifted entirely, his attention consumed by the promise he saw in his newfound protégé. Clementine, once the object of her father's ambitions, was cast aside and forgotten, left to fend for herself in the shadows of her family's legacy.

At sixteen, Giovanni's rejection became final as he cast Clementine out of his home and his life. Alone and adrift, she found an unlikely saviour in Duncan Fraser, her estranged brother, who provided her with a meager lifeline—a modest apartment, sustenance, and a sense of stability amidst the chaos of their fractured family.

Now, as she navigates the treacherous waters of her own identity and the legacy of her family's dark past, Clementine is faced with choices that will define her future. Will she succumb to the shadows that threaten to consume her, or will she rise above the darkness to forge her own path in a world fraught with danger and deceit?

Clementine Fraser possesses a multifaceted personality shaped by her tumultuous upbringing and the complexities of her family dynamics. Despite society labelling her as a delinquent due to her occasional truancy and involvement in petty crimes, Clementine's inner self reflects a mixture of rebellion, resilience, and a yearning for familial acceptance.

She exudes an aura of defiance, often pushing against societal norms and authority figures, yet beneath this rebellious exterior lies a conflicted soul. Clementine harbours a deep-seated desire for her father's approval and attention, despite his resentment towards her for her mother's death. This longing for validation fuels her actions, leading her to engage in questionable activities in an attempt to win her father's favour. Despite her involvement in petty crimes, Clementine maintains a moral compass, refraining from actions that could cause serious harm to others. She possesses a sense of empathy and compassion, particularly towards her brother Duncan, whom she admires and respects despite their strained familial relationships.

Clementine's personality is characterized by a fierce temper, which is a side effect of her mutant gene. This temperamental nature can cause her to lose control or slip up in her management of her plasma manipulation powers, especially when her emotions run high. The stronger the emotions, the greater the risk of her losing control if she's not careful. Despite her and her brother's strained relationship, Clementine holds a begrudging respect for her brother Duncan even though she might not show it very often. Their interactions are often marked by tension, with Duncan frequently needing to bail out and lecture Clementine for her actions. In response, Clementine pushes back, viewing Duncan as an annoying older brother whose attempts at guidance feel overbearing and intrusive.

Despite their differences, there's an underlying bond between them, born out of shared experiences and familial ties. While Clementine may resent Duncan's attempts to steer her onto a more path from their father, she ultimately values his presence in her life, recognizing his efforts to keep her out of trouble, even if she doesn't always show it. Their relationship is a complex mixture of frustration, loyalty, and begrudging affection, reflecting the nuanced dynamics within their family.

Additionally, Clementine has another brother, Errol, the middle sibling, who despite his distance, formed a somewhat close relationship. She often sees him as the "cool" brother and often asks to join her brother's gang yet receives a no every time because deep down Errol knows she only wants to join out of an attempt to gain their father's attention.

Clementine Fraser's morality is complex and heavily influenced by her tumultuous upbringing. Society would categorize her as a delinquent due to her occasional truancy and involvement in petty crimes with her friends. However, beneath this rebellious exterior lies a conflicted soul. Despite lacking a positive father figure in her life and facing her father's resentment for her mother's death, Clementine yearns for his approval and attention, much like her half-brother received when growing up. However, she surprisingly doesn't harbour any ill will towards her brother and often sees him as the "cool" sibling in the family.

Despite her involvement in petty crimes, Clementine's moral compass remains intact. She doesn't harbour ill intentions toward others and refrains from actions that could cause serious harm. Her desire for her father's approval may drive her to engage in questionable activities, but she's not inherently malicious. Deep down, Clementine wrestles with the disparity between her longing for familial acceptance and her innate sense of right and wrong.

In times of trouble, Clementine's big sister, Duncan, plays a crucial yet complicated role in her life. Duncan doesn't particularly like her family, but she still feels a sense of duty towards Clementine, often bailing her out after she gets arrested. This act of sibling support adds a layer of complexity to Clementine's morality, as it underscores the importance of familial obligations amidst the strained relationships within her family.

Clementine's father, Corleone, from her birth, groomed her into becoming his heir to his criminal kingdom, since Clementine's oldest brother left to get away from his family. While Corleone harbours a deep hatred for Clementine (as he sees her as having killed his wife), he still groomed her because he had no one else to take up the mantle as heir. However, his grooming of his daughter Clementine was out of desperation more than an ounce of pride. When Clementine's half-brother came into the picture when she was 7 years old, Corleone was happy to discard his wife's killer (daughter) and pay no attention to her.

Mutations: Plasma Manipulation
Potential Mutant Power Level: Omega
General description: Clementine Fraser possesses the extraordinary ability to manipulate plasma, a superheated state of matter consisting of charged particles, thanks to her mutant gene.

Her plasma manipulation abilities are incredibly versatile, allowing her to generate, control, and project plasma with remarkable precision and power. She can create intense plasma blasts, construct protective barriers, and manipulate the temperature of her surroundings with ease. In correlation to her control over plasma, Clementine's mutant gene gifts her with the remarkable ability to absorb solar radiation. Exposure to sunlight enhances the potency of her abilities, providing her with a renewable source of energy to fuel her plasma manipulation. The intensity of sunlight directly correlates with the strength of her powers, allowing her to reach unbelievable performance under clear skies and direct sunlight.

What sets Clementine apart is her unique capacity to absorb the sun's radiation with potentially no limit. Clementine's mutant gene grants her an almost boundless capacity to draw upon the sun's power. This limitless reserve of energy ensures that she can maintain her plasma manipulation abilities at peak levels indefinitely, regardless of the duration or intensity of her exposure to sunlight.

However, while sunlight amplifies Clementine's abilities, her plasma manipulation remains independent of external factors. Her mutant gene grants her the innate ability to generate and control plasma at will, regardless of environmental conditions. This independence allows her to utilize her powers even in the absence of sunlight.

Limits & Weaknesses:
Emotional Control:
Weakness Description: Emotional Control refers to Clementine's ability to regulate her emotions and maintain focus while utilizing her plasma manipulation abilities. However, strong emotions can destabilize her control over her powers, leading to unintended consequences.
When overwhelmed by intense emotions, Clementine may struggle to control the intensity of her plasma manipulation abilities, resulting in erratic or uncontrollable bursts of plasma energy.

Sun Absorbtion:
Weakness Description: Clementine Fraser's unique capacity to absorb the sun's radiation with potentially no limit, does have a sort of limit, in the sense that her own body has implemented mental blocks, to keep Clementine safe from going nuclear. Without proper guidance and training, Clementine may never learn her full potential and reach her supercharged form or ascended form. Exceeding these limits without proper training can lead to exhaustion or even internal damage causing bleeding from her nose, eyes or ears.

Dusk Deterioration:
Weakness Description: Clementine's powers are intrinsically tied to the sun, drawing strength from its radiant energy. However, in the absence of sunlight or prolonged periods of darkness, her abilities wane, leaving her significantly weakened. If Clementine goes without exposure to sunlight for more than 48 hours, her plasma manipulation becomes increasingly difficult to control, and her powers diminish until she can once again bask in the sun's rejuvenating rays.

Weakness Description: Hydro-disruption refers to your character's vulnerability to water-based attacks or environments, which can disrupt or weaken her plasma manipulation abilities.
Exposure to water, particularly in large quantities, can interfere with Clementine's ability to generate and control her plasma effectively. The presence of water molecules in high quantity will disrupt the ionization process necessary for her plasma manipulation, diminishing the intensity or precision of her powers.
Hidden 11 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Sunfrog


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: Noa Loxley
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Height: 5’8
Weight: 155lbs
Nationality: French-American
POB: Toulouse, France
Mutant: Yes
Affiliation: The Strays
Relatives: Jesse Loxley (Father), Nicolette Loxley-Veilleux † (Mother), Martin Loxley (Brother)

Physical Description
Noa is naturally a brunette with wavy hair and blue eyes but she dyed her hair blonde and cut it shorter following the estrangement from her family to avoid being so easily recognised. She is slightly above average height with an athletic build. She dresses for comfort and practicality but is not well-kempt and often has the appearance of being untidy, though she consistently wears long sleeved shirts and gloves to avoid any accidental exposure to her skin.

The result of a whirlwind romance, Noa was born to a French mother and an American father who had been stationed overseas. The relationship persevered and after welcoming a second child her father left the military in favour of his family, settling down to live a modest, unassuming life working in the family restaurant in rural France.

In her teens, her mother mysteriously fell ill and with no known underlying cause, she succumbed to her fate after months of medical tests and deteriorating health. The sudden death of the family matriarch created turmoil and forced the closure of the restaurant. With no income and the threat of eviction, the family moved back to their father’s homeland to be supported by their extended family as they rebuilt their lives. Although she had only visited her father's side of the family periodically in the past, Noa and her brother were welcomed and grew closer to their cousins and grandparents.

After settling into her new normality, her life would once again get turned upside down. While greeting a dog on the way home from school, the animal startled and bit her. Within seconds, the dog was convulsing with no obvious cause. With a dozen pairs of eyes staring at her, she realised that the death around her was no coincidence but due to her upbringing she had little knowledge about mutants and didn't recognise her status as one.

Confused and afraid, instead of returning home, she fled to protect her family from any misfortune - disappearing from their lives. With no means of money or shelter, one opportune evening led her to being taken under the wing of a gang of mutants who earned her trust through their acceptance and understanding of her plight. With newfound knowledge of herself and her abilities, she forged strong ties with the group and its members.

Although she maintained distance from her family to protect them, fearful that the discovery of her abilities could put herself and her brother at risk of deportation, she continued to observe them from a distance to ensure their wellbeing in her absence. She also knew that revealing the truth to her family would expose her role in her mother's accidental death so without the certainty that she would be accepted back by her family, she remained in limbo.

Calculated by nature, Noa can err on the side of caution as she is painfully aware of the consequences of her actions, intended or not. She is not a naturally independent person, nor strives to be, but circumstances dictated that she became more self-reliant, though with the added cost of loneliness and a craving for connection.

Through her newfound understanding of her abilities, she has become more laidback but remains cautious enough to continue keeping distance from her family and is far from level-headed. She is more comfortable around other mutants who are aware of her abilities.

Noa is not malicious and has no desire to hurt anyone except out of necessity. She has a reckless disregard for her own life due to the mental self-flagellation she experienced since the revelation that she was responsible for her mother's death, believing that she is deserving of any ill-fate she encounters.

Wracked with guilt, she attempts to overcompensate by any means necessary, though she is not of the view that everyone is worth saving and opposes those who use their abilities to cause serious harm to innocent people, believing it acceptable to use lethal force on mutants who abuse their abilities if they refuse to change their ways.

She is not ambitious and is content with remaining low-ranking in the Strays as she seeks neither fame, glory or power but is rather simply looking for protection from persecution and to protect undeserving people from her abilities. Despite her inclusion in the group, she still keeps somewhat of a distance between herself and the other members, some of whom are wary of her abilities and unsure of her control over them.

Having fallen in with the Strays, she has become accustomed to a life of crime out of necessity as she can't see any way of living a normal life again. Most of the crimes the group commit don't phase her after years of following their lifestyle but she still holds some moral quandaries about the more serious ones.

Mutant power level: Alpha
General description: While initially appearing as as the ability to produce poison, the true nature of the compound is not fully understood and appears to behave differently depending on the target and user's state of mind. It is believed to respond differently depending on varying levels of neurotransmitters and hormones, displaying the markers of an unknown neurotoxin.

Because of its somewhat volatile nature, the toxin is not certainly fatal in every use but can produce other undesirable side-effects such as malaise, anaphylaxis, hallucinations, paranoia and paralysis. It can generally be controlled and physical contact can be made without any harm but in period of high stress it is more difficult to regulate.

Despite its apparent predictability as a toxin, its effects on mutants are not widely understood due to the unique genetics and physiology of each person. While they may experience the same ill-effects as humans, it's possible that some more powerful mutants may receive positive effects instead providing greater strength or an enhancement of their own abilities.

It's clear when someone has been dosed as the veins on the surrounding areas of both people both glow an iridescent blue for a few moments before fading.

It soon became apparent that the compound had affected her in other ways when she displayed heightened senses which provides her with a natural advantage in marksmanship and sometimes warning of incoming hostiles.

Limits & Weaknesses
Potency: The potency of her abilities depend on the receiver as the compound interacts differently with different people, being particularly affected by both her own and the receiver's emotional state. Though the specifications of the compound are unknown, it is believed to be have a particularly profound negative response to cortisol.

Questionable immunity: While using her abilities, Noa suffers no ill-effects but in other mutants the compound can produce unpredictable effects as it adapts dependant on each receiver, providing the opportunity to both be weaponised and cured - though each cure would be unique to the receiver and dose.

Skin contact: The compound requires a living host and as such can only be transferred through skin-to-skin contact with the user and receiver or their blood. It is not airborne nor can it be transferred through surfaces. It is also only known to affect mammals.
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Algarus
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Full Name: Elaina Montoya Aluclair
Alias: Prism [Weapon: Starburst]
Age: 24
POB: Quebec, Canada
Mutant: Yes
Nationality: French Canadian
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 115lbs
Ethnicity: French Canadian/American
Affiliations: U.S Government (Formerly), None
Relatives: Unknown.
Voice Claim: Madame Rogue (youtube.com/watch?v=yYbIL4NrQZE)

Elaina always had a fascination with light and how it interacted with the world. For that reason she took to studying physics, unaware of her dormant abilities for much of her life. After studying physics and earning her degree at the age of twenty four, she began research on the possibility of hard light projection technology for the French Military. Though problems began to emerge. Her father worked in defense contracts for Lockheed Martin, her mother a secretary for the Canadian embassy in France. She had been born in Canada, but moved to France as a young woman.

None of her fellow researchers could get their projections to remain solid, without Elaina being present. After further investigation, and finally a proven case, her life took a drastic turn. Asked by her government to accept a transfer to the United States, she reluctantly agreed, before being informed of her contributions being breakthrough in her field. When she arrived in America, she found her supposed office to be little more than a cell. She was ambushed, drugged, and held in isolation, with various tests being performed on her. After an unknown mineral known simply as Specimen-4231x was used to reflect Gamma Rays into her being, her body underwent a transformation. All light in the facility went out, and Elaina disappeared along with it.

Elaina used to be a ray of sunshine in the room, always wanting to know and inquire about the world around her. Both parents encouraged her to study and take interest in the world around her. After her treatment, she's more reclusive and standoffish. Her appearance has been warped beyond measure, and she no longer recognizes herself. Her powers allow her to create an illusion of sorts for her appearance, though reflections allow others to see through it. As such, she avoids reflective surfaces.

Physical Description:
Prism is a black void of an entity. Bits of blue light break out across her skin and ripple in accordance to her mood, and amount of energy stored. Her eyes glow like LED's and there is a distortion to her voice when she speaks. Her illusion is that of herself before the accident, a tan skinned woman, with long black hair, often wearing bright colors. She avoids mirrors for sake of her sanity, and in her natural state her hair flows in a way that seem like a mirage.

Mutant Power Level: Omega
Light Manipulation: Prism is able to warp and contain Light. To some, this might seem like much, but this allows Prism to mold and create light not unlike the comic hero Green Lantern. Beams, constructs, and even light illumination she can manipulate and augment. This gives her access to a dangerous amount of power, as she learns to better harness and utilize it. In theory, Prism can move at the speed of Light, create illusions of herself, Hard Light constructs, and even blind people to her very presence by molding and distorting light around her body.

Light Illusions: Prism can create illusions around herself or others using Light, this also allows her to high in plain sight.

Flight: By warping photons around her, Prism can fly by expelling them from her body at high intensity, allowing her to convert part of her body into Light, and allowing her to move. The speed of this is hard for her to control, so she using it sparingly.

Light Constructs: Prism can craft constructs out of her collected light photons, and make solid objects or entities. This allows her to make walls, fists, or even armor if need be for combat or utility.

Light/ Radiation Detection: Prism is able to tap into the electromagnetic spectrum, giving her the ability to detect, manipulate, and distort anything that pings on this spectrum. Though she must be in close proximity to alter and bend it to her will.

Supercharged Form: If too much energy is absorbed, Prism will erupt into a bust of gamma energy, turning an almost dark green color, and begin to spread lethal amounts of Gamma Radiation. She has avoided this by erupting in isolated areas or in high orbit.

Weaknesses & Limitations:

Mirrors: Prism is unable to accept her new being, and will lose her composure if faced with her appearance. She avoids mirrored surfaces like the plague.

Limited energy reserves: Prism can store up energy within her, but there is a limit. The more light she uses, the more her body begins to grow weaker.

Light Leech: If exposed to an environment without light, Prism's body will begin to break down if she expends too much energy. This kills her.
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Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Plurp
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Plurp Kinda Fishy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Nathaniel Shanahan
Age: 29
POB: Ocean Pines, Maryland, United States of America
Mutant: Yes
Nationality: American
Height: 6’0
Weight: 170 lbs
Affiliations: - (loosely affiliated with the X-men)

The Shanahans of Ocean Pines had been involved in the defence industry for generations. Howard, Nathaniel’s father, made two unsuccessful runs for Governor during the son’s childhood. Helen, Nathaniel’s mother, remained supportive of her husband throughout and was a strong advocate for his anti-mutant sentiments. Nathaniel, while often agreeing with his parents, remained indifferent to the world of politics. Instead, he could often be found by various society houses, the Pine Point Marina or on the seas.

The life of leisure continued, even as he succumbed to his parents’ expectations and went to study law. A family friend generously lent him an apartment by the university campus and his parents offered him a generous allowance. As the years passed, he went on to become a successful lawyer, relying on a mixture of skill, charm and connections.

Eventually, Nathaniel ended up in one of New York’s prestigious law firms where he cultivated his skills and joined the bar association. Of course, he made the occasional trip home to Maryland, occasionally appearing behind his father during a mostly successful run for Senate.

Everything had been smooth sailing for the young Nathaniel - all until he overheard two doves discussing which kid to watch out for and he slowly realised that he was one of them.

To the world, it was a secret. He kept working on mergers, severance packages and corporate restructuring schemes whilst doing his very best to ignore the animals who never seemed to cease their chatter. It was not until he went on a business trip to upstate New York met the X-men started to learn how to handle - and more importantly - accept his newfound capabilities.

With his life being held in a wicked limbo, Nathaniel returned to New York where he continued living the life of a wealthy Senator’s son whilst staying in touch and offering aid to his friends in the X-men.

Socially, Nathaniel is generally charming but, at times, overbearing. He is blunt and unafraid. He is intelligent and calculating - but at times overeager and too impatient. Inside, a growing conflict between who he is and what his values are is brewing. A whirlwind of emotions and insecurities risk being shown from a mere scratch on the surface.

Physical Description
Wild strains of hair, almost too long to be appropriate for a board meeting, are often brushed back from his face for a more proper appearance. Nathaniel shaves daily and tidies up well for someone who has a disappearingly small amount of time to put on grooming. Still, he has given up on precision and embraced a wilder style.

His lips can form a bright and eager smile when needed - however, he usually has a determined and serious look to him.

Nathaniel spends a lot of time at work and is prone to having a few more beers than he should - still his many hours on sea and at the shooting range along with just as many hours in the gym has resulted in a mostly healthy and somewhat muscled physique.

Mutant power level: Alpha
General description: Nathaniel has an extraordinary connection to animals. Unhindered by a lack of knowledge and skill, he could locate, understand, communicate verbally and telepathically, compel as well as directly control one or multiple animals. The mutation also automatically creates a friendship-like bond between him and animals and allows Nathaniel to temporarily inherit powerful traits, features and attributes of an animal he interacted with, for instance increased stamina, sense of smell, strength or wings.

Lacking thorough training, however, Nathaniel is still having difficulties communicating with relatively unintelligent animals. He can understand animals, communicate with them verbally and compel them to do his bidding within reason.

Limits and Weaknesses:
Animals are living creatures, compelling them to take risks can be burdensome and emotionally draining. They are also preexisting and not always readily available. Upon taking control of one or several animals, also controlling oneself becomes an exceedingly difficult task. While humans are also animals, they are not susceptible to Nathaniel’s mutation. For someone with Nathaniel’s capacities, communicating with the animals can take time and seem odd to the casual observer. It can also be hard to properly understand and make sense of the limited information that an animal of lesser intelligence might try to convey.
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Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Sunfrog


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: Martin Loxley
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 5’11
Weight: 170lbs
Nationality: French-American
POB: Toulouse, France
Mutant: No
Relatives: Jesse Loxley (Father), Nicolette Loxley-Veilleux † (Mother), Noa Loxley (Sister)

Physical Description
Martin is a slim man of average height with a tan complexion, blue eyes and short dark brown hair which curls at the ends and is relatively untidy. Typically, he wears unassuming clothes designed for practicality over comfort and he walks with a limp in his right leg.

Martin is the second child of former American soldier Jesse Loxley and his French wife who met while the former was serving overseas. While initially seemingly set to have a normal upbringing, he lived a relatively sheltered life until his mother’s illness forced a drastic change onto the family.

Without their mother’s business acumen, the family’s restaurant suffered and their father accumulated debts until its closure, forcing the remaining family’s immigration to the United States to live with the other half of their family in Minnesota while they sought to rebuild their lives.

Only months after their arrival was the family again upturned by the disappearance of Martin’s older sister, pushing their already heartbroken father into a breakdown. Now living alone with his father, a shell of his former self, Martin’s goals centred on escaping their small town as his father began to slide into addiction.

Aided partly by a scholarship due to his father’s military service, Martin secured a place at New York University and enrolled the following year. Removed from the safe bubble of the small towns he had always lived in yet already embittered by his circumstances, Martin was easily drawn to ways to direct his anger.

After becoming an accidental victim in a botched robbery conducted by two mutants in his sophomore year, Martin was left with a permanent limp and an unwavering hatred towards mutants. His fervour led to the creation of a group of like-minded students and a wave of political rallies that grew in popularity until they spread beyond the borders of the university campus.

Although Martin prides himself in being loyal and protective, anyone who might benefit from such characteristics are few and far between as he is equally narrow-minded and prejudiced, though this is exclusively directed towards mutants.

His experiences in life have left him bitter and hardened though he is not devoid of empathy. On the contrary, he is an advocate for protecting people who cannot otherwise protect themselves, particularly against mutants, which stems from his own injury at the hands of mutants and the feelings of anger and powerlessness that followed.

His extraversion and charismatic nature allows him a certain degree of influence and persuasion over others but it does not cross over the line of arrogance, rather he portrays himself as confident to hide his true inferiority complex.
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