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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

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We test.
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Seen 32 min ago


Honkai Impact 3rd RP OOCOP


50,000 years ago, the world came to an end at the hands of an unstoppable calamity, a hostile existence beyond true comprehension. Yet, from the ashes of its victory, humanity rebuilt from scratch, rendered ignorant of the foe they had once opposed till the very end. It was as it had been for countless ages, the purging of a failure and birth of a new cycle, a fresh start and the latest perpetuation of a twisted Samsara. Empires rose and fell, humans lived and died. Civilization waned and flourished. And all the while, the overseer exerted their pressure. Natural disasters, plagues and hoards of monsters. It sent them all, presented challenges, and as humanity united and adapted, tempered by trial after trial, so too did it increase the pressure time and again. And so it would remain until they finally inevitably stumbled and failed. All was as had been seen... and would surely be seen many times to come.

But this cycle had a bit of a hiccup...

The previous Samsara, the Previous Era, had come close to defeating it, closer than any before them. Tenacious, talented and lucky, failsafes were developed by humanity, and so it would come to be that the aftershocks of their work affected the Era to follow, not only in the form of technology, but in hibernating survivors... and even modifications to the very gene pool of humanity itself. They had not won, but they had laid the groundwork for their successors to perhaps succeed where they did not. The 50,000 year Samsara had not been broken... but it had been cracked.

The year is now 2011, and humanity is at war. Though you'd often hardly know it. Civilization flourishes upon the planet of Earth, and the global national and political scene remains a familiar one to a far less supernatural one, just about all the countries you'd expect where you'd expect to find them. In this day and age of the Current Era, normal people still live normal lives and remain the majority. Yet, underneath the surface, all is not as it seems.

It has been millennia since the first whispers of the term "Honkai" were spread across history by remnants of the Previous Era. Nowadays, it is nearly a household name, something most people don't wish to think about but certainly something that can be researched and discussed online. What was once responsible for mere disasters now assaults settlements of all sizes with heartless monsters from beyond reality, along with a supernatural sickness with a horrific fatality rate. Against this foe, from amongst the sheep and the ignorant, humanity has long since marshaled its forces, creating organizations and supersoldiers to combat this global and ever escalating threat.

You are one of those soldiers, a Valkyrie, infused with the Honkai's own power in order to fight against it... with all the benefits -and risks- that entails. Whether by passion of misfortune, you have found yourself one amongst many under the banner of Fire Moth, one of the premier Anti-Honkai organizations and global peacekeepers. Though they are rumored to have had many less than moral dealings in the past, the results of their work cannot be denied, and so you are one of many who -for their own reasons- have thrown their lot in with them. Now, all but freshly graduated from Valkyrie training, your latest test results have deemed you worthy of field work, and you have been placed upon a new squad with other fresh graduates.

While none of you are considered particularly strong -as fresh off the presses as you are, there is something to be said for safety in numbers, and those that survive long enough to prove themselves something other than cannon fodder will come out the other end tempered into fighters more than capable of facing the forces of Honkai alone.

The world before you is wondrous and dangerous in equal measure. The Honkai looms omnipresent, as shadowy interests pursue their own ends behind closed doors. It is a world on the brink; yet very few are aware. It is a world in need of saving, but that naturally begs the question of who can do it. You? Hah. Who knows? Such things are for the future. In the now, perhaps before trying to save anyone else... you should worry about saving yourselves.


For those familiar with the setting, this is not the Current Era you may know. Though, it does have some connection to it. Instead, this AU asks what would have happened if Kiana and the crew failed, Project STIGMA collapsed and the Honkai won yet again and reset the world.

This, players, is the Third Era.

Due to the nature of the Finality Samsara effectively being a time loop, however, some events, organizations and people have at least managed to come into existence again, in name if not actions and personality. Naturally, however, as this is a disturbed time loop with remnants of the previous eras having made it past the end times, the world developed accordingly. So, yeah, there's probably a few canon characters from the Second Era out there in some form or another. In fact, I guarantee it. They aren't intended to be a focus, but the possibility of meeting them is there.

This RP will be run primarily on narrative with a supplement of a custom stat system to provide a framework for PC capabilities and maintain balance amongst the team (at least early on). To simplify things in a post-by-post format, I also intend to have a mandatory header that will contain certain critical information to keep track of during battles and such. Making sure that's tracked and displayed will make things much simpler on me and other players, avoiding the need to constantly comb through character sheets over every little detail. The inclusion of stats is in the pursuit of stakes, as I find hard "numbers" to be a reliable way of keeping things honest. Narrative will perhaps take a stronger lead over stats later on, but starting out, I feel it's appropriate for a bunch of rookies to be more "grounded" compared to the supernatural titans of the series.

In regard to plot structure, you'll start in a team that gets sent of various missions, some of which you may get to choose, which will otherwise generally be sandbox within that framework. And at some point, the "main plot" will creep to the forefront instead. Between missions, expect downtime periods where the plot allows to give PCs more chances for character interaction and provide an opportunity to allow training and other methods of self-improvement to incrementally increase PC's capabilities.

If that all sounds good to you, then welcome aboard.

I plan to take on roughly 8-10 players at most before cutting things off.

For those new to the setting, see the Honkai Impact wiki here for where I am primarily drawing core info for this setting. Of course, as this is an AU, not all of this is useful, but as an overview of the setting lore, it's pretty good if you want to dig in. There will also be a Discord to facilitate better OOC communication and discussion. I do have potential plans to have that available for character building if anyone is interested in working on it on there.


Character Building

Please keep in mind that you are playing Valkyries in a team of roughly equal individual strength (specialties depending). You should be generally new on the block, none of you old or overtly experienced. About the most remarkable achievement to your name is the fact that you actually have Stigmata at all. You are humans and novice psychics. Herrschers and MANTIS/ICHOR soldiers are not allowed (at least starting out).

Regarding lore information your PCs may know, generally speaking, the true nature, goals and functions of Honkai and Herrschers are completely unknown to the public, and those that do know have kept that information classified at the highest levels, as the Honkai has historically retaliated extra hard against information being dissiminated about its biggest secrets. Pretty much all you know as the average person and Valkyrie is that Honkai is bad and has been around for centuries, super monsters kill people, and Honkai radiation is no laughing matter. Herrschers are disasters that have been hushed as an existence, and the average Valkyrie isn't even aware they exist or what they are, since they don't appear very often.

If you have ideas regarding anything that hasn't already been addressed or are looking for a slight exception for the sake of a good idea, don't be afraid to ask questions. I can't promise satisfactory results, but I'll try to consider them. Honkai Impact 3rd has an incredibly high power ceiling and a power system with ridiculous potential for shenanigans. I would like to use every aspect of it and have those aspects available to players in some form down the line, but I'd like to be careful and generally fair how I go about it.

You can add whatever other bells and whistles you like as long as your headers have everything listed here in this format. For best results, please copy/paste the header code from Raw.

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Seen 32 min ago

Saving this here in case it could be useful later.

Still waffling on the FC, but these are some of the forerunners.
Hidden 12 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Seen 32 min ago


Naruto Mass Isekai 3rd RP OOCOP

An Isekai Upon This Land of Accursed Tropes

It started, as many such tales tend to, with a crash. More specifically, the sort of crash that results when one decides to introduce a fleshy unsuspecting human and a high-speed construct of metal into the same general area. The sort of crash that results when a roller coaster doesn’t get as much maintenance as it should. Or when Truck-kun or Ambulance-kun decided today was your lucky day! This was, needless to say, neither pleasant or painless as far as ways to go for you.

Not for any of you.

Yet, without warning, you soon find your drifting, disembodied soul pulled into a space between spaces, a mysterious goddess -introducing herself only as “Kami”- beseeching your group of misfortunate souls, taken before your time, for aid in saving her world. Unfortunately, she has little to offer you, she claims, in terms of rewards other than the chance to live again (which some might say is a pretty good deal all on its own).

Kami tells your disembodied souls a tale of woe, of a terrible future gone mad, as the natural course of Fate and Destiny was suddenly and mysteriously twisted into an warped mess. She is unable to perceive the cause, nor oppose it directly. According to her, divine treaties presently prohibit the gods from interfering overtly in the mortal plane; yet, what is occurring now, she suspects, can only be the work of another of her kind breaking the covenant. Because of that, she now has a bit of room to work with.

Which is where you come in.

Kami presents herself as the Lifegiver, the master of the Wheel of Reincarnation and the flow of souls. Through this, though she cannot strike living beings in the world dead directly, she has the capacity to incarnate souls into new bodies. Even under the divine treaty, she has retained this much authority to interfere with the world, according to her natural role. Once a soul enters her realm, she has free reign, and she's prepared to reincarnate all of you into her world with your past life memories intact, hoping your presence can disrupt whatever terrible plans may be afoot for her realm.

Naturally, questions are asked by several, and thankfully, Kami had some answers to give. She is able to describe her world and some of the recent events that have occurred on its surface, and upon her doing so, several of you certainly don't fail to notice how familiar it sounds. Kami cheerfully explains that such knowledge is exactly why she has chosen you, knowing that most of you have a rough idea of how things should have been destined to go in the future... and subsequently will be some of the best to identify what is wrong where Kami's clouded sight cannot.

For those that think to ask, Kami provides that she can at least catalyze a reincarnation into a specific family or bloodline; though, she can only do so within a certain reason and only after a certain point in time, unable to precede the Nine Tails attack on Konoha. For those that care less, Kami promises to reincarnate them as close together as she can arrange, so that her champions can most easily unite. Any questions about incarnation into new bodies are rebuffed gently but firmly. Your old bodies are dead, and -more importantly- lack the local chakra systems. The best way to acquire the local tools to survive is to start from the ground up.

And so it would be that for those that heard Kami's plea and chose to accept, you awaken soon after in the body of a wailing infant, a bright and dangerous new world laid out before you to flourish in... should you be up to surviving it.


In summary, potential players, what you are looking at is a Naruto Mass-Isekai, as a group of unwitting reincarnates soon come to find that the world they might have first assumed was canon... has been warped into something one might define as a "Bad Fanfic abomination", rife with exploitable tropes and fanon. The world's Fate and Narrative sport grave wounds, as the future twists under the machinations of an unknown overarching threat.

Tonally speaking, this RP is potentially to have a few dark or possibly disturbing and/or mature themes, especially several themes that are rather unnerving if you remove them from the vacuum of an eye-rolling "bad fanfic" and actually had to deal with them in reality (if you've had any experience with Naruto fanfiction, you can probably guess what I mean). That's not to say there's isn't room for humor, of course, but the tone of the world definitely leans more to the serious than comedy. Essentially, we aren't writing crack here, and the world won't generally respond amiably if it isn't taken seriously. In fact, in a sense, you could say the world takes itself too seriously in general, deliberately evoking cringe edginess in accordance with the corruption caused by Bad Fanfic Tropes.

This is functionally an open-world sandbox, where the endgame is shaped by the actions of the PCs. To help facilitate the feel of a "collaborative story", players are given a lot more control over the world than you might normally expect, able to create or manipulate NPCs and be the direct cause of major events (within a certain reason). This structure is largely to take much of the burden of micromanaging such an expansive world off myself and allow things to flow more smoothly, without a single poster (myself) being the crux of interactions with the world. Of course, there's limits, and important NPCs, like the Third Hokage, notable villains and most named characters, are generally the domain of only GMs to portray unless permitted otherwise.

Speaking of GMs, knowing myself as I do, I know my muse is a fickle creature, and it's not guaranteed that my inspiration will hold completely steady at all times, which could lead to unfortunate and undesirable delays. To mitigate this, I'm in the market for some co-GMs to help run important NPCs and plan world events. If my muse takes me elsewhere or IRL otherwise drains me too much to write, I'd like to have backups that can keep things ticking in the meanwhile.

If you are totally new or otherwise inexperienced with the Naruto fandom, don't feel afraid to join anyway. Playing a reincarnate without metaknowledge or localized savvy is perfectly viable too and adds some extra flavor to the cast. This RP concept welcomes all comers, so don't be afraid to ask questions if you need any quick or dirty lore drops to help participate.

If all that sounds like a good deal to you, here's some more details on how I hope for this to work.

As far as character sheets go, these may start off fairly basic, but they should be expected to be updated many times as things progress, accounting for any developments to the characters brought about by the IC. I've done my best to cover what should be necessary without bogging things down, but if there's anything in this template you think I've missed that would be particularly important, let me know. I'm absolutely open to potential improvements.

(This next section may be subject to change, as I'm still trying to strike a particular balance of progression that hopefully avoids any real focus on "stats" or anything really "gamer-adjacent". So, I might not be fully happy with this yet.)

Hidden 12 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Seen 32 min ago

An Isekai Upon This Land of Accursed Tropes- Naruto Mass-Isekai CS

Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Seen 32 min ago

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure RP (Name Pending).

I am currently tossing around the concept of starting a Jojo RP. It's something I've had a hankering for for a while. Things are still in the workshopping stage, so nothing plot-related is necessarily set in stone, but I'm looking to gage interest, even if it's unlikely to start anything up during the holidays. But I tend to be a more ponderous mover in RP-ing, so there's no particular rush for anything anyway.

For those unfamiliar with Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, a decent broad premise is that the series largely follows the generation adventures of the Joestar family, which start out as righteous battles against vampires and aztec gods using the power of sunlight breathing bullshit... before evolving into using manifestations of one's fighting spirit and soul, called Stands, to fight other people wielding the same soul bullshit. Characters in the series have a reputation for being muscular, eccentrically dressed or both, along with being rather "extra" in behavior and often posing for no good reason but flexing. I could try to explain Stands, but it's honestly easier to just link the wiki, here.

The RP will most likely be set in either a full AU or a post-Part 6 AU, given how that ended making just about anything technically viable; I haven't settled on the primary locale for the plot to either start or be centralized. Right now, the primary direction I'm leaning in (and it's difficult to decide what is or isn't going to be spoilers) is that the central -or perhaps overarching- conflict of the RP will be a battle over possession of one of the Stand Arrows. I haven't entirely ruled out the inclusion of vampires/pillar men or the holy corpse parts, but I don't have any plans for them to be overtly relevant either. Maybe the former end up as side/warm up enemies. Who knows.

Basic Character Creation:
The cast will consist of OCs. I'm planning for the focus to be on Stands (obviously enough, since the central conflict is one of the Arrows), but I'm open to allowing Hamon or the Spin as powersets. On the matter of Stands, I only plan to have original Stands. Canon Stands will only be granted to canon characters, and I've no plans to allow canon characters to be played. Since Stands are unique to the soul and individual, that holds true here; so there won't be any canon Stands appearing in the hands of OCs. That goes for PCs and NPCs alike, so expect enemies to have generally unique Stands as well.

Stands: I intend to possibly make some slight RP-specific alterations to how Stands will function in this RP. For one, I want to more solidly define Range, as that is one of the most confusing stats in the entire series. Secondly, I intend for the Stand Stat system to largely entirely represent the Stand's physical capabilities (with understandable exceptions like Developmental Potential). A Stand's Power being E, for example would solely address their physical strength and not (for example) the ability to shoot lava from their hands; unique Stand abilities will largely be entirely self-contained from the rest of the Stand's stats. If necessary, I may institute a "sub-stat" system, where there are extra stats in parenthesis to indicate the Stand's unique ability(ies). As for what powers I'll allow to Stands, I sadly can't say "anything goes", as some abilities are either just inherently broken, narratively difficult to play with or both. I want to be as flexible as I can, but any form of time/fate manipulation or resurrection -just to start- are completely off the table.

On nonhuman PCs: Vampires -for those that consider them- are unfortunately completely out of the question; all evidence in canon suggests that they are inherently maliciously evil due to the way the Stone Mask rewires their brains, and the act of becoming a vampire would be likely considered equivalent to character death, turning them into an NPC. They are villains, not protagonists. Pillar men are also not allowed. Well, I suppose it would be clearer to say "only humans" are allowed as characters, but that's not entirely true. Multiple times in Jojo, animals with enough sentience to develop a Stand have been featured prominently, so I'm willing to consider allowing them.

On canon relevance: I am waffling heavily on the allowance of any relation to notable canon elements, like playing a Joestar or Brando, despite being an OC. I'm leaning towards "no" for the time being, as I'd prefer all the OCs and their backgrounds to be entirely self-contained. So, no star-shaped mark of destiny for anyone, if only so no-one is basically rocking a "main character" indicator.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Lewascan2
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Aisede

Aisede The Perfect Paradox

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Oh? What is this?
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Seen 32 min ago

Relevent Events?:

Danzo wants to see Mia, Rin and Kanako after class.
Detention for nearly the whole class for a month. (Empty) threat to hero licenses if defied.
Rin to continue as Main Student Advisor.
Humiliation attempt of sleeping on House of Hawks Common Room floor with rollable futons except for the ones without detention for the night.
Dr. Chisaki orders all Hawks Interns to gather after 2 days, being "sick of their crap".
Hidden 6 days ago 5 days ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

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