Japanese | World Serpent | 19 y/o
| Disciple of Taixuan | Human | C - Rank | SWARA | Katana
POW - C (+1) |
END - D (-1) |
AGI - C (+1) |
INT - D (+1) |
HON - D |
LightningBiologic Weapon: Lightning SoulSt. 7308 Labs designed this saber for arming Valkyries. Vast amounts of Honkai energy particles adhere to the surface of the blade. The blade has a unique shape, not to enhance its performance but rather a personal design choice. This weapon is essentially a super-taser, to a rather lethal degree. Arcs of electricity snap off its surface upon contact with any surface. It also seems to mildly enhance the penetrative power of lightning attacks performed by the wielder. Not quite enough to ignore a rank of Endurance normally, but when the user channels a Burst-tier feat of Honkai manipulation through the blade, it finally magnifies it enough to do so.
Battlesuit: AvengerFeatures: The typical suite of comms, GPS, and subspace storage.
Time Fracture: An ability that increases a Valkyrie’s Agility by one level for a single post or about 5-10 seconds, giving them the opportunity to dodge some form of peril and potentially retaliate in the same timeframe. Can be used once per battle.
Honkai ArtsElectrokinesis: D
Time Fracture: E (1 use)
Honkai Sensing: C (medium range)
Burst: Lightning StrikeRank: D
Duration: 1 round
Modifier Points: 5 (+1 Power, +2 Range, +1 to Honkai, +1 Paralysis)
Effect:Unleashes a monstrous slash of thrumming plasma and lightning out to Medium range. Raises her Power and Honkai by 1 rank for a round, as she focuses deeper on her control over lightning and attempts to inflict paralysis on any creature struck by the beam. Her Honkai is also considered an additional rank higher, but only for the purposes of inflicting paralysis. If inflicted, paralysis lasts for a single round.
SkillsFrom a young age, Hinode had been recruited into the Disciples program. It's among Taixuan that she discovered her passion for gardening. It wasn't much, but it was something to pass the time. Mizu-chan introduced her to the wonderful world of rice balls, and from there, more conventional cooking (that usually ended in rice balls.) Asides from gardening and cooking, Hino didn't have much outside of practicing Iado with Ni-sama. She's not great at much... But she's not very bad at anything either.
GearAfter suffering catastrophic casualties during the emperor incident, Hinode has since learned it is best to deploy with the neccesary tools. These include: a rechargable lamp, a canteen, keycard and ID, and some snacks.
Hinode is somewhat unfamiliar with how most technology works, having spent most of her life away from big cities and their luxuries.
AppearanceBrown hair, yellow eyes. She sports a long, efficient Japanese ponytail, tied in place with blue ribbon. Around her neck is a peculiar claw. Hinode typically sports a white and blue changpao, with darker blue sleevs, a black belt, and boots. Around her thigh is an
awaji knot.
PersonalityHinode is... Average. Average looks, average build, and unremarkable when it comes to personality. At least, this is how she sees herself.
She may come off as a bit shy or awkward, especially when meeting new people. It's not neccesarily the fault of whoever she's interacting with, it's just... Well, if you know, you know. She'll still make the attempt to socialize, and that's what matters.
Outside of casual interactions, Hinod can become quite the different person. She didn't used to take fights very seriously, but now that's changed. She can be focused, and may come off as cold. But that's just her way of caring for the people around her. She can't lose people to carelessness again.
BiographyHinode, Mizumi, and Ni. The three disciples were thick as thieves, even if the elder Ni-sama liked to police them more than was strictly necessary. It used to be just Hino and Mizu– the two had always been together, but after joining Taixuan, Ni-sama was unwittingly dragged into the cadre of stooges. Hino and Mizu would grab lunch from the latter's place, and Mizu's grandmother made the best rice balls. They'd train together, Mizu would cast "spells" (At Hino's insistence), and Ni-sama taught Hino how to not kill herself swinging a katana around.
They were good times. Happy times.
And then they went to explore a peculiar disturbance.
They deployed without backup, and without possibly knowing what they might encounter. A handful of scarlet uriels almost did them in before the real threat arrived, and when it did-
She... Prefers not to think about it. But she does. She thinks about it every day. A towering emperor, wreathed in flames like a demon straight out of hell. It was far worse than any playful predictions Hinode may have had before, and in no time at all, she learned first-hand what the ranking system was for.
Her friends were dead. Ni-sama was dead. Mizu, who was like a little sister to her, was dead. It was a miracle she lived at all, if just barely.
In the rubble and ruin, all she was able to recover was a severed horn. Ni-sama's lasting legacy.
Everything after that was kind of a blur. She needed... She needed, and that needing lead her to World Serpent. Taixuan, as much as she loved and supported them, couldn't help her anymore. And she... Wasn't strong enough to fulfil her duties to them either. But World Serpent promised her power, the same power that could have saved her comrades in the past.
She's still a Disciple of Taixuan. She always will be. But for now, she belongs to World Serpent.
One day, through them, she will achieve the power to destroy the Honkai.
One day, she will hunt down the beast that destroyed her life.
One day, it will face her blade.