Forming ideers...
Vertigo Sovereign (fantasy/supernatural/comedy): the protagonist is the keeper of balance, the one who makes sure the underlying forces of human existence stay in the balance…or else. Keeping the balance can be as simple as adding an extra sugar cube into your morning coffee, and as difficult as sorting out the Luck Brigade’s leader’s love life. Observe your subordinate’s work, step in when necessary, and maybe find love in your workplace?
Time spent in the human plane is usually spent seeing how well the forces of human existence are maintained. If poorly maintained, reality is slightly distorted. In extreme cases, humans may come out of a building jumping suicide attempt completely unharmed, or fish begin to swim through the ground like water…
Quest: After talking to the secretary, you find out that the leader of the Luck Brigade has been slacking off ever since his break up with his long time girlfriend, a member of the Karma Squad.
Quest: Help the Muses to transmit creative energy to a struggling artist.
-main somehow comes to work at a maid/butler café
-main goes to a magic school, with love interests such as teachers, non-humans and human fellow students, shape shifting summoned familiars, embodiments of certain elemental magic, etc.
-main has only one year left to live, so they spend time meeting the other people in the hospital, see who’ll they’d like to give their healthier organs to…
-main wakes up from a coma…with amnesia. After finding out that they were a doctor at this very hospital, then finding out that they weren’t the nicest person, exactly (mistreating patients, stealing credit for other doctor’s works)…they decide to make amends, and be a good doctor…even if all the patients and doctors HATE THEM.
-main was a great sorcerer/sorceress who was previously turned to stone and frozen in time for a century due to a rival’s curse…but somehow, was finally set free. Of course, the world has changed. All the land is cursed, and by a variety of curses at that! After meeting out with a rag tag group of adventurers, all with curses from their own different regions, the main goes to find the solution