Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Rosencrantz97
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Hello everyone!
I'm new to the Guild (which is obvious considering I'm introducing myself, I guess). Getting these introductions out there can be a little challenging for me, but I'll get this out there and probably edit it later. Though I have a habit of editing stuff to death...
I'm here because my boyfriend introduced me. He's working on a horror rp with another member and I've been reading his stuff and it got me excited about the prospects of rping again. I've done it quite frequently in the past... Starting with my best friend and I rping our favorite anime characters (which promptly transpired in writing fanfiction). Then in my early college time, I was introduced into kpop and thus an app called Amino, in which I was thrust into the world of kpop inspired rp's as well. It was on Amino that I honed in my skills and love for rp. What started out as asterisks of action *cringes in disgust* quickly turned into multi-paragraph responses that often took quite a bit of time to plan out. However, on Amino, it was a very "in the moment" deal. Roleplay happened right then and there in a public (or private) chat, thus you had to learn to think on your feet!
I've always been a naturally born story-teller. Now, this does not mean that they were good stories by any means. I simply mean constructing stories was something I have been passionate about since I was in middle school. In high school, I even was writing a "scripted" story featuring all 55 fellow classmates in my ninth grade class. That didn't last long, however.
As I mentioned earlier, I've been rping for about eight years now, though I took a very lengthy hiatus for about two years (did you know that sometimes, your rp partners can become such a good friend that they can rip your heart out and stomp it into the dirt if you no longer satisfy them?). I've been wanting to get back into the game for a while now, but seeking a bit of a more... mature community. Less love-sick 18 year olds fantasizing about meeting and falling madly in love with their biases (like I once did).
With all of that said, I can roleplay one-on-one or in groups. I do typically tend to lean more toward one-on-one because in my experience, group rp's tend to have inconsistency's in responses, or responses getting overlooked, missed, or ignored (though, as stated, Amino likely wasn't the best judge or comparison). However, I am definately open to trying new things. I'm sure I could be pleasantly surprised.
I also often find myself falling into traps of complex rp's because I either lose interest, get distracted by something else, or I'm highly motivated and interested, but my partner(s) gets distracted or loses interest which loses my engagement. I love the idea of doing more complex rp's, but I'm almost fearful of them and tend to stick to faster paced ones. However, this, too, is a trap of it's own that suctions us in and makes us afraid to try anything more complex. So for now, I'd love the idea of complex while being fast-paced to not lose engagement.
I truly can't wait to get out there and start rping again. I would definately consider myself more of an advanced rper because when I send responses, they often end up being several paragraphs with depth, but like anyone, it can vary depending on off days. I'd love to have conversations with someone, though, and really dive into an rp together!
About Me
As much as I hate to admit it, my job has been becoming my identity the past few years. I spend so much time wrapped up in it that I barely let anything else sneak through. That's yet another reason I'm so eager to get to rping. A way to let lose when my friends are busy and my boyfriend is working. An outlet, if you will. However, I am a hobby oriented person, and I have quite a few that I'm... mediocre in.
For one, knitting and crocheting has been something I find both incredibly fun and tedious. Weaving together yarn is just so therapeutic; at least until I begin craving finishing it and finding myself barely finishing 30 rows.
For another, I enjoy cooking. Though I tend to do this mostly out of necessity. It is super fun to make new dishes though.
A new hobby I've picked up on recently is Diamond Art Paintings. There is just something so fascinating and slightly less messy than a paint by number that it's a good outlet to unwind without thinking. I'm currently working on a portrait for my mother for Mother's Day/her birthday (because even with my boyfriends help, it didn't get finished on time).
Finally (though there are many more), my biggest and most accomplished hobby is writing. I have continued writing fanfiction over the years that gets increasingly slightly less cringy. Along with fanfiction, I am also currently working on what I hope could be a fantasy novel! I just hope I can finish it!

Well... that's me. A pretty boring individual who can go on a rant about rp for... a bunch of paragraphs. If you've made it to the bottom on my post, I truly appreciate it and I hope we get to rp together. If you didn't... I totally understand. This is a lot to read. I found myself typing and was unable to stop. Story of my life...
I am truly happy to be here and I can't wait to get started! I hope you start rping soon!!

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Tally Dor
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Tally Dor My open eyes see everything.

Member Seen 27 days ago

Welcome Rosen!
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Zygfryt
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Vampiretwilight fellow roleplayer

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