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Hidden 7 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Noblesse Oblige.

It wasn't a philosophy that Fubuki was even aware had a name, but his soul was familiar with the concept. The chill in the room felt solid and as he stepped forward, he could feel cracks in the air and ground form behind him. The labyrinth that previously seemed invincible now gave way as if it was the frosted dew of a winter morning. As he thought on the vague question posed by the deer, Fubuki felt a shot of energy run through him, the smell of alcohol on his father's breath, the taste of rotten food, a flash of his mother's face that he hardly remembered, and a loud bang that rippled through his memory but found nothing. In the emptiness, he found his answer. The world seemed to hold its breath as he prepared to speak, and he could taste glass and blood as he did so.

"Rage should be a tool, used to tear away the pride of the strong, and to protect the weak and innocent. That's how one wages war against this cold, uncaring world. I want to freeze my unbound anger, and control it, so that I can bring its full weight down on those who deserve it with no collateral. You're offering me the power to do that, aren't you?"

Fubuki continued his stride until he was within arm's reach of the deer. He held out his hand, unsure of how a deal like this was made, and placed it on the creature's brow between its eyes. "Just answer me one question, I'll accept your deal regardless of the answer. What do you want me to do with that power or who do you want me to use it against?"
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by CorviDoggo
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Member Seen 14 days ago

With May, late spring and early summer, came pretty festivals and pretty flowers. Sure, the garden started blooming again when March melted the bits of last snow away, but right now was the time when things truly come to life! At least, that’s how Tohato felt. Warmer weather meant lighter clothes, more tourists, more noise— the pale boy still covered himself head to toe, of course. His shirt was thin, flowy, lacy in some places, like a poet’s shirt, and he still wore high-waisted pants out of nice linen instead of warmer fabrics.
He thought of wearing a yukata, given the festival and the time of year, but with festivals and warmer months comes more business, and that means a day full of weaving between the kitchen and the seating area— and Tohato wasn’t too keen on tripping over long fabric while holding hot plates.
Ah, too much thinking. Tohato shook his head and focused on the countertop, and then looked over to his dad who was busy pulling some noodles by hand.
Someone came through the door. Tohato’s crisp, white hair fell over his face as he looked down to his bare feet, only wearing socks, and to the other person who’d just entered— still with shoes on, how rude! There were tatami mats in the seating area! These floors are historic!
It… suddenly got quiet. Why was it quiet? He focused on this rude man, but… it just had one of those drama masks. Things were getting slow, things were getting weird. Why was time acting weird? Was this one of those, uh. Didn’t that therapist say that he disassociated often? Dissociated?
The short albino wanted to greet this strange character, maybe offer some socks, something—
And said strange character grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, yanked him out of reality like a rag doll and into… what? Time worked normally again. He could move again, but. What the fuck?
What was this place? Why was he in a chair? Why did it feel like time was being weird? Surely it wasn’t him! Maybe it was his own mind being weird again, maybe it was uh… it was time loss, wasn’t it? It… huh?
”Yes, Mae Tohato.”
… NOPE! Don’t answer these weird questions! What if this guy wanted to throw him back to the Saeki family? Why did he answer?! How stupid was he??
”I-I mean, what? What’s going on? What’s… where—?”
This whole place was void! The table was springing from it! What is this place, what is this chair and this table and this weird man!
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
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EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 2 days ago

2:47 PM...?

The rabbit gave no reaction to the marionette's aggressive action, simply staring at its originator as they set their clauses into the deal... with a small nod the cracks and fragments that encompassed Kousuke's vision seemed to fade in luminosity, instead beating like a heartbeat...

The world around him... had a heartbeat.

The whispers ebbed and flowed with the rhythm, an endless circle of crescendo and decrescendo. An order of operations.

Though it felt like he was looking through a window, a sheet of glass that somehow separated his consciousness from the darked living world that lay there before him.

The rabbit dissipated into mist, billowing down before condensing again on the ground, walking down one of the many halls, looking back to the dealmaker.

"Well? Let's get moving. It's almost time to..."

The deer closed its eyes as the hand came to rest on its face, the question was something it had known the answer to long before the debt collector came to the realization himself.

"That is something for you to decide. The power I bestow upon you is nothing but a means to one of many possible ends, it is up to your actions and decisions to determine if what I choose to give to you becomes a weapon or a tool."

The deer then began to move, past the predator, and toward the stairs. A strange feeling descended upon Fubuki, conflicting. The feeling of being trapped yet also free, of being suffocated yet breathing in the cold and brisk air... A feeling of as if one were looking at the world through a hall of mirrors, each image distorted in its reflection.

The deer turned before descending, eyes piercing through to it's originator's soul.

"Come. Things are still in motion. In order to learn what I have given you, then you must..."

Their body didnt move, it refused to, watching as the shadowy wolf fought the creature, the whispers getting louder in their ears as she raised her hands, covering her ears...

The noise, it was too loud... like being stuck in an echo chamber, letting the sound reverberate and grow enough to make someone's head explode...

"Listen to me!"

The voice cut clearer than the sharpest knife- no.. It peirced the static haze like a bullet straight through her skull.

With a sharp inhale, she looked up, the wolf staring back at them, the creature recovering just behind the creature.

"There's a reason this place is a labyrinth. The fear of being trapped, of being pitted into a corner by your decisions. A winding path that never sees an end, this is the fear, the anxiety of a student, of an apprentice. I need you, as much as you need me, and time is ticking here pup. It's about time, you and the others need to.."

Three voices speak in unison, hearts speaking with one voice together.
Shatter the Veil.

As their vision started... to crack.

The masked man smiled at the albino, finding the little bird's confusion and panic amusing.

"Oh, don't worry. Your former family would be much more... hidden if they had access to this. Anyway, that's not what I'm here for, I need you. Or rather, something else needs you, depending on what you do with this."

With a flick of his wrist, a tattered yellowed page materialized from the blackness, as if he had pulled it from the darkness itself. He placed it down, sliding it over to the boy, a small gray feather falling to rest on the title of the paper...

The contract.

"Go ahead, read it over however many times you need. It's a very simple contract, I just need you to sign it."
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by CorviDoggo
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Member Seen 14 days ago

Tohato wanted to hide away like a termite in wood, burrow into someplace safer than whatever this was. His instincts told him this was absolutely NOT safe, NOT okay, NOT anything he wanted to work with— but what choice did he have? This thing just… pulled him out of reality! Quite literally, too.
He looked down at the yellowed paper. The masked man, he said it was a contract— but that implied it’d have words on it, no..? It didn’t, not to him. It had swirling ink that used to be brushstrokes, changing languages, gibberish upon gibberish and words written on top of each other and random images that had no business being on any human writing system.
Well… Tohato heard somewhere, that dreams, no matter how real they felt, can be figured out if the words are gibberish or if the sky looks off— the sky definitely looked off, as there was none, and he’d definitely consider the words on this paper to be some strange gibberish ever-shifting like mist on mirrors. So, was this a dream? Did that mean he was safe, in his bed, and this was just a horrifying, extremely realistic nightmare? The mask also… seemed to know of Tohato’s dark past, and that made his pale skin crawl.
This could also be a hallucination. Last time he checked, he didn’t have those— just flashbacks and nightmares about the past, but this wasn’t related to his past at all, and it wasn’t some flashback because this is just not part of reality in any way.
Tohato shook himself, tried to stretch as far as his scars would let him, avoided even looking at this cursed contract.
Maybe, if Tohato just signed the weird paper, this would stop, and he would wake up, and he could just smile and pretend this never happened!
And so, the albino silently grumbled to himself about this strange situation, picking up the feather pen and signing where the “blank spot” was. He watched as the kanji of his name swirled with all of the other splotches of ink, and looked back up to the masked man.
”Done. Can I… wake up, now?”
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Kousuke gave no reaction to the creature escaping his hold the way that it did, having honestly half-expected it to do such even from the moment he grabbed it. They wondered, though, for a moment, if the rabbit had done so in response to his expectation, or if it had a mind of its own. If the rabbit were speaking true, and it really was part of his psyche, then he suspected that he had willed the creature to act in such a way. However, if it was part of this hellish dreamscape, he wondered if it really was purely just an inner demon, or if there was something more to the so-called demon. Through their thinking, Kousuke took note of the illusion of glass in front of them, separating them from what lay ahead, the rabbit included.

Lights of every hue pulled at the corners of their vision, closing in before drawing away in perfect rhythm with the world's beating heart. Ebbing and flowing in sync with the whispers as they returned at full force, now holding an almost musical element that Kousuke hadn't noticed before. It was like a grand choir, standing on a stage before a crowd left absolutely awestruck. Angelic, but darker. Perhaps that was where the theme of demons came in?

The colors danced like a brilliant light show and by that point, Kousuke wasn't even sure if it was his usual weirdness or a characteristic of the strange world. It was brighter and fiercer than any instance of the strange phenomenon he'd ever had before, as though the colors themselves were being fueled by the power thrumming in the air.

Stepping after the rabbit, Kousuke lifted his hand, slowly, cautiously, gently reaching out to the window before him, looking to set his hand on the glass, but just like a mirage floating over the desert sands, the barrier moved as he did, staying ahead of him no matter how many steps he took forward, ever out of reach. Their pace quickened as they kept after the ethereal creature, determined to stay with it as it led him through the labyrinth, though determined even more to reach the glass ahead of him.

The creature's voice was joined by others in perfect harmony, the words causing a surge in his vision that was almost blinding, and just like that, the strange window cracked. It was small at first, nothing but a tiny chip, barely seen against the darkness, but it quickly grew, a chaotic yet somehow orderly pattern racing across his vision, and with that, Kousuke pushed forward, throwing himself at the pane of glass that hung before him.

"THEN LET IT SHATTER!" he yelled out in response, no longer letting his fear of the uncertain hold him back.

Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Kronshi
Avatar of Kronshi

Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Opposites at war within the very air.

Refreshing yet drowning, like a riding a raging rapid while in a very shitty kayak. The cracks of space and time, all but invisible a moment before, revealed themselves to Fubuki. Everything was a reflection of a reflection of a noiɟɔɘlʇɘɿ. Every breath felt as though he was inhaling what existed between these cracks, it was the vacuum of space, it was the real world, it was nothing at all. Nothing and everything existed simultaneously within the essence of Fubuki's wake, his steps resounding like the echoes of an icy cave, hollow but full.

He felt as though his feet were frozen to the floor, but he knew that he had summoned the metaphorical ice, and he knew that he had to power to break free. Fubuki followed the creature, an act of obedience, an act of rebellion, an act predestined by fate. He could tell he was being lead; to a heated fight, to protect someone's peace, to his next step towards purpose for his rage.

The trinity of expressions within him kept expanding and contracting, and at their collapse there was an emptiness, a fourth that should be present put wasn't. One Reflection was Hot, another Reflection was Peaceful, but in that void existed something that wasn't mirrored, but instead existed as the opposite end of the infinite reflections. With this realization, the connections were complete, a whole was formed.

Structure reforming, space restoring, time returning, and then it all disappeared again. Cracks spreading, void growing, entropy rising, and then it all reappeared again. Existence and non-existence combined, Structured cracks, spacial void, entropic time. What was, what is, and what could be coalesced into a single form. The conflict was still there, but it had been crystallized like melting ice.

Fubuki's mind recentered, and he realized that the world had distorted around him. He had both continued following the deer and stayed frozen in place. The ideas became unified as he willed to be ahead of the deer, following his own warpath as general instead of soldier. Whenever Fubuki would reach an intersection, he would wait for the deer to catch up and have it gesture the next direction. He looked back at the deer as the path continued, thinking about what he had been tasked to do, "Shatter the Veil huh, is that all?"
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
Avatar of EchoWolff

EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 2 days ago

2:50 PM...?

Cracks spread, lines, barriers, limits, all fraying at the edges. Unwoven yet still withheld shape. The world lay shifted, broken, as three converge. Unbalanced, thus will prove destructive... yet is but one path that lay before them.

Structure calling to be broken, severed ties screaming to be woven back to completion.

Perception is a lie. Opinion a construct that lies subjective.

All that exists is instinct, feeling.

Formative only of the primal.

But here therein...

As Kousuke screamed out to the splintering version of the world around them, the cracks spread larger and larger, the pattern completing itself, shifting into a variety of symbols.

A spiderweb.

A helm's wheel.

A Celtic knot.

All extend their ethereal strings of control, tying themselves to the marionette's fingers and wrists...

However, not to bind... none would pull their strings ever again.

As he flew forward, the ephemeral creature disappeared as heat spread from their fingers and hands, flowing through as the world broke. The window separating perception and the real world was broken in an instant, blinded by a white void, all forms of light and color blending together before darkening back to the shifting shadowy world that pulsed with the otherworldly heartbeat…

Their location seemed to have changed…

Along with their appearance.


Aspects of thought, elements of worldly vision contradicted constantly in the air around Fubuki. The space between the cracks thrumming with apathy… yet one could feel emotion and ideas dancing through the area, flying like stray bullet fire.

It was almost like looking through a cracked mirror.

Shards of reality fractured and splintered, confidence in spite of the biting cold, a step toward what could be the chosen path.

A step in the right direction in a way.

As the cracks spread, patterns formed along the edges of his vision.



Gilded leaves.

With each step, the world broke further, caught between dualities of infinity… The world seemed so bright all of a sudden, yet also pitch black.

Conflict becomes peace, and Contradiction becomes balance…

As one's true form is revealed when the eyes are shown the other side of the coin.

The move was now his to make, to be a pawn marching on, or to be the quewwn on high, to make all crumble within his dominion...


The sounds around Chihiro were drowned out as she gripped the sides of their head, the whispers still gnawing at her... Eyes wide as cracks webbed into her vision, creeping closer to the forefront.

Patterns crept out from the shadows, both gloomy and sanguine, bright and shadowy...

An olive branch.

A Spiral of Life.

A pentacle.

The inky creature had disappeared, she didn't notice it had left... did it leave?

Why would she ever trust a creature like that so blindly? Was she stupid?

The world around her shattered into a million pieces, a host of colors that hid within the light and the dark presented themselves, along with the form of their heart...

A mirror had been shattered, broken. Now showing what humans truly were...

They were nothing but beasts, her included. But that didnt always have to be such a bad thing...

She found themselves reeling on the ground, as the afterglow of the bright/dark flash faded from her vision... She felt different now...


But there was something still here, and it was on it's feet again, screeching that terrible sound.

There's more than one way to enact peace. She was ready to raise hell or bring down heaven from on high.

"Bring it!" She yelled, bringing her hands up to her face, ready to fight... only... her hands werent hands anymore.

"Wh- The FUCK?!"

The man of the mask looked down at the contract, picking up the page and staring intently at the signature now written on it.

"Ah, but of course. Wouldn't want to keep your precious 'real world' waiting now would you?" he chided, and with a flick of the wrist the page is licked away in dark flame. Leaning over the table, one could see the shining, no- glowing eyes of the man, glinting with otherworldly glamour.

Before the venue changed again, the echoing sound of snapping fingers ringing within the ear, back behind the cafe's counter as a customer walked up...

"Hi, there. So, I would like an order of dumplings please?"

Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Baphomini
Avatar of Baphomini

Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Like a marionette without a puppetmaster, Kousuke immediately collapsed as he made contact with his new joints. A sharp gasp was the only sound to escape him as he tumbled into a heap, body splayed across the indefinable flooring of the void realm around him. Grunting, he pushed against the ground with intricately locked ball-joint fingers, fighting against his own weight. It was like that feeling after being submerged in water for too long, when gravity felt a million times stronger than it should be, their body feeling like lead. Slowly, surely, Kousuke rose to their feet, their body becoming lighter as they gained their balance. Dusting themself off, Kousuke looked down at their body in shock. Not only were they dressed to the nines in a pristine white suit with a striking red tie, but their entire body had changed.

Warm, honied skin was now stark white, hard yet fragile like porcelain, no, not porcelain, some kind of wood. His body was a collection of linden parts, strung together through wires and perfectly constructed joints. He realized quickly that what had once felt like hardened cement was now light and limber. He felt like he could dance on the air if he so pleased! He was half-inclined to give it a try, but before he could move, a yell broke through the darkness, splashing his vision with a wave of purple and pink that struck out like claws across the darkness. They shifted, awkwardly at first, turning towards the sound as it echoed out in a circular wave.

The air felt different now. Heat shifted and swirled around Kousuke, moving this way and that. There were cold spots, as cold was merely the presence of less heat, but the cold didn't draw his attention as much as the heat. It culminated in one direction, rising hotter and hotter like a burning flame. Maybe it was instinct, or maybe it was just common sense, but Kousuke felt he could read perfectly clear where he had to go. Now why he had to go, and, furthermore, why he even cared, well, that was something Kousuke decided to worry about later. At that moment, the only thing guiding them was that heat, burning in front of them and searing through the center of their chest like a white-hot blade driving them forward.

Without another thought, Kousuke took off running toward the sound, toward the heat. He stumbled at first as he got the hang of his new limbs, but quickly enough he felt he was running through the air, flailing--no, dancing on the wind of his own speed. For once, his lungs burned not with the inability to breathe, but with a power he couldn't even describe. He felt strong, powerful, commanding even. It was a feeling he had only ever felt in small amounts. Only in fractions of what he felt now. It was almost overwhelming, and he let out a harsh laugh, but kept on pushing toward the source of the heat, which only grew stronger the closer he got, like some kind of overpowered game of hot and cold.

Rounding one last corner, Kousuke found himself in the center of the sun, the heat was so great, but there at the center of it all was the source. Just beyond the horrific creature was another. Though the other looked more human...a girl? It wasn't Sayuri, or either of his sisters, so who could it be? Definitely not... Kousuke shook his head, getting rid of the memory as always, and focused back on the present. There was no time to question who this other individual was, or what the hell was actually going on. Shifting to a more offensive stance from his kendo training, Kousuke looked bigger than they actually were. Stronger. More fierce.

"Get back!" he called the words as a command, directing it at both figures ahead of him. They weren't really sure why that was the tactic they chose, but it felt right, and they had never been one to ignore their gut before.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by CorviDoggo
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Member Seen 14 days ago

(This was a collaboration between myself and @baphomini! )
”My… real world..?”
That… that was DEFINITELY some kind of really weird hallucination. It couldn’t have been real. How could it be? Tohato was in the void, signing some weird paper, and one second later he’s where he normally is. He didn’t want to bring this up to a therapist, or to his dad, or to his uncle… it was a one-time thing so far! So… yeah.
He smiled to the customer. ”Of course! What kind of stuffing? Steamed or fried? We have chicken, pork, vegetable, and we also have sweeter versions of dumplings I also find really good!”
That customer, unlike the strange masked man, took off their shoes at the entrance of this historic building. A lot politer than that masked man! It made Tohato smile.
“I’d love some fried chicken dumplings, please!” The customer responded.
Tohato nodded with his usual sweet smile, and he looked over to his dad, Ha-Neul, cooking just a few meters away from him.
“Appa!”He called, We need an order of fried chicken dumplings!”
"deur-ryeo-yo!" Ha-Neul called back. The man always defaulted to their first language of Korean when they were focused on a task like cooking. 'I hear you,' as they had said, was also a very common response, not just from Ha-Neul, but among their little family in general. It held many meanings among them. From the obvious meaning of assuring one that they were heard, to letting another know that they were understood not just comprehensively, but emotionally. 'I hear you,' was often said in response to one sharing about a rough day, letting them known that their troubles and pains were not just heard, but felt. It was their secret little language in a way.
It wasn't long before Ha-Neul was sliding out the order, calling out the name in Korean as they usually did. As the lunch rush dwindled down, Ha-Neul soon joined Tohato at the front behind the counter, wiping off their hands on a cloth hanging from their apron. They greeted him with their iconic warm smile, "Busy day," they commented, laughing lightly, "Are you well?"
Tohato, still standing behind the counter to greet customers, smiled at his dad. He hesitated, his smile a little forced, his brows furrowed, but his cherry-red eyes bright.
“I’m fine, appa, just a little flustered… how are you?”
The kitchen was hot, especially during this time of the year…. ”Appa, do you want some water..? Tohato offered, almost like he avoided trying to talk about that weird… experience? He just had.
"I'm fine, snowbird, thank you, I'll get myself some water on my way back to the kitchen," they told him almost dismissively then asked, "Have you had a chance to eat yet? I could make you something while there is time."
”Are there any leftover noodles? I’d love those! Tohato chirped as he made his way back to the kitchen. He’ll be back to the counter by the time the dinner rush came through, but there were some regulars that came by in these in-between times and challenged him and his dad to mahjong.
Tohato paused, and looked back to his dad. “Do you know where uncle went? We should make some food for him, too, when he’s back.”
He still prepared a glass of cold water for his dad while he was in the kitchen, and then took out a nice iced can of jasmine tea for himself.
His father nodded to his question, leading the way back to the kitchen as they made way to prepare two bowls of noodles for themself and Tohato, garnishing them with some seaweed and other things laying about, left overs from other orders. They never let anything go to waste. Anything they personally didn't eat was either composted, or collected into slop for pigs belonging to close friends, who in turn provided them with prime pork.
As Ha-Neul handed Tohato their bowl, they told him, "Ah, Hyeon-Ju took Mandu to see the vet. He was worried with the way she's been lately, and wants to be safe. He should be returning in time for the dinner rush, I'm sure."
Tohato smiled at the thought of the sweet little flock of Easter-egger chickens living in the backyard. All of them except one were sweet, even the territorial rooster, Kong, loved being cuddled. He did notice Mandu had been breathing a little off lately— he was glad his uncle took her to the vet. Hopefully it’s nothing— maybe she’s just tired! She isn’t the brightest chicken, no, but she produces a lot or eggs. If something happened with her lungs… they’d have to send everyone to the vet, just in case.
Oh, how Tohato loved sitting there with all the chickens. They had soft feathers, and they were all rescues— kind of like him! They were all so kind to him, he saw them as family, too.
”Oh, didn’t Bogsu get broody again? We might have to keep her out of the coop for a day…” Tohato asked, looking up from the bowl he had a few inches away from his face.
Another customer came in— Tohato quickly put his food down, wiped his face with a napkin, and rushed over to the counter again after quickly thanking his dad.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Kronshi
Avatar of Kronshi

Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Orientation Lost

Foundation Gained

Before any processing could be done, reality shifted around Fubuki and dropped him off in a new location. He felt more connected, more grounded to this place then before but something was off besides the change in scenery. He followed the path in front of him, until he reached the first new intersection and then he realized what was wrong. The deer was gone, but Fubuki guessed that it must have been left behind wherever he had come from and was probably also questioning the boy's disappearance. He wondered which path he was supposed to follow, but that was answered for him when he heard a loud, shrill screech like nails on a chalk-board or a sharp instrument carving into glass.

"Not that way," he attempted to think aloud but realized that it had come out more as Naawt taah ay in a deeper growl. Reaching for his throat, feeling that it was sore, Fubuki saw a clawed hand reaching for him and he flinched. As did the hand. It, no, most of Fubuki's body was covered in a frost blue pelt that was coated in ice. The fingertips were hairless, and no ice covered them, and so he could see the shriveled skin that revealed the shape of his bones underneath. This body was corpse-like and his breath was cold, so cold that it created a fog in the air in front of him. Then he noticed that all of him was surrounded in a similar but thinner mist, his entire body was chilling the air around him. He was further from the ground, and his legs were bent awkwardly like a deer's. It reminded him of a horror story he knew was big in the west. The screech from before still rang in his mind, and he felt it reverberate his entire new form. This body wanted to fight and Fubuki guessed that if he was going to get any answers about what happened to him, then he'd have to cooperate.

Rushing towards the noise, it continued to ring in his head. It plagued him as if begging to be silenced. Fubuki turned a corner and could see movement down the hall. He then heard a girl's voice panicking and soon after a boy's voice commanding something but he wasn't close enough to make out words. He knew he had to get there quickly, and his elongated arms offered him a faster option. He began running on all fours, galloping into the room. He noticed the odd creature clawing its way out of the wall and towards a, wolf, girl, wolf-girl? Fubuki raised his body back onto its legs and stood upright. He wanted to shout at the beast to get its attention, but what came out instead was a chilling howl that even caused Fubuki to metaphorically shiver. Although his new form seemed unfazed by the sound.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
Avatar of EchoWolff

EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 2 days ago

2:57 PM

The world that lay deep within slowly began to stir... vague images becoming twisted and distorted yet so much more clear. Reflections of the realm of perception twisted by thought and emotion. Repression, masking, adaptation, this trinity holding dominion...

The mirror's children. Shattered to splinters and spread far into the recesses of the darkened collective heart of humanity. Split and subdivided.

Tainted. A hall of warping and shifting mirrors. A new awakening has caught the attention of something far bigger... The world itself awoke from its long slumber, the blackness rippling with apathy and empathy, distorting the raw concepts of time and space, of infinity and void.

One of herhistheir children had been more active than the rest... They would soon follow suit, but was most interesting were these... contracted souls, more intertwined than most... Best to see how it plays out.

The heat has risen.

The waves of heat around the puppet cut loose bent and flowed in accordance with their will. As the words came forth, they exploded out of the marionette, a shockwave of power that emanated from them.

Commanding the very construction of the walls surrounding.

The walls were pushed back, bending and warping at odd angles, yet held together by the absence of natural law.

Empathy and Apathy. Life and Death. Repression and Expression. Thus were the only rules by which this place abided. A spectrum of absolutes and polarities, fraught with twisted truths and balancing contrasts.

The spike of heat from within the dealbreaker's chest reached out, strands of ethereal thread, the strings of control that lay severed… Once used against them, now laid before him as a weapon primed for use.

Warped became rigid.

The pure sound of howling stopped the shifting walls in its tracks, a chilling brine radiating across the twisted walls, as the absence and presence of energy clashed within the room, the two third parties trapped in the center of both crowd control Artes.

Fear. A feeling not unfamiliar, but introspective. The innards of the soul were torn outward, fighting for one's life with the demons that lived in the mind, a parasite transformed into a weapon.

The frozen coating of the walls formed patterns, initially esoteric, before shifting and formulating one solid. Snowflakes, crystals. Fractals of the frozen substance hung in the air, the heat bending and flowing through the cracks.

Two absolutes held within perpetual balance through contradiction.

Echoes of sound and power rang hard.

She felt it in her bones, a wave of heated words pushing her back as another sound sent an icy chill down her spine… She fell over by the combination, still unsteady in her footing with her new ‘hybrid’ body.

Their body moved on its own, moving away to a now farther wall, before she halted, muscles tense as her heart hammered in her chest.

Other than the blatant situation of danger at hand, she felt something even more unsettling. She felt unbalanced, a twist in her stomach, the dreaded sensation of tilting too far on a tightrope…

She tried to steady her body, a tremble that shook them to the core… Standing again, she placed a hand/paw/thing on the wall to stabilize her footing…

Fear is a weapon. Something she could disarm.

Her eyes drifted closed, a steady breath in, then out. Spectrums of color shined from behind her eyelids, darkening down to the peaceful blackness that she found calming. A spike of sudden energy, uncomfortable at first, but soon subsiding…

Like a shard of glass embedded in her chest.

The creature, manifestation of thought, fragment of masking, freezes at the sounds, glass cracking with the contrast.

The fractured mirror that made up its ‘face’ rippled and shifted as it slowly turned to the marionette, the howl forcing it to look away from the frozen pelted predator as it fixed its gaze upon the white-clad wooden man. The glass that embedded itself into its body, prismatic in coloration as it cut through visage and the floor beneath it.

The slightest glimpse of a face glinted in the reflective material, a shadow of whatever person created this beast. A creature that reflected a person's social mask. An aspect of repression and fake expression.

Customers flowed through like water in a stream.

The festival still went on, people enjoying their orders in whatever dining space was allowed, as sunlight brightened and dimmed with clouds outside.

It was like clouds blended and merged with the sky, light dancing through the cracks and tears of the blanket of vapor. The light seemed to last forever.

Yet something felt hidden in the radiant streams, like something one couldn't begin to see by shining a light on it…

Something that didn't quite belong in this world.

Human perception has always been a piece of work.

The masked man sat atop one of the many bright billboards that overlooked the district square, looking down at all the people scurrying about like ants. Within his gloved left hand he held a flower with six petals, of six colors. Red, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Black, and White. He looked at the flower in his hand, a representation of the balance and chaos of the mirror, bound by the principles of this world…

To think he was a representation of this filth.

He lifted the mask with his right hand, revealing the smooth and featureless surface beneath, shadowy short hair that seemed to ebb and flow. The eyes were the only thing that defined his face. A bright prismatic hue that changed its coloration constantly… As the shining oculi were covered by flesh and blood, and placing the mask back onto his face, the outward picture shifted from one of theatrics, to one that struck fear.

An oni mask.

Black brambles sprouted from the man's fingers, a bud of a flower growing in his palm. A sweet seed to be planted…

He let it fall. Fall far down to the flow of humans below.

For even the most beautiful of roses has its thorns. One would be a fool to think that such a beautiful mask had not consequences behind it's face…

A new headline graces the opulent signs that hung above the district.

“Strange vanishings shock Shibuya…”

Cracks are beginning to form in the Veil of Ignorance. The creature's that reside there beginning to reach past their dominion…

The lines are beginning to blur.
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Prey Upon The Weak

The walls of the room had been moving just a moment ago. Fubuki hadn't noticed due to more pressing concerns such as the strange glass-man and equally strange but less-threatening wolf-girl, but when they stopped the contrast made it evident. It was as off the very space they occupied had become scared of him, and the monster in front of him reacted similarly. He watched as it stiffened up, the reflections within its face getting smaller like when someone's pupils constrict out of shock. The smell of sand reached Fubuki; glass was odorless and yet he smelled sand as if the glass was shivering and cracking, degrading into its previous form. The monster turned away from him to face the boy that he had previously heard, and that made him certain. Three versus one, the loner will always aim for the weakest link and yet there was no notable difference between the girl and the boy, so why change his target when he was already after the girl?

The glass-man was scared.

Fubuki grinned, the opening of his maw reaching farther down his face then he would've thought. Returning to all fours, he charged the beast and pounced onto its back. One hand had a clawed grip on its left shoulder, and the other grapped its chin and lifted its head up as he leaned over from its back. "Don't you know you're supposed to face your fears?" Fubuki asked, the end of his speech being said with a low growl. The glass-man reached its right arm up to strike at its back but Fubuki was expecting that and an advantageous position. He let go if its head and grabbed its arm, and using its own weight already leaning onto its left, pulled hard to roll them both over onto the ground.

His advantage didn't last long, his grip onto the shoulder was just enough to keep him from falling off its back and he only had one arm pinned. He also had no idea how this creature was capable of moving. The laws of physics don't hold here and this creature wasn't organic in nature, its limbs didn't need worry about ripping flesh and muscle. Its pinned arm spun around in its socket, the monster now facing Fubuki and struck its claws down towards him. He rolled out of the way and quickly grappled its other arm. With both arms held, Fubuki and the creature continued to wrestle for control on the ground. Fubuki was physically stronger, but he couldn't ignore the laws of anatomy like this thing could. He knew he'd have to try and land a kick on this thing, and so he allowed it to get above him in order to get his legs positioned. He kicked upwards and hit the glass-man squarely in the stomach. He heard glass shatter, but felt nothing but a brick wall under it. Fubuki could crack its shell like this, but not really hurt the beast.

Damn it, I can't hurt it without putting my whole body behind my strikes. And I can't do that without getting up. And I can't do that without letting this thing get a pot shot off on me and go after those other two. All I can do is hold it here until they run away.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Calculation is Key...


Everything was rushing by...

Everything was moving so fast.

Everything was happening all at once.

And yet--

Let's break it down...

First. There was the labyrinth. An endless, mirrored horrorscape of anxiety and turmoil.

Second. There was the representative. The creature who sealed the deal that had already been instigated.

Speaking of...

Preliminary. There was the dream. The nightmare with the scam artist itself.

Kousuke thought back to the scene. To the man. To the contract.

My life is my own, my actions mine to be accounted.

I understand that consciousness is a gift, mirrored in others and beyond.

For thyne art I, I art thou. In thought and heart, may our burdens be shared.

Back to the review.

Contract. Stakes. Closer. And now...

Reaping the Reward.

As the walls bent to his will, Kousuke understood. As the fractile beast turned on him, Kousuke knew what this was. As the hybrid girl recoiled at his words and the call of the icy creature, Kousuke wrapped his head around just what was going on. As the icy creature launched at the beast and the two fought it out, Kousuke finally put it all together.

'May our burdens be shared'

Kousuke felt the heat within them flowing through their extremities, down to the strings that draped from their form. With a spark of knowledge, they shifted, flicking their wrists to draw the threads up into their hold, gripping the barbed wires like weapons for their disposal. Piercing red eyes locked onto the two creatures in battle. Watching. Studying. Kousuke noted that he could perfectly predict the movement of each as their tussle went on. However, when the two came to a standstill, that prediction flooded open to an infinite ocean of possibilities. Kousuke winced at the sheer volume of insight filling the forefront of his mind, and recoiled slightly, forcing back what he could as he gripped tighter at the strings in his hands. He focused on one thought in particular, one where he himself entered the battle. It led to many paths, some of which he was not too keen to venture, but he took only a moment to calculate all those outcomes before focusing on one.

With a sharp whistle, he jumped from one foot to the other, then shot off at the pair of beasts, "Oi!" he called, aiming to draw attention toward himself, "Look at me!" he ordered, then immediately shot out his hand, driving the threads like a whip at the glass creature, trusting that the icy beast would have enough sense to pull away from the shot.

The wire they tossed hit true to the glass being's neck and Kousuke gave a sharp tug, "Come on!" he called, "This way!" he pulled on the string like a fisherman reeling in a soon-to-be prized catch, shifting back as he did to draw his other arm back and then thrust it forward just as he had with the first, catching the creature's wrist and then dropping down to yank both wires to the ground, "Get down!"
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by CorviDoggo
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Member Seen 14 days ago

It was another busy day for Tohato, a time where even the off hours have a good few tables, and where Tohato played against a few customers who requested the mahjong challenge because his father was busy cooking. Overall, he didn’t have a chance to think about the strangeness around him ever since that hallucination earlier in the day. He didn’t have a chance to think about how, sometimes, the customers he spoke to didn’t have faces. He didn’t have a chance to think about how the walls felt like they were caving in. He didn’t have a chance to think about why his heart kept beating so quickly and why he felt uneasy. He didn’t have a chance to think about how there were moments where he couldn’t hear his dad calling from the kitchen.

In between all the orders, some time in the evening, Ha-Neul eventually asked Tohato what was going on.

“Is there anything wrong, snowbird?” Tohato heard from the kitchen, after silence and melting walls plagued the young man’s senses. Tohato couldn’t answer anymore… for some reason, he kept feeling fear..? A fear so strong and so… unreasonable that Tohato both wanted to run despite his bad leg and hit his skull against a steel beam for being so scared of what was most definitely nothing.

Ha-Neul gently put a hand on Tohato’s shoulder. “Can you check on the chickens for me?” They asked with a smile on their face— Tohato knew his father was trying to give him a little fresh air. Maybe it would help.

The albino still couldn’t talk, and instead silently nodded. The chickens were… probably fine, honestly, but he loved just being with them. So, he slowly walked over— out of the back door, into the little patio, right where the chicken coop was. All do the hens were getting ready to roost as the light started to dim, the rooster trying to encourage the ladies to head into the little wood hut that Tohato was about to sit in.

How did it still feel so… tight? He was outside, but he still felt trapped. He felt uneasy, as the lush garden around him started to… melt? Strip itself away from the world? The chickens disappeared from his vision, as did the restaurant, as did all the buildings in the traditional town he was in.

He felt hands all over him. He felt claws on his back. He felt the pain of being thrown around, the pain of people, the pain of loneliness, the pain of fingers on his neck tightening until he could black out. Where was he again? What was going on..? He should— he should go back to the restaurant. He should go back home. He was just there! What time is it? Where is uncle..?

The last thing Tohato was able to hear was his name, until everything swallowed him up. “Snowbird? Tohato?” Ha-Neul called from the back door.

“Tohato..? TOHATO??”

And then Tohato was entirely alone.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
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EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 2 days ago


A Rapture in Black and Blue.

The world fell away from Tohato, Colors blending and darkening as the wrenching feeling in his gut of gravity betraying him became painfully evident... He was falling. Falling fast and far.

Wind and air blew past him in sharp whistles and wails, the void around him only growing darker in his peripheral...

"Another Mirrorwalker...? No... There's something off about you... You were brought here, contracted by my brother no doubt..."

A gentle voice, feminine yet also masculine at the same time, a small chorus of sound that seemed to blend and adapt from formless noise into words...

A cacophony of crescendos and diminuendos, an emphasis of vocal symphony transforming into the hissing of a snake, a howl of a coyote...

A faceless pigeon falls alongside the one who fell from his cage.

"Tohato... Tohato... It's time to spread your wings..."

"It's time to mend these broken wings. You can't keep yourself caged forever..."

As a light shines deep below him, the distant sound of shouting and screeching from below echoing through the void...


A Seed Sown, Thorns Entwined.

The brambles filled the space in between, piercing through and stitching together the two halves of reality... closer then they ever should have been.

Animosity held so much power... A seed of discord sprouting as it prepares its blasphemous fruit...

A forbidden puzzle being formed into a complete picture. A tapestry of malice, anxiety, avarice, and all things wrong with humanity being forced into the limelight...

As it always should have been. Their 'truth' had always been flawed, their focus on the physical in front of him limits their vision...

Well, what a fitting way to test a race's mettle.

A Fragile Balance.

The grinding screech of the creature rang like a badly tuned viola, as prismatic splinters flew in every which direction with the impact of the frosted beast with the crystalline effigy, glass cracking and shifting as its body cracked and contorted in odd angles to escape. The force of the grim hold seemed to be starting to grind the glass into sharp sand...

Before the powdered substance began to ebb and flow like a liquid. shifting and moving as the shards that made up its 'face' cracked as it opened its own maw...

Two can play at that game...

However it didn't get to play its hand. Not yet.

The honed strings of the marionette struck the creature, the wires eliciting finite control over the creature, fragments flying as it continued to chip away... The creature whipped its head around, roaring like the wind through a subway tunnel, as the fragile prismatic filaments began reacting to the crystalline beast's will.

Concentration, Sublimation, Expulsion.

Within seconds, glass bullets were dashing through the air... A ranged attack...


A shard, a bud, of one's perception.

When her eyes opened, she had found herself crouched low on the ground, tail flicking behind her eagerly, her body wanting nothing more than to aid its pack of sorts...

She didn't even know these things if they even were people... Her senses were on overload as if everything had been put through some kind of amplifier, as she ran forward, her pent-up energy finally saw the light of day along with the side of herself that she tried to hide... true nature always seemed to find it's way...

A true battle brings out the fear in those fighting it... But also the fiercest of beasts that live within.

Catching, or rather swatting, a bullet from the air, she slid to a stop next to the wooden doll-looking thing, a soft thrumming aura seeming to emanate from around her, a soft radiance shed through the space as if moonlight were shining down from above...

"So, hope I'm not too late to join in on this-!"

So much happening... So little time.

They would probably be on her ass this time. But then again, she couldn't keep just listening to what they told her like they could control her in the first place.

The hooded girl watched from beyond the walls, sitting at the events unfolding. Her head lifted, company had arrived.

"What took you so long? I expected you to come earlier, dipshit."

"Tch... Has that body been what made you so... what do humans call it... angsty?"

The man bearing the mask of the oni walks in, shadows clinging to the boots as his footsteps hold steady, stopping just shy of a meter away from the girl.

"Where is Elio? I expected them to be here." The man crossed his arms over his chest, rubbing his glove against the lapel of his coat.

"If I were you, I wouldn't count on it. They are always lost, to begin with, I wouldn't be surprised if they were off exploring Fracta again." The hooded one responded, tossing a knife of some caliber in the air before the weapon slowed its momentum and she snatched it out of the air, repeating this cycle repeatedly.

"You orchestrated this, right? Or was this one of Malgam's old plans that you've 'salvaged' again? I came to play this little game you promised." Though the face could not be seen under the cowl's shadow, her glowing gaze could be seen from beneath...

From beneath his coat, the man of the mask pulled a deck of cards before nodding.

"Of course. I remember, I'm not as untrustworthy as I might seem. We are siblings, are we not? Why would I neglect to keep my promise? You are familiar with human 'props' for games such as these, right?"

A table forms itself from the shadows beneath, brought up for the man of mask to place the deck. With a flick of his hand four cards are drawn from the deck.

9 of Constellations.

10 of Watchers.

Jack of Mirrors.

Queen of Artifacts.

The girl snickers...

"Well then... Let the game begin!"
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

A piercing stab of heat shot straight into Kousuke's chest mere seconds before the ranged attack as the sharp, jagged tones of crackling, electric blue and violet broke around the edges of his vision. A feeling. A notion. A whisper of sorts. A knowledge of what was to come with only just so much time in which to react. He took a step in the direction he felt no heat, drawn to the cold now rather than the burning flames that surged through his body.

Getting hotter-- Now you're cold!

A miscalculation. A missed sense. The heat surged as the puppet took one step too far, but it was too late to react. They prepared for the hit, ready to shoulder whatever pain was coming their way.


A brush of air, and Kousuke realized they weren't alone. Holding tight on their grasp of the wires holding the beast, Kousuke relaxed to look at the girl who had been sitting on the sidelines until that moment. He took her in. Her form. Her stance. She spoke something, and Kousuke had to think on what the words were as his mind was boggled down with all the paths stretching around them.

'Not too late...'

Kousuke gave a firm nod to the girl, "Better late than never," they told her, "But now is not the time for dramatics. Cut the movie lines and focus."

With that, he turned his focus back to the prismatic creature, studying it deeper now that he had more information about it's abilities. It was strong, that was for sure. Solid and sturdy despite its appearance. It could hold its own in melee combat, but it acted on fear and instinct, not calculated tactic and defined form. That was its weakness, but that was also the weakness of the hulking ice creature, so it seemed. Kousuke wondered if they could rely information to the other being, or if it was stuck in a feral state. Something about the frozen being gave off a more human aura than that of the walking shards of glass, and the heat bubbling around and inside of them told Kousuke that this wintery cervine was more than just another beast of the void.

Kousuke focused deeply on the mirrored creature, feeling along one of the heated pathways pulling out around him like rivers, strings of energy leading in a million and one directions. He followed the heat until it came to a frozen end then moved on to the next. Plan after plan, they rifled through as quickly as it took to breathe. Finally, Kousuke settled on one path that seemed promising. Yanking on the wires as hard as he could, he fought to pull the creature away from the other. They gave a sharp whistle and spoke with that fire they had been growing to understand.

"Come," he ordered sternly, "Move it."

He glanced only slightly at the girl, focusing in on her energy, "Keep me covered," he requested, cooling his voice for the words before turning back toward the beast and the creature and directing his voice to the one coated in ice, "When you have your opening, attack! And don't hold back!"
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Kronshi
Avatar of Kronshi

Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Action Begets Action

As if hearing his thoughts, the boy acted right when Fubuki realized he'd need assistance. However, instead of taking the girl and running like he had hoped, the boy charged in to attempt to help. He seemed small and frail but determined, like an angry bunny stomping its foot to get attention. Wires extended from the boys fingers, aiming for the creature's neck. Fubuki pushed the creature back so that the wires wouldn't risk hitting him when they wrapped around mirror-face's throat. He continued his push as wire-boy yanked it away, allowing him to stand safely without getting counter-struck. Fubuki couldn't help but feel angered by the assumption that he needed help, he felt as though this fight was his victory if only the two he was protecting weren't in his way. For them to get more in his way, and take away his opponent, his prey, was almost insulting. He watched as shards of glass were sent flying into the air as they were razored off by the boy's wires.

What does he think he's doing, his wires aren't even hurting it and there's nothing stopping the beast from charging him now. Wires keep it from running away, not from coming at you. And all this glass in the air is going to become a problem eventually. If you're going to fight, FIGHT! Otherwise, that's my prey!

Shards of ice coalesced at the same time as the shards of glass. So Fubuki didn't notice the ice prism form on the creature's shoulder. Instead he watched the bullets being formed, not how he thought the glass shards would become a problem but he felt vindicated none the less. Half of the bullets were aimed at the weaker pair he was supposed to be protecting, but the other half were aimed at him. He would just have to hope that these idiots could defend themselves from whatever kind of attack this thing is about to do. The beast roared as the glass fluctuated with energy, and Fubuki instinctively jumped to dodge the bullets. The projectiles' launches were staggered, and one of the later shots hit the airborne deer in the leg. He expected shock, pain, anything to happen, but all he felt was an impact as planes of ice fell away from his leg. Fubuki wasn't strong enough to hurt the creature without a proper strike, and it faced the same issue trying to hurt him.

"When you have your opening, attack! And don't hold back!"

He looked down at the boy, and the girl that had come up to defend him. It seemed that they could take care of themselves after all. Fubuki felt an energy run through him as he descended as if getting closer to them empowered him. They wanted him to give his all, and he had no objections to that idea. He took the energy he was feeling, and through it felt what he already had. He focused his thoughts and energy into his undamaged leg, the ice falling away from him and orbiting around his leg. The ice crystallized and formed a massive, frozen chunk on his heel. Fubuki righted himself as this was happening, and lifted his foot above his head as the chunk formed. As he landed, he brought his foot down onto the mirror-face's head in an axe-kick. The ice he had gathered shattered from the impact. "Didn't plan on it."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by CorviDoggo
Avatar of CorviDoggo


Member Seen 14 days ago

Wings upon wings.

Eyes upon eyes.

Feathers gathered around him. Red… light? Blood? It swirled like a cloth around him, touched him, made him want to scream. Tohato wanted to scream and kick away everything absorbing him, how… he absorbed the light, how halos of eyes and hands sprouted from him, how he felt like he could throw up feathers from everything happening. He didn’t know what was happening, but everything was happening, every color was passing through his vision, every pain he’s ever felt was jolting through his spine.

He was still falling when he noticed… maybe, a dying dove..? Falling with him, at the same speed. His first instinct was to hold his hand out to it, maybe help it, but— the second he touched the faceless, pale corpse, light flashed again, and three sets of wings shot out from his back, and his feet felt different, and his eyes felt different, and— everything was dark and all he wanted was a bit more light, if only to see.

Suddenly, Tohato saw…. Something reflecting, while he watched every part of him contort. Shards of glass. Ice. Flame. A screech erupted from him, an angry yell contorted into something like a red-tailed hawk’s call, with his strange new wings spread out, with all of his eyes blinking and staring down. Why was everything blurry? Why was everything sharp? What did he… land on?

Before he could think, something came out of his… face…? All of his eyes lining up, all the haunting red light, it exploded out of him and onto the glass approaching his feet, the scene he couldn’t focus on, this whole world he fell into, confused. Red, angry light was all Tohato could register, and all he could figure out. He could feel glass on his feet. He could hear voices. He could tell how all of his body keeps contorting, how his skin is like feathers and wax. He wanted to wake up from this awful dream, and… figure out what the hell is happening.

The Angel has fallen.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
Avatar of EchoWolff

EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 2 days ago

Time is irrelevant.

All that matters is the here and now.

An ephemeral footstep echoed through the Darkened heart of this world, a void that overlooked everything, a window into all that is, and what could be. The cowled girl turned as she gave a huff.

“Oh, so you've finally decided to find your way here Elio? Took you long enough.”

The man in the mask did not react to his sibling, instead his gaze leveled on the cards that shimmered in his hands, like a crystal of a chandelier refracting into a singular playing card.

The form of Elio was unclear, it never was. A shifting echo of all forms taken in the past, a formless and infinite adaptation to the twisted environment. They came to the table, fingers tapping on the solid surface, as they answered the one hidden beneath the cowl, their voice chiming like a glass bell, finely tuned.

“Time does not apply here. You of all people should know this well, Nyx.”

Elio then turned to their brother, head tilting to the side, like an owl peering through a rodent's soul.

“You called us for this game of yours, yes? I suppose these souls you've contracted have some part to play. If only you had told me you were using humans for this plan of yours…” The formless one whined, materializing a chair for themselves as they sat.

The girl beneath the cowl gave a small scoff, as what seemed to be consistent with her… deposition.

“Yeah yeah, let's just get this going. It's more interesting than what I've had to put up with… As fascinating as you say they are, they are just so stupid…

“Let's not get ahead of ourselves.” The man of the mask finally spoke, his head tilting upward as the cards in his hand coalesced into a stack. He then picked from it three hands, and placed one before each of his siblings.

“Play your hands wisely. What you play shall help or hinder them… I'm sure there might be some inkling of enjoyment that may be hidden here.”

The Figments bring forth their hands. And Cards are played.

The first card to be played is the 4 of Shields by the man of mask, as the Glasshead sustained strike after strike, fragments falling and flying… Thrashes of heat and pinpointed strikes of frost…

The beast shattered.

Glass cracked and crumbled, as it was left struggling on the ground.

Then is the 6 of Seraphim. As the world cracked open, the twisted angel that was Tohato crashed down to the world beyond the veil. Landing on the crystalline remains…

Shards fly. A Hunter becoming the hunted.

The prismatic shards lay strewn across the ground. A beat of sweet silence raptured the space…

Chihiro stayed frozen for a second, staring at the fallen angel that had come out from seemingly nowhere… this place seemed to have a habit of doing that. Her eyes stayed on the figure, as light seemed to bend and distort around it, glass shards seeming to start hanging into the air… She wasn't sure if it was friendly or not…

“Uh… Are you going to try and kill us too?” She shakily inquired, the adrenaline flowing through her blood starting to ebb as the unsettling calm continued…

As glass floated through the air, as if ignoring the inherent laws of gravity, a few caught her eye… some more colorful as they glided past…

3 of Void.

As glass floated, shards less prismatic began to be drawn closer to each other, magnetized by the polarity of their mass.

Prisms of crystal, windows of sorrow and soul.

A new beast was in the making.

The stakes are raised.

Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Baphomini
Avatar of Baphomini

Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


The warning shook through Kousuke's very soul. Raging and rattling like an animal in a cage, sending out reverberations that screamed in a silent cacophony through every fiber of their being. Pulling back the cords with the fall of the beast, Kousuke brought his hands up to his ears, as though it would help with the internal drone. It wasn't noise, per se, not physically. It held no air, only feeling. A bright, hot burning that scorched his heart, his lungs, his chest. It burned in his throat and his mouth. A formless fire spreading from the center of his being all the way to the furthest reaches and even beyond. The heat surrounded him. Surrounded the girl. It filled the space like an oven, and he and the lot of these others were being cooked alive.

Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. Red eyes flashed open as tight wooden fists clawed at delicate velveteen ears. Kousuke caught sight of the shards in the air. How they glistened and refracted as they slowly began to draw into one another. He glanced at the broken creature on the ground, destroyed only by the combined efforts of three...four individuals? The new form was strange. Haunting. Intimidating for sure, but something about the heat surrounding the creature made of hands and eyes and wings and wax seemed less of a threat. Less of a threat to them, that was. That same heat surrounded Kousuke themself and the girl. It even surrounded that ice beast, strangely enough. They all shared it, and from that Kousuke deduced that they all had a connection in some way or form. They were four, brought together for one reason or another. To fight that thing? Surely there was more to it than that, but Kousuke couldn't bring himself to ponder on it for long. The growing heat in the area was becoming suffocating. The puppet which had been cut loose from its strings was done playing the hero. They wanted out. They wanted to escape this horrid reality and get to some place where things made sense.

S N A P !

The air shifted, and a frost took hold. What had once been broiling heat was now absolute zero temperatures and Kousuke found himself choking on the sudden change in atmosphere. He gasped, dropping to his knee in an instant and quickly catching himself on the glass-scattered ground. The shards cutting at the linden surface of their jointed hands stung more than they felt it should have, but the puppet could hardly think about it through the chaos taking hold in their mind as they coughed and hacked at the pressure around them. The sudden ice filling their lungs. The feeling of cold vapor rushing down their throat. A dagger in their heart as the chill spread through their veins like liquid nitrogen. It was too much. Too cold. Too heavy. Too thick. Fear was clawing at the corners of his mind, stripping away at the adrenaline that had kept him in the moment just seconds earlier. Fight was quickly becoming flight as the weight of everything finally settled in. As that warning continued to rumble and roar deep within him.





Something was definitely wrong. Something was coming, something worse. Kousuke seethed at the pain. The pain from the shards embedded in his hands. The pain from the freezing air filtering through his lungs which simultaneously burned from the coughing still wracking his body. The pain from the deafening, soundless alarm blaring inside him. Body shaking, Kousuke fought to get his voice, rasping out all that he could for the others to hear.

"Get out...g-...g-get ou-out...w-w-we...we h-have to..."
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