Hidden 8 mos ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Hector Wyland


Hector didn't dare to speak out of turn as the inspectors got their eyefull, culminating in them announcing full inspection of the tower's facility, and a new test for the Reavers. Even though his body was miserably aching, the marksman didn't think twice about jumping on the church's orders. After all even if he hadn't been to church in a while, he was still a Licsuhianite. Still, he felt a bit relieved once the inquisitors' eyes wandered elsewhere. When Ruecian spoke of wanting to give Hector a rest, he would roll his left arm and say: "Despite the uh, screaming you may have heard while training me, I'm tougher than I look."

Then came Einer's words, which surprised Hector a bit. While he knew Einer was a bit on the weaker side, the effeminate magus had thrown hands in a fit of rage, pummeling one of those brigands the other day. "Frailty can be solved with due time and effort. Besides, I imagine you're a fair bit better at magic than I am. Half of Ruecian's training was having me focus under pressure...which, usually meant casting while being under attack. Everyone has different strengths to train, and I imagine your's would be obvious to him as well," Hector did his best to reassure Einer that it wasn't as if Ruecian ONLY threw glaciers at you for training. ...Just...that was most of it, too.

But, Hector wouldn't have much to get ready for, considering his rifle and his ammunition. Once he and Einer parted ways, he'd head to Elaine's office once he was sure that, by now, Inquisitor Grisha was done looking through her things. Knocking politely, he hoped that the alchemist would have something for the aches he was suffering, and...perhaps, to perform an examination of his emptied eye socket. It wasn't that he hadn't gotten help as soon as he was stricken, but...a certain level of paranoia and more than his share of nightmares had Hector constantly worried about corruption seeping from his eye.
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Hidden 8 mos ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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Mission: Idle | Interactions: @AzureKnight

Shavis couldn't help but wonder what the Church was pulling— a recreational activity? From how Elaine responded, it didn't seem like this happened a lot... or ever, at all. However, it didn't seem like anyone else was on particular high alert so she thought it would be fine. If it was just a series of tests, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. She mused about the idea that it might even be some sort of small competition between the knights of the church and the reavers if they were really trying to test their strength.

When the church members left, and Shavis couldn't help her eyes lingering on Leon as he was taken along by one of the church members, she stretched her arms and let out a long sigh. No rest for the wicked or something like that. Still, it wasn't like she had a lot to pack especially since she had just gotten back from the mission. Her ears perked up when she heard Xashan mention that Scarlett had been among the reavers who weren't present. Shavis thought that her little charge was in bedrest but it appeared to not be the case? Well, she just hoped that she wasn't getting into trouble. The last thing they needed was her to cause a scene with the church members around.

She weighed her options on what to do to pass the time but ended up just walking towards the Alchemy Lab where Nadia was, dragging along the spoils of war she had collected from their previous mission. After ensuring that the church members had long since departed the lab, because she was not going to deal with that, and knocked on the door. "Miss Nadia, you in here?" She called out after. She had a lesson to attend to after all and maybe they can squeeze in a few minutes without getting interrupted this time.
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by FroggRFlowR
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After her presentation, Asterope sat back down and decided to remain silent for the remainder of the meeting. Contrary to some other Reavers and people present here, she had no strong feelings neither for nor against the church. The woman's aspirations had always been to become a talented mage, where that path might lead her. That pursuit may have kept her from learning as much as some others on institutions like the Church, if only because of a lack of caring for it. Now, however, things might have to change.

The looks some of her peers exchanged with the church members did not escape the woman's silent stare. She was gone for some time, but didn't forget about her previous companions, such as Leon. A mysterious man who seemed rather interested in the church and its doings nearly as much as he seemed of interest to them. Or at least that's what it felt like.

Soon after having learned of their imminent departure to the city of Flugel, the council ended. Slowly, the room emptied of their members. Asterope remained seated, not being the kind of person to hurry themselves to anything that did not caught her immediate interest. It was only when everyone else, or most of the room at least, had left that the lightning mage stood up and made her way to the halls. She might have had followed the church members along with Leon or engaged in some other inquiry... but the truth was she just did not know enough yet to truly want to mingle. Apart from Shavis - who seemed to have disappeared quite fast, the 'Thunder Witch' had not the time to make many an acquaintance. She did, however, run into a familiar face while roaming the halls: Evelyn Grace.

"Well... the 'Star Witch' herself. You seem to have quite the reputation around here, from what little I have heard." said Asterope as she walked up to the girl in the hallways, standing before the younger Reaver with all the regal presence that was her own. Yet for all of it and what people said about herself, Asterope did not sound nor exude any form of misplaced pride nor arrogance.

"I also heard new gossips. Some say that the Witch of Eon Tower managed to pull off some extraordinary magical feat on her last mission. Considering that said Witch is - quite unfortunately - not myself, it seems I must congratulate you. I will admit, I was quite curious and impressed when I heard of it. Perhaps we should discuss on matters of Lightning magic, you and I."
Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by AzureKnight
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@Hammerman @The Irish Tree

After their sparring match, Lanus and Renee had arrived in front of Elaine’s office, the former holding a tissue to his bleeding nose. They overheard what sounded like conversation, recognizing the voices as belonging to Elaine and Grisha, which stopped at the knocking. The door opened, fully revealing the two.

”Yes? Oh my…” Elaine said, looking at Lanus with a curious gaze, then looked at Renee. ”Seems like things got a little heated during your sparring session?”

Grisha remained silent for the moment, which likely meant he wanted to observe how the Tower’s reavers interacted with the staff during standard operations.

”Let’s get that looked at. Hopefully just a minor bruise.” Elaine led the pair into her office. Seating Lanus down on a stool next to the bed, Elaine held her index finger out, which shone with a small orb of light on its tip. ”Let’s see that nose, mister.” Elaine said, gently nudging Lanus’s hand away from his nostrils. With tender care, Elaine placed her finger on the tip of his battered nose, causing it to shine with a weak shimmer. In just a few moments, the bruising all but vanished, and Lanus’s nose was as good as new. She then grabbed a small bottle of some type of indigo-colored pills. Taking one out, she crushed it with her index finger and thumb, which made a fine dust on her finger. She blew it on his nose, which made him feel a pleasant coolness on it.

”Thaumaturgy spells that weak can heal small wounds, but don’t provide much comfort.” She said. ”I’d say be more careful next time, but something tells me that this injury was at least somewhat warranted…” Elaine said, squinting at Lanus like a stern mother.

”I see that some things never change.” Grisha said.

As Hector made his way to Elaine’s office, he would run into Alexandra, the Church knight who was acting as Grisha’s junior for the inspection. She noticed Hector’s slowed pace and labored face.

”Oh, hello.” She said, before squinting at the man. ”Actually, I’ve heard of you before. You said your name was Hector Wyland? You’re the third son of that house, yes? There was gossip that a mission you went on had turned for the worst. Some of the other soldiers and knights thought you had died, imagine the shock when it’s revealed that you’re slumming it with a bunch of self-serving magus.”

Alex may have been overstepping her bounds, but it seemed that her natural curiosity had taken her over for that current moment.

”Tell me, why didn’t you come back to the capital after you survived? I realize that you may have dishonored your house in your failure, but the Scion of Light forgives all, so long as your willingness to follow good service doesn’t dissipate.”

Elaine then looked at the direction of the door, having heard the knocking. ”Yes, pleace come in.” She said. Lanus and Renee would see Hector and Alexandra standing at the door.

”Ahem. Please pardon my intrusion, but, I just wanted a few words with the Fae reavers here. I believe you said your names were Lanus and Renee?” Alexandra said, looking at the couple. ”I…was actually watching the fight you two had and was rather…intrigued by the skills you displayed. Truthfully, I’m curious about the ways in which Fae fighters utilize sorcery and combat tactics. Would you care to fill me in with detail?”

”Sir Hector had arrived here at the same time I did, and I presume he has a different reason for coming here. To treat his aches and pains perhaps?”



The Holy Seer looked at the boy with an interested gaze, not a cautious or angered one oddly enough. She made a gesture by holding a hand up to put the Fae at ease.

”Worry not boy, I haven’t come to take the book away from you.” Tethys said. ”Although I am rather curious as to why you cling to it with such fervor. Tell me, what exactly has the book shown you?”

Kiff glanced at Tethys with a perplexed gaze. ”Oh? Well, that’s a relief, haha! I’d hate to have one of our newbies to already be labeled an enemy of the Church. Uh, if you don’t want the book back, why are you here?” He inquired.

”Intrigue, mostly.” She responded. ”I had discarded that book long ago, deciding that I no longer had any need of it. Along with…other reasons, and I’m rather surprised that it ended up here of all places. Perhaps this was all preordained?”

She eyed the book heavily, having many memories flood her mind at once, some happy and some rather melancholic.

”Tell me, Leon Hyksos, what has this book shown you? I imagine that it was something less than savory?”

Nadia's office

@Polaris North

It was a moment before Shavis heard an answer for her knock on Nadia’s door. ”Come in.” She heard in a flat tone.

Shavis would then see a couple of brief cases that were stuffed to the brim on Nadia’s desk, which had various papers scattered across it. Backpacks that were full of scrolls and vial packs were also sitting on the table in the center of the room. Nadia looked at Shavis with a neutral, albeit tired expression on her face.

”Ms. Shavis.” She said. ”Can I help you? I’m kinda busy right now…”

Eon's Halls


Evelyn and Lapis had finished packing, the former seemingly more than necessary, and decided to reconvene in the conference room until they received further instruction. However, while on the way, they were surprised to run into Asterope.

”Oh! Ms. Asterope!” Evelyn said. ”You returned back to the Tower! And yes, you are correct in your assessment of me being the MVP in the last mission! ” Eve said proudly, placing a hand on her chest. Lapis looked at her friend with an annoyed expression.

”Humility goes a long way, Eve.” She said.

”As for my trump card technique, a witch doesn’t usually share her secrets, as I’m sure you of all people would be aware. However! I don’t mind making exceptions every once in a while. The first step of the spell is creating a Void field.” She said. ”Generally, a ‘field’ is a space in which its user creates a space around them that embodies the core of their magic. In my case, I made a void field, where my targets are helplessly trapped in a gravity well. Then, that’s when I blow them to bits with my star magic!”

”You’re so confident, I heard you fell flat on your face and couldn’t walk after casting your ‘trump card’.” Lapis said in a snarky tone.

”Shut it!” Eve snapped back. ”Now then, when an Elementalist possesses an affinity for two or more elements, they can often train to combine them to create a new element. In my case, I have talents in both fire and lightning magic, and combining them creates an explosive plasma element I’ve dubbed star!” Placing a hand on her hip, she flipped her hand using her other one, clearly proud of herself.

”The element is essentially weightless, meaning that it isn’t affected by the gravity well, and it more or less guarantees a sure hit against all of my immobile victims!”

”Umm, of course, using all of that sorcery takes a toll on my magical reserves, as Lapis so rudely stated…” She said, glaring at her Belua friend, who responded by blowing Eve a razzberry.

Conference Room


As Damian continued to remain hidden in the empty conference room, he carefully contemplated what his next move should be. Tethys knew he was there, and spoke to him. However, she chose not to have him reveal his presence, oddly enough. This left him in a precarious situation right now. That was, until he heard a familiar voice call out to him.

”Goodness, you’re so skillful at hiding, it’s quite impressive but also a little sad as well. It’s all right, if she was going to do something she would’ve done it by now.”

It was the headmaster Arteus, who had finally returned to the Tower after his morning absence. He addressed Damian in a reassuring tone.

”Why don’t we have you come down from there and we’ll talk. Don’t worry, I did promise your grandmother that I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”

Outside Bellum's Office


Whilst on his way back to his room, Einer would notice that the door to the greenhouse was open. It filled the halls with the distinct odor of nature, and within the young noble could hear Bellum humming along with the sounds of what he would presume to be packing.

Einer had some packing of his own to do, but perhaps his curiosity would get the better of him? Bellum's skillset and role at the Tower may not tantalize him enough in his path to seek more power...
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Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Frozen0Titan
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There would be a pause and Atreus would only feel the barest hint of shifting air be Damian would release the spell, revealing himself now standing on the floor, leaning against the wall with crossed arms.

"You'll have to forgive my wariness, my most recent dealings with the Church has not been the most... constructive in nature." Far from the jovial and warm visage the others had seen in the Mess hall yesterday, a stern and focused look was plastered on the man's face.

It was soon relaxed however with a breath out his nose. Rubbing the bridge of his nose he let out a soft sigh. "Feels like I can't ever get a moments rest with them, regardless of which faction I encounter. No matter."

Rubbing his face a moment Damian pushed himself from the wall, hands in his pockets. "All that aside, seems we finally meet Arteus. Did you wish to talk here or your office?"
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

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ATTN: @AzureKnight & @The Irish Tree

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by AzureKnight
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@The Irish Tree



The Neutral State of Cambridge

@PaulHaynek @Polaris North @Enkryption @Silverstein @The Irish Tree @Frozen0Titan

After all of the Reaver team had finished their preparations, they stood in the entrance hall along with the other staff members. Standing in front of them were Arteus and Brun, along with the Church inspectors. Scarlett would likely notice that Nadia was shooting her a glare

”Very good then.” Grisha started. ”Based on our initial investigations, we can say that Eon Tower seems to maintain an acceptable sense of conduct and structure within its organization. Whilst the decorum that some of its newer members display is…questionable, it is adequate all things considered. I believe we are ready for the next phase.”

”As discussed in this morning’s briefing, you all will take part in a joint exercise with select knights and acolytes from the Holy Church. The main purpose is to establish positive relations between magus organizations and our sects, hence why it’ll be taking place in the neutral state of Cambridge.” Tethys added.

”Be mindful that what you do and what you say will have a large effect on how your private sect will be perceived and scrutiny moving forward. The same goes for us as well, of course. Let’s all get along during this excursion.” She then turned to the two administrators of Eon. ”I trust you’ve already brief your people on the rest of the details?”

”Indeed.” Brun said. ”If everyone has finished making their preparations, I do believe it’s time for us to depart.” She then turned to Arteus, who was cracking his knuckles and stretching his hands.

”Alright ladies and gentlemen.” Arteus started. ”Please mind your hands and feet during our short travel, and try to remain still for me. I can’t guarantee what will happen to your being during spatial shifts!”

With a chuckle and a hand sign, all people present would find themselves enveloped in a veil of deep purple. They would feel a strange sensation wash over them as spacetime contorted, shifting them far away from the Tower and even Morgenröte. After a few minutes, the group would find the purple veil around them vanishing, revealing an interior lined with modest architecture. Stone pillars adorned with flags that depicted various crests and symbols lined the halls. There were some officials and clerks stewed about, busily scurrying about the rooms and hallways. Their rushed pace would make one think that there’s something amiss.

”And here we are! Welcome, all, to the City State of Cambridge.” He said, addressing his team of magus. He couldn’t help himself but to make overly dramatic hand gestures…

”Master Arteus…” Roze said. ”Must you always be so grandiose?”

”That’s like asking fish to stop swimming.” Eve said plainly.

”Ahem. All the same, we’ve arrived.” Grisha stated, reigning the conversation back in. ”Please step off of the platform. I’ll lead the way.”

With Grisha, Alexandra, and Tethys taking the lead, the group was led through the building. The interior suggested that it was some sort of check-in station or administrative office. In addition to Church officials, there were also Association reps walking through as well. Mages and priests alike shot looks at the Eon group, both curious and ominous. As they walked, a grimace would mar Tethys’s face.

”Grisha, we have a problem…” She said to the bifocal inquisitor.

Grisha turned to her, but before he could respond an acolyte came upon him in a panicked rush.

“Master Pensworth!!” She said. “ Apologies, but there are several pressing matters that have occurred here in the city!”

Grisha turned back to Tethys. ”It appears we’ll need to deal with this. Vander, please lead them to one of the lobbies. We will rejoin your in a little while.”

”Umm…very well then, Master Pensworth.” Alex said. As Grisha and Tethys walked off with the official, they could overhear the discussion at hand.

“I regret to inform you that Marquis Aulbach is dead. He was…burned to death, along with his mansion. We’ve also have reason to believe that he had connections with the Paradigm this whole time…”

Eventually, Alex had urged them into a large room with sofas and desks. The team was currently seated, awaiting further instruction.

”I can’t imagine what Master Pensworth and Zaerado are being informed of right now. Did she say that the Marquis was dead?” Before Alexandra could muse further, a knock came to the door. ”Yes, come in.” Alex said. Another acolyte had revealed themselves after opening the door.

“Excuse me.” He said. “There is a magus here would said they were supposed to met with the Eon group once they arrived.”

”What magus?” Rana said, raising a brow at the odd statement.

Following behind the acolyte was a peculiar slender woman dressed in professional attire. She was rather short and lanky, having little muscle definition that made her long blue hair and distinct cyan eyes give her an offbeat appearance.

”Ah, there you are!” Arteus perked up. ”Glad you were able to make it, hope you didn’t run into any trouble along the way!”

”I presume you know who this lady is, boss?” Ruecian said.

”Indeed! This is our newest edition to the Tower, Morgan. Morgan, would you care to formally introduce yourself?” Arteus said.

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Silverstein
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Silverstein Salt-Free Wolf

Member Seen 10 days ago

Leon Hyksos

Leon holds his breath as Arteus' mass teleportation spell takes effect around them. A fast travel spell that seems to be questionable at best as Arteus did warn them about a small chance of getting lost between its spacial transitions. A sudden disclaimer that made Leon skip a beat for a moment.

Luckily, by the grace of the scions, none of the reavers nor the inquisitors got thrown off on some godforsaken parts of the world during this intermission and arrived at Cambridge safely.

Upon departing, The rogue fae immediately frisked his body for any missing equipment, such as his anti-magic dagger, his throwing knives and various assassination tools under his cloak.

Leon released a sigh of relief, knowing that both his daggers and body were still intact.

The fae rogue came well prepared knowing his grimiore warned him something was amiss in this place.

'You alright there grimy?' Leon mentally asked the book.

The grimoire was completely silent. The visible paleness of its cover and the nauseated look on its face state that it didn't enjoy the trip one bit.

Leon looks forward toward this massive hallway made of stones, Stone pillars filled with flags that symbolize their theologies and lineages. Castle walls as far as he can see. Church members run about, dressed in robes, having a cult-like vibe, having unsettling stares at them, and being treated like outsiders that they are.

The esper rogue can feel the tension around the church members, their whispers, their emotions, and their wariness. It's almost palpable from his point of view as one of them approaches inquisitor Grisha, murmuring something about a conflagration that happened within the city.

The very mention of this arson suddenly triggers his premonition, his eyes glow briefly, seeing a vision of four blurry silhouettes setting a poor man and his property in a blaze. A horrific death orchestrated by horrific people. A betrayal wrapped in cinders.

I know this is a church matter, but the specifics are hard to ignore. The sun beast might be closer than I think. I'm sure Lady Tethys senses it as well. The fae rogue thought to himself, briefly eyeing the Belua twins, Ruecian and Lapis.

Leon kept his perception in check as he tried to get more information about this 'Paradigm' faction rather than rely on a wonky vision.


As instructed, Leon waited in a large room along with the other reavers, still wary of this unfamiliar sector. He passes the time by glancing at paintings of saints and patrons around the room. Dumbfounded on what he is looking at.

He might be skilled at stabbing criminals with his daggers, but when it comes to politics and religion, He might as well be sharp as a dull blade.

The fae rogue shifted his eyes towards the door as Arteus introduced a new reaver. A lanky yet toned woman with blue hair that has traces of esper magic lingering around her.

She must have missed Arteus's purple veil express back at the tower and traveled here by foot.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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~ Cambridge ~

Einer spent the rest of his free time in his room, observing the plant that Bellum gifted him. He wondered how exactly this little herb could help or defend him. Perhaps it was just as she said, enhancing his healing magics as long as it was around like a catalyst. With a sigh, the bard stashed the vial into the many pockets of his outfit. What better way to find out something's abilities than to take it to the field?

After the group had assembled, Arteus cast his spell teleportation spell. This wasn't Einer's first time with a teleportation spell, but it certainly wasn't something ubiquitous back home. Besides that, Arteus' spell had more... purple than what Einer was used to. Nevertheless, the spell went without a hitch and they were no longer in the Eon Tower.

Einer had never been to Cambridge, so all these banners on the stone pillars were new to him. The crests and the symbols were unknown to him as well. However, the mood in this place seemed a bit tense. Einer noticed personnel scurrying about frantically, but the group moved normally as if nothing was wrong. Of course, that didn't last long.

A crisis outside demanded the attention of the Church officials, leaving Alexandra to herd the Eon Tower into a large room to either await further orders or simply wait until the situation was dealt with. Some other magus also joined them, but Einer found himself staring at the ceiling while sitting on one of the sofas. He had immediately felt something darkly familiar when they arrived here. He thought it was nothing, but the news that someone had died made Einer believe that things seemed to be more serious than they appeared.

"I sense... Miasma in the air." Einer mused to everyone who could hear him mutter.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Enkryption

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ATTN: @AzureKnight (Nadia) & @The Irish Tree (Morgan)

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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Mission: Idle | Interactions: @PaulHaynek

Shavis arrived at their assigned meeting place decked out with more weaponry. The spoils of the battle she had collected had now been permanently added to her arsenal with one sword sheathed on her waist and the spear placed across her back. She gave them a wave of greeting before settling into the ranks of her fellow reavers.

Teleportation wasn't something Shavis had ever experienced before. So when Arteus had transported them through the use of his magic, the hairs on the back of her neck stood and she balled her fists as they reconstituted in Cambridge. Shavis let out a huff as she lightly shook her entire body, reminiscent of how felines did after they got wet.

However, some things appeared to be amiss. With the arrival of a frantic apostle who took away both Tethys and Grisha while Alexandra was ordered to take them somewhere to wait for further orders. Shavis's ear twitched as she tried to listen to more of what happened to this mysterious fire that had claimed the life of a Marquis. She didn't really know who that was nor cared about positions, but it sounded like a big deal.

Still, Shavis followed behind the others. As curious as she was about the current state of the area, she knew it wouldn't be a good idea to be caught away from the other reavers. As far as she knew, the relationship between the Church and Eon Tower was rocky at best. Instead of taking a seat, however, the belua began to pace across the room— too excited to really sit down and relax.

The quiet waiting room was disturbed by a sudden knock on the door only for another acolyte to enter. For a moment, Shavis thought that he was here to take Alexandra to deal with whatever was happening with the Marquis; however, it was soon revealed that it was just another magus.

"And so our numbers grow again." Shavis chuckled as she gave the new member, Morgan, a wave.

Her ears twitched as Einer spoke. Curiously, she moved over to her fellow Reaver and leaned against the sofa. "Miasma? Here?" She looked at Alexandra for a moment before turning back to Einer. "Think that's the cause for the incident earlier?"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Frozen0Titan
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By the time Damian had returned to his room he discovered that more time had passed than he thought. Figuring he could chat with the weapon-smith later, the man made himself a cup of tea, made his preparations for the trip then simply went to bed.

The next morning the group would find him waiting patiently leaning against a pillar. He didn't speak too much, outside of small greetings, the man more preoccupied with his thoughts, though that train was derailed the moment Arteus and the representatives from the church arrived. He didn't hide nor tense, hiding most thoughts behind a blank look.

'Well, this is it then, best make the most of it. Be good to see Aulbach and the others at least, see what they know about current events...' In the end he thought it better not to burn any bridges just yet, offering the smallest of nods in greeting to them before turning his attention to their, and now his, illustrious leader.

He'd admit, the artist in him was impressed by Arteus' sense of aesthetics for the spell. It broke a smirk out at the thought before pushing off the pillar, joining the group as they were greeted by other acolytes.

That smirk dropped like a stone the moment he heard of murder, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end as they were lead to a waiting room. Leaning on a desk Damian dropped the bag beside him, listening with one ear while rummaging through the bag for what he needed.

A long sword strapped to his hip, what looked to be a harness for a pair of hatchets placed on his lower back, covered by his jacket and a long machete placed on his other hip. Double checking his other pockets and satchels he found nothing to be missing, feeling ready he closed the bag and looked back to the others.

The man had gotten a quick look at their supposed newest member before she and the almost feral woman who brought back the makara egg set off to who knows where in the city. He had felt the small pings from her attempts to enter his mind but he paid them no heed, while he doubted that was the ceiling of her mental fortitude pings of that level weren't enough to worry about.

What was enough was the mention of Miasma from the young minstrel sitting on one of the couches, the young feline Belua being the first to comment.

"Until we know more Miss Namista we can't outright say if its the cause or not. On the other hand however, the odds that it's connected are far more likely. Arteus-" He called out. "you give me a few hours and I can figure out what's really going on."
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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ATTN:@Enkryption, @AzureKnight

Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

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@PaulHaynek @Polaris North @Enkryption @Silverstein @The Irish Tree @Frozen0Titan

The other members of Eon were wide-eyed as Scarlett swiftly made her way out of the building and onto the city’s streets. Alexandra almost blew a fuse when she saw her dart away, but Brunhyldia was able to calm her down and gave her assurance that she wouldn’t cause any trouble.

Well, too much trouble anyway.

Even more of a surprise was when Nadia volunteered herself to be the one to go out and fetch the Scarred Alchemist. She had been strangely silent and distant since yesterday, perhaps she had something that she wanted to get off of her chest? At any rate, they were the only ones to leave the compound, as Hector and Lupina decided to go on an outing. They were given leave due to Arteus vouching for them, promising him that they wouldn't venture too far as the group was still on standby. The group chatted amongst themselves as they waited

After a while, Hector and Morgan had returned, and the latter’s roughed appearance raised a few brows.

”You look like you just fell down a hill, no offense.” Roze said to Morgan. Barely a moment later, Grisha had entered the room along with the acolyte he had been speaking with earlier. The sense of urgency in his steps and expression were immediately noticeable.

”A situation has arisen. We need Eon’s fighters to ready themselves.” Grisha’s statement had naturally filled the room with an air of thick curiosity.

”Care to fill us in, Grisha?” Arteus wasn’t so quick as to allow his people to be ordered around without his input.

The Reavers of Eon found themselves split into a few groups:

Group One consisted of Ruecian, Xashan, Damian, and Morgan

Group Two consisted of Rozemyne, Shavis, Hector, and Alexandra

Group Three consisted of Leon, Einer, Lapis, and Evelyn

Childes would remain on standby as arms support, whereas Bellum and Elaine would remain away from the fray to provide healing when needed, and Rana would act as the combat operator for the mission. The others would remain at the emissary, but would act in the event of an emergency.

The members were quickly briefed that certain parts of the city were suddenly under attack by malfested, but how they came to be in the first place is currently not known. Local guardsmen had already been dispatched to deal with the issue, but due to already having to recover from a previous incident, the sudden occurrence of the incident, and being generally unprepared had them suffering moderate casualties. Due to the ready availability of Eon’s fighters, the choice was clear.

Of course, it wasn’t difficult to deduce that this would also serve as the Church inspecting the coordination and teamwork abilities of Eon.

Before splitting off, the three groups had set up shop at a building provided by local law enforcement to serve as their main base of operations. Rana, Elaine, Bellum, and Childes would remain here to provide support. Each of the groups were given peculiar green orbs embroidered with a golden design.

“These are stones that allow for communication across a moderate distance. It uses alchemy to take the sound of a person’s voice and creates a copy of it to project out of the other ones. If one of them is too far from the main one here then that one won’t work, the same if true if that stone is broken. This is for the members of your team that aren’t capable of telepathic speech.” Said one of the guardsmen. “We’ve lost contact with a number of our other teams, so the situation appears to be escalating quickly.

”Yes, we can see that.” Alex said. ”I’ll take lead, we need to move swiftly!” She turned to all groups, urging them to make haste to their positions.

”Please take care of yourselves everyone!” Elaine said sternly. ”Of course, I’ll heal any wounds inflicted on you, on my word.”

”I’ll do my best to lead us to victory.” Rana said, attempting to emanate more confidence.

Childes gave Hector’s gun a routine check up before he went out. ”Everything looks good for the most part.” He said. ”But I noticed some dents around the chamber, blade, and the grip. It looks like someone went a little too far when they decided to go whole sail using it like a melee weapon. Better be careful sonny, or I’ll start charging for maintenance too!” He warned, wagging his fist. He handed the gunsman back his rifle. ”Good huntin’.”

One of the guards went up to Damian and began whispering something in his ear. “Hey, try to stay alive during this mission. I’m…not technically supposed to tell you this, but there’s a couple of individuals who have some useful information for you. Could be of benefit for your group.” He said, before quickly walking away.

”I think it’s time we got goin’” Ruecian said. He looked at his little sister and her best friend. ”You two try to stay out of trouble and not cause any grief for Leon or Einer. You, especially Eve, you’ve never actually dealt with malfested before.”

Lapis made a face at her brother. ”How rude!”

”Ugh, we’re not Godsdamn children, y’know! And I’ll be fine, I am a prodigy after all.” Eve snapped.

Will we really be alright like this? Roze thought.

Group One

@Frozen0Titan @The Irish Tree (Morgan)

Damian and Morgan would find themselves with Ruecian and Xashan in the southwest part of the city, near the charred remains of the Marquis estate. Ruecian didn’t like the lingering scents he picked up on. His eyes slowly started to become bloodshot with anger. They arrived in front of a dented gate with burn marks in oddly specific positions, and it looked as though it had been ripped apart. The scent was strong here.

”No, that’s impossible…” He quietly uttered. Xashan looked at him inquisitively.

”You cool?” He said.

Before he could get an answer, corrupted beasts found their way to the party, moving with irregular and animalistic stride.

”Eyes up, we have new friends. Let’s say hello~” Xashan mused. One lunged at him, as if responding to his candid statement. He dodged out of the way, the movement almost like a mocking dance. Making a scissoring motion with his fingers, the creature was sliced to ribbons with sand he had left behind before moving.

Two lunged at Ruecian, but instead of their talons meeting flesh they were frozen solid, and their rimed corpses fell to the ground. A sound similar to glass breaking filled the vicinity, their bodies shattered into pieces upon impact.

Several more jumped out at Morgan and Damian, quickly replacing their fallen cohorts.

Group Two

@Polaris North @The Irish Tree (Hector)

Alex’s group was nearing a more populated part of town, filled with restaurants and shopping establishments. Roze looked at Shavis’ new weapons, rather curiously.

”Aren’t those the weapons that those assassins wielded from that last mission?” Roze asked. ”I sense spirits housed in them now, along with the elements being augmented. Paid a visit to Nadia, I presume?”

”Look there!” Alex cut the conversation short, directing the party’s attention to a violent scene of malfested rampaging around the marketplace. They would also see Scarlett and a panicked Nadia in the center of the fray. ”Aren’t they your people? One of them is that weird cat lady who ran off on her own…”

Hector would notice Lupina sniping at beasts on a nearby rooftop, attempting to assist the other two down below. However, he would also notice one of the creatures had crept its way up to the Belua sniper. Before it could get too close he was able to snipe its head off, which also alerted Lupina to the arrival of the group.

”Guess that explains why she didn’t come back with you, Hector.” Roze said. ”I’ll go help out Scarlett and Nadia.” She summoned Icarus, and flew her offer to where the two daters were busy fending off their attackers. Icarus’ wings sliced clean through some of the malfested that got in Roze’s way. It wasn’t long before she arrived in front of them.

”There you guys are. Y’know, we were wondering what was taking so long for you to get back.” Roze said.

”Roze! Thank the Scions!” Nadia exclaimed. ”Please tell me you know what world is going on?”

Alex was busy dealing with the other surrounding malfested civilians, regrettable that there was no longer any other way to save them. Every one of them that came her way was met with a slash of light that instantly dissipated them.

Hector mainly had a choice of providing ground support to Alex or to assist Lupina who was still sniping from her bird’s eye view. Although perhaps it would be best for him to group up with Shavis, as more beasts began their assault upon them.

Group Three

@PaulHaynek @Silverstein

Group Three stuck to investigating alleyways and backend roads, with the others covering the main epicenter of the outbreak. Due to the nature of the work, it was only natural that Leon take point, much to Eve’s annoyance. She was ultimately fine with it, as having gone on a mission with him before allowed her to see his skill first hand.

”Hey Lapi, you’ve seen malfested up close before right?” Eve asked.

”Yeah, but…I try not to think about those days too often…” She said weakly.

”They say that there’s no trace of the person’s original self left within once the rot sets in. I wonder if that’s true…” She continued to inquire.

Disgusting snarling sounds prevented her from thinking on it further, and were accompanied by a sudden lunge from a malfested guard. It attempted to go for Eve, but Lapis shot several ice shards at it, felling it just in time.

”Ah! Th-that thing’s fast…” She said. ”Is that what they look like up close? Ugh, they’re hideous…”

”Many things in nature take on grotesque forms when on the path of evolution.” Said an eerie voice. Its source was a malfested woman who was the catalyst for the corruption plaguing Cambridge.

”A malfested that can speak clearly?” Eve said.

”To think you refer to those with Mother’s gift with such contempt. It’s sacrilege, aside from it being utter mockery.” With a shockwave of negative energy she blew away the two girls and Einer a little ways, and only Leon was able to maintain his stride in the wake of her overwhelming aura.

That would leave him to deal with the woman alone, and the other three had to deal with the other corrupted beings closing in on them. A couple dashed at Einer, Eve quickly shot some plasma bolts at them, but one was still able to make its way over to the young noble. He would have no choice but to defend himself.

”You seem to possess a unique power boy. You may very well be of use to Mother.” She said, channeling a ball of purple fire. This malfested could use magic! Unless Leon quickly reacted, unpleasant cinders would be the least of his worries.


In a detention center on the outskirts of town, guards were heavily discussing matters of importance. In one of the cells, there sat a lone girl. She had little interest in what was going on around her, and was listless with a deadpan expression on her face.

In the cell adjacent to her, she could hear some other inmates talking to each other.

“Hey, it seems like security’s laxed up due to statesmen being sent out. Sounds like something big’s happening outside.”

“Yeah, so?”

“So, it could be that Kinnich has come back and is planning a breakout!”

“Scions, you’re a damned fool! Why would he even bother? He’s already accomplished what he set out to do in this blasted town.”

“Nah, we’re Belua just like he is, he always sticks up for his crew! C’mon, we gotta break out of this shitheap and join back up with ‘em!”

“You clearly don’t know what type of man Kinnich is. He’d probably just kill and/or eat us the moment he saw us again. I’m done listening to you…”

The girl tuned out most of the conversation, however, one word roused a great anger within her blood.

Kinnich. The name of the man, or rather beast, that had taken everything and more from her. Even being the indirect reason she was torn into this cell in the first place.

Her anger boiling, perhaps she would soon make a break out of her own…
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Silverstein
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Silverstein Salt-Free Wolf

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@AzureKnight @PaulHaynek

Hidden 1 mo ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

~ Cambridge ~

Ugh. Malfested.

Einer had his fair share of assignments cleansing areas tainted by Miasma back in Flugell. The fighting was long over every time Einer's services were called and all the musician knew of the Miasma firsthand was how grotesque it turned everything it touched. Obviously, Einer read about the taint's effects, much like everyone, but he still remembered the first time he encountered it out in the open. Many were horrified, and it horrified Einer too... but similarly with Scarlett, the musician always found the taint oddly fascinating in a way.

Apparently, this neutral city caught a bad Miasma infestation at such a seemingly coincidental time. It fell to the newly-arrived Reaver guests to help eradicate the darkness. Once again, Einer found himself accompanying Leon, Eve and Lapi investigating the city's alleys and crannies for anything tainted. Einer was playing the Song Of Varda all the while, a tune that made it seem this small party were the heralds of salvation of Cambridge against the Miasma. Not exactly a fitting tune right now, but it cleansed any Miasma energy wherever they went. Of course, it would also attract any Malfested who heard the song. But perhaps that was for the best in order for the threat to be dealt with immediately.

Sure enough, the party was assailed by the Malfested. Einer was actually startled by the creature's speed, even making him stop playing the song. "...So that was a Malfested." The musician muttered as the others talked. They were hideous as ever, but they were surprisingly quick contrary to Einer's expectations.

”Many things in nature take on grotesque forms when on the path of evolution.”
Malfested Woman

But any further investigation must be put on hold, a woman emanating powerful Miasma appeared before the party. She radiated evil... and power. Einer was awed at her presence, his mouth agape. The fact that she could speak flew over the musician's head.

”To think you refer to those with Mother’s gift with such contempt. It’s sacrilege, aside from it being utter mockery.”
Malfested Woman

Shortly after that sentence, the woman unleashed a powerful wave of negative energy that sent everyone except Leon flying a couple of feet away. As Einer recovered, he noticed more Malfested incoming to join the party. While Leon fought the Malfested lady, Einer along with Eve and Lapi had to deal with these tainted. Perhaps playing the Song Of Varda the entire time earlier wasn't such a good idea after all.

The Malfested homed in on Einer. One was taken down by Eve, but there was still another. Einer's close combat instincts kicked in as he quickly dropped his lute to receive the enemy. As the Malfested lunged, Einer made himself low before catching the tainted creature and slamming it down on to the pavement. The musician knew that the Malfested were strong, practically impervious in hand-to-hand combat. Einer put the Malfested into a headlock, the proximity to this evil made Einer's stomach churn.

"Eve! Lapi!" Einer cried out, using all his strength to keep the Malfested from breaking free. "You need to cover me! I can play music that'll weaken the Malfested in the area! But you need to cover me!" Such words shamed Einer, but desperation and the instinct to survive mattered more in these circumstances.
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Frozen0Titan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

He could smell it, the closer they came to Aulbach's estate the stronger the stench became, the stench of miasma. With every step his frown deepened, eyes on a swivel.

As he and the group approached the gate his hackles raised. The moment corrupted beasts leapt towards both he and the newcomer, Morgan, two of the beasts would each find a Tomahawk lodged into their skulls as others were quickly met by shining steel brandished with fury.

'Hello convenient stress relief.' Were it any other situation Damian would have snorted at the thought, but right now cold fury held him. Another beast fell with a swing of his blade and with a tug of his free hand, one of the Tomahawks flew back to his open palm. In the same motion the axe was thrown to the other side, thread thin as hair glinting in the daylight as a beast leaping from Morgan's blind spot suddenly found the side of its head abruptly cleaved.

"I count another 16 more, Xashan. You?" His tone was serious but held little fire, seemingly reserved for his actions as he spun to dodge another beast, it's headless form tumbling into the hard stone below. "Make that 15."
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