Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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The man by the horse ran to the fallen girl and Bane said “master Taloh finding Zhara out in the middle of no where. I had guided her to this point, knowing she was the next shadow…but the rest was up to her if she could reach her own fate or not…” Master Taloh picked Zhara up and the memory shifted to a temple at the edge of the desert, now a little older Zhara being trained in combat and assassin style by Master Taloh. “He was the only partner figure she knew, so naturally she became like a daughter to him”

Duke looked at Adam who nodded. “Ya, Yugi made sure. But you saved his neck, if he had been worse off I don’t think we could have helped…you okay?” Duke held his head and said “back and head kills…dizzy still…”

Yugi looked at his hands in awe and Tristen said “that’s a little bit better. Don’t look like your about to fall over” Yugi looked at Cora and said “thank you…”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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"What happen to her family?" Yami asks Bane as he watched the scenes before him.

"That's expected. Marik just called for dinner. I'm sure some food can help a little bit." Seto advises.

"Good to see you get some color back." Joey commented with a smile. Cora smiled. "It's the least I can do. Though now I think about it, was something going on when you woke me up?" She asks curiously.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane said “her village was wiped out two years before she was found…by raiders of another kingdom. I found her using a monster from the shadow realm to protect her, the Hound of the King…so I stepped in and took her to safety. I never saw her parents…but I think they must have been in knowledge of the magic to show their child how to do it so young…”

The next scene was Zhara as a teen and heading to the capital on horse back. Her master by her side. She looked at him and said “master…are you sure they will accept me? I am a woman…” Taloh smiled and said “don’t worry my dear…the pharaoh will see what I see in you…”

Duke nodded and Adam helped him up and pulled his arm around his shoulders. Adam looked at Kaiba, his eyes saying to say something more to the young man. Especially since he protected mokuba.

Yugi said “food is ready” Tristen was looking around and said “ya…why is there a hole in the wall over there?”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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"....I see...they made sure she could find help when she needed it most." Seeing her then as a teenager. He smiled, "was this when she had to leave after we met as kids?" He asks.

Seto eyed Adam before he took Duke to go get something to eat. He gets out of the chair and heads to go get something to eat.

"Oh! Sounds good." She got up off the couch. Her and Joey looked toward where Tristen was looking. Cora tilted her head confused and Joey looked dumbfounded. "Good question. Might find out soon." Joey says.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane shook his head and said “this is right before. She looks older the she is. She’s about to be shown to your father and leave for her final training” then the scene changed and they were outside the gates. Mana was hugging Zhara and crying and Mahad was trying to pull her off so young Atem could say he part. “Your turn…”

Adam sighed then moved to Seto and muttered “you could thank him for jumping in…make him feel like your not pissed at him…”

Yugi sighed and said “let’s go get food…”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami looked to Bame with surprise. "Really? I didn't know that."

Atem smiled softly as he watched Mana hugging Zhara, knowing how close how close the girls were. He shyly walks over, sad that Zhara has to leave. Standing infront of her with a hand clutched at his side. "I wish you didn't have to go, Zhara. Will you return to visit." He asks.

Seto looked unamused by what Adam was implying. He knew what he needed to do. He needed to get use to thanking people. "No need to be pushy. I'm getting there."

Joey and Cora go with Yugi and Tristen to the dining area where Marik had bowls of what looks like stew in each spot for everyone except Yami and Serena.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Zhara smiled and moved and kissed his cheek while Mana and Mahad blocked them from view. “I will return as your shadow…I swear I’ll make sure your safe for all of my life…I only leave now to prepare for anything that could happen…I will come back when you truly need me…my sweet prince…”

Bane chuckled and said “she was already in love with you even back then…”

Adam said “fine, but remember he did risk his neck…he didn’t have to” he moved over to help the others get food.

Yugi rubbed his face and looked tired again as he said “can I get your food for you Cora?”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Atem could only blush when Zhara kissed his cheek. He looked to her with a small sad smile and nodded. He then took her hand and placed a small trinket on said hand and closed her hand. "A gift. That way you don't forget us while your away. The item in question was a gold bracelet. "Something to remember us by." He tells her, fidgeting where he stood.

Yami watches on, a blush creeper along the bridge of his nose. "I was young then. How was I suppose to know?" He grumbles.

Seto sighed, at this point wanting him to drop it so he could get past his pride and let Duke know when HE was ready.

Cora had looked Yugi and was about to ask him something when Yugi spoke first. She blinked a few times in surprise realizing that Yugi beat her to the punch of asking him the same thing for him. "Oh. Um. Sure."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane chuckled as Zhara smiled at him and moved to put the bracelet on and said “thank you my prince…I will never forget…” her master called her and she bowed to Atem and moved to follow him out of the Gates. The scene changed again and Bane said “she trained in combat and magic for years…handled many foes outside of the capital…many threats. When you father passed her master was gone by then. So she came to the capital and to the palace…”

The scene before them was the crowning moment, the council having just dealt with Bakura and then Zhara came into the chamber, dragging three men with her. She dropped them in front of Seth and said “I found these men outside trying to sneak in. Your security needs work. I am here as the New Kings Shadow…”

Yugi moved to get the bowl but Tristen stopped him. “Cora take him to the table. Joey and I will get the food”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami watched on as Seth looked to the female figure before them. "You dare enter the palace unannounced?" He bristles as the other priests had turned toward the commotion while they had discussed their next move against Bakura. Priest Aknadin stepped forward. "How do you know of such a position?" He asks, knowing of the Shadow of Brother.

Cora blinked in surprise and hesitated but obeyed as she took Yugi's hand. "It's okay. I did wonder about something though and was hoping I could get your opinion." Guiding him to a chair.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Zhara moved to the priest not mad at her and bowed in respect. “I am the new Shadow for Master Taloh has passed to the next life. It happened three days before the Pharaohs father died. I have been trained my whole life for this mission. I am here to be tested by the council. I couldn’t leave those goons outside as a threat. What will you have me do?”

Yugi nodded and moved to sit down as Tristen grabbed Joey to get food.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Priest Aknadin's eyes softened upon hear the news of Taloh's passing. "My condolences, child. We shall handle the men you apprehended." The guards grabbed the three men and took them away. "As for you my child, you shall be tested by each of us. Should you pass our trials, we will consider the position with the pharaoh." He explains to the woman.

Yami watched on, remembering how Serena explained it to him. "I see why I would have not recognized her. She went through so much while she and I were apart. I was still trying to mourn my father while just being crowned Pharoh. Bakura didn't help matters any."

Joey followed Tristen to help out, Marik noticed them and smiled. "I see Yugi looks a little better how are they both?"
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane said “that is all true. Your mind was on a million things. Why do you think back then she didn’t just say her name to you? Or Mahad?”

Zhara nodded and stood up and pulled her staff from her back. “I am ready for your tests. Please go ahead so I can get to my duty”

Tristen said “his still weak. He needs food and more sleep if we can make him do that”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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"That would have been the icing on the cake for me. I could barely hold it together." Yami admitted. The High Priest's did their trials with each millennium item they had in their possession but the pharaoh's own. Passing each one. They tested her skills of combat against a couple of the Royal Guards on Seth's insistence.

Cora had fidgeted with her fingers as she sat next to Yugi, wondering how to go about what she wanted to know. Taking a deep breath, she knew she would just have to spit it out. "I was wondering and I told about what was going on, about the Egyptian gods and your friends. But I was curious about something....how....or at least what helps you when your scared. I mean....I want to help. But I'm scared." Cora admits, though it seemed hard for her to ask.

Marik nods. "I'm sure he will, especially after getting something to eat."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Zhara was fighting back against the guards, the shadows helping her as she moved. She was finishing off the last guard when she flinched, stumbling a little as an old wound opened on on her shoulder. But she hid it and held her injury but kept it hidden. She tried to get back up, seeing more guards coming towards her. Bane said “seems a little over kill…she’s proven herself by now…”

Yugi smiled and said “I remember my friends are backing me up no matter what. And we have the heart of the cards on our side”

Tristen nodded and looked at Seto who looked mad and he said “he mad about mokuba?”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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"Stand down!" A old voice rose above the "mock" battle that was taking place. It was the Grand Vizier, Simon Muran. The guards stop immediately and back away from the woman, linin up before their Pharaoh and High Priest's, bowing.

The Pharaoh, Atem stands from his throne of which the High Priest's part the way and kneel before their king. "Priest Seth, seeing this woman's skills with a blade and her abilities have been tested well enough. Please show better restraint." He stands before the woman and holds out his hand. "I must apologize for my Priest's brash behavior. You have demonstrated your skills and abilities. As of now, I will accept you for the role of King's Shadow. You shall walk the darkness to serve the light of this kingdom."

Yami sighed. "Priest Seth was still learning his role as High Priest back then."

Cora thought about what Yugi told her, sitting back in her seat as she looked to the ceiling. "Heart of the cards, huh? I never heard of that before. But it makes sense." A smile forms of. Her lips as if the saying made her happy.

Marik looked to Seto and shrugged. "Or annoyed. I still get the faces confused." Seto was mainly annoyed but trying his best to calm down. He needed to in order to apologize properly.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Zhara looked up at him, her eyes only showing as she took his hand and stood up then bowed again. “Thank you my pharaoh…I will serve you with honor I swear it…”

Mana was looking into the room, her eyes wide. She waved at Mahad and pointed at Zhara, trying to tell him the truth. She knew who it was.

Bane chuckled and said “he has that trouble now in his life now as well…”

Yugi said “it will make sense when you see how we play the game”

Tristen looked at Marik and said “mind filling us in?”
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Atem nodded, releasing her hand before taking his leave back to the throne. The High Priest's stood once their Pharaoh sat back down on his throne. "Everyone is dismissed." The Grand Vizier say as the guards and the High Priest took their leave. It was Pharaoh who was last to leave.

Priest Mahad seeks Mana out before pulling her aside. "What were those wild gestures about?" He asks suspiciously.

Yami nodded. "In a sense, yes."

So Marik explains what he caught of the Events with Seto and why Duke looks as haggard and painful as he feels.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Zhara bowed again and left, holding her wounded side as she left, luckily hidden under her cloak. She asked one of the hand maidens where she could keep her things til a room was ready then went to the flower garden, wanting to check her injuries without anyone seeing. She sat on the edge of one of the water figures, moving her cloak to find her wound, a long slash, opened up. She sighed and looked at her wrist, the bracket still there. “It was too much to hope…but I never forgot…so it will have to do…”

Mana waited till they were alone and said “how are you both so blind?! You can’t not know who that is? It’s Zhara! Our friend from years ago, the student of Master Taloh. She’s come back just like she said she would. When he needed her most. She’s here for Atem…”

Bane chuckled and said “I have always liked that girl…let’s see how long it takes you to remember”

Tristen cursed softly and said “so Duke grabbed mokuba to protect him? No wonder kaiba looks so mad. He must be kicking himself”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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The priest looked to back toward the direction of the throne room before he cursed softly. How had he not recognize her before? He then looks toward Mana and sighs. "I was focusing so much on the appearance and disappearance of Bakura that I had not realized the Zhara was standing before me." Shaking his head in disappointment. "Maybe we can set a meeting between them. This would be a welcome change for the Pharaoh after all that's happened."

Yami glanced a look toward Bane suspiciously. "Are you always this amused? Or is it something else?" He asks.

Marik nodded. "We know it will take a bit for Kaiba to thank Duke. I'm sure he will soon."
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