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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Mana smiled and said “or…we led him to her right now. She’s in the flower garden as we speak…we are both magicians Mahad. Maybe a little magic is needed to reunite them?”

Bane smiled and said “I like seeing things go right, when the balance is being met. But more then anything…I love seeing my shadow happy”

Tristen nodded and picked up some bowls to start dishing up. Yugi was talking to Cora about more of their adventures
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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The Priest looks to his Apprentice with an unsure look. "Jave you been keeping up with your stuidies?" He asks Mana.

Yami nodded. Of course he wanted Zhara happy. So did he. He watches on.

Joey helps Tristen while Cora listens adamantly while Yugi spoke about the adventures his friends had been through.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Mana shook her head and said “of course not. But we are the ones to help the pharaoh right? And giving him a joy like an old friend would do that. Now let’s guide our new pharaoh to his old friend” she held her staff up and said “a simple spirit guide would do the trick”

Bane sighed and said “she’s been thru a lot…those wounds were from the fight that killed her master…”

Yugi was getting thru battle city, telling about the duels with the Card Hunters
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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The young Priest sighs but agrees about their job to making the Pharaoh happy. "Indeed. It should suffice." Mahad agrees. "Then I shall observe and see how well this goes for you."

Yami jolted like he had been shocked in place. "They were?!" He looked back to the memory, a saddened look on his face.

Cora seemed invested in Yugi's stories, asking questions here and there when she seemed confused about something but tried her best to let Yugi tell his story uninterrupted.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Mana nodded and jumped up and down. Then she held out her staff and said “I call upon the spirits…guide our pharaoh to a path of peace and light…” there was a flash and suddenly the Hound of the Guardian appeared. Mana blinked and said “wait…that’s not who I meant to call…” the hound barked and took off running, Mana gasping and started to run after him

The hound lost mana and found Atem heading to his chambers. He stuck out his tongue and walked to Atem, moving in front of him and sitting down, wagging his tail. He woofed softly and turned his head, wanting atem to follow him. Then started walking, not leaving the king behind but making sure to guide him where to go. When they reached the outside and the opening to the flower gardens, Zhara was sitting by the water cleaning her wound and her hood still up.

Bane nodded and said “she never said it but her master was killed by the cultists of Apep…trying to get to the palace to take you again. With your father on his death bed, they believed you wouldn’t be so guarded. But Zhara and Taloh found out and ambushed them before reaching the capital…but he was killed and she was wounded. She had to put him to rest before she made it back…she was there to make sure the Brotherhood didn’t get into the palace before she could secure it”

Yugi paused at one part, near the end of battle city and asked “did I lose you somewhere?”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Watching his Apprentice at work, and the end result had him sighing as Mana was running after the Hound. Shaking his head, he made his way in the direction that Mana ran off to catch the hound. "Atleast it will still do the job Mana asked of it." He says more to himself.

Atem seemed within deep thought, so much running through his mind as he aimlessly was going toward his chambers. Pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of a bark, he sees a spirit of a hound which confused him. It took him a moment after looking around to studying the hound that it wanted him follow. "Alright. Lead on." He follows the hound.

Ending up in the palace gardens, Atem noticed someone at the fountain. Observing the figure, noticed that it was his newly appointed Shadow. Walking further into the gardens, he noticed that she looked to be cleaning a wound she had gotten. "Is everything alright?" He asks her.

"She was going through the same as I. To be put in a position before getting to mourn your loved one properly." Yami muttered sadly.

"I've been trying to piece it together...so Yami is more like an adopted brother? Not biological? Also, did you ever realize how much a genius you are?" She then noticed what she said and blushed before looking away.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Zhara froze when she heard his voice and moved to hide the wound and said “no my pharaoh, I’m alright. Just cleaning up after the tests…” the hound grumbled and moved to push Atem closer, so he could hear her better and maybe even pick up her scent. He had to move the hood himself since the hound didn’t have thumbs.

Mana was watching from a pillar, her hands shaking.

Bane nodded and said “it’s why she knew what you were going thru…and why not to be upset by not knowing her voice”

Yugi blinked and said “it’s more…Yami was a spirit until a few years ago…and he lived in the puzzle and I was his host. And his the genius not me”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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"I am. Still am. But now I learned something new and understand her pain and why she did not want to reveal herself." Yami answered.

Atem stumbled forword a little, looking back to the hound with a soft glare, wondering what it's issue was. He looked toward to the figure before him and steps forward. "There is a bathhouse for such things." He gets closer stopping a couple feet away from her. "Here, I can take you to them."

Cora blinked quickly, surprised by the information. So was it coincidence they looked alike? She was still trying to rack her brain around it. Though she look more confused when he said that he wasn't a genius. "But you solved that millennium puzzle. And everything you said so far, how can you deny it?" She asks.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane nodded and said “she was and still is wiser for her years…she was always fast on her feet”

Zhara turned her head from him and said “I didn’t want to take up anyone’s time or concern…it’s nothing major I just need to redress them…” the hound sighed and moved to Atems side. He bit into the cloak and pulled on it gently. He wanted the king to look under the hood.

Yugi looked at her and said “I solved the puzzle yes but…the rest wasn’t me”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Atem felt frozen where he stood. That voice. He heard it before, could it be? No. His mind was tricking him, it had to be. But he had to know the truth. Atem had to know. He grabbed the hood and yanked it off her head. To see the female before him as she truly is shocked him. But his face didn't show it. So Zhara is here, before him, after all these years. "So aren't a dream...." He blurts out in a soft voice. He looked down, shadows covering his eyes as he tries not to cry.

Yami didn't notice but he had tears rolling down his cheeks. "How could I not remember it was like seeing her all over again for the first time."

Cora nods though let's it be. "So you left off at the duel the two mariks and you and Yami?" She wished Yugi could see what she saw so far.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Zhara looked up as her hood came off. She saw his face and moved to bow before him and said “I’m sorry my pharaoh. I didn’t mean to hide my true identity from you. I just didn’t want to put you on the spot…I know your mind is full of more important things then old friends…I can handle my injuries it’s nothing to worry about” she kept herself bowed, blood dripping from her shoulder wound.

Bane put a hand on his shoulder and said “like you said…a million things on your mind…and I’m not sure any of you believed she was still alive after all that time…”

Yugi nodded and said “oh ya that was a tough duel. Marik trying to get his body back, Malik attacking Yami over and over…”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Atem looked up at her, tears fighting to spill but he was willing them not to. Instead he softly lifted her chin for their eyes to meet. "You could have found me after. It's not like I would deny seeing you! All three of us missed you...I missed you!" Atem said the last part more softly. He then grabs her hand and takes her toward the healers.

Yami shook his head. "I cant believe I forgot this memory after all this time. I don't understand how I forgot Zhara at all."

Cora continued to listen on as they sat.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Zhara gasped and was pulled with him saying “my pharaoh I’m truly fine! I can handle this myself! I don’t want to trouble you with my problems!” She stumbled and had to catch herself and hold her side wound.

Bane said “it wasn’t your fault…it was my magic that locked the memory of her away…at her request”

They all started eating as Yugi told the stories, the others chiming in when they could.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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"No, you clearly are not or you would not be bleeding. Now that you are my Shadow, you are also apart of my kingdom of of which you are apart of of my problems." Slowly down so she could keep up.

Yami looked surprised. Zhara requested it? "I don't understand. Did she say why?"

Cora listened to them all interested by their tales and additions.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Zhara looked at him and said “my king I’m okay…my wounds just reopened I’m really fine…I don’t want to be a bother…” she made him stop and smiled softly at him. “You’re the most important thing now…I will protect you…”

Mana was watching when Mahad appeared and said “do you see…what I see?” She had wide eyes.

But when Zhara moved again she gasped and held her side, more blood dripping. Then a shadow moved up and moved the cloak so Atem could see how bad the wound was. Mana said “Mahad she’s really hurt”

Bane said “it’s…hard to explain when you don’t know the whole story. But she didn’t want what happened to her to haunt you…to keep you from your mission…”

When Yugi got into the story of the Orcalcos, he seemed a little sad telling it. Tristen said “that was a rough one…the riders were tough and it made Yami question himself so much”

Duke was finished and trying to get up, still unbalanced.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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The Priest Mahad watched as the woman he now seen to be Zhara was being pulled and lead by the Pharaoh. He was surprised. He watched on as Zhara stopped him as the Shadows showed her wounds. "Mana. Fetch the healers, I'll watch over them."

Atem stopped when made to though shocked when she down played her own wounds which the shadows showed. "Zhara, your wound is more than you make it out to be. You need a healer. As much as you want to protect me you should also take care of yourself." He tried to reason.

Cora watched Yugi closely, seeing how sad he was. She looked toward Tristen whom told her about how hard it had been for Yugi and Yami. She knew she couldn't imagine what it was like, even a fraction of what they had felt.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Mana nodded and took off running. Zhara gasped as she held her wound and said “it’s nothing a cleaning and rewrapping won’t fix…I can handle it…I don’t want to look weak…not after all I did to prove myself…not after everything I did to get here…” she glared at the shadow and said “stop helping him, Shadow…I can handle this…” the shadow moved like it was shaking its head and moved up and undid her cloak. It fell to show cuts all over her and an arrow wound in her shoulder. She had been a battle not days before. She cursed and moved to pick up her cloak. “Please ignore this…I can handle this…”

Mana came back and said “they are on their way…what happened to her? Should we go help the pharaoh?”

Duke limped out of the room as yugi said “we almost lost everyone…” Tristen said “yugi…we almost lost you”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Atem gasped, seeing what the shadow revealed of Zhara's situation. He could not believe what he was witnessing before him. The Pharaoh tentively took steps toward her wondering how she could think of such things. "Zhara...you are not weak and if anything, this just justifies your resolve. However if you want continue to serve as my shadow, these wounds needs proper tending to. Please..."

Mahad watched, about ready to intervene. The fact that the Pharaoh was almost to the point of begging Zhara, made his patience wear thin. "Just about. She is barely listening to him."

Joey nodded. "We almost lost our best friend. Everyone would have been crushed. Seto got up from thr room and followed Duke after being done himself.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Mana listened and said “no…she is listening…but if she’s going to hold the respect of the high priests and the council…she has to look strong. Think about it Mahad…she’s a woman in a role only men has had for generations…and she’s been alone most of her life with just her master. Who’s now dead. We don’t know what happened ojt there but this shows how hard she’s worked to get here. If Seth saw this, what do you think he would say? She knows what the men of high level think of her…she’s been treated like a rat…I think the only time she knew peace was with us. Now she’s fighting to get that back. Fighting for her place and fighting to be at his side…wouldn’t you do anything for that?” When she saw Mahads face she smiled. “I thought so. Come on, let’s go help her…we have shielded her before…let’s do it again”

Zhara looked at Atem and saw his eyes. She said softly “I can’t be seen as a risk to you…I have to be seen as a wolf…nothing gets thru me to you…and I will be that wolf…but I have to show the others that not even blood will weaken me…I won’t let harm come to you…never…”

Yugi said “I don’t know much after that duel.until Yami beat darts…”

Duke was leaning on the wall in the hallway, panting a little. He said not know Seto was behind him “should check on the kiddo…make sure I didn’t hurt him…dang it…I was trying to protect him…what if I made it worse…”
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Mahad listened to his Apprentice as she explained the situation. He understood seeing as the High Priest's have to do the same thing. Placing a hand on Mana's head rubbing her head a little. "Good observation. Let us help her once more." Mahad makes his way toward Zhara and their Pharaoh.

Atem listened and sighed in defeat. He didn't know how else to convince her. Zhara had indeed changed so much. How could he hope to express what he was fearing based on what he saw already and going through.

Cora didn't know what to say even if it seemed appropriate to say something. Instead she places a hand on his shoulder. "Do you need a moment?" She asks finally.
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