Violetta Aliz
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She/her |
Human Description: Serving as a soldier in King Ludwig II's army, Violetta could only watch as the previous generals were publicly executed. None of the influential members of the previous king's court could survive, of course. Of course, that left a power vacuum.
Promotions went out in the army, now under management of the Wizard Queen. Violetta didn't want it, but word of her talents reached the queen's ears. After several refused invitations, Violetta was eventually pinned between a rock and a hard place: accept the promotion, or be thrown in jail.
She accepted. It meant more work, more burden, and more likelihood of finding herself with a much,
much shorter lifespan in case things went awry. But she recognized another power when she saw it - the Queen. Violetta might not have liked the bloody ascension of the Queen, but she's nothing if not loyal to power.
So, after a few more demonstrations, Violetta found herself as one of the top generals in the Queen's army. She also leads a special branch of the military, designed to contain and neutralize any threats surrounding the Glasic Fields. This means the ‘monsters’ within, and ‘monsters’ with their eyes on Hathforth's treasures.
This special branch of the military is called the Crossguards, and contains captains of the army that, when called into wartime duty, work under Violetta with their own battalions. They are denoted by their symbol: a skull with wings.
Magic/Seed:x Glasgow Entrapment - Casts a large net made of green spectral light that acts as super glue to anything it touches, ensnaring a victim further the more they struggle.
x Quicksand - A small patch of ground becomes liquefied, acting much like quicksand as it slowly swallows up anything unfortunate enough to be standing in it.
x Paralyzing Mist - Casts a veil of mist over an area that, if enough is inhaled, causes the body to initially lose feeling, then lose motor functions, until eventually a person is paralyzed on the ground. Violetta is immune to her own spell, but cannot identify friends from foe with this spell.
x Summon Whip - Can create a spectral whip endowed with electrical affinities. If anyone is touched or wrapped up with this whip, they'll feel varying levels of electric shock, depending on how high Violetta ramps it up.
x Angler Light - Placing a specific rune on the ground that creates a singular floating orb of light over it. Anyone that comes close to this light will receive a burst of electric shock that can knock out most people. The rune then dissolves after this.