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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Mana ran over and moved next to Zhara and said “it’s okay now sister…you’re here. You past the test, and none of us are going to let anyone take that away. Besides, once Seth learns you were this wounded and still beat him, he won’t be able to say a word about it. You wiped the floor with his guards and the tests and you weren’t even at you top form. The council would be morons not to keep you as the shadow? Am I right my pharaoh? Master?”

Zhara blinked and looked at Atem, the pain in her eyes now showing. “Is she right? Can I…finally rest? Is it truly…really safe now?” Mana frowned a little and wondered why Zhara felt she had to put up a strong front. Then she realized it and said “you had to prove yourself more…because your master nor the last pharaoh was here to secure your claims…and you didn’t want to stress out the pharaoh by asking him to remember you…oh Zhara…” manas eyes filled with tears.

Yugi closed his eyes and nodded, rubbing his arms. Tristen sighed and said “it was a rough few weeks…Yami wasn’t himself…but Yami kicked his butt and got everyone back. And that snake didn’t stand a chance”

Duke was leaning on the wall in the hallway, his legs shaking. He was trying to move but his body was screaming at him. He felt like he was falling forward, his strength waning.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Mahad stood beside both Zhara and nodded to confirm Mana's words. For both Atem and the Priest to see the sudden change in Zhara's eyes as she asked about being safe and could rest, All Atem could managed was to nod while feeling hurt and ashamed. "Yes. You are safe now. You can rest." He tells her with a soft smile. Putting away his pain once again.

Cora looks over to Tristen and smiles. "That's good." She moves her gaze to her hand on Yugi's shoulder before looking over to the group around the table. "I gave it some thought....and I want to help. I don't want to be on standby and do nothing with what I've seen."

"Are you sure? It's gonna get rough out there. " Joey admits. Cora nods. "I'm sure."

Seto takes a deep breath to steel himself, making his way toward Duke as he was talking to himself. He grabs Duke's arm and slings it over his shoulder. "You didn't do anything worse to Mokuba. You did what you thought was right. And...if I am perfectly honest.....I...appreciate what you did for him."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Zhara sighed and her breath shook. “Finally…I can…finally rest…it’s been so long…hunting down those monsters…fighting bandits…all of it…to become the best shadow I could be…I’m proud of what I was able to do. Master was proud of me even with his dying breath…told me I was ready…that I could return to your side…that I would be able to stop any threat…I regret nothing…apart not being able to save my master…but I’m happy to be home…with you all again…those days…with you were the best of my childhood…you gave me the drive to become strong and fearless…to become smarter then anyone else…be the best I could be…now I can finally be at peace…I can do my duty…with a true smile…on my…lips…” she swayed a little, her body not able to fight the pain anymore. She smiled at Atem and said “don’t worry…none of this is your fault my pharaoh…it’s just bad timing…I’m so happy…to be home…” then she fell forward, her knees buckling.

Yugi looked at her and said “Cora…you don’t really have to…” then Ishizu walked over and covered his mouth. “Shh yugi…she knows what she’s getting into…let her find her path…” yugi paused then nodded.

Duke felt his arm be held and moved, then looked to Seto as his vision blurred a bit. “I’m…so glad…I’m glad his okay…I’d do it over again…well next time just push him to you…better…landing…” he fell against Seto, breathing hard.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Atem listened as did Mahad shocked to hear what she went through to come back into their lives. He knew this wasn't his fault, he just wished he understood what happened better. Seeing her knees buckle, Atem quickly got to her and caught her, lowering himself to the ground as he held her in his arms. "The healers are on their way my Pharaoh." Mahad tell him. He nods moving some of her hair from her face. "I'm glad you are home too." He says softly.

Cora nodded to Yugi. "I want to."

Seto made his way toward a couch for Duke, seeing as how he looked like he was about to pass out soon, picks him up. Once they were at the closest couch he takes Duke to it and sets him there. "Which ever works."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Mana knelt down to help as the healers ran towards them and the first one knelt down and said “sorry my pharaoh, we had to take the long path…” Zhara was barely awake as she felt Atem catch her and she said softly “home…at last…” then she passed out as the healers took over.

Bane looked at Yami and asked “your memory returning as you see this?” He waved his hand for the next scene. The scene changed to Atem heading back to the palace and was talking with Priest Seth when suddenly black robed men attacked and hit Seth hard and sent him flying then turned to Atem. Bane said “oh this should be good…”

Yugi nodded and said “okay…then we need to work on your deck. And talk about how to handle a shadow duel”

Duke nodded weakly and said “I’m…okay…just…” a blanket appeared by Seto. Adam stood there and smiled. “Need help?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami nods, happy but sad to see it.

While the conversation took place, Atem was caught off guard by the sudden ambush, their scouts having told them that the way was clear. Seeing Priest Seth suddenly hit and flung, separated from him. "Seth!" Atem looked around to see himself a way out but he couldn't leave his priest. This was grim indeed. Even he knew that summoning a spirit would not help matters any.

Cora blinked, surprised about the talk of working on her deck. "We do? I'm in for one heck of a lesson, huh?" She asks, feeling a tad nervous.

Seto looks to Adam and shrugs. "Sure."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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The leader grabbed Atem and pulled a knife to his neck. “Don’t move Priest or I cut his throat!” Suddenly small daggers flew from the shadows and hit the two hooded men attacking Seth. Then shadows wrapped around Atem and pulled him to safety as a form slammed into the leader and pinned him to the wall. Zhara was standing there, her eyes glowing as she slammed the man into the dirt and slammed her staff into his back.

“That is enough. No one touches my pharaoh…no one…” she looked around as her shadow put Atem back on his feet and she called “Seth? are you alright? More guards are coming.”

Bane smiled and said “look at her go…”

Yugi smiled and looked around “oh ya…time to look at your deck…”

Adam helped lay Duke down and covered him with the blanket. “Now I get it Seto…sorry I was pushy”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Seth gripped his millennium item as he was being kicked and held at blade point. Atem stood his ground till a shadow wrapped around him and pulled to safely and on his feet. Seth carefully got to his feet and hurried his way to his Pharaoh and Zhara. "I'll be alright. How is our Pharaoh?" He asks, standing with her. He held his item close while holding his side. "Seems these men need to be taught a lesson."

The Former Pharaoh watched in awe of Zhara and how she fought, handling her weapon and shadows. "Indeed....a sight to behold."

"Oh...um...yeah. I felt my deck on the coffee table." She seemed nervous about her deck. She had never shown another her deck, it was,,,odd,,,new? Definitely new. She got up and headed over toward the coffee table where her deck was.

Seto relaxed a little before looking to Adam and shrugs. "Don't worry about it." He heads to the laptop and sits down on the chair he had before. "It happens."

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Zhara said “his alright, my shadows protected him…” she looked at Seth and her eyes narrowed. “You’re not alright. Are bones broken? I can have these men taken to the dungeon so we can get you check…” she stopped and turned, her eyes glowing. She cursed and softly said so only Atem might near her “Bane…take them back…do not wait. Do it now” shadows shot around the fallen men and around Seth and Atem. Zhara spun her staff out and yelled “get him back to the palace! Now!” She slammed her staff to the ground and the shadows took them all away. Soon the fallen foes and the two men reappeared inside the palace gates, the shadows shooting back to where they came.

Mana was sitting on the wall and looked down. “Pharaoh? Priest Seth? How did you guys do that?” That’s when they heard a huge explosion right where they had been moments before. Mana jumped up and said “I sense monsters! Master! We might be needed!”

Bane watched and said “ah, the brotherhood sending in spirits for the first time…well into the capital…”

Yugi smiled till she was gone then sighed and held his head. Ishizu frowned and said “Yugi? Are you feeling unwell?” Yugi said “just dizzy again…my head hurts…”

Adam sat in the other chair and said “so you were blessed by Set…good thing it’s you. Your the best one to keep your emotions in check…” the way he said it, made it sound like he knew more then he was letting on. He was watching Duke, an odd look in his eyes.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Seth was just as surprised as Atem when they arrived suddenly on the other side of the palace gates. But when it occurred to then what just happened Atem tried to get to the gates when he heard an explosion. "Zhara!" He shouts as Priest Seth holds him back. "Pharaoh, you must stay here."

Atem stops his struggling before looking to Priest Seth. "Summon all the High Priests then. Assist Zhara with the threat beyond our walls! If the threat is as serious as we believe I will summon one of our Spirit Gods to defend the kingdom."

Priest Mahad was leaning against the wall when he sensed the monsters as well. "Indeed my Apprentice. May the Pharaoh not have to unleash the Spirit Gods." He gets up on the wall to assess the situation.

Yami nods. "I'm guessing that they had tried with just men before resorting to Spirit monsters."

Joey watched Yugi with a disapproving looks. "He healed Mokuba and overdid it. Cora helped him gain some energy back but enough to gain some color back. Cora could help him with the headache." Joey suggests.

"Yet I lost temper. Granted Set's scout misunderstood. Either way, Set won't go after any of you. I do need to look into Mako's whereabouts." He begins typing, moving the research of the gods over to anything Mako could have used to give his last location and where he has been to get an idea where he could possibly be.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Mana nodded and jumped up “I’ll go ahead and scout master! Follow when you can!” She jumped off the wall to the next roof and kept going.

Lady isis appeared by Mahad and said “we should hurry…this may be too much even for the shadow…”

When mana got to the scene it was a battle ground. Four monsters of the shadows were rampaging around with their hosts fighting guards. But Zhara was handling the monsters with deadly speed, her staff flying along with shadows. She was cut and bruised but wasn’t slowing down. She saw Mana and said “mana! I need the high priests here fast! And I need tablets as well! The guards here can’t hold them long and I need to keep the monsters from running loose!”

Mana said “of course” she moved back and sent word back with a guard who had come just then. She looked back at the fighting and she said “Zhara…your so amazing…”

Zhara was handling a larger monster, binding it down with shadows, when from the darkness appeared a pair of red eyes. Watching her.

Bane nodded then growled at the scene. “Apep…” he eyes flashed and one of the hosts suddenly kicked the guard off of him with strength not his own and grabbed the guards weapon. He ran at Zhara and slashed her across her back. She gasped and fell to a knee, fighting to hold the monsters down. She looked back and muttered “that…was a dirty move…” mana gasped and jumped down to help her but red eyes saw her and sent out a wave of power that sent her flying back and slamming into a wall, making her slide down and crumble unconscious.

Yugi shook his head and said “no…she might get burned out like I am…I just need to push thru…”

Adam walked over and looked over his shoulder. He looked things over and said “where would a fisherman feel safe?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Priest Seth runs to grab the other Priests having the guards help. Atem stayed where he was, waiting to learn of the battle on the other side. Guards were moving in with tablets needed and getting them scaled up the wall with every guard available. By the time they arrived to the top of the wall, Priests Aknadin, Shada, and Karim with Priest Seth made it to the Gate's wall.

Priest Mahad saw the scene before him. "Mana!" He then notices the High Priest's assembled and ready as they cast their power over the monster spirits to subdue them before putting them in the tablets which would take time. Atem couldn't take the wait as he makes his way up the wall to see the situation for himself.

Joey sighed before rolling his eyes. "Now ya know what we went through while you decided to take things on so quick and burn yerself out!" He counters.

Seto checks and checks the docks. He tries to get ahold of the camera feed pointing in the direction of the boats. "If he isn't at the docks though who knows where Mako would go.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Zhara saw the magic being applied and she threw the monster into the air to help get them out of the way and to the tablets. Then she spun and took out the host with a smack under his chin with her weapon and she moved to Mana, taking a defensive stance in front of her form as the remaining hosts came towards her, suddenly stronger then moments before. She was panting with blood dripping from her back. She muttered “I won’t get back up in time…the monsters must be sealed…Bane…I need you…”

Her shadow moved and the wolf like shadow appeared, towering over her and her foes. “I’m here my shadow…protect the young mage…” the shadows shot out and hit the hosts, slamming them into and thru the next wall and out of the outer wall. Zhara flinched and moved to look for them, pausing to pick up Mana in her arms and jumped onto the outer wall. The hosts were down, shadows pinning them as their soul monsters were being sealed.

In the shadows the eyes appeared and Zhara glanced at them. She smiled and said darkly “your going to have to try harder then that…I know your game by now…you want him? You’ll have to go thru me…” the red eyes hissed and said “I’ll tear your soul to pieces, Shadow Keeper…your true master won’t be able to protect you forever…” the eyes faded and Zhara sighed, holding Mana in her arms.

Yugi looked at Joey and said “but I’m used to this kind of thing from Yami…” he got up, his head pounding as he added “besides…I don’t want her…to get hurt…I’d rather it be…” he paused, the room spinning a little.

Adam said “I’d look near the docks, somewhere out of the way so he isn’t seen but close to the water…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Getting the Ka spirits in the tablets was easier Zhara's assistance and the hosts pinned down. Atem got to one of the towers to see what was going on when he saw Zhara on the outer wall and with Mana in her arms. Having some healers on standby and ready to assist the wounded before they could be assisted by the guards to be escorted to the Healers Quarters.

"Shimon! Have the guards sweep the city for any injured and robbed figures that maybe left scattered to the wind." The Pharaoh comes down from the tower to fetch some a few healers himself and some guards. "I'm off to retrieve my shadow." As the gates open, Priest Mahad comes down from the wall. "My king! Wait!" When he reaches Atem he kneels before him. "I humbly request to go with you so I may protect you and see to my Apprentice." Atem nods. "Rise Priest Mahad and come." They go see to the two women.

As Priest Seth descends from the wall nursing his side, watches the small group with the Pharaoh. Priest Aknadin places a hand on Seth's shoulder and shakes his head. "You need to see to a healer." The young Priest concedes and goes to a healer as requested.

Joey scrambled from his seat and went to Yugi. Helping him sit back down. "Careful Yugi. I don't want to see Cora hurt either. But it doesn't hurt to ask her. If you really want to push through then go to bed. I'm sure you'll feel better in the morning." Wheeler suggests.

Kaiba tried to find a camera as out of the way as possible but close to the docks. It was then that he made it figure that looked like Mako on his boat like he waking sure it was secured while watching for something. Seto watched a little longer. "Looks like he will be alright. Set said that his scouts found Mako trying to get ahold of Wheeler. May have him go after Mako and bring him here.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Zhara was off the wall by the time the men had made it to them. Zhara’s back was bleeding badly as she saw Mahad and said “she hit that far wall hard. A unseen force…I’m sorry master Mahad, I couldn’t stop it. I think she is unharmed for the most part…” Zhara knelt down so she could lay Mana flat, letting Mahad tend to her fully. She flinched standing up and looked to Atem and said “are you unharmed my pharaoh? Is Priest Seth alright? His side looked injured…” she was cut up all over, but her eyes were on her king, ignoring her own wounds.

Lady Isis saw Seth and moved to his side, taking his unharmed side and pulling it over her shoulder. “Lean on me, my friend…I’ll help you…the others will make sure the Pharaoh returns safely…he has his shadow after all”

Yugi said weakly “I want to help Cora…” he was getting warm again and Tristen said “Yug your in no shape for anything right now. Let Joey and the others start with her, you need sleep”

Adam watched and said “that’s a good idea, we don’t want contact tracing either of them…just make sure he gets Mako isn’t a threat but an ally, that will make more sense to him…” Adam glanced to Duke and muttered “wonder if Hoth is this protective…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Mahad nodded and came over to his Apprentice and checked her over. "I thank you for protecting her Zhara." A healer also helping check her over.

Atem watched her to see the wound on her back and the cuts and bruises he was able to make out. "I am unharmed. Priest Seth I am sure is seeing a healer as we speak." The other two healers came up to Zhara to check her over and immediately noticed the gash on her back. "Lady Zhara, we must tend to you immediately. Please come with us." By then Mahad had his Apprentice in his arms and the guards ready to head out.

Priest Seth was caught off guard by Lady Isis and her assisting him. "I understand...." He wanted to show his long overdue gratitude toward Zhara.

Joey nods. "We got Cora. You get some rest and you can help her out tomorrow." He agrees with grin letting Yugi know that they got it and willing to help.

"From what I was told Rex Raptor and Weevil Underwood were attacked on brought into the Brotherhood. From where Mako has been trying to find Joey. My guess is that he knows that Joey would help out." Seto reasoned as he sat down in the chair. "From here it would be figuring out if we should get to him now or wait till morning."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Mana stirred slightly when Mahad picked her up, her eyes moving under their lids. Zhara started to wave them off saying “I can’t right now. I have to make sure the palace is safe and the path for the pharaoh is secure…I’ll tend to the wounds myself later on…” she turned to pick up her staff and hissed at her wound again, stumbling back as her staff hit the ground again. The wound was worse than she thought it had been.

Isis smiled at his look and said “I know Mana and Mahad know the shadow well…thru might have an idea of a way to give thanks to her…maybe even the Pharaoh might have a few ideas…it would mean a lot to him to show how much she is treasured…”

Yugi looked around and sighed, knowing he wasn’t going to win this one. “Okay…let me at least check on Duke and mokuba…” he got up again and started to walk to the door, but when he was next to Marik he paused, his hand moving to support himself on something.

Adam said folding his hands together “call on Set tonight and have his scouts locate and protect Mako. That way we know his safe till we can get to him in the morning” he rubbed his temple, trying to focus.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Atem picked up the staff, handing it Zhara when he dropped it. He could tell the wound was bad. "Your wounds need to be tended to now, Zhara. Everything will be arranged accordingly." He informs her. Mahad nods in agreement.

Seth looks away from the Priestess, not admitting that it seemed like a good idea. "I will hear them out on their ideas."

Marik moved and helped stabilize Yugi. "That may not be advisable Yugi. I hate to say it but you need sleep now. We'll check on Duke and Mokuba in the mean time. You need rest now."

Seto nods, thinking about it. He looks to Adam. "Something wrong?" He asks casually.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Zhara sighed but nodded softly, fighting to stand up straight and said “very well…I want reports…and check ins…” she looked to the guards around and muttered “is Priest Seth in charge of security? All the guards? I might have an idea that could help things in the future…” she put her staff in the sling on her back and flinched again. “Lead the way…my pharaoh…” she limped after them, blood dripping. Mana groaned softly and opened her eyes a little. “Master…Zhara…trouble…blade…glowed…”

Isis smiled softly and said “as you say Seth…” she took him to the healers ward, still smiling.

Yugi looked at Marik then said softly “I think…you might…” then he fell forward against Marik, his legs giving out.

Adam sighed and said “sorry it take a while to snap back to my human form…to this mind set…my true form likes to be a free spirit…wanting to handle the matters of monsters..”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Atem smiled, nodding to her request. "He is in fact. I am sure he will be open minded to any ideas." Walking with Zhara and the healers that were trying to help and keep an eye on Zhara.

Priest Mahad looked to his apprentice on hearing her words. He wondered what it meant and might in the future. He would wait till it was just Zhara and the Pharaoh to speak about Mana said. "It's alright, Mana."

Marik wrapped an arm around Yugi to catch him, maneuvering him to pick him up and carry him. "I'll take care of Yugi if you want to take care of Cora." Taking Yugi to another couch to rest.

Seto nods. He then pulls out the God card Set from his deck and sets it on the Desk. "Set. I summon you for a task."
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