Kiki sticks her tongue out at him before she sits up, stretching as she does. “All I did was cuddle you more.” She says as she yawns.
“Are we eating on this run?” Kiki asks of Avery.

Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York
Fit: Dark Grey Sleep Shirt
Nero smiles brightly, glad that they are able to help, even if it’s just a little. At the mention of Cassi, their hands pause for a moment before resuming their work. “I think that’s a good idea.” They say finally. “You should bring her lots of different drinks.”
Nic nods with a chuckle - he had thought the same thing when he discovered the place earlier. “It really does, I like the boots too.” He glances over at her and flashes a smile.
“Although, you look cute in just about anything.” He gives her leg a gentle squeeze before parking the SUV, getting out to help Cass out of the car and grab the drinks as well.