Hidden 3 mos ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Okay, ended up scrapping my original intro post because it was too long and overloaded with info and just went with a simpler approach. My character sheets are up too, but I haven't done their bios yet. Also, I ultimately decided to create OCs instead of adapting Andros and Zhane.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Lexisheeps
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Lexisheeps baaa / ໒꒰˵• ˕ •˵꒱১

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I would be lying if I said I haven't been watching this thread... So I'mma pop this banger of a cover here:

And of course, a mandatory Pink Ranger gif, alongside a mandatory Rita gif:

But anyways, I suck at keeping track of lore-heavy fandoms, which is why I haven't posted in here sooner. But I admit this does pique my interest. Crimson has already called the Pink Ranger, so idk what color I'd be. Purple maybe?


I don't have an obsession with rainbows, I swear!

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Hello! Purple is already taken as well, but feel free to hop over to the main thread to see what chars are up already XD.

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