Hidden 7 days ago 5 days ago Post by Yours Truly
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Yours Truly Long live Pokémon roleplayers!

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Greetings, fellow writers.

I'm going to begin with a few rhetorical question; ones that I'm certain you've asked yourself many times before. What do you believe justifies a storylines existence? What do you personally think is the most appealing aspect of the games and movies you cherish? What do you hope to convey most when you're writing out a roleplay reply? There's not an objectively right or wrong answer to any of these, but if you're anything like me then you might of answered: "Emotions". I don't want to be occupied when I reply, I want to FEEL engaged. I don't want to just like the characters we produce, I want to be able to empathize with them. I could go on, but I know you understand what I am saying; I want stories with have genuine emotive expression. Be it boiling anger when our protagonist bears witness to an injustice, tingling excitement radiating out our hero's very essence as they approach victory, primal lust needfully dripping from the characters during salacious scenes, or even feel the most human emotion of wishful hope dimming from the inevitable setbacks of life.

Of course, I didn't bring you here just to contemplate and reflect on the role of emotions, but to find a suitable partner to propose a plotline with. Therefore, if my aforementioned ramblings resonate with you, then I humbly implore you consider roleplaying with 'Yours Truly'. I've already got several extraordinary ideas detailed below, some based in fandom and others purely original, which all focus on a central theme and feeling. I'm not rigid though, because these aren't strict prescriptions of what we must do, but more along the lines of intriguing suggestions which are flexible and negotiable. In other words, please don't shy away from giving me your own input or twist, as adding or changing something I have delineated can be part of the fun. As a sidenote, all the ideas listed below shall be in the order I prefer, so the further down it is then the less keen I am about it. Lastly, as there'll be some degree of sexuality present I do need you to be at least eighteen.

(Additional ideas and fandoms might be added later, so please do check again!)
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Hidden 5 days ago Post by Yours Truly
Avatar of Yours Truly

Yours Truly Long live Pokémon roleplayers!

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

I've added another fandom idea to the list! I hope this one proves popular, and please contact me if you're interested.
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