Hello everyone! I was recently inspired by something and thought it might make for an interesting tale. MC is the skeleton king. Ruler of the undead realm of Minas Mortem. He has remained unchallenged for centuries. A literal boogey man of the living, but lately all his raids upon the living have ceased, but the undead forces are still easily seen if one tried to go to Minas Mortem. Now this is where the story deviates a bit. YC can be a female that resembles someone who was important to him and is the only reason you are spared and brought to him. You could be an adventurer seeking fame and fortune in the undead realm and its forgotten treasures. There are multiple possibilities. This can be a slice of life, action, drama, or romance. I am not entirely certain where I wish to go with it yet, but I want to build this tale if you are willing to join me.