Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Serena moved in front, her eyes glowing again. “You dare question my king’s motives? After all he has done?” Dartz moved forward and took Serena’s shoulder, pulling her back and moved his mouth to her ear. “Shadow, it’s alright. His not questioning the pharaoh…he doesn’t trust me. And his right too. Calm your soul…I know what burns in you…but now is not the time to use it…” Serena was shaking as she glared at Seto. Dartz looked to Yami and said “come hold her hand. She needs an anchor. I think the last fight is too fresh still…I’ll handle this…” he looked up at the doorway and moved forward when Yami got Serena. He bowed his head in respect and said “I don’t deserve your forgiveness. But I am sorry for my actions before this day. My love for my kingdom and my own pride were used against my by the great snake…I know this now and I have come to atone for my actions. I will do all I can to right this wrong but…I fully understand that none of you may ever forgive me. I accept that. But please allow me to right this wrong…please…”

Hathor watched and said “Set…he seems true but it’s not my realm of experience to judge…” Set nodded and said “neither mine but…I see his drive to win back his honor…I believe he should deserve a chance…”

Ishizu moved up and said “we all fall at some point…it would be wrong to define another’s chance of atonement after all this…and we may need his help.”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

The pharaoh didn't need to be told twice as he moved toward Serena and took her hand. "Serena. Kaiba has every right to question the situation and my motives even I mean well. He has always done so and will continue to. That is who he is and how he grew up." He explains to her. Especially in this situation, he did not blame Seto.

Seto eyes did not waver as Dartz explained himself. Though Yami seemed to believe Dartz and as far as he were to possibly believe that the pharaoh may have even forgiven him, Seto did not. Not easily. If anything, he believed that it needed to be earned.

Hearing Ishizu's words of which rang true. For he too had fallen till Yami gave him a path to follow back to the light of his goals. He looked behind him to almost all of those who had been effected by what Dartz did before looking back to the man. "Though I know what Yami said was to help you. Though what you said is true. I don't forgive you. And I won't till you have earned it. Not just from me. Those behind me and the riders. Prove yourself to want that forgiveness, and not just by apologies. But one wrong move, one step out of line and you will wish you to be dead again. That is a promise that I'll see to." Seto explains with no room for niceties in his tone. Clear as crystal. From there he turns to walk away toward the kitchen.

As he walked by, Cora felt rigid and uneasy for she had never met anyone like Seto Kaiba. And it seemed he was not one for bullshit. She couldn't help but to look away as he passed her. She felt fear as she felt his anger. She was told about Dartz but not Kaiba's side of the story.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Serena was breathing hard and said “he can’t…he can’t stand against you…” she shook in his arms. Dartz turned and saw her eyes and said “Pharaoh, something isn’t right. I know this…” he looked around then ran up the steps fast and said “pardon me” he moved by Adam and looked around and said “kitchen?”

Tristen blinked and pointed and Dartz ran into there, not knowing Seto was in there. He moved to the fridge and opened it looking for ice. He muttered “she’s clashing with her past self… have to break the link fast before she gets hurt or hurts another by mistake…” he cursed softly and said “I need something either very hot or very cold…but heat will do more damage…but there no ice maker in here…” he shut the door and put his head on the door. “Think…come on…how to snap her out of it cleanly…a clean break and fast…she’s too important to him…his queen…he can’t lose her like I lost my
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Yami turned to stand infront of her, his hands moved to cup her face while his back is to the group. "Zahra. Look at me." He comes at face level and close to where all he can see is him. "He has not stood against me. No one has. Now breathe." If this wasn't going to work, than he may to resort to go for a different approach.

It was an understatement that Seto was still fuming from what just happened but he was straight up livid with Dartz's sudden appearance in all this. For once he enters the kitchen to explain what had happened but for Dartz to suddenly enter the kitchen while he was in here with them all made him want to end the King's life right now. However his babbling made him stop in his tracks. What in the world was going on here?! "Explain yourself Dartz...."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Darts turned and said “oh my apologies Mr. Kaiba. I didn’t see you there. Ms Serena is having a bad episode outside and I’m looking g for a way to make it stop. A sharp reaction normally works best but I can’t find what I need…her past life is trying to take over her current soul, her drive to protect the pharaoh is stronger than most…must be her love for him. But that can’t happen like this, not without a true target or she or someone else might be harmed. I don’t want the pharaoh to lose her…not while I can help…” he looked around more and said “a shock pain wasn’t enough…my knights power wasn’t enough…so what could be enough to help Serena get control again”

Zhara looked at him and said “it’s…hard not…to fight back…threats everywhere…I can’t…” she held her head.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Seto let's out an exhaled sigh. If indeed Serena was having an episode such as this, no doubt Yami was trying to help her. He makes his way out of the kitchen.

Yami didn't know what else to do. He knew there had to be a way to overcome but he didn't know how for Serena. For now there was only one thing he could think of that might help. Moving a hand from her face to he waist and the other hand to lift her chin as he brings her close. "Forgive me..." Yami says as he suddenly come in for a kiss with no chance for her to respond or act as he closed his eyes, unknown to him if it would work but he want her to know that she was not alone, that he would stand by and support her.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Darts watched him leave and looks around then said “maybe I don’t need to act…I forget…he bested the snake when I could not…”

She froze in his arms, fhe kiss stopping everything in her body and making her stop dead. Then she kissed him back suddenly with an intense passion as she moved her hands to his neck and hair.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Yami felt himself relax after Serena answered intensely which he would match now that he was not worried anymore but happy. Then hand that help her chin before slid to the back of her head and in her hair.

Seto was coming back into the main room and at the door when he stopped in his tracks seeing Yami and Serena for what looked to be kissing. He walks over as he closes the door to given them privacy and gently. "It's time call it a night before something else happens." Marik, call them back from back from the kitchen and get some sleep. Set, stay or go, I am going to bed." As he rubbed his temples in frustration and for how tired he was.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Set moved to his blessed and tilted Setos face to look at his. The gods eyes glowed a deep blue and said “you won’t be able to rest like this…no, this time I’m helping with this so my blessed will get a good nights sleep…I won’t be taking no for an answer…” he released his own aura around Seto and the genius would feel heavy and his mind dulling.

Hathor sighed and said “my over protective brother…but the stern cute one has a point” she saw Dartz come out and said “oh my dear? You might want to be close by dear Seto…his legs won’t be working much longer”

Serena moved into his chest and kissed him more intensely, moving him and pushing him against the wall behind them.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Being stopped in his tracked took the older Kaiba by surprise. Forced to look at Set as his felt suddenly exhausted. The only thing he could think to do next was to lean himself into Set in order to soften his fall as his eyes close with little choice.

Cora watched Seto collapse with a tense shoulders till he was caught and would feel relieved and her shoulders relax. She makes her move to go bed but not without getting some milk from the pitcher knowing it would help her sleep. So she sat on a fouton with a glass of milk she was nursing. Joey came back out without a work with Yugi before placing placing him on a couch gently, covering him up before laying down with really nothing to say.

Marik took to going to a fouton that was open and saying his goodnight.

A soft groan escaped from Yami after managing to follow where he was lead to a wall he was now leaning against. So he pulled her closer as he felt his heart race in excitement.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Dartz moved forward and caught Seto and looked at the two gods watching him. Set said “watch over them, King of the lost kingdom…show us that your heart is finally free” Hathor smiled at him and said “you will be alright…just listen to your knights and open to your new friends…” Dartz blinked and said “friends…but how…” Hathor smiled sweetly and said “I know love, dear…” the two gods vanished and Dartz looked down at Seto and said “I’ll make it up to you all…I swear it…”

He moved to pulled Setos arm around his shoulders and looked for somewhere to lay him down. “Where is his brother…I know that’s where he would feel safest…” he muttered softly. Odion was setting up the last of the beds and said to Marik “go help master Marik…a lost soul like yours was…it would be good for you both”

Serena kissed him back for a few more minutes, her fingers in his hair and one hand on his chest. Then she pulled back a little, panting. “I’m…so sorry…Yami…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Marik had laid himself down as he watched Dartz carrying Seto when Odion got his attention. He gets up and heads over to Dartz. "His brother is in Adam's room. Place Kaiba on one of the Foutons, I'll go grab Mokuba." He then heads over to Adam's room.

Yami felt too was panting after their kiss. Pulling to him, having their foreheads touch. "It's alright. I'm just glad you are back with me. You had me worried."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Darts smiled and said “thank you…he won’t be happy about this and I think having his little brother nearby will make his waking better” he moved laid Seto down on the make shift bed and covered him. But got his jacket off and boots as well and then grabbed a pillow for him. He looked up at Marik coming in with the young man and he said “his grown…”

Serena said weakly “I had me worried too…I don’t understand what happened…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Carefully walking to where Dartz had set the older Kaiba. He lays the younger Kaiba down gently before making sire both were covered. "He has." With both of the Kaibas laying together Marik then looked at the fouton nearby and points to it. "Here. There is a bed near me if you want to lay there tonight." He offers.

"Nor do I. Dartz thought it had something to do with your encounter with him and Timeaus. I wonder if it's deeper than that." Yami wonders as he moved his hand from the base of Serena's neck to softly stroke her hair.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Dartz looked at him and said “I’m…are you sure that would be alright? I mean…the others don’t seem…” Adam walked thru and said “they will get over it. But being together is safer. And I can take you to the riders in the morning if you want” the former king smiled and said “then…thank you”

Serena looked at him and said “what do you mean deeper?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Marik smiled. "I understand wanting to redeem yourself for actions you made but it wasn't you who did it. It will take time. Tonight had wiped everyone out. Just stick to what you want to achieve, go about it the right way and they will see."

"From what I witnessed thus far, wondering if it is because of your past self trying to come through. That though Serena and Zhara are of the same soul but from different times, the instinct and training Zhara has been through is bleeding through to the present part of that soul, if it makes any sense. From. What I understood, Timeaus was trying to keep the past from taking over hence why he knocked you out. And when I kissed you in hopes it brought you back to the present." Yami explained to her though he also kissed her for other reasons that was the main goal and how he phrased it was probably not the right way to say it.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Dartz smiled and said “thank you…that helps me a lot…I hope the riders feel the same…they aren’t to blame for the past either…” he sat down and leaned on the wall next to the futon and closed his eyes. He was out cold in moments and odion noticed. “He seems as worn out as the rest of us…”

Serena listened and said “so my two lives are fighting for the front seat…and you wanted to kiss me because you were scared of losing me?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Marik nods, moving over to Dartz. "Can you assist me please Odion? That is beyond uncomfortable."

"Yes. I hope we can find a way for both sides to co-exist." Yami tells her. "I would do it again."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Odion smiled and nodded and moved to help lay the gentleman on the futon and cover him. “He looks like you did afterwards…after battle city…”

Serena nodded and then leaned against him and said “I’m sorry…I’m so tired now…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

"Yeah. It takes alot out of you. Now imagine coming back from the dead to atone. That has to be even more exhausting." Marik compared.

Carefully pushing himself off the wall, Yami keeps his arm around her waist but now for support. "Then let's get you off to bed." Helping Serena inside and to her room.
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