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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

It has been a hundred years since the War of Blood, the war between Vampires and humans, has ended. The barrier between the worlds had been up for fifty years now and there was a chaotic peace as it was called. But there were those who wanted to bring this peace to more blood shed.

In the human London, two figures were standing on top of Big Ben, looking down at the city. The man, who had dark hair with red thru it and bright red eyes, sighed and said "why are we here, my lady? Humans are so busy…"

The woman that stood by him, her silver hair almost glowing in the moonlight along with her purple eyes looking out. "Dante we have a mission. We have to stop the threat and find out who is cursing the other children of the night. Find out how their true names are being sealed. That's our mission"

Dante sighed and said "alright Lady Shade…we will have to go to the capital office to find how we get to the vampire world in London…" the woman nodded softly and looked out at the city again. It was a clear night. But she knew blood was going to be spilled.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Sitting within a night club in the human London, Damien was enjoying the night life, the music, the people dancing and enjoying themselves. He was use to the scents of so many people and the emotions that came off of them as his training demanded.

A pack of Werewolves that pride themselves on security of human lives even sense the war from one hundred years ago between Vampire and humans. Damien had strayed from the pack though. Reasons he kept to himself as he decided to travel and enjoy life as a lone wolf till he found a mate to call his own. Right now this was the life he craved and he was living it to the fullest.

Taking a swig of whiskey which would take maybe more than a bottle to get him intoxicated, had felt the music call to him as he decided to join the crowd and mingle through dance while having his glass still in his hand.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Dante and Shade were walking in the city now, their meeting with the gate keeper in the morning so they had a lot of time to kill. And no where to stay so that was a problem.

They were walking past a night club when Shade stopped and looked around; her eyes shifting from purple to gold and she sniffed the air. Dante turned to her and asked softly "you catch something?" The woman nodded and said "I smell blood..and a lot of it" Dante cursed and he looked around his red eyes glowing. Then Shade turned and sniffed the air more and nodded to the alley next to the club and the pair ran down it. They made it to the middle of it and saw a body.

Dante moved forward and checked the body. It was a young man with his neck ripped open and all his blood almost completely drained. Dante paused and closed the man's eyes and said "we have a cursed one alright…"

Shade looked around and then pulled out a small powdered bag and pulled a handful of powder. She blew it out around them and the ground glowed, red footprints appearing and leading into the back door of the club. Dante cursed and said "we need to go in and find them before someone else is attacked. Do you think you can fix them?"

Serena nodded and tapped the rectangle shape on her hip. "I want to see if my theory is right…if using it will return their name…" Dante nodded and stood, the pair running for the back door and going inside. They found the blood trail inside the hallway and followed it to the main floor, looking around.

A woman was walking around, looking drunk as she did, and kept bumping into people. Her eyes were glowing red and she muttered "it's..so cold.."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Rocking his hips and swaying to the music, caught in the beat like a heart beat. Damien dances on while taking drinks of his whiskey till it was gone. He decided that it being empty was a good enough excuse to dance his way out of the sea of bodies till he accidently bumped into a woman. "Sorry, miss." It was then he noticed the bright red eyes that were unmistakable. "Miss? You alright?" He asks. He knew some Vampires coexist in the human world but they were to not feed off humans. "Did something happen?" He asks next.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The pair came into the club and Dante said “we need to find the cursed one and fast…”

The woman looked at Damien and said “it’s so cold…blood…I need blood..” then she turned to a young man walking by them and her eyes flashed. She jumped and tackled the man and went for his neck!

Dante heard the cry and said "My Lady! She's got one!" Serena came flying in and hit the woman hard in the jaw, getting her off the target. She caught the young man and lowered him and said "Dante I need time!" Dante nodded and kept hitting the woman back away from people so others to escape. Panic hit the crowd as blood went flying. Shade rested her hand on the young man's neck and she tapped her rectangular shape and pulled out an old looking book on a chain. She opened it and muttered softly as she landed on a page "time rewind…under moons light…" the wound stopped bleeding and slowly started to heal like it was rewinding in time. Soon the wound was brand new and the man unconscious.

Dante had been hitting the woman back and yelled "my lady! Hurry up!" Suddenly the cursed one flipped behind Dante and grabbed him, biting into his neck. He cried out, trying to get her off of him then felt strange. Weaker out of no where. He stumbled trying to get her off of him. "Poison? They have…" he tried to get her off again but he was fading.

Shade got up and turned and yelled "Dante!" The book was glowing in her hand, her eyes shifting to red then back to purple and back again.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Damien's eyes widened as the woman suddenly snatched up a young man and bit into him. He even stumbled back as another woman came flying in and going after the vampire. Whatever was going on, had scared the crowd and scattering for an exit. Damien decided to play crowd control and getting the humans off the dance floor and the entire room.

When the people were out of the club, Damien turned back to the fight intine for him to see the frenzied woman bite her opponent's neck. Eyes shined gold, as he rushed forward with transformed arms of fur and sharp claws. Damien grabs the back of the woman's neck to pry her off the man and flings her across the room. Glancing back, gold eyes searched him to see he wasn't doing so good. "Hey. Hang in there!" Damien preparing for the woman to strike him down when she recovers. He prepares to defend and counter her.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Dante fell to his knees holding his wound as the werewolf got the cursed one off of him. He was barely conscious as he held his bleeding wound and muttered "my lady…save her…first…" his vision swam as the other man stood in front of him, trying to get up to help but his body was going numb.

Shade cursed then moved in front of the cursed one and said "alright then…let's see if this works!" She opened the book and the pages glowed and flashed, Serena's eyes glowing purple as she read the page and said "I call on the lost one…tell me your name…free your mind and soul…"

The woman held her head and screamed out, starting to glow as well. Serena looked at her book and smiled softly. "Now I see it…a lovely name…media nocte, she who dances with the stars…" she waved her hand and purple light flashed as the cursed woman cried out and blackness burst from her chest and after a moment she fell to the ground, unconscious.

Serena panted, closing the book and said "it worked…"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Damien wasn't even sure who the man was referring to till he saw a woman get infront of the woman to see her use what looked to be a book on a chain. He watched in awe of what transpired before him. A grimoire. It was the only explanation. But how could a grimoire like that cure a cursed one?

His arms shifting back to normal, Damien looked to her in awe but snapped out of it and ran to the once cursed one and checked her over.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The woman was unconscious but fine, shaking a bit from the magic on her skin. Shade panted then turned and ran to Dante, dropping down to his side and saw the wound. “Dante hold on…crap how long did she bite you…” Dante was grunting in pain and said “we need…to leave…she’s safe now…your safe…”

Shade shook her head and said “no way, you are in no shape to be moved…I have to patch you up…you need blood too…”
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Standing up, Damien goes over to the duo of whom the guy was looking weaker by the scond. He wondered if it was the bite that he recieved. Was the bite harmful to everyone? What exactly a cursed ones bite do to cause this?

He looks to the two as he kneels before the two. As he examines him. "He's been like this for about four to five minutes at most." He notifies her. As much as Damien didn't want to based on his training alone, he feel the only course of action to save his life was to let him drink from him. They saved many lives tonight and it was the least that could be done.

So with much thought given, Damien makes up his mind and holds out his arm for the guy. "If you need blood. Take some of mine. At least enough to get back on your feet. I got to warn you, I did drink tonight."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Dante looked at him weakly, his eyes dull as he said “that…would be wrong…of me…to…” he swayed a bit and Shade said “Dante, it’s alright, his offering. You need something to help your body fight off the venom…” she looked at Damien and then pulled a smile blade from her side and made a cut on his wrist, making sure not to cut a main vein.

As soon as the fresh blood scent hit the air Dante’s eyes went bright red and his fangs grew out a bit. Then he moved to the wrist and bit into it, starting to drink.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Damien was by no means one to flinch at a cut from a blade. But for being bitten was flinchable. Damien didn't make it a habit. If anything, you could say this was his first time being bitten. But Damien kept calm as he didn't flinch enough to make it hurt more. He did situate himself to sitting on his butt when he realized it might be a bit. "So I guess I should introduce myself. My Name is Damien Malcolm. I got some questions if you dont mind me asking."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Shade looked at him and said “I’d be happy to answer them” but then they heard sirens and Dante released the bite and said “we need to leave. If human cops find the girl, she will be beheaded” he look a bit better already as he got up and stumbled to pick up the girl. Shade got up and moved to Damien’s arm and wrapped it in her handkerchief. “Dante, his my body guard and partner. His right you better come with us Damien” she looked pale as she looked to the back door and took his hand. They headed out the back door as the front doors were busted open.

Dante was panting a bit and said in the alley “where should we go? We didn’t find a place to stay until the meeting with the Gatekeeper…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Damien looked in the direction of the sirens and cursed. Wonderful timing....but they had a point. If the girl was found out, she would killed. Being pulled out of his thoughts, he watched as the woman put a hankerchief over the bite. He was in awe as she pulled him to his feet and pulling him along. That awe turned into a smile of interest. He decided to go along with them. Running with them out the back.

Within the alleyway, Damien sniffs the air to see if the police caught up with them or if they gave them the slip. After finding out they were safe for the moment, he looks to the two while they try to find out where to go. "I have a flat a couple blocks from here. There is a hotel not far from here as well. Two blocks but to the east."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Dante was carrying the girl in his arms and said “the flat sounds perfect…we need to get this one to the gatekeeper as soon as we can…” Shade said “not till we get your patched up Dante…” Dante growled softly and said “lady shade…fine let’s go” they started to follow Damien but it was clear the pair were wearing out fast.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Damien sighed, shaking his head as he lead the way. "Win win then. I have a first aid kit at home if that is what you need." Stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Dante nodded as they walked but with Lady Shade ahead of them stopped dead. Before them were hooded figures and she frowned. She pulled her tome from the case again and said “Dante…take the girl to Damien’s place…I’ll handle these gentlemen…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Halting with them, Damien noticed the hooded figures, unsure who they were. Damien glances towards Dante and the unconscious woman. He decides to stay with Dante as he guides him to his flat. "Let's get you both to safety."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Dante looked to his lady and said “lady Shade…” she smiled at him and said “just set up a signal to where you are. I’ll find you. But your in no shape for another fight…”

Dante cursed in Italian but nodded and followed Damien back to his place. Serena waited till the boys were gone and said loudly "coming to collect your prize? You're too late. She's been given her name back. You can't steal it again. She's free of you…Panic Discord. You lost this round. Now" she tossed the book up and it floated next to her and she smiled "let's play a little game…"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Damien continued to guide Dante, now on high alert as he began checking his surrounding for unusual scents and sounds. He took alley ways here and there to make it a tad quicker. Upon arriving, to his flat, he had grabbed the key to unlock the door and opened it for Dante to walk in first. "Just right upstairs, second floor." Locking the door and heading up with him. Heading up and opening another door for him, turns on the lights. "Go ahead and set her on the couch, I'll go get the first aid." Heading straight to kitchen and comes back with it and sets it on the coffee table. "There you are."
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