Hidden 3 mos ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 23 days ago

(Update) Hello and welcome. This post comes at a bad time since I'm going to be away on business but I figured I show you all what I had in mind before when I did an interest check. It didn't get many views but I figured I'd put this here at least for the week and see if any are interested in this regardless since I'm still building it. I'll be watching it through my iphone but don't expect immedate responses. I'll try to answer any questions you may have in the meantime since I sadly rushed this. Though I am considering SOME world building here if you want to make suggestions.

* * * * * * * * * *

To whoever reads this...you have stumbled upon a piece of history. Perhaps more than one history...who can say. Mind you, it's up to you to decide if what you read is real or mere fiction.

What your about to read are stories from many individuals who inhabitant this world...stories that will affect this world in many a way that even I have not seen in a very long time...

This world called "Remergence".

As to who am I...well let's just say my name also has a story...but for another time.

Fredia (Blue) - Consist of mostly western-like culture.
Tradin (Pink) - Consist of mostly eastern-like culture.
Gardry (Gray) - Consist of northern/European-like culture.
Atlas (Yellow) - A military-like country.
Gyian (Red) - Mysterious continent of the machine race "Adamants".
??? (Top Left) - A recently discovered land and where the first chapter of this RP starts.

Character Sheet
Huntsmen/Huntress Callsign: (If possible, a name after a color)
Race: (Human, Fanus or machine race "Adamants")
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by DarkRecon
Avatar of DarkRecon

DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 23 days ago

Hi all. Sorry about the double post. Just letting you all know that I'm back from my business trip and now can start putting some time into this now. Though again, even though it's a "free" section RP, it's still sort of a mess it seems. There are parts of this worlds history that I'll eventually reveal but as I said, I'll allow some "world building" options if you'll post suggestion here.

As for characters, just post them here first. I ain't looking for anything complicated either in terms of how much info you give.

Now...let's actually see if anyone still has an interest in this -_-'
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

EDIT: I'm kind of interested in learning more about the world in general before I sit down and write a history.
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