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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Carniverous Blossom |

"Within its petals lies a hunger that knows no bounds, consuming all, even its own user."

| A coven created the Ruthless Bloom in the universe of Shade. They sought to embody nature's wrath in a single artifact, merging botanical beauty with a monstrous appetite. The witches' collective hatred and desire for vengeance against their oppressors breathed life into this malevolent flower. |

| Life-Draining Artifact |

| Thrown into the Pit for the good of humanity. |

| Morgan the Terrible: A witch who used the Ruthless Bloom to terrorize villages, feeding the flower with the souls of the innocent. |

| Yes |
The Ruthless Bloom is a grotesque artifact, deceptively beautiful with its delicate, pale pink and white petals. Nestled within these seemingly innocent petals lies a maw lined with sharp, fang-like structures, ready to consume anything or anyone that comes too close. The Bloom’s surface is often covered in a fine layer of dew, giving it a deceptively fresh appearance despite its vicious nature.

At the heart of its power lies the ability to Devour Life Force. The Ruthless Bloom can consume the life force of any living being that comes into contact with it. This process is excruciatingly painful for the victim and rejuvenates both the Bloom and its wielder. When the Bloom devours a being, it also absorbs their knowledge, allowing the wielder to gain valuable information and skills from their victims. The Bloom can use the absorbed life force to heal its wielder’s injuries, making them incredibly difficult to kill. The presence of the Ruthless Bloom instills an overpowering dread in those nearby.

However, wielding the Ruthless Bloom exacts a horrific toll. As its powers are used, the wielder undergoes nightmarish transformations. Initially, the skin has slight discoloration and an unnatural sparkle in the eyes. But soon, twisted vines begin to erupt from the flesh, tearing through skin and muscle in a visceral display of agony. The body contorts and twists as bones elongate and warp, transforming the wielder into a grotesque mockery of a human form. The skin becomes tough and bark-like, covered in thorny growths and pulsating with a sickly, unnatural fluid. Limbs warp into gnarled, root-like appendages that twitch uncontrollably at blinding speeds. Flesh splits and peels away in layers, revealing writhing plant matter intertwined with necrotic tissue, the stench of decay ever-present.

As the transformation progresses, the wielder's internal organs mutate, merging with plant life in a horrific symbiosis. Roots and tendrils snake through veins and arteries, spreading like a cancerous infection. The heart becomes a twisted knot of vines, beating with an unnatural rhythm. The lungs fill with spores and fungal growths, making each breath a painful rasp. The mind deteriorates, consumed by an insatiable hunger that mirrors Bloom's own. The wielder's thoughts become fragmented, driven by a primal urge to feed and grow.

In exchange for these nightmarish mutations, the Ruthless Bloom grants a form of floramancy, allowing mastery over plant life on a grand scale. This power enables manipulation and animation of vegetation, creating grotesque plant monsters driven by an insatiable hunger for flesh.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Vantablack |

"Embrace the darkness within."

| Forged by the legendary Hatanaka Family, Eclipse was created as a desperate measure to combat the Stygian Snake during its reign of terror over Japan. However, in its fateful encounter with the Apparition, Eclipse absorbed the serpent's evil essence, becoming cursed. |

| Cursed Sword |

| Lost to Time. |

| Takashi Hatanaka: The renowned Orange-Adept of the Hatanaka clan forged Eclipse as a desperate weapon against the Stygian Snake during its terror over Japan. In a fateful encounter, he struck the serpent with the blade, imbuing it with the Apparition's evil essence and creating its curse. |

| Ayako Hatanaka: A member of the Hatanaka lineage wielded Eclipse against the Stygian Snake but fell prey to its curse. Transforming into an uncontrollable Anti-Form, she became a rampaging beast until her peer tragically killed her. |

| No. |
Eclipse, forged by the legendary Hatanaka Family during Japan's darkest hour, was crafted from black steel infused with Orange-Lux, folded over a thousand times in a desperate bid to combat the Stygian Snake's reign of terror. However, in a fateful encounter with the Apparition, Eclipse absorbed the serpent's evil essence, becoming cursed. Lost to time, its last known whereabouts remain obscured by history. This legendary sword's unparalleled sharpness effortlessly slices through nearly any mundane or enchanted substance, ignoring physical and magical defenses. Its durability is equally remarkable, rendering it near-impervious to most damage—supernatural or mundane.

Beyond its cutting edge and resilience, Eclipse bestows the extraordinary ability to manipulate darkness upon its wielder. The sword allows the wielder to solidify shadows into tangible constructs, versatile in form—ranging from defensive barriers that deflect attacks to offensive weapons that strike with lethal precision.

However, the sword's power comes with a dangerous caveat. Prolonged or excessive use of Eclipse triggers a malevolent transformation known as the Anti-Form. In this state, the wielder's attire and skin darken into inky blackness, their eyes glowing crimson and emitting wispy darkness with every movement. In the Anti-Form, physical attributes such as strength, durability, speed, and regeneration become superhuman, unleashing unparalleled combat prowess. Yet, this heightened state also unleashes a berserk frenzy driven by primal aggression and an insatiable thirst for destruction. Removing the sword from the wielder's grasp is the only means to revert to normalcy.

Crafted as a testament to the Hatanaka Family's mastery of magical weaponry, Eclipse marked a pivotal moment in their legacy. Once celebrated as heroes and protectors, the Hatanakas gradually receded into obscurity, their magical heritage eclipsed by pursuits of wealth and influence..........................................................
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Approaching Storm |

"Turn the weapons of our foes against them."

| Created by the Hatanaka Family during World War II. |

| Enchanted Sword |

| Stolen along with many of the Hatanakas other artifacts, its current location is unknown. |

| Hatanaka Hiroshi: A revered Orange-Lux Adept for his unyielding courage and strategic insight, wielded Raijin during World War II. |

| No. |
Raijin emerged from the skilled hands of the Hatanaka Family during the tumultuous years of World War II. Crafted from the finest Japanese steel (folded over a thousand times) and infused with Orange Lux, Raijin's creation was spurred by a need for a weapon to turn the tide of battle.

The sword's most remarkable attribute is its ability to manipulate magnetic fields. When wielded, Raijin can project a magnetic barrier capable of seizing any metallic object that enters it, regardless of its velocity. Whether bullets hurtling at supersonic speeds or enemy weapons thrust with deadly intent, all metal halt midair. Moreover, Raijin possesses the unique ability to release captured metal with controlled force, allowing its wielder to wield the battlefield's chaos to their advantage without compromising the sword's integrity.

Beyond its formidable magnetic prowess, Raijin is renowned for its exceptional durability. Crafted to endure the harshest battlefield conditions, the sword's edge remains capable of slicing through obstacles with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| Portal of the Infinite |

"The pathway to far off lands.."

| There are dozens of Swift Scrolls forged in collaboration with Purple-Lux Adepts. The Hatanaka Family crafted the Swift Scrolls during an era of exploration and discovery; each imbued with the essence of distant lands. |

| Teleportation-Artifact |

| Scattered across the All-Verse. Many of the Swift Scrolls are safely stored in the Hatanaka Sanctuary, while some are a part of various Artifact collections, and others are in desolate worlds waiting to be found. |

| Often wielded by Hatanaka explorers, adventurers, and scholars who wielded the Swift Scrolls to chart new territories and forge alliances with distant cultures. |

| No |
The Swift Scrolls are revered artifacts renowned for their unparalleled teleportation abilities, infused with the potent essence of Purple Lux. Each scroll is adorned with intricate swirling patterns of purple runes that shimmer with Purple-Lux. Upon activation, the scroll unleashes a swirl of magical winds imbued with glowing purple hues, whisking the user and their companions to their desired destination.

Operated independently, each Swift Scroll responds to the user's intent and requires a precise sequence of chants for activation, channeling the ancient magic of the Hatanaka lineage. Beyond their primary teleportation function, Swift Scrolls offer additional benefits, providing limited protection against hostile environments. Upon arrival, they create a brief, protective bubble that allows travelers to acclimate to unfamiliar landscapes.

After each teleportation journey, the artifact enters a mandatory one-hour cooldown phase. During this time, it recharges its magical energies, stabilizes its dimensional pathways, and safeguards its mystical integrity against misuse. This cooldown period ensures the reliability and longevity of the Swift Scrolls, maintaining their potency and preserving the ancient wisdom embedded within them.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Whisperer |

"The spirits themselves guide each shot."

| The Ghost was masterfully crafted by Hatanaka Yumi, a lesser-known yet exceptionally talented member of the Hatanaka family. Unlike her more famous relatives, Yumi's creations were deeply rooted in subtlety and precision. She forged this rifle during relative peace, focusing on creating a weapon that could silently and efficiently deal with supernatural threats. |

| Lux Infused Matchlock Rifle |

| Its last known location is rumored to be in the hands of a secretive collector, hidden away from the eyes of the world. |

| Hatanaka Yumi, its creator, used The Ghost to protect her family and allies from unseen Paranormal threats. Its effectiveness in dispelling Apparitions and defending against invaders became legendary among those who knew of its existence. |

| No. |
The Ghost is an artifact of immense power. The rifle's barrel and stock are adorned with intricate patterns of gold and silver, depicting ethereal scenes of spirits and phantoms. These designs shimmer and shift, creating the illusion of movement and life. The matchlock mechanism, a blend of ancient technology and magical enhancement, showcases the Hatanakas' mastery over both domains.

When wielded, The Ghost channels the user's Lux into a magic projectile, aptly named the Lux-Bullet. These Lux-Bullets have a different effect depending on the color of the wielder's Lux; thus, each shot becomes a unique manifestation of the user's specific Lux. If the wielder is not an Adept, then The Ghost will not work.

If an Adept possesses multiple Lux colors, The Ghost allows the wielder to select which Lux to channel into each shot. This selection can be made intuitively, with the rifle responding to the wielder's intent and emotional state or deliberately focusing on the desired Lux effect. In addition to the unique effects each Lux color provides, The Ghost possesses several powerful base abilities that enhance its formidable nature. The Lux-Bullets can be fired without sound, nor does the weapon produce a flash. The Lux Bullets can bypass physical barriers and armor; however, they are stopped in their tracks by any enchanted objects or magical barriers.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Ever-Adapting Blade |

"Blade that evolves with every battle, weaving the threads of past and present into a legacy of innovation and strength."

| Goro's first artifact, created before the war against the Stygian Snake, which he extensively used. Throughout his life, Goro continually honed and refined Aurora, imbuing it with new enhancements and magical abilities, transforming it into a legendary ōdachi capable of adapting to any challenge. |

| Adaptive Ōdachi |

| Last known in Goro Hatanaka’s possession, its current whereabouts are uncertain following his disappearance. Or if he even has it. |

| Exclusively wielded by Goro Hatanaka, who meticulously customized and upgraded it over time. |

| No. |
Aurora stands as a masterpiece of adaptability and resilience. Crafted from the finest Japanese steel (folded over a thousand times), the blade was infused with Orange Lux by Goro Hatanaka. Its blade is durable; with each swing, Aurora effortlessly withstands the impact of nearly any material, including magically reinforced barriers and armored defenses.

Beyond its durability, Aurora exhibits a connection to the user's soul, allowing it to intuitively adapt to Goro's situations in battle, including changing its structure. This innate bond manifests when faced with adversaries wielding paranormal abilities. When opponents employ teleportation to evade attacks, Aurora enables Goro to follow their teleportation trails and maintain close pursuit. In encounters with elemental magics like pyromancy or cryokinesis, Aurora assimilates the element upon contact with its blade. It can then unleash waves of fire or ice with each swing.

Against adversaries wielding regenerative abilities, Aurora's blade absorbs a sample of its healing magic upon contact. This absorption not only temporarily enhances the ōdachi's own durability but also accelerates the repair of any damage sustained during combat. Similarly, when facing foes with superhuman strength, the blade undergoes a physical transformation, subtly altering its structure. In response, Aurora becomes a blunt force object capable of delivering devastating physical strikes instead of a slicing weapon.

Aurora's legacy as the Legendary Adaptive ōdachi is further enriched by its ability to synergize with other paranormal abilities. Whether collaborating with allies or countering foes, the ōdachi embodies the spirit of adaptability, evolving with each encounter to uphold the honor and prowess of the Hatanaka lineage.
Hidden 4 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| Navigation |

"Illuminate the unseen, traverse the unknown."

| Crafted by Goro Hatanaka and Kari Wilson, it was designed to locate the missing artifacts of the Hatanaka family while also being capable of tracking other relics across the All-Verse. |

| Artifact-Locating Medalion |

| Goro Hatanaka holds the original, while a duplicate, created using his Mass-Production spell, is entrusted to Kari Wilson. |

| Both are owned by Goro Hatanaka and Kari Wilson, both dedicated to preserving ancient legacies. |

| No. |
Goro's Wayfinder is a collaborative effort between Goro Hatanaka and Kari Wilson. Activated with a touch to its central orange gem, this artifact projects a three-dimensional holographic map, illuminating the expansive reaches of the All-Verse. The map reveals the immediate terrain, hidden pathways, and landscapes concealed from ordinary sight. The holographic display showcases the different realms and alternate dimensions that coexist. Each dimension's name, if known, is displayed alongside unique visual cues and markers that symbolize their distinct characteristics and properties. Additionally, Goro's Wayfinder intelligently notes any discernible differences between the observed dimension and the user's current dimension. It highlights portals between these worlds, allowing users to find potential gateways.

Its most exceptional feature lies in its ability to detect artifacts infused with the distinctive Lux of the Hatanaka family. When activated, the Wayfinder swiftly pinpoints these ancestral relics on its holographic display, marking their approximate locations with glowing orange kanji glyphs. While its precision is unparalleled for Hatanaka artifacts, the Wayfinder provides a broader estimation of other relics scattered throughout the All-Verse, indicating general areas rather than precise locations.

Crafted with an intuitive user interface, the Wayfinder seamlessly responds to gestures and commands, enabling users to navigate through unknown territories, zoom into specific regions for detailed examination, and display potential routes to their destinations. It also provides real-time updates on environmental conditions and can record and store valuable data from past journeys. Enhanced by potent Orange Lux enchantments, Goro's Wayfinder embodies supernatural durability, capable of withstanding the rigors of even the most challenging magical and physical trials. It is a tool of profound utility and reliability, crafted to aid adventurers in their quests across the boundless realms of the All-Verse.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| Clarity |

"Through the veil of emotion, clarity emerges."

| Forged by the Hatanaka lineage during the height of the Oni Wars, the Longbow of Spirits was created with the profound belief that emotions can transcend physical boundaries. |

| Abstraction Disrupting Bow |

| One of the many Hatanakas Artifacts lost to the All-Verse. |

| Takashi Hatanaka: The legendary Hatanaka hero who wielded the Longbow of Spirits during the Oni Wars.

Ayame Hatanaka: A skilled archer from the Hatanaka lineage known for prowess with the Longbow of Spirits, defending Japan from rogue apparitions during the Edo period. |

| No. |
Crafted from ancient oakwood sourced from local forests and strung with sinew harvested from the legendary Kirin, the Longbow of Spirits stands as an unparalleled testament to the Hatanaka family's mastery of Orange-Lux. This artifact embodies a harmonious blend of natural materials and potent magical enchantments, meticulously imbued with Orange Lux through rituals passed down through generations of Hatanaka adepts.

When the bowstring is drawn, an arrow manifests, its obsidian tip gleaming with a slight glow of Orange-Lux. These arrows uniquely ignore the Emotional-Fields that shield Paranormal-Beings, disrupting their Paranormal abilities upon impact. The arrows unleashed by the Longbow of Spirits possess a unique ability. Upon striking their target, they don't cause physical harm but rather induce a disruptive effect on the target's Abstraction. For beings reliant on magic, such as Adepts or Apparitions, the arrow's impact causes their Abstraction to malfunction. This disruption is akin to a sudden surge of chaotic energy, temporarily overwhelming their faculties and causing their abilities to spiral out of control and become unpredictable for a brief period.

Moreover, the Longbow of Spirits is finely tuned to engage with Apparitions. Each arrow launched from its string can disrupt the forms of these beings. Upon striking an Apparition, the arrow induces a temporary stun, briefly scattering their emotional essence and causing disorientation. Furthermore, the Longbow's enchantments extend to altering the Emotional-Fields of Apparitions upon impact. This alteration renders them more susceptible to subsequent magical attacks as it lowers their defenses.

Individuals lacking an Emotional-Field or Abstraction unaffected by the Longbow's enchantment. This precision underscores its purposeful targeting of supernatural vulnerabilities, ensuring that its magical disruptions are selectively effective against those most reliant on arcane powers.......................................................................................................
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Spirit Tamer |

"Force the forces."

| Yurei's Leash earned its name from the legendary tale of Hatanaka Masako, an adept of exceptional skill who forged this artifact during the turbulent era known as the Spirit Wars. These conflicts saw an upsurge in apparition activity across Japan, threatening the harmony between the mundane and paranormal worlds. Masako's determination to harness and control these restless spirits led her to create Yurei's Leash, a satsuma imbued with Orange-Lux and crafted from sacred wood harvested near Mount Fuji. The artifact became renowned for its ability to restrain and manipulate apparitions, earning the moniker "Yurei's Leash." |

| Apparition-Binding Pole |

| One of the many Hatanaka Artifacts lost across the All-Verse. |

| Hatanaka Masako: The artifact's creator, revered for her pivotal role in the Spirit Wars and mastery of Orange-Lux.

Kaito Hatanaka: A prodigious adept who wielded Yurei's Leash during the Phantom Rebellion, quelling an Apparition uprising in Kyoto.

Akiko Hatanaka: A formidable adept celebrated for strategic deployment of Yurei's Leash during the Pacific Theater of World War II. |

| No. |
Yurei's Leash stands as a testament to the Hatanaka family's commitment to safeguarding humanity from the threats of the magical world. Crafted from sacred oakwood harvested near the slopes of Mount Fuji and infused with Orange-Lux during ancient rituals, this satsuma radiates an aura of authority and safety. The name "Yurei's Leash" draws from Japanese folklore surrounding Yurei, vengeful spirits characterized by unresolved emotions and restless souls.

When activated, Yurei's Leash channels the vibrant energies of Orange-Lux, manifesting a magical chain that ensnares and draws in targeted Apparitions. Upon contact, Yurei's Leash seals Apparitions inside of it, which can contain multiple entities simultaneously. Within its confines are already bound several formidable Apparitions, ready to be summoned and commanded by the wielder through vocal commands and precise hand gestures. However, the artifact's effectiveness is limited against powerful Apparitions, which can resist its initial pull or break the chain entirely.

Apparitions can escape from within by exploiting vulnerabilities in the enchantments of the Hatanaka Family's Orange-Lux. Powerful Apparitions can disrupt the Orange-Lux, sustaining the artifact's magical mechanisms. Interacting with these enchantments can induce malfunctions in Yurei's Leash, ultimately giving them a window to break free from containment..............................................................................
Hidden 4 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Power of Heaven |

"The skies bend to the will of this sword."

| The Dragon's Wisdom was forged through a collaborative effort between a Hatanaka swordsmith and a team of Red-Lux Adepts in the heart of a fierce typhoon ravaging ancient Japan's coasts. Crafted with meticulous skill and infused with the dragon's essence, this katana symbolizes unparalleled power and profound wisdom. |

| Weather Manipulating Sword |

| Lost like many of the other Hatanaka Artifacts. |

| Hatanaka Takumi: A skilled swordmaster during the Sengoku period, known for using The Dragon's Wisdom to defend his clan's territories from rival warlords.

Hatanaka Emiko: A revered swordswoman in the late Edo period, celebrated for her ability to control rainstorms with The Dragon's Wisdom. She was instrumental in protecting her domain from natural disasters and ensuring bountiful harvests through her precise control over weather patterns.

Hatanaka Kazuo: A scholar of the Meiji Restoration era, recognized for using The Dragon's Wisdom to support Japan's modernization efforts. He utilized the katana's powers to regulate rainfall for agricultural development and mitigate the impact of droughts on rural communities. |

| No. |
The Dragon's Wisdom, a katana crafted from a blend of Red and Orange Lux by the skilled hands of the Hatanaka family, emanates a shimmering aura of water that perpetually cascades from its edge and hilt.

Wielding The Dragon's Wisdom bestows its bearer the ability to command rainstorms. By channeling Red-Lux energies through the blade, the wielder can summon dense, dark clouds and unleash torrents of rain, conjuring storms of unprecedented scale. The intensity and duration of these storms are intricately tied to the wielder's emotional state, with heightened emotions catalyzing more potent and destructive rainstorms.

Beyond its mastery of weather manipulation, The Dragon's Wisdom exhibits a profound connection to the elemental force of rainwater. With each fluid swing of the katana, the wielder can direct and shape the flow of rainwater. Waves of rain cascade forward with every stroke, directed effortlessly at the wielder's will, and can be manipulated into blasts, waves, and torrents of rainwater to attack. The katana can also manifest barriers of swirling raindrops controlled by the sword's movements.

However, true mastery over The Dragon's Wisdom transcends mere skill with a blade; it demands a deep attunement to the natural world and a profound connection to the dragon's spirit. This connection unlocks the sword's full potential to shape and command rain. Without this spiritual alignment, attempts to wield its weather-altering powers would yield only superficial effects.

Yet, wielding The Dragon's Wisdom also requires discipline and reverence for the natural order. Misuse of its weather manipulation capabilities, invoking storms without regard for balance, could provoke catastrophic consequences for the ecosystem. Excessive summoning of rainstorms might lead to devastating floods, prolonged droughts, or erratic weather patterns...............................................................................
Hidden 4 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Colossus of the Battlefield |

"Strike with the force of the ancient wolf."

| The Hatanaka family crafted the Lupine Fang during a time of great strife as a weapon to defend their realm and assert their dominance. Forged from the sacred wood of ancient trees in the heart of Japan's mystic forests, this colossal sword embodies the natural world's raw power and enduring strength. |

| Enchanted Greatsword |

| Lost like the other Hatanaka Artifacts |

| Hatanaka Hiroshi: A legendary general who wielded the Lupine Fang during the Sengoku period. Known for his strategic brilliance and unyielding resolve, Hiroshi used the sword to lead his forces to victory against overwhelming odds.

Hatanaka Mei: A renowned warrior of the late Edo period, Mei used the Lupine Fang to defend her clan from a rival faction. Her unparalleled skill with the sword earned her a place in the annals of history as one of the greatest warriors of her time. |

| No. |
The Lupine Fang is a colossal greatsword, its blade extending nearly eight feet and forged from enchanted wood. The blade’s surface is etched with intricate runes that pulse with a profound, verdant energy. The Lupine Fang has the ability to channel immense physical force into each strike. The sword’s blows can shatter shields, break through armor, and send enemies flying with a single swing.

Each impact resonates with the forest's raw power, causing tremors and shockwaves that can destabilize the ground and knock opponents off balance. The Lupine Fang allows the wielder to strike the ground with such force that it creates localized seismic activity. This powerful slam can cause the earth to quake, creating fissures and shockwaves that disrupt enemy formations and incapacitate foes. The effect can be devastating, flattening terrain and destabilizing structures.

Lastly, the Lupine Fang grants the wielder enhanced durability and resistance to physical damage. The sword’s enchantment makes it exceptionally resilient, allowing it to withstand extreme impacts and maintain its integrity even under the harshest conditions. This robustness extends to the wielder, providing additional protection against harm and enhancing their ability to endure sustained combat.
Hidden 4 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Cursed Accord |

“Bound by ink, sealed by fate.”

| The Hatanaka family created the Contract Scroll during great political turmoil to ensure trust and accountability between warring factions. This powerful scroll resulted from a collaboration between the Hatanakas and a team of Blue-Lux Adepts, who imbued it with potent magic to bind agreements and enforce honesty, inspired by the belief in the unbreakable power of a promise. |

| Curse-Granting Scroll |

| Lost to time like many of the other Hatanaka Artifacts. |

| Hatanaka Hiroshi: Hiroshi was a legendary diplomat renowned for bringing peace and stability to Japan. During intense rivalry and conflict among various clans, Hiroshi utilized the Contract Scroll to negotiate and solidify peace treaties.

Hatanaka Keiko: Hatanaka Keiko was a merchant who recognized the potential of the Contract Scroll in the world of commerce. She employed the scroll in her trade agreements with foreign merchants, ensuring fair dealings and mutual trust. |

| No. |
The Contract Scroll is an ancient, meticulously crafted scroll that allows two parties to inscribe and sign binding agreements. The scroll is adorned with the sigils of both the Hatanaka family and the Blue-Lux Adepts who helped create it. Upon signing both parties, the scroll's enchantment activates, ensuring that the terms written within are strictly upheld.

To activate the scroll's enchantment, the terms of the agreement must be written down in precise detail. Both parties must sign the scroll, acknowledging and agreeing to the terms. Once signed, the scroll's magic ensures that the terms must be followed to the letter, leaving no room for interpretation or deviation. Any attempt to breach the agreement will result in the violator suffering one of seven dire curses, each designed to ensure compliance and enforce the sanctity of the contract.

The curses are punitive and serve as a means of rectification. The only way to break the curses is to follow the terms of the agreement as originally written. This ensures that violators cannot escape their punishment through deception or manipulation. Instead, they must fulfill their obligations precisely as agreed upon, restoring the balance and integrity of the contract.

Each day, the curse will change, cycling at random. Below are the seven curses:................................................................................................

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Beacon in the Night |

“When we think of the darkness, we imagine horror lurking in the shadows, and fear that which we cannot understand. But there is safety in the dark, in the act of walking with the unknowable things of this world. For once you step into that darkness, all that is known will not dare to harm you. With this weapon, I will show all of you the way to sanctuary.”

| Crafted by Goro Hatanaka and Jack Hawthorne, it was made to fight back against the darkness of the Stygian Snake, and parallel the creature's absolute dominion over the shadows with the coven's own umbramancer. |

| Umbramantic Scythe |

| Returned to the Hatanaka Sanctuary, after Jack gave it to Goro before his journey into the Void. |

| Jack Hawthorne: The person for which it was originally created, who used it during the battle against the Stygian Snake to make the most of his magic.

Goro Hatanaka: The original creator, who it was returned to after Jack no longer needed it. |

| No |
During the old days of the Sycamore Tree Coven, Goro Hatanaka created many artifacts with the help of Adepts such as Drake Blackmore and Stormy Carson. Jack Hawthorne had grown well accustomed to weaponizing his shadowy Lux in the form of a scythe, which could cut through Apparitions like they were corporeal. And though it had its uses, Goro realized he could do far, far better if he worked together with another intelligent Adept. And so, the two did research into the disciplines of Umbramancy and purple Lux, and devised a way to channel Jack's particular Abstraction into a weapon made from the oldest oakwood found at the foot of Mount Fuji, and a blade of dark steel that became a vessel for the shadows. As the newly crafted artifact rested in his hands, he felt his Lux grow stronger. The shadows moved more quickly, and he found his ability to keep them persistent was much, much stronger. And thus, the Elysium scythe became a staple of Jack's antics during their shared childhood. The weapon is enchanted to multiply the power of any red Lux that involves control over darkness, to a point that one can overpower and distort darkness created by beings of immense power, like the Stygian Snake. Limitations and flaws that come with one's unique form of shadow magic, such as Jack's tendency to go blind after prolonged use, are mitigated by Elysium to ensure no harm is brought down on the wielder.

Elysium also embodies Jack's affinity for magical navigation. It reflects this by granting the ability to remove larges swathes of space to distort the distance between two points. Like cutting away from a tree, space affected by Elysium is simply removed for approximately six seconds unless consciously kept separated by the user, before snapping back into reality. This allows its wielder to quickly navigate vast expanses in record time, and temporarily sever defenseless paranormal beings from reality itself by banishing them along with the affected space. Those who have an emotional field will simply be tossed out of the affected area as if pushed by a strong telekinetic force, which can be quite unpleasant if used right. Jack returned Elysium to Goro Hatanaka before he left the All-Verse behind in the aftermath of the Sycamore's victory. When Goro returned to Japan, he left Elysium in the Hatanaka Sanctuary, should it be needed again.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Celestial Dragon |

"An ancient behemoth, broken but not forgotten, lies in wait to protect the realms once more."

| The legendary Hatanaka family crafted the Tenryu with a Purple, Orange, Red, and Yellow Lux Adept team. It was created from a collective belief in a powerful guardian that could protect the world from threats from beyond, such as the Stygian Snake. |

| Airship. |

| Unknown. |

| Hatanaka Takashi: The most famous Hatanakas who led the airship into many battles, including against the Stygian Snake.

Aiko Hatanaka: A brilliant tactician and descendant of Takashi who utilized the Tenryu during the Yokai Uprising.

Kenjiro Yamamoto: A legendary pilot and engineer who restored the Tenryu after it was severely damaged in the Yokai Uprising. |

| No. |

The Tenryu is an airship adorned with dragon motifs and intricate designs reminiscent of ancient Japan. Once a marvel of engineering and magic, it was created and powered by the combined Lux energies of its creators. The airship was equipped with various weaponry and defensive mechanisms, making it a key player in defending against powerful threats. The exterior of the Tenryu is dominated by a golden dragon figurehead, symbolizing its power and the protective spirit it embodies. The airship's body is constructed from enchanted wood and steel, providing durability. Once fueled by magic, the multiple rotors and propellers allowed it to hover and maneuver with surprising agility despite its size.

Now, however, the Tenryu lies broken and non-operational. The once-glorious airship has fallen into disrepair, with its rotors and propellers rusted and its magical systems inactive. The golden dragon figurehead, once a symbol of strength, is tarnished and cracked. The enchanted wood and steel that made up the body of the Tenryu are now weathered, no longer able to withstand the rigors of flight.

The interior of the Tenryu is now a shell of its former self. The main deck, which once housed a command center equipped with enchanted maps and navigation tools capable of predicting and charting courses through the All-Verse, is now cluttered with broken instruments and faded maps. The living quarters and armory, designed to accommodate a crew of Adepts, are now filled with dust and debris, savaged completely dry of any useable resources.

The Tenryu's weaponry, which included Lux-powered cannons capable of firing elemental blasts, is now silent and inactive. Once able to launch concentrated bursts of fire, water, wind, or earth, these cannons are now rusted and jammed. In addition to its offensive capabilities, the Tenryu had energy shields that deflected physical and magical attacks. These shields, generated by a series of crystals embedded throughout the airship's hull, are now inactive, their crystals dim and lifeless. The protective barriers that once absorbed and dispersed incoming energy are nonexistent, leaving the airship vulnerable to attacks.

One of the Tenryu's most unique features was its cloaking device. This device, which used a combination of Yellow-Lux and advanced enchantments to render the airship invisible to both mundane and magical detection, is now nonfunctional. The enchantments that once allowed the airship to fade from sight are now broken, and the device is damaged beyond repair. The airship's ability to maintain the cloak for a limited time before recharging is now irrelevant, as the cloaking device can no longer be activated.

The Tenryu also possessed dimensional traversal capabilities, allowing it to travel to different worlds within the All-Verse. This ability, powered by a specialized crystal engine located at the heart of the airship, is now dormant. Despite its current disrepair, the Tenryu's core systems remain intact, though inactive. The heart of the airship, the magic crystal engine, still holds a glimmer of power, waiting for someone to reactivate it...
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Frozen Jewel of Lumina |

"The Cold bends to your will."

| It's unknown who created the Ice Scepter or where it came from, but the earliest recorded instance of its use was in Lumina. |

| Freezing-Artifact. |

| Currently in the possession of the Agents of Death. |

| The Ice Queen: The most famous wielder of the Ice Scepter was the Ice Queen, a powerful and just ruler of the universe, Lumina. She used the wand to protect her dominion from numerous threats, both internal and external.

The Ice Princess: Following in her mother’s footsteps, the Ice Princess also became a notable user of the Ice Scepter. Though younger and less experienced, she showed great promise and skill in wielding the artifact. The Ice Princess used the wand to defend the dominion after her mother's death.

Morningstar: The original sin, the Apparition, came to the Ice Scepter's possession after the Ice Princess's death and was stolen from Lumina. He purchased it in a black market trade and kept it in his vault until...

The Agents of Death: After a climactic battle against one of Morningstar's lieutenants, the Agents of Death took it from Morningstar's vault. |

| No. |
The Ice Scepter is an ancient artifact of formidable power, its exact origins unknown, but it's from the frozen world of Lumina.

The Ice Scepter is a stunning piece of craftsmanship. Its handle is made from enchanted silver, twisted into an elegant, spiraling pattern that offers strength and grip. The top of the wand features an intricate design resembling frost patterns on a window, radiating outward from a central crystal. This crystal is the heart of the wand, a shard of the eternal glacier, and it glistens with a perpetual layer of frost, making it cold.

The primary ability of the Ice Scepter is to emit beams of freezing energy. These beams can instantly freeze whatever they hit, and the freezing effect is so potent that it can encase whatever it hits in a thick layer of ice. This ability can be adjusted in intensity and width, allowing for precision strikes and wide-area effects. Furthermore, the Ice Scepter significantly boosts any ice magic the wielder already possesses. Minor uses of Cyromancy that normally creates small icicles will instead create massive ice spears, and cyromancers can cast their magic faster and far more efficiently.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Cursed Amplifier |

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

| A powerful Adept created the Orange Stone named Henry Blake, seeking to create a relic that would elevate his magical prowess; Henry imbued the stone with the soul of a dying Adept. However, the immense power came with a hidden curse, binding the stone's fate to the wielder's sanity. |

| Cursed Pedant |

| In the possession of the Agents of Death. |

| Henry Blake: The original creator who succumbed to madness and destroyed his kingdom.
Sarah Donovan: A legendary warrior who wielded the stone to defeat her enemies but ultimately lost her mind and vanished.
Dollhouse: Dollhouse had the Orange Stone until they passed it off to...
Saskia Otten: Was given the Orange Stone as a "reward" for distracting one of Morningstar's minions. |

| No. |
The Orange Stone is a mesmerizing yet dangerous artifact. The gem, warm to the touch, pulsates with its raw, untamed energy. The stone's primary function is to exponentially amplify the wielder's abstraction. Simple spells become monumental feats of magic, and minor manipulations transform into grandiose displays of power.

However, the Orange Stone carries a dreadful curse. Each use of the stone's power slowly erodes the wielder's sanity, driving them to madness. The more the stone is used, especially for mighty feats of magic, the quicker the descent into insanity. The wielder becomes increasingly unhinged, their thoughts dominated by chaos and destruction. Their grip on reality slips, and they are consumed by a desire to cause havoc.

The curse binds the stone to the wielder's flesh, fusing it seamlessly to their body, making removal painful and arduous. The only way to break the curse and free oneself from the stone's influence is to remove it physically, an act that often leaves lasting scars both physically and mentally.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| Compassion |

"This isn't to find you..."

| Developed collaboratively by Goro Hatanaka and Kari Wilson, Kari's Wayfinder was specifically designed to locate individuals across the All-Verse, with precision for those with whom the user has a strong emotional connection. |

| Navigational-Artifact. |

| The original and the several duplicates were made using Goro's Mass-Production spell and were originally in the possession of Kari Wilson, but their current whereabouts are unknown since Kari's death. |

| Kari Wilson. |

| No. |
Kari's Wayfinder, a product of the combined efforts of Goro Hatanaka and Kari Wilson, is an artifact for locating people throughout the All-Verse. This medallion projects a sophisticated three-dimensional holographic map when activated by touching its central gem. This map details the immediate terrain, uncovers hidden pathways, and displays landscapes usually concealed from view. It also shows various realms and alternate dimensions, providing names and unique markers for each.

One of the medallion's standout features is its ability to find any individual across the All-Verse. It is particularly effective at pinpointing people with whom the user has a strong emotional attachment, marking their approximate locations with glowing white kanji glyphs. For others, the Wayfinder broadly estimates their whereabouts, highlighting general areas. Kari's Wayfinder also offers the capability to drop waypoints on the map. These waypoints can be used to mark significant locations or track paths that need to be revisited. The artifact records these waypoints, allowing users to navigate back to them quickly.

It can analyze environmental conditions in real time, providing updates on weather, magic disturbances, and potential hazards and obstacles. The medallion can also scan and store data about encountered dimensions and terrains, building a comprehensive log that can be accessed for future reference. Another advanced feature is communicating with other Wayfinders (including Goro's Wayfinder). By sending signals to its duplicates and sister artifacts, it can triangulate the positions of multiple users and show the trails of other users.

The user interface of Kari's Wayfinder is highly intuitive, responding seamlessly to gestures and commands. Users can zoom into specific regions for detailed examination, plot potential routes, and even set up alerts for when tracked individuals or waypoints are within proximity. Enhanced with potent Orange Lux enchantments, the Wayfinder boasts supernatural durability, making it resilient against magical and physical damage.

However, there is a hidden feature for people Kari cares about.

Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| Shards of Suffering |

"Those who feel their bite know true agony."

| The Central Crystal is a relic of ancient magic discovered by Dollhouse member Ezekial in an ancient, forgotten temple from another realm. This temple, known as the Temple of Shadows, was once a place of worship for a cult that revered a malevolent Apparition. The Apparition's residual magic had seeped into the temple's foundation, causing the Central Crystal to form over centuries, nourished by the lingering aura of despair and suffering. |

| Aberration Bane Weapon. |

| The Central Crystal is housed within the Funhouse, St. Portwell, where shards are routinely harvested for use by the Dollhouse's operatives. |

| Used extensively by the Dollhouse's Repo-Men. |

| No. |
Bane Crystals are enchanted shards harvested from the Central Crystal, a massive, pulsating structure deep within the Funhouse's labyrinthine tunnels. These crystals automatically grow from the Central Crystal and are carefully chipped off for use by Dollhouse operatives.

When a Bane Crystal makes contact with an Aberration or Apparition, it fuses to their body, embedding itself painfully into their being. The crystal's magic excruciates pain, overwhelming the victim's senses and significantly lowering their magical defenses. It also halts any regenerative abilities completely, making the target far more vulnerable. This agonizing experience can incapacitate a target, allowing the Dollhouse's operatives to capture or subdue them quickly. The crystal's power also severely weakens the victim's abstraction, diminishing their magical abilities and making them much easier to capture.

The effects of a Bane Crystal are temporary, lasting only a few minutes before the crystal detaches and falls away, crumbling to dust. Despite their brief duration, Bane Crystals are incredibly effective, making them a preferred tool for the Dollhouse's enforcers. The cultivation of Bane Crystals is a closely guarded secret within the Dollhouse. The Central Crystal is heavily protected in a secured chamber deep within the Funhouse. Only a select few within the organization can access the Central Crystal, ensuring its continuous growth and the steady supply of these potent shards.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The End of All Things |

"The harbinger of annihilation."

| Forged in the heart of the Void by an ancient Apparition known only as the Devourer, Oblivion was created from the remnants of fallen universes, imbued with the despair and hatred of countless lost souls. |

| Matter-Destroying Spear. |

| Its last known location is the Pit. |

| TBD |

| NO. |
Oblivion, known as the End of All Things, is a weapon of unparalleled power. This artifact is a physical manifestation of ultimate destruction, born from the darkest depths of existence.

The nearly indestructible spear is forged from blood-red metal; its jagged, barbed edges are designed to inflict maximum pain and suffering upon its victims. The weapon exudes an aura of dread, capable of driving even the strongest-willed individuals to madness.

Oblivion's primary power lies within its ability to shoot blasts of annihilation. When activated, the spear channels the emotional energy of its wielder, converting it into destructive beams. These beams are not merely physical attacks but are infused with the essence of the Void, capable of unraveling the fabric of reality itself. Upon impact, the blasts cause instantaneous disintegration of matter. The target hit by the beam doesn't merely get destroyed; it ceases to exist, erased from reality without a trace. If the wielder channels enough energy, Oblivion can unleash a blast, affecting a larger area and causing disintegration to spread out from the point of impact. Anything caught within the radius will dissolve into nothingness.

However, the spear's power is not without its limitations. It requires tremendous emotional energy to activate, feeding off the fear, hatred, and despair of those around it. The wielder must constantly struggle to maintain their sanity as the spear whispers dark promises and temptations into their mind. Using Oblivion comes at a steep price. The emotional energy required to wield its power gradually erodes the user's soul, leaving them more susceptible to the spear's corrupting influence. Over time, the wielder's mind may fracture, consumed by the very power they harness. Many who have used Oblivion extensively have lost their sanity, becoming mere husks driven by a singular desire for destruction.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The All-Knowing Pen |

"To know all that is knowable, one must first ask the right questions."

| Mortal hands did not forge the Quill but brought it into existence through the collective belief in the power of the written word. Scholars, historians, and scribes across generations have contributed to its creation, imbuing it with the essence of curiosity and the relentless quest for truth. |

| Information-Gathering Pen |

| In the possession of Sloane Faris |

| Odessa Maxwell, before she passed it off to Sloane Faris. |

| No. |
The Quill is an extraordinary artifact designed for those who desire the truth. This elegant, feathered pen appears unassuming at first glance, but its true power is revealed when it is put to use. The Quill's primary function is to aid its users in gathering and documenting information with unparalleled accuracy.

To activate The Quill's abilities, the user must write down an event or scenario they wish to document on any surface capable of holding written words, be it paper, wood, or even stone. Once the user completes their account, The Quill, sensing the intent behind the writing, comes to life. It begins to animate and continues writing independently, filling in any details the user might have missed. These additional details are not conjured from thin air; they are derived from what the user could have reasonably known or been told, ensuring that the information remains grounded.

The Quill's limits are defined by the knowledge accessible to the user. It cannot write down information that is entirely outside the user's realm of awareness or understanding. However, it excels at uncovering overlooked facts, piecing together clues, and providing insights that the user might have subconsciously recognized but not explicitly noted. This makes The Quill an invaluable tool for detectives, historians, and anyone meticulously gathering information. While The Quill's abilities are profound, they are not without limitations. It cannot access knowledge beyond the user's scope of influence or awareness. Additionally, the artifact requires the user's focused and clear intent to function effectively; vague or half-hearted attempts yield incomplete or unclear results.
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