Hidden 3 mos ago Post by RoseKnightJason
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RoseKnightJason Elegant Warrior

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So many forums, so many usernames, so many roleplays started, and so few finished. Where does one begin? Sorry to start on such a somber note, but I'm sure many roleplay veterans can relate! I've been in the game(s) since combat tournaments on chatango. At that site my love for writing action sequences began. This turned more into a penchant for hosting plot-heavy action adventure plots on roleplay Nation. Mainly because the community seemed to have shifted to a less combat centric culture, to a storytelling and character building culture. I don't hate this, (I'm still finding myself drawn back to group writing, after all) but it doesn't always give the same thrill as a good old fashioned super-powered scrap!

Enough rambling, however. Why come back at all if I've left so many times??? In short, I love writing! I want to write several novels one day, both illustrated and otherwise, but writing solo feels sometimes like being the god of a barren landscape. Capable of changing it into any shape you please, but the canvas never changes unless you do something to move it along. Every emotional beat feels artificial, almost like speaking to a dummy as a ventriloquist. When participating with others it becomes a game, (hence of course why we call it roleplaying) and every fight by extension becomes a 4D chess match! (The fourth dimension being superpowers lol) Yet I digress again.

In short I am here to make friends and fictional memories. Bounce some ideas off of other writers, and live briefly in a world of fantasy and adventure. Hopefully the rest of you can relate! The last time I visited this site in particular I participated in a roleplay about mech suits which ran on pseudo magical suns and were each demigods in their own right. That's correct, the mech suits themselves were the demigods. I loved its originality, and thus this site has a special place in my heart. I hope there are still plenty of creative types like that to find! Right now I'm thinking of fielding something slightly pokemon inspired with sci-fi fantasy elements. Stay tuned!
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Yankee
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