Hidden 4 mos ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Tokyo - Japan, Midday

Around the time when a lot of places were getting out for lunch, a strange fog descended upon the large city. A lot like that day 10 years ago with the gas main explosions across Highton View Terrace. Although fog across Tokyo wasn't the most unheard of thing. Usually Smog, but this mist felt different. Especially considering how it was Spring, a 29c heat, way too hot for Fog. That being said, this was one of the busiest cities in the world, a little fog wasn't going to bring anything to a halt.

A small electronics store owner in Shibuya was just browsing the internet when he saw a strange pop-up. One that wouldn't close. It seemed to be downloading something. He quickly started pressing buttons, trying to use the task manage to force quit the program, but nothing happening. This was BAD. He quickly started smashing Ctrl-Alt-Delete to try and force restart of the computer. But again, nothing, this program couldn't stop, wouldn't stop. He panicked hard... He grabbed the plug and pulled it out. As he did, the screen went black. Oh thank god... The computer store owner sighed, before moving to plug it back in. Just before he could, the computer screen burst to life. He looked at the plug in his hand, before looking at the screen. At that point, a girl with short hair and tribal clothes next to a... Masked Rider appeared on the screen, before a bright flash of light, the girl and the Rider seemed to jump out and into the screen and landed straight on the owner, her foot going straight into his face as she stepped out of the computer screen, his head hit the floor and he went out-cold.

Looking around, Kentamon sniffed at the man. "A strange Digimon..." She replied. Stingmon, on the otherhand looked around.

"The fabled Human World..." He said under his breath before crossing his heart. Kentamon looked back up at him.

"Humons? Could it be that we have found our Digidestined?" She asked, looking at Stingmon. Stingmon stared back at her. "What is it, Sensei?" She asked.

"Kentamon..." He sighed. She was such a strong, confident warrior. He had hoped that when she met her Digimon partner, she would learn the truth. But with everything happening at once, this might be a little too much for her. At that point, the screen exploded again and an Airdramon burst out of the screen, smashing everything in the shop as it tore its way out and into the air.

"Oooooh, Good eating..." Kentamon licked her lips, before looking back at Stingmon. "Sensei?" She asked, drawing her Bokken, suggesting they go after it. Stingmon looked out of the window. He then nodded. Maybe if Kentamon had a full stomach, she would be easier to break the news to. And maybe Airdramon was meant to be her one true Digimon partner. In any case, it was his duty to help his student to survive this new world. Jumping out of the door, Kentamon jumped on Stingmons back as they shot into the sky. Due to the fog, it would be hard for anyone to have seen that. But little did anyone know, people were moving. All over the city, more Digital Emergences were being happening and a secret organization began to move on these...
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by RickyG85
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Member Seen 4 days ago

It was lunch period when the fog rose. Rick was hanging out on the roof of one the school buildings, at the time. "Huh... That's kind of weird-"

He was cut off by the sound of the door swinging open, it was pushed so hard that it made a 'clang' when it hit the wall! "Well well well, what have we here?" It was bullies; Kazuki, and his minions Manta, Ren, and Toru. "Thought you could hide up here, huh?" Kazuki sneered, "but it looks like you've got nowhere to run!"

Rick took a step back, "H-hey, come on, guys! Can't you just lay off for one lousy day?"

Kazuki got a gleam in his eye, "Oh, suddenly you're a tough guy, think you can tell me what to do?" He began slowly walking toward Rick, with the other three following close behind. One of them rolled up the cuffs on his uniform, another cracked his knuckles (with a big grin on his face), and the last tried to make a show of cracking his neck without using his hands (but he couldn't quite get it, so no cracking sound).

There intended victim tried to maintain the distance, but soon felt the ledge behind him! He looked over his shoulder, and saw only fog. He couldn't keep his voice from shaking, "C-come on, what'd I ever do to you guys?"

one of the minions mocked him, "'what'd I ever do to you guy-ha-hies!'" He even gestured as though he were rubbing tears from his eyes.

"You see, this is your problem, right here, Rick. You've got no guts at all! Maybe if you had more of a spine, you wouldn't need our help to toughen up-"

Just at that moment, Kazuki's phone screen lit up, so bright that the light shone even from in his pocket, and started beeping a tune. "-Wha..? That's not my ringtone!" It started vibrating, and heating up judging by the sudden smoking! "Oh jeez, what's going o-hah-on!?" The minions were dumbstruck, staring slack-jawed as their leader fumbled the cell phone out of his pocket, and tossed it away from himself.

That's when the screen exploded.

A spray of pixels quickly formed into a small green creature, draped in an animal fur, a big stick in one hand, and vaguely egg shaped object in the other. At the same time, a streak of light shot toward Rick, who flinched, only to find a device in his hands. "Uh..." He exchanged to same, confused look with his would-be attackers as the little green man looked up, locking eyes with Rick.

In an instant, it was leaping through the air at him, hollering and hooting like a primate!

That did it; Rick turned, and in one smooth motion, stepped up and launched himself from the ledge! He didn't even think about how high up he was, just as long as he went far enough-

The other building soon came into view, and he caught himself on a lower window ledge! Thank goodness these buildings were built with the same floor plan! If I'm lucky, one of these windows will be open! Two more jumps between the buildings, and he was close enough to safely drop straight to the ground. once there, he was stooped over, panting, when he heard Kazuki calling from the roof, "Hey, Rick? Are you dead? You owe me a phone, if you're not dead!"

Rick stood up straight, and wobbled; probably dizzy and off balance from the most extreme escape he's ever pulled- when someone spoke directly into his ear, in a growly voice-

"Hey pal, What'd ya jump for? Ya late for somethin'?"
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After school finally finished for the day, Niko decided to visit his favorite arcade in Shibuya before heading home. The arcade is filled with the sounds of beeping machines, cheerful music, and the excited chatter of gamers. Niko heads towards a claw machine filled with adorable plushies, hoping to win one for his little sister.

As he tries his luck with the claw machine, but much to his disappointment, he didn’t win anything. He didn’t dwell on that for long though. He notices one of the arcade’s old game cabinets flickering out of the corner of his eye. The screen shows static and strange symbols, Niko walks over to the cabinet, just as the screen glows brightly and the machine starts to emit a thick, swirling fog.

The fog condenses and swirls around Niko. Suddenly, a small, cream colored puppy-like creature materializes from the fog, landing gently on the floor in front of him. an unfamiliar egg shaped object follows, settling beside the creature. It was white, with wings, and an upside down heart on it.

Upon seeing Niko, the puppy excitedly spoke up. "Hello! My name is Salamon. I've been waiting for you, Niko."

Niko is initially startled, but soon, a grin forms on his face. He may not have won anything from the claw machine, but it was obvious he got something better. “Oh my gosh! You’re so cute!” The pink haired boy picked up Salamon, and squeezed her tightly. He wasn’t bothered at all by the strangeness of this situation, or how this creature knew his name. He found a cute puppy!

Then, the arcade’s lights flicker, and the game cabinet glows ominously. Another creature leaps out of the screen. This one was gray, and also dog like, but this creature wasn’t as friendly as Salamon. "Oh how cute, a human and Digimon coming together. Too bad it won't last long!"

Niko’s eyes widened with shock. "Salamon, what do we do?"

Salamon jumped out of Niko’s arms, and stood in front of him. "We need to stand our ground, Niko. I won’t let Gazimon harm you."

Niko was not expecting to watch a literal dog fight today. He had just met Salamon today, and he was already worried for her safety. At that moment, the Digi-Egg begins to glow, and a Digivice materializes in Niko’s hand. "Whoa, what is this?"

"That's your Digivice! It's a symbol of your status as a Digidestined, and the fact that we’re friends! With that, we can do anything together!”

Niko squeezed the Digivice tightly, as Salamon fought off Gazimon

"Puppy Howling!" Salamon lets out a high-pitched howl, disorienting Gazimon and causing it to stumble. Using the momentary advantage, Salamon delivered a Petit Punch, to knock towards the game cabinet, then a with a final Sledge Crash, she knocked him back into the Digital world.

The fog soon dissipated, and the arcade returned to normal. Niko and Salamon find a quiet corner in the arcade to catch their breath. Niko looks at his new friend. "Thank you, Salamon. I don’t know what’s happening, but I’m glad you’re here!"

"And I’m glad to be here with you, Niko. We both have a lot to learn, and many adventures ahead, but as long as we’re together, we can do anything!"
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Tokyo - Japan

Aoi breathed deeply. He held his eyes closed as he did so, letting his entire body relax to the rhythm of his breathing.


Aoi’s eyes snapped open at the exact moment his opponent launched into motion with a blur of movement. He smoothly blocked the initial kick but chose not to counterattack, simply waiting for his opponent to reorient himself instead of going on the offensive. His eyes tracked the older boy’s every move, adjusting his footwork as needed.

His opponent overextended his next strike and this time, Aoi didn’t let the opportunity pass him by. Taking advantage of the momentum from the missed strike, he ducked beneath the blow, pulling his left arm back and then striking forward with his fingers curled. Aoi felt his palm connect with his opponent’s sternum, realising too late that he had perhaps used too much force.

He felt a crack, and his opponent let out a cry.

Aoi stared blankly as Yusuke dropped to the floor, a flash of remorse that didn’t show in his eyes coursing through him.

“Hitsugaya! What did I tell you about restraint?!”

The boy in question straightened instinctively.

“I–” he stopped himself, “Apologies, sensei. My mind was.... elsewhere.

“Keeping your mind focused is essential for a martial artist. Remember that.”

Aoi remained quiet, merely bowing his head.

After that unfortunate display of brutality, the session was ended prematurely. Aoi released a breath as he stepped out of the dojo, bag slung over his shoulder and eyes downcast. Restraint was never a skill he was taught much about nor did it come easily to him. It wasn’t the first time a sparring session had been cut short because of him, and it probably wouldn’t be the last. His eyes briefly flickered across the nearly empty street.

No one was here to pick him up today either, not that he minded. He was used to it by now, and it was a pleasant day to take an afternoon stroll....

Aoi stopped in his tracks.

.... At least, it should have been.

The sudden fog that descended was odd for more reasons than one. He didn’t remember reading anything about this. The temperate rose sharply, and a few drops of perspiration formed on his brow.

And then something in the fog caught his eyes; a glowing, vaguely egg-shaped object hovering in the air. It floated leisurely towards him, and Aoi unconsciously reached out to it. It landed gently in his arms and the glow faded, revealing a red and orange egg with a blade-like protrusion. He studied the object curiously, turning it over in his hands in few times. It was unlike any egg he’d ever seen.

It was almost like–

Suddenly, the display TVs in the store across from him all started displaying static. And then, in a flash of light that forced Aoi to shield his eyes, something shattered the glass windows of the building and the ground shook. He lowered his hand and blinked the spots from his eyes, then his gaze turned upwards.... and kept going.

Aoi’s eyes widened slightly at the sight before him.

A hulking orange theropod with fiery orange eyes was standing before him. If it weren’t for the stripes and blue-tipped spikes on its arms, shoulders, and jaw, he might have thought that he’d stepped right into the Jurassic period. There was also the fact that it was more humanoid than Aoi remembered any dinosaur being.

The giant reptile turned its gaze towards him and Aoi remained motionless as its brown-helmeted head was lowered to his level. Its eyes briefly glanced at the egg held in his hands and a puff of air blew from its nostrils, ruffling Aoi’s hair even more than it usually was.

“You’re a lot smaller than I thought you'd be.”

Huh. He didn’t know dinosaurs could talk.


Ah, had he said that out loud? Oops.

A loud rumble drew both of their attention back to the electronics store where the TV screens flickered once again. This time, Aoi witnessed the event in full as something else emerged from the static. It would have been nearly pure-white, if not for the deep purple marking on its chest and the wrappings on some parts of its body. From its back sprouted a pair of tattered wings and upon its head rose a pair of horns reminiscent of a bull. Its elongated arms ended in wickedly sharp claws and by the look on its face—twisted as it was in an expression of pure malice—Aoi doubted it would be nearly as friendly as the literal dinosaur standing right next to him.

That was an unbelievable sentence.

The orange dinosaur behind him growled, and suddenly the temperature rose once again.

Aoi barely had time to blink before a massive gout of flames blew over him, at least several metres above his head. The winged creature released a howl, the sound grating on his ears, and its wings extended—just a fraction of a second too late for it to avoid the blast that sent it crashing back into the building.

A few moments later, the creature burst from the rubble looking worse for the wear, black scorch marks covering its body. It swayed slightly on its feet but didn’t fall. Instead, it appeared to glare at the pair before spreading its wings again and shooting off into the sky.

The dinosaur snorted, and Aoi turned around just in time for a wave of heat to hit him in the face, “I’m not letting him get away. Are you coming or what?”

Aoi blinked at the words and looked down at the egg in his arms, which was now glowing again. In a quick flash of light, Aoi’s left hand was now occupied by a strange phone-like device. Its screen glinted as he stared at it and the slightest hint of a smile tugged at his lips.

“Sure, why not?”
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Tokyo - Japan

All over the town, strange things were happening to electronics, spitting out large monsters, before mysterious black vans moved in. Wherever the black vans had been, nobody seemed to notice. Police Switchboards were being redirected by unseen forces. People who had seen these mysterious monsters were now continuing with their day as if nothing had happened.

The School

As Rick was wobbling away from the beating with his new green friend, Kazuki would turn around to see a mysterious man wearing a Green mast, red boots and a blue shirt with a black leather sleeveless jacket. "Ummm..." Kazuki began, before the man pulled a strange device out and flashing a light at him.

"You did not see a strange monster burst out of your phone, you tripped in the fog and it smashed on the ground. Also, you've decided to give up your bullying ways and will never pick on smaller kids again." Kazuki stood completely dumbfounded. The man thought over what he had said, before quickly deciding to addendum that. "For about a week, then you'll go back to your old self like nothing happened." Probably best not to draw too much attention. The man walked to the edge of the building, before jumping down and landing silently and gracefully as if stepping off of a curb. He pressed a part of his mask and the visors switched to a red tint, allowing him perfect clarity through the mist. Seeing Goblimon, he pulled the wooden sword from its sheeth, before noticing the egg in its hand... A Digi-Egg? An ARMOUR Digi-Egg?!?!?! He silently resheathed the wooden blade before beginning to silently watch as Goblimon began talking to Rick, following them just out of sight as he moved.

The Arcade

Meanwhile in the arcade, as Salamon and Niko were celebrating their victory, that's when a black van pulled up outside as people had run out when the fighting started. The loud blaring of a bullhorn could be faintly heard through the double-glazed sound-dampening glass. "Could everyone please gather around! That's right, please come right this way, you may have been brought into contact with a virulent escaped animal-" A man in a fully black suit and black sunglasses walked in, the bullhorn growing muffled and inaudible as the door closed behind him and he looked around. "God damn." He grumbled, before pressing something on his phone. "Sir, looks like they trashed the arcade." Looking around, he finally took notice of the boy and the Salamon. "Oh great. We got a bonder... Looks like a kid." He put his phone away. "Hey kid, come here!" He ordered. He had a sneaking suspicion the kid would run. They almost ALWAYS ran.

The Highstreet

As Aoi and Greymon set off in persuit of the enemy, the rest of the street was, like with the other places, quickly surrounded by Black Vans with people emerging to start the clean-up process. A taller woman was the one slowly making her way through the fog, a strange purple Fox-like Velociraptor by her side. She then got the call from the other black suited guy. "Understood." She replied. "Crap... Find out if it's a parasitic bonding or if we've actually got a good one. And please remember to be subtle with them." She put her phone back in her pocket, before running into the mist, following the other ones.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by RickyG85
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Rick almost jumped out of his shows, and started running, finally realizing that the little green man was hanging on like a backpack as he ran. "Waaagh! Get of of me, what do you want!?"

"Woah! Hey, slow down, will ya? I may not know the human world so well, but I've got a hunch your destination isn't going anywhere!"

He turned a corner or two, still panicking a little before he stopped, and crouched, like he was trying to curl into a ball, with his arms covering his head. "P-please... Just don't hit me..."

"Hey, come on, Rick! If I wanted to hurt ya, don't ya think I'd have done it by now?" Goblimon hopped off of his shoulders, and tried to get a peak at the human boys' face. "Oh man, are you cryin'? And I thought I was happiest to see you!"

"Sniff... I'm not crying... I got dust in my eyes when we were jumping down the buildings..." He got a hold of himself, and rubbed at his eyes as he calmed down. "Sniff- So... You're not going to hurt me?" Rick paused, and arched an eyebrow, "Hey, how'd you know my name?"

"Come on, buddy! What kind of question is that? I'm Goblimon, and I'm here to back you up, rain or shine! Or fog, too, I guess." He proudly raised up the egg in offering, "I even managed to find your digimental! We can kick all kinds of butt, with this! I mean, once we figure out how it works... But who cares!? Let's celebrate with a good fight!"

Rick jumped back, "What!?"

"Huh? Oh, haha, not each other, we're partners!-" Just then, a shadow flew across the sky, that resembled a dragon! "OOH! Let's fight that guy!"

Before Rick even had a chance to question the egg or the device in his hands, he was being pulled along by this "Goblimon" character, who was apparently much stronger than he looked, in pursuit of some other weird monster.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Tokyo - Japan

As Rick and Goblimon charged down the alleyway after the Airdramon overhead, they would see it crash through a wall and into the Arcade. Knocking out a wall and taking out the man in the black suit. Airdramon began thrashing about wildly screeching as it desperately tried to wriggle free of the creature on its back. The muscular girl holding onto a pair of Bokken she had stabbed into it, seemingly using them as handles, before latching onto it with her teeth, seemingly trying to eat it. The girl looked around to see Niko and Salamon. "DON'T BE USELESS STANDING THEIR! HELP ME KILL IT!!!" She yelled at Salamon. Seemingly ignoring Niko entirely.

Meanwhile, Stingmon landed next to Goblimon and Rick. "Excuse me, young sir." He bowed to the boy as he stepped past him and through the hole into the Arcade. "Remember our lesson in Restraint Kentamon?" He said, as Airdramon began thrashing wildly again, it rolled over and looked straight at Niko, befoe lunging for him. "NOT THE DIGIDESTINED!!!" Stingmon roared, launching himself at Lightning speed towards Niko. As the teeth tried to clamp around the startled boy, Stingmon would appear and the teeth would sink straight into Stingmons shoulder and chest. Stingmon let out a roar of pain.

"SENSEI!!!" Kentamon screamed, before redoubling her effort to stab into the Airdramon. Stingmon let out a growl of pain, before his Stinger began to glow purple

"SPIKING STRIKE!" He stabbed the Airdramon through the side of the head, sending it rolling onto the floor and throwing Kentamon off of it. Stingmon disappeared in a flash of light and Wormmon dropped to the floor.

"SENSEI!!!" Kentamon ran towards Wormmon, grabbing him in her arms. "SPEAK TO ME SENSEI! SAY SOMETHING! ANYTHING!!!" She cried, craddling the caterpillar in her arms.

"Please... Stop... Shaking..." He groaned out.

Meanwhile, the screaming Airdramon finally managed to recover and set its sights on Goblimon and Rick. It licked its lips before launching at them this time.

@RickyG85@Aku the Samurai@Crimson Flame
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Tokyo - Japan

Aoi was conflicted.

It wasn’t exactly an uncommon feeling for him, especially as of late, but this was different, in more ways than one. He was a thinker by nature, despite his father’s efforts to train it out of him. Thinking things through before jumping into any situation was only natural. Or, it should have been. He’d followed along with the dinosaur creature on a whim, but now that he had gotten over his wonder at the situation, he was faced with a sudden thought.

What was he doing?

Really, he probably should have asked that question before hopping onto a giant orange dinosaur. It was.... out-of-character for him to be so impulsive, and yet, it was almost exh–

“Hey, you’re being real quiet up there.”

Ah. He was, wasn’t he?

“.... Sorry.”

The dinosaur merely huffed and picked up speed, prompting Aoi to tighten his grip on the spike on its shoulder. Aoi was quiet for a moment, and then his lips parted to ask a question.

“.... What was that?”

The ceratosaurid grumbled before speaking, IceDevimon. I’ve been hunting him for a while now. Didn’t think my Digidestined would be there, though. We’re both lucky I found you first.”

Aoi stayed silent for a few moments more as the sentence registered in his mind. Most of what it was talking about flew right over his head, but he got the gist of things. Logically, he knew he should have a stronger reaction to the absolute insanity that was occurring before his eyes, but.... he was never very good at that. There was still one more thing, though.

“What’s your name?”

The dinosaur rumbled briefly and it took Aoi a moment to realise it was laughing. Had he said something funny? He didn’t think so.

“About time you asked.”

Was it?

A burning orange eye turned to him and Aoi was once again struck by the enormity of the creature he was seated upon. He supposed it hadn't quite hit yet, mostly due to the abruptness of the situation he'd found himself in. The very way he'd seen the world his entire life had been irreversibly altered in the span of five minutes. His eyes wavered, but he didn't have much more time to dwell on those thoughts.

“I’m GeoGreymon. And don’t you forget it.”

Aoi was quiet once again after the introduction. He took another long look at his new companion and blinked in confusion.

What was so grey about it...?

Another rumble quickly shook him from his thoughts. It was laughing again.

Aoi didn’t understand why.

Unfortunately, before he could ponder it any further, he felt GeoGreymon start to slow down, and a quick look upwards revealed why. There was a building with a hole in the back, which was strange enough on its own, and made even stranger by the sounds coming from inside. It didn't sound familiar, but apparently, his companion either didn't notice the difference or didn't care, as it barged into the building—which Aoi idly noticed was an arcade—without much care.

Aoi ducked his head to avoid the tumbling bricks as GeoGreymon burst through the hole in the wall, making it bigger on the way. Once the dust cleared from his vision, he took in the sight before him. A small group of people and some other creatures were being terrorised by a.... a.... a dragon? It was the best descriptor Aoi could think of at the moment, but it did seem to fit quite well. If only it–

“Ah,” Aoi uttered as GeoGreymon lifted him from its shoulder and placed him carefully on the floor. With him now out of the way, the ceratosaurid charged at the dragon thing to intercept its attack.

Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Hidden 3 mos ago Post by RickyG85
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Rick jumped to the side when the giant Kamen Rider dropped beside him, and didn't register that the bug-man also spoke.

Just as the dragon creature lunged (Rick holding up his arms to try and shield himself somehow), it got shoved to the side by some other monster entering the building and charging!

Goblimon looked to Rick, "Alright, now's our chance! Stingmon struck out, now watch me show 'em how it's done!" With that, the squat digimon hopped up on some of the ruined brick, hopped and kicked off the nearby wall, launching himself at the dragon! "Come at me, mon!" Landing on the dragon's snout, his clubbing arm suddenly moved at super speed as he cried, "Goburi Rush!"

The struggle between the dragon and the dino continued, seemingly ignoring Goblimon, but still forcing him to jump back. Mid air, he called out another attack, "Goblin Strike!" A fireball formed in front of Goblimon, who readied his club, and swung for the proverbial fence, knocking the fireball into the dragon's eye!

Landing on his feet at Rick's side, he hopped up and down, "Yeah! Woo! Say 'uncle', sky-noodle! XD"

Rick was beside himself, and didn't know what to do. "Uh, Should you really be taunting them, like that? I don't think they even noticed, and if you ask me, that's a good thing! Let's get out of here before one of them wins, and remembers we're still here!"

"What!? Are you kidding me? We've got 'em on the ropes!"

Just then, Rick noticed the young woman, cradling a giant caterpillar! For just a moment, everything slowed down, woah... She's so cool! He hoped he wasn't blushing, and suddenly wanted to be less of a chicken. "-H-hey, Goblimon, maybe if we do something really cool, it'll impress that girl- I-I mean, put a stop to that fight? Any ideas?"

Goblimon got starry eyed, and said, "That's the spirit! If you help me digivolve, they won't stand a chance!" with a sudden swing, he pointed the club at the digivice in Rick's hand, "That's your digivice; push the button and call out 'Digivolve'!" He hesitated, but Goblimon encouraged him, "Come on, it's just like before; we gotta take the leap!"

A glance at the girl, and he stood up straight, with a determined look on his face. He held out the device, and confidently shouted as he pressed the button, "DIGIVOLVE!"
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