Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AliceInRedHeels
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AliceInRedHeels Looking for a White Rabbit In Oz

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Completed Characters
Academy of The Arcane Artes
Full Name Mia Betancourt Gender Female Age 16 Year First Year Birthday 13 of February Astrological Sign Aquarius Species Human Class Analysis and Support Weapon Cybernetic Enhanced Eyes: Her eyes are upgraded to analyze and record any data she's seen, allowing her to pinpoint strategic weaknesses and probability patterns. Also displays an ally's vitals, ranging from health to the stress toll on their body. While she can read the streams of data constantly running across her retina, Mia's glasses serve as secondary platform when she wants to focus on a specific report, or to pull up a layout or map of the area. The eyes also give her a basic reading on a object's weight, height, core temperature, and a frailty rating. When focusing in on a living being it adapts to give the same data, but processes the frailty rating against visual damaged sustained or taken allowing a probability of how much more can be taken before the object or person becomes critical or broken. Since it's integrated into her and is essentially what gives her her sight, she can't turn it off. Everything she looks at feeds her data so she tries to avoid anomalies and irregularities that would overload her system causing a reboot reverting her back to being blind until it comes back online. World Earth Short Biography Mia was born blind, yet having been born to rich parents it was an easy fix. They had made their fortune off selling and trading new age items as well as products from Lucis to 3rd world countries; in return gaining access to ancient commodities that collectors would pay handsomely for. By the age of 5 Mia was undergoing treatments to restore sight, along with a few added upgrades, originally intended to help market and track values on the constant influx of trading goods. Personality Mia is extremely shy, having only been around her parents and personal tutors, she's had little real experience with the world outside her parents shop beside the adventurer or two coming into sell their wares. She only comes across as calm and collected when reiterating data, advising,or giving out tips and crucial information. Partner TBA Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s) Mia is weak against strong personalities, having always listened to her father's instructions, and her mother's constant stream of critiques and request giving her little time to adapt against them. She's also not psychically strong when it comes to direct combat, often finding herself facing larger opponents she's learned to stick to the back lines and avoid a direct area around any combatants, having no desire to attempt to scramble out of the way or get hit by wayward and direct attacks. She fears that she might have made the wrong choice, replying to the letter and that maybe she would be better off back home in the shop, constantly questioning what she's doing. Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits Spending her youth organizing and handling the shipping dockets, Mia became naturally accustomed to reorganizing the data she records to fit certain scenarios and make it easier to recall, though only having her eyes rebuilt means she has the same processing power of most merchants and shop owners having learned to quickly skim reports and pick out what's needed, trying to access information too quickly can cause her eyes to throb and induce headaches. Her eyes have the ability to zoom in and out giving her a range of scope over areas, used to help find items in the warehouse or in the storefront. She's adapted it to focus on creatures movements, the tightening of a muscle before the energy is released, using that she couples it with data she's gather on different people's anatomy and psychic to gather a basic reading on an average persons capable limits but her data and assumption aren't always right so she continues to read on different anatomy and observes others to gain a more complete basis to work off of. She uses the same concept when it comes to combat, observing what attacks do instant damage or if they're prolonged, also if they're negated by certain psychical or magical Traits of their opponent, making assumptions and possible tactics to bypass it or if she can use that data to narrow down what would effective. Also being able to hone in on an enemy gives her a chance to look over the anatomy, gathering reference data and observing for any places where a capable attack would do the most damage. Tl;Dr: The more she observes the better her references and assumption will be, most of what she builds and plans are theories that are constantly changing until tested. Other When she has free time Mia is often found in a quiet place, generally either outside in one of the schools gardens or in the library reading and researchimg data on social interaction and self confidence. [/hider] [/center]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AliceInRedHeels
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AliceInRedHeels Looking for a White Rabbit In Oz

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Corrected & Connected
Character Sheet:
Name: Kimura, Alyssa Alias in the DgtWld: Havok Age: 26
  • +Cooperative: Alyssa doesn't mind having to help out others, often the first to offer assistance or sign up for an assignment. If you ask her, she'll more then likely agree to it.
  • -Flippant: Not one to hold her tongue or try and be tactful about it. If she has something to say as unnecessary as it might be you'll hear about it however it might not be in the nicest tone.
  • +Optimistic: Your basic glass is full kinda gal. She simply believes that everything will work out if you strive for it. She's the one casually making jokes, or seemingly acting nonchalant about everything as if she knows that everything's going to be aces up.
  • -Impatient: Impulsive almost, Alyssa dislikes things that drag on, if she can figure out the best option easily she doesn't understand why people are still arguing about it for the next five minutes. She'd rather just go ahead and get it done then they can argue semantics the rest of the day.
  • +Hardworking: While not the most responsible person, Alyssa still delivers. She hates the idea of failing, or letting someone else down, so at times will willingly go to extremes to finished what she was asked of as long as it keeps everyone else safe.
Background: 15 October 1996 Born to an Ex-United States Marine and a Japanese Surgeon in a small clinic within the prefecture of Osaka was a small blonde haired baby girl. Alyssa grew up in high demand household, yet the pressure didn’t seem to affect the small girl, in a sense she began to idolize her parents as superheroes. Both of their jobs, while high risked, required them to be extremely reliable and capable; whether it was saving a life or a completing a mission both of her parents succeeded rarely accepting failure as a viable option, the cost of doing so was too high. The small girl thrived within that mentality, pushing herself through pre-school and elementary school to be in the top of her class and in the top tiers of her club activities. Even after her mother retired from activity to stay home and have a hand in their daughters upbringing, the small girl’s view on life didn’t change firmly believing that those who strive to be the best and keep others from harm would be the happiest. During her junior high school years, Alyssa would often be found berating the delinquent population of her year, more or less beating them upside the head with her philosophy on life. It wasn’t ill intended; she just thought they’d be happier that way, this overzealous nature of hers would get her into a certain amount of trouble with the school at times and ostracized by her fellow classmates, part of this was from jealously as the blonde half-breed continued to strive as the top of the school and in sports, lacrosse and volleyball respectively; bring home awards and trophies for her efforts aiming to gain the approval of her parents, showing them that she was just as capable. This continued on for the remainder of her junior high years rationalizing her lack of friends outside her sports clubs as necessary for a superhero’s path is often a solidary one speckled with visitors and companions. 2 March 2011 It was on the way home from her graduation ceremony that Alyssa was in her first and only car crash, a drunk driver had taken a curve too fast flying into the other lane as he over-corrected to avoid the guard rail crashing head long into her parent’s car. All she could remember was the brief scream of her mother as she tried to reach back and protect the girl, and the haunting sound of crunching metal and shattering glass. When she awoke later, which she would learn would be a few days; there was a small frail looking woman her blonde hair and pale blue eyes matching her mother’s looks. This woman, her grandmother she later knew, had flown in on the news of the accident. She told Alyssa what had happen during the brief time the girl had been unconscious, that her father had died on impact and her mother didn’t last the ride to the hospital. She was lucky to be alive. She would hear those and words of condolences for the next few weeks as she absentmindedly went through the actions of her days, thanking the well-wishers that came by, acting her part at the funeral; her hollow eyes empty enough to make a hardened man shiver, afterwards she was told she’d be moving to the United States to be raised by her grandmother. Her father’s parents had been strict and disowned him for the dishonor of marrying a foreigner. It was the first time Alyssa would experience the pain of losing someone, of learning that heroes could die, that petty things could kill such huge people. During the few weeks it took to arrange her school transfers, packing, selling her childhood home, the girl never said a word. Her eyes still seemed lifeless as she tried to adjust to life without her parents, this new woman was foreign to her, an unknown, she had no idea if she was a villain, a civilian, or perhaps another hero to show her how to live. 21 August 2011 Alyssa stood on the edge of the school grounds, looking at the sprawling building of the urban high school nestled in the confines of Chicago, Illinois. A small smirk playing across her lips as she straightened her back and glasses, confidently marching onto the grounds towards the main office. It was a start of a new life, a new mission as her grandmother would call it. During the few months of summer she spent living in her grandmother’s condo, a small house shoved into a box. The cramped space didn’t suite Alyssa well at first, but the view of the city from the bay window in the living room was something she was immediately drawn to, the bright lights at night twinkling like stars to her. The girl’s quiet streak lasted for maybe the first five weeks or so before her grandmother decided enough was enough, and took to making the girl speak the first thing that popped into her mind every time she wanted to go somewhere, eat something, or even use something. This back and forth battle continued for the next two weeks with Alyssa stubbornly refusing, giving brief one word answers as replies to the woman’s pestering questions. Eventually Alyssa’s impatient personality took over, having had enough of her constant nagging; a bit of a hypocrisy seeing she herself would constant push people to be better and do what was right as a child, she told the old woman what she thought of her, not caring to watching her tongue as some rather crass words crossed her lips. Her tirade was met by pearls of laughter and a bright smile from her grandmother as the woman patted her softly on the head, happy to see her granddaughter return to the happy zealous child she had received so many letters about. It was then that Alyssa had deemed her grandmother a superhero in her own right, one that fixes a person rather than saves them. It was also during her high school years at a rather rambunctious school in an even livelier city that she decided that’s what she wanted to do, was save people just like her parents. 17 July 2015 Shivering Alyssa stepped out of her new apartment, upon graduating high school she had applied and been accepted to Osaka Medical College, the same university her father had attended which meant that she was to move back to Japan. Her apartment over looked the park and castle of Osaka as well as near enough to the train station that she didn’t have to worry about buying a car or bike to make her way to way around the city. Hoping to follow her father’s footsteps as soon-to-be prominent surgeon with in the region Alyssa spent most of her first year studying and learning all she could once more claiming one of the tops spots not only within the university also within the country. She would assume that this was what caused the GvN to contact her with a job offer; she was hesitant at first having only just recently discovered and toyed around with the DgtWld using it mostly to keep in contact with her grandmother and friends back in Chicago. But with the offer of both training and enough pay to cover the rest of her education expenses, as well as the childish notion in the back of her mind telling her that she could be a superhero Alyssa took the job not knowing just what she signed up for. At first Alyssa used a female avatar during her training years with the Osaka branch of Correctors but was slightly coddled by the team,it was the first time they had accepted trainer's for a while, the only one that expected her to do her job regardless of her gender was another trainee like herself, he only stayed with the team for three years while Alyssa continued to stay for another year and hone her skills as a Corrector and as a medical student. During her last year at that branch Alyssa would experience death once more, a new trainee who took the job as serious as anyone else but a small error on her part left him open to an attack that she was meant to take. This death shook her worse than her parents, no matter how many people told her it wasn't her fault she still holds on the being personally responsible for it. She soon began practicing combat outside the DgtWld with her seniors, throwing herself into it until she could see the improvements in her movements within the missions and assignments they took on. 23 January 2022 Alyssa walked out of the government building collecting the data she had requested, having just completed her 3rd and final year with a residency program at Tokyo Medical University Hospital to continue her studies in Neurology, wanting to study more on the affects the Microchips and DgtWld had on the human brain, if there was a way to create a blockade in the nerves system to keep hackers from murdering the user. She had moved three years ago to the center of Tokyo renting a small condo in one of the towering skyscrapers around the city, a small reminisces of her grandmother’s lodgings, the old woman had died peacefully in her sleep two years ago causing Alyssa to take time off from work and school to go bury her grandmother and arrange for her belongings to be liquidated and distributed where the old woman wanted them to go, most of it now belongs to Alyssa including the condo she was currently renting out to a distant cousin. Her skills and knowledge of the DgtWld grew alongside her studies for her profession, not wanting to give either up, as some would do. After all the GvN paid plenty enough that any other means of income were rather unneeded, but Alyssa still desired to save people inside and outside the cyber world, she could only be a super hero there for a little longer to say the least. However on joining the Tokyo team she switched up her appearance to a male avatar, not wanting to be coddled or sidelined because she was a woman. She was pleasantly surprised to run into the man she had trained alongside of back in Osaka, and that he was a meticulous as ever. When she’s not at the hospital completing her rounds or on a mission she spends her free time reading her text books at a coffee shop downtown.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AliceInRedHeels
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AliceInRedHeels Looking for a White Rabbit In Oz

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Name: Eveline Lancer Age: 17 Appearance: A small girl of lithe build, even after years of picking and pruning wild flowers her hands have remained smooth and soft. Standing around 5'6" she's rather lanky and has been know as a fast runner. Probably from the long summers spent in the forest with her mother. Besides that her physic is rather unremarkable unless you count her obscure blue hair and blue eyes stark contrast against her pale skin. Occupation: Florist Personality: 'Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair and let us huddle together as darkness takes over. We are at home amidst the birds and the trees, for we are children of nature.' They call Eveline a wild child, a changling,that she belongs with the fairyfolk of old. A happy child since birth, she's always seem the brightness in the world especially in the flowers. A giddy child, some would say she was touched in the head for her happy demeanour seemed to be her only trait. She spends her time skipping around with a flower crown and handing out flowers with a gentle smile on her face as if there was nothing wrong with the world. Yet Eveline is very observant, she watches and doesn't talk at most she'll tilt her head and smile or frown childishly in dispute. She hates modern things preferring to transverse the forest near her homes and take from nature, so is slightly frightened of metal tools and sciences. History: They say the girl was born to a hedgewitch in the forest, a witch of the wilds, a herb dealer, the one you call to save your failing wife, the midwife of the peasant folks. Her father was a gypsy they say, a wandering man who loved life and found the joy in the simplest things. A broad boisterous man, with a hearty laugh and a healthy appetite for many a thing. His wit was only matched with his quick hands, taking woman's purses and heart with an easy grace. Such a strange outcome the girl was, a flower child, they say she was born in a fairy circle, a gift from the forest and the young witch mother did little to dispel the rumors about her and her babe. A glimpse of superstitious in a barren town, to far from the kingdom to be told of newer things, they cling to the old and ancient believing the rumors and myths. Silly Mortals~ So the child grew up on the village fringes learning basic trades and letters but spent most of her time in the forest learning plants and flowers from her mother taking them into the village to sell and trade. And so the years passed in this manor and the girl grew into a teenager humming softly she walked down the roads a hand waving at the approaching caravan, it was fall and trade season they always came this time of year and she had still yet to figure out her farther or if he actually existed.
Quote by Susan Polis Schutz
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AliceInRedHeels
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AliceInRedHeels Looking for a White Rabbit In Oz

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Betwix The Eternal Light

Given Name:
Sharp blue eyes rippled in the reflection of the dirty pool; they hide behind matted bangs of gold falling to frame a dirt smeared face thin in size and pale in comparison to the lite ruins around them. The reflection was rippled and distorted as a slender hand dipped into the cool murky water cupping it, caressing it, as the pale specter brought the water hungrily up to her cracked lips, once full and decorated by dimples in bright smiles now turned into a decrepit smile, twisted by the despair of this hell. The rest of the small figure was a dirty and pale as it's face, a lacy tattered dress gracing its frames, the end of it thick and heavy with grime and sludge of various things, it was hard to tell if the girl child was as frail as she seemed.

Shimmer carries little on her person, and woke up with even less. Her once gilded heels now tattered and worn attached to her feet with bindings and cloth, scavenged from her own clothes and corpses alike. Dangling slightly from her slender wrist is a small pouch, crudely sown and formed together of shoes and twine. Shoved into it were small berries and scraps of meat; little things she had scavenged. Her namesake and only true possession she awoke with was glittering around her neck; a softly shimmering ring, silver worked into the form of entwining branches and flowers, dotted lightly with little gems and precious stones. It was secured by a simple throng of leather and thread. Her right hand dripped red pearls of liquid as they raced down from the handle of an ax, it looked well crafted and maintained, a gift from a dying man so to speak. She kept a whet stone and small amount of oil tucked in the bindings around her wrist, having spent many a days destroying her once delicate hands as she learned to care and clean for the pretty blade. It too shimmered in the low light.


  • Her golden hair whipped over her face, her cheeks flushed and glistening in the summer sun. The sky was blue, and wide, and went on until it hit the line of endless grass waving gently in the wind. The pounding sound of hoof beats, whirring bees, and whistling grass assaulted her ears. A rushing feeling of warmth bubbled up through her body, and exited as a rich, full laugh. The feel of the powerful beast under her thrilled her, but not as much as the sight of the bright smile on the face of the man riding beside her, sharing in her liberation.
  • Her eyes were closed, as feelings of trepidation shot through her, the light bouncing of her feet, him taking her hand sliding something cold and foreign on to it, the weight of it unfamiliar yet not uncomfortable, a well of emotions clouding her eyes as he whispered for her to open them. The ring sat on her hand, shimmering happily in the sun light breaking through the trees. His soft embrace and subtle smell of leather and iron, words of love and adoration being whispered over and over again in her ear, as she felt his shirt moisten beneath her face, still unaware that she was crying. Forever. Those were the only words she could whisper back, and she had meant them.
  • Her heart pounded solidly in her chest, a heavy thumping as time seemed to slow. Her beloved lay in the bed, her hair mussed and strands sticking with sweat to her forehead and cheeks. Her face was ruddy, her breathing quick, but her eyes were bright and clear. She smiled the smile that only a woman completing the greatest task of her life could smile. The sheets and nightgown formed a soft background, offsetting her almost barbaric appearance. Maybe it was the sense of creatures having completed such an act since the beginning our race. Time slowed to impossibly small increments as she leaned to take the small babe out of her wife's hands. The sharp tangy smell of blood didn't seem out of place as her son twisted and resettled it's tiny body in her arms. She looked up in wonder to see the contented gaze of the mother resting on her. Her, and her son.
  • The light summer rain kissed her cheek as she stood on the shipping dock, the gentle waves rocked against the stead fast structure as she watched her brother wave as the creaking ship sailed further and further from her view. If the dock was longer she would have run along it to keep his bright happy smile in her eyes for just a little longer. Dropping her hand back down to her side she sighed wistfully, wondering just what it would be like to venture out into the vast ocean. Turning, she continued to walk, stepping down, lightly feeling the warm sand squish beneath her toes and dragging her heels lightly as she left a pattern behind her. So this what it meant to be a shipmaster's daughter, to be bound to the land; stuck on shore as the ocean beckoned, whispering to her with promises of glory and praise. But she was stuck on land, destined to wander the sands of land and not those of the oceans, sighing she picked up a stone holding it up to glimmer in the sun before casting it out into the waters watching it skip lightly on the surface hopefully before sinking.
  • The arid sands swept across the dunes in torrents and waves summoning and creating a massive sandstorm. The cloth around her face fluttered in the oncoming winds, the spy glass pressed in against her scrunched, wind burnt cheek. The caravan was close, but so was the storm. The soft snort and neigh of beast behind her gave her pause; she herself was seated upon a white washed creature, its soft mane whipping around them, mounted behind her was a band of sand riders, waiting on a signal or word from their leader. The threatening storm, the unsuspecting caravan, the change for gold and goods, the thought of the challenge made her mouth water in suspense. This what what she lived for, the glory of the chase, the building thrill as it drove her to shivers of pleasure, a wild howl escaping her lips as she urged her charge forward the rest of them following her in a wave of colors and wild yelps and calls.
  • ~~~
  • She laughs politely behind a daintily gloved hand, and takes a sip of the well-watered wine in her glass. The gentleman currently addressing her was soft, portly, with deep creases in his face, a scattering of white hair across his scalp, and generous laugh lines at the edge of his eyes. These she knew, were more from the drink so often consumed by the retired cavalry general, rather than the grandfatherly nature they seemed to portray. She felt the disdain and irritation of wasting her time on this man build up in her and she forced it down without a flicker of disgust marring her perfectly polished expression. He made another slurred joke, this time about the gentlemanly sport of fox hunting. She paid him a vague compliment, accompanied by one of her most dazzling smiles, and he preened visibly, his chest and stomach puffing out like some red-ribbon rooster. She had to become acquainted with the man, she was to live in his household within the year. She steeled herself under the pressure of responsibility and propriety, and prepared to make another exaggerated word of praise. She adjusted her gaze over his shoulder so she wouldn't have to look at him, the bulbous nosed drunkard wouldn't notice either way, and got caught with her mouth ajar. There, dressed in an ill-fitted servers uniform, among the sea of colorful gowns and somber suits, was the most beautiful man she'd ever seen. The jacket was stretched tight across his chest and shoulders, and the sleeves were a bit too short, but she barely noted it. He was here. He turned with the drink tray being held idly in his hand, their eyes met. She fell into pools of woody brown and gold, and brushed past her future husband.
  • A dark laughter echoing through the barren hallway, as a scrapping sound followed it by a soft ticking sound, the ticking of a clock? Far off in the house the sounds of screaming could be heard as an accompaniment to the soft ticking and scrap, scrap, scrap. Another pearl of laughter snaked through the shadowed space. Farther and farther down the hall did the carpet begin to squish, squish, squish, the white walls did start to turn red, red, red as if someone decided them too mundane and droll to be left alone.
  • The soft touch of his hand gently brushing a wisp of hair back into place, the tittering of laughter as it escaped her, the halo of light around him as he hung over her. The smell of flowers as they crushed the bed beneath them, the blissful feelings as he whispered sweet nothings in her ears, kissing her softly over and over again. The chirping of birds, as they continued to welcome the spring season, their special clearing for them and only them. The nativity of it all, that this would last forever, just her and him in their field of flowers.


The warm taste of honey lingered on her lips as her eyelids flickered open, a nagging feeling at the back of her mind as she started absentmindedly at the cavernous spikes above her. A slight tilt of her head letting it fall towards the right showed the same never ending scenery, skeleton remains scattered around her; a pleasant smile on her lips as if this was all just a bad dream.

Surely she wouldn't wake up in this place, she was..she was...she was...who was she?

The question hit her like a ton of bricks dragging a hollow ragged breath from her chest as she scrambled to her feet, her heels teetering dangerously on the uneven ground. The soft clanking of metal drew her attention, to the shimmering object on the ground. A ring. A ring of flowers and branches. One that drew out sadness and longing, but oh how it shimmered even in this darkened place. The only sound she could hear was her shaky breath as she reached out tentatively to reclaim the ring, her head screaming in pain as her voice whispered Forever in her ear. In fear she dropped the ring with a shoot as memories flooded back to her in broken fragments, feeling as if something was ripping apart her mind.

"Shimmer. Shimmer. Oh how it Shimmers~"

She hummed softly fascinated by the object of such pain and yet happiness, picking it back up afraid to slip it back on her dirtied hands. A feeling of disgust at the sight of her skin being marred, a pity she couldn't see her dress till much later, after any thoughts of keeping it clean were soon lost. There was little around her, and everything echoed. Whimpering slightly she clutched the ring to her chest backing away slowly from the small circle of light. Perhaps she could find someone to take her home, home? Where was home? So many questions, and every time she thought she had something figured out, it seemed like the walls would laugh at her.

Perhaps she was one of the fortunate ones for in the first day, she was alone, no whisper of dark creatures, or whimpers of frightened souls, it was just her and her thoughts driving her further and further. There were times she would scream and cry, anything to break the silence. Perhaps this was her hell, to exist in this state of nothingness.

But that was wishful thinking, for in the months that followed she would wish for that simple hell once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AliceInRedHeels
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AliceInRedHeels Looking for a White Rabbit In Oz

Member Seen 8 mos ago

The Lock-Heart Guild

Amelia Darrow

Aria Lyasone




You're average happy-go-lucky hot head.

Aria is a treasure hunter by trade, mainly for rare ingots and raw materials, sticking mostly to the 20th floor and higher to find her wares. Occasionally teaming up with berserkers and shield bearers for when she runs across difficult bosses, leaving them to the gold and craved prizes only asking for one item of the loot in return for each kill. She would make more with sharing but the small vial of liquid swinging around her neck would remind her of a promise she made months ago, when the world first shattered.


Two girls laughed as they rain through the plains of flowers, there was no no difference between the two, even for twins the girl's were eerily alike, short cropped silver hair, strange red eyes, their hands gently entwined with the others. The only difference was that one wasn't talking, the other one chattered along as bright and happily as could be. They had only just entered the game, it was her sister's idea really for them to play. It had been years since the woman had seen each other, this was the only way they could see each other. It was what the younger sister had said to convince her sister, back then Aria was surely and muted, her sister was the hot headed one. Always charging ahead. Then the sky open and the man in the robes told them of their fate.


"Lydia.." The treasure hunter murmured toying with the pendant hanging loosely around her neck, she was laying in a field of flowers looking up at the cloudless sky, it had been months since she had thought about her sister, her shadow, the one always watching over her. She was suppose to be the big sister yet she had failed to protect the one thing she held dear.


They had made a promise to clear these floors, these dungeons together, that they would go home, they wouldn't stop and dally like the rest of them. This was no longer a game, the trouble was Lydia had a knack for fighting, the older sister didn't. Honestly she was a bit of a burden, unwilling to pick up a sword but to scared to stop following her sister. So she took up crafting, making potions and small weapons enough to trade and buy her sister better armor and weapons. It was fine this system, the girl's were alive and well, their bond which had grown frail with separation had started to grow stronger through this ordeal.


Sighing softly the woman sat up looking towards the guild building to her left, in passing it looked like a store, not the a guild of treasure seekers like herself, and the most glorious kinds of treasure they did seek indeed. She hadn't been with them from long, a month at the most. There was a flyer, said they were looking for new members, members with skill. Until then she had only traveled with freelancers and those of questionable behavior. It was a living, and they didn't ask questions about the girl, not when she gave them most of the prize. She was a strange one, having the skill to advance to the upper floors, yet she stayed in the 20's as if something was holding here there, like she was waiting for something.


Lydia had spent days and days trying to teach her older sister the ways of the sword, there was a rumor going around that no one had been able to kill the boss on the 25th floor. She would need her sister capable of defending herself at the least. If they were to pass, then she would need her full attention on this beast. The dagger glittered in her hand, gold inlay shimmering in the hilt. A drop from the last floor's boss. The rest she had given to those who had risked helping her, others who helped keep her sister safe. The chime of metal hitting the floor drew her out of her day dreams. Seemed her sister had gotten fed up with her training, sweat gleaming on the older woman's skin. A displeased look flickering across her face, as her sister laughed picking up the thin blade. She had had it formed into a rapier, a quick and light weapon for the small built woman, it would give her speed and agility in sacrifice for power, a necessary risk.


The young woman sighed looking down at the blade by her side, running a hand across the small dagger tucked into her belt. She had little left now, so she wandered, waiting on the 27th floor, waiting for the respawn. The world boss would be due in another two hours. A chance to get revenge for her sister, one last request before she sold her sword and skills over to the Lock-Heart Guild. As the hour chimed, the maroon eyed woman shifted pulling her hood back up setting off towards the materializing door pulling out a small crystal, teal in color. A slight shift of her hand and the box began to talk, the light tinkering of someone's laughter filled the air.


The boss tore them about, killing many of the ones who had tried to help them get passed this floor, wiping them all out until only the girl's remained. One barely standing, a long gash down her side as she leaned against her sword, the other sister laying knocked out on the ground her dagger flung out slightly to the side. An earlier blow from the metal based creature, enough to send the older sister into a panic, prompting her to attack. Both her and the boss were on their last legs, and it was a flip of the coin which would come out ahead. When the younger sister awoke she found both her sisters necklace and sword laying in the grass beside her. A crystal glowing slightly near them.


"If you are listening to this, then I am dead. I'm sorry. It seems I wasn't good at this at all, silly me." A short decrepit pearl of laughter broken by a terrible cough. "Live little sister, live and get home. Someone has to take care of mother. She'll be worried sick by now." Another laugh followed by a hacking cough. "I love you, remember that and remember me, and live. You hear me. Live."

A click and the recording stopped again, the young women holding it was panting leaning on her sword as the boss fell, a sense of revelation and peace washing through her. It had been 3 months since she had taken up her sisters name and mantle. Now she could feel some peace for her sister's soul. A slight squeeze of the pendant, and the dispersion of the loot to the rest of the party. She only kept the Cor before walking out into the next floor. "Finally.." she whispered softly before activating the teleport crystal, it seemed she had only one left, returning back to the guild home. It was time for a new start.

Hekate's Kiss
Long Sword (+3)

Athena's Whisper
Shadow Dagger (+5)

Nyx's Shadow
Crafted from Dusk Lizard Hide.

  • 132,476 Cor
  • Scavenger Toad Meat
  • Tremble Shortcake
  • Healing Potion x3
  • Temporarily Status Immunity Potion x2
  • Teleport Crystal
  • Healing Crystal
  • Message Record Crystal
  • Vendor's Carpet
  • Hand Mirror
  • Mortar and Pestle
  • Empty Potion Bottles
  • Various Low Grade Ingots
  • Metalworking Beginner's Kit

Weapon/Shield Skills:
  • One Handed
  • Long Blade
  • Dagger

Crafting Skills:
  • Metal Working
  • Hunting
  • Medicine Mixing
  • Gathering

Utility Skills
  • Equipment Appraisal
  • Trap Dismantling
  • Searching

Attribute Skills:
  • -Strength-[5/10]
  • -Speed-[7/10]
  • -Intelligence-[7/10]
  • -Endurance-[5/10]
  • -Will-[5/10]
  • -Charisma-[6/10]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AliceInRedHeels
Avatar of AliceInRedHeels

AliceInRedHeels Looking for a White Rabbit In Oz

Member Seen 8 mos ago



Apparent Age:

167 cm

65.8 kg

Eye Color:
Icy Blue

Hair Color:

Physical Identifiers:
The strange glow from her eyes as if they held a swirling storm of snow and ice giving them a truly iced look almost grey in color.

A seemingly fragile looking woman, one could even call her a wisp of a person; besides her piercing eyes the black haired guardian has little else for striking physical features, it almost looks as if the wind could carry her away. She tends to dress in black garb, its drapes and hangs on her loosely floating around her when she walks, adding more towards her desired image of being an avatar of the god. Her skin stands in a soft contrast against the dark clothing adding to the ethereal image making her already white skin seem ghostly at times; the only color to accompany her person is a bright blue flower perched in her hair, a trinket once said to belong to her mother.

Equipment/Personal Possessions:

Moria has little of her own worldly possessions, merely having to ask from the tribe to receive what is needed to assure the wellbeing of all in her care. She carries the floral relic of her mother, the previous Daughter, who inherited it from her mother and in turn Moria will give to her daughter when the Wind accepts her into his care. In a small pouch she carries the tools for fire starting and those for the sharpening and affirming the magic of her dagger. A ceremonial blade, inscribed with the blessing of the North Wind, another possession to pass on to the next Daughter. The only item that will not leave her when the time comes is the small ivory pendant, proof of her status and of her bound with the tribe and their Wind.



Daughter of the North Wind

Languages Spoken:
Common, English, Zulu, Spanish, and Arabic

Languages Written:
Common, Zulu, and English

Opinion of the Ruse:.

Children of the Wind of Times Past.

The people of the tribes believe that the Ruse are past guardians who manage crossing the Dead Winds back to the living realm for the protection of the world against the Oncoming Storm. They are to be revered and respected and those that aren’t chosen by the gods should not acknowledge them in fear of invoking the wrath of the Winds.

Opinion of Outsiders:
Outsiders are generally welcomed to the tribes, they bring news, goods and teachings of the far realms and in return can take the teaching of the Anemoism back with them to their homes so that the Winds may be welcomed in new places and the Children will once more inherit the Skies.


Hopes and Dreams:
Moria like all of the Children hope that they will be the ones to bring back the Winds to the world. She dreams of a time like the stories, of riding the air on the harbingers of the Winds.

Likes and Desires:
Moria likes the flowers that grow on the northern plains, the way the wind picks them up sending the petals flurrying around in a dance. She also has a fondness for sweet things, often having one or two on her person.

Fears and Dislikes:
Moria fears that she won’t be able to fill her mother’s shoes, having only taken the title 5 years ago. She dislikes listening to the lectures of Elders during Meets, gathering of the tribes, and would rather spend the time with her fellow Children speaking about the Wind. Having learned all of their prophesies and stories from her cradle she dislikes others ignoring her interpretation of their meaning, so stuck on the Elders thoughts on them.

Secrets and Regrets:
Not many know what happened to Moria’s mother; they figured she had left as the children often do when they are called to the wilds. In truth she had died, not by Moria’s hand though the girl believes it to be her fault, she was wild and recklessly playing in the fields when a Gaiacian scout stumbled across her intending on taking her for a wife had her mother not saved the younger Moria taking the blow instead of her. She regrets not staying to see what happened to her mother, she ran when told, she believes her to be dead and that she didn’t truthfully obtain her position in the tribe.

Despite her seemingly aloof appearance Moria is a rather happy person, often found playing with the tribes children or working with the stable master to tend to their mounts and herds. She often has a smile on her face even when annoyed or upset about something having learned to place the needs of the tribes above her own. She was there to protect them, not have them coddle her. She firmly believes her faith and purpose in life is to bring the North Wind back and that is the extent of her being alive. Mild tempered and generally not a violent person, Moria tends to keep things gentle yet firm when dealing with others though there have been times she’s been forced to fight or bring judgment down upon those in the tribe that broke tradition and the unspoken rules. Easily approachable she has become a role model and ideal citizen in her tribe, that she should be what others strive to become.



Balraj- Medicine Man of the Tribe- Moria’s Father- Only Living Relative
Originally a nomad from the south, Balraj was found sick and weak at the entrance to the tribe and taken in by the Daughter, Moria’s mother, who nursed him back to health whispering the prayers of the Winds in his ear praying for them to blow the sickness away from him. He became so enamored with her and her strange faith in the Winds staying for longer and longer to learn more of her, passing it off as him teaching others about the healing herbs found in their territory and was soon welcomed as a medicine man, one favored but not chosen by the Winds, a new believer.

Aira- Daughter of the South Wind
A highly spirited girl, always running and riding with the warriors of the tribe using the warm south wind to push them to new speeds, she adores Moria’s ethereal looks and would easily change them for her tan skin and golden brown hair, wild and free feathers laced through the random braids, bright blue eyes melding beautifully against the skin as her arms jingle with babbles and trinkets symbols of wealth and used in invoking the South Wind.

Bavol- Son of the East Wind
A solemn young man, the youngest of the four but easily the most pretentious always rambling on about the end times and how they need to hurry up and beckon it in to renew the world, his dark hair and blue eyes match Moria’s the best and rumors of a possibly betrothal are wisping around the tribes though he seems to have little interest in her, often too obsessed with his book to pay attention to the girls giggling and vying for his attention. The phrases in the book were not kind to those that could not speak them properly to invoke the East Wind.

Guthrie- Son of the West Wind
A bright man, if only he could temper down his childish and playful nature, he can always be found laughing and/or running from the scene of a prank. His bright blue eyes a lovely contrast against the bright red of his hair, no one knows if it’s natural or if it’s dyed with those the traders sell to the Elders. When he isn’t causing trouble he can be found helping the elderly with their chores and housework before joining the gathers out to pick berries snitching a few as he works the sun glittering off the bangles adorning his ankles jingling as he runs around in a melodic manor, often accompanied by his soft voice as he sings on the gentle breeze to invoke the West Wind.

Gaiacians- Nomadic Clans of the Earth
A wandering band of clans that believe life originated from the Earth itself. They seek to reclaim their lands from the tribes, a feud lasting centuries back towards the myths of what happened those many years ago. Savage bands with little gifts for magic or mastering mounts, they stick to sneak attacks and traps to help even the score or kidnap others to indoctrinate into their ranks to continue the endless bloodshed. The last attack was 7 months ago. Dissent will surely cause another assault against the Tribes soon.


Defining Moments:
The Ascension to Daughterhood.
Moria only has one true defining moment that she will allow to shape her.

Her right of passage.

Each tribes bares a different path to seeking their Wind God's favor.

For the Skeiron it's to ascend to the mountain top.

Moria was 18 like many others when she took her right, but unlike the others she did not have the guidance of the One Before to help see her through. She only had stories and the hearsay of the Elders. She was to ascend and seek favor of the North Wind, what else did she need to know. So on the eve of the new lunar cycle where even the moon would not rise to bare witness to the gathering storm at the mountain peaks an ominous sign as to what awaited the girl.

Three days.

Moria spent three days up there conversing with the god, and has to this day never spoken of what was said. The proof she wore around her neck was enough for others not to question her. But she was different no longer wild and headstrong, the girl had came back a woman calm and sure of herself and her role in life.

A Typical Day:
Moria awakes with the sun to great the Winds as the usher in a new day and sets about preforming the morning rituals and thanks that they may still yet stay under the Wind's favor. Once her duties as Daughter are done she spent the rest of the morning playing with the tribe children and teaching them the stories of old in hush tones and loud voices as her mother and father had taught her. By the time the sun had fully taken its place in the sky one would usually find her napping in the grove of the trees down near the Meeting place often joined by her friends as they speak of things far over the heads of their villagers. She cherishes those few idol moments before returning back up the pass to help prepare dinner and send the tribe back into the night with the peace and protection of the North Wind.



Hidden 9 mos ago 9 mos ago Post by AliceInRedHeels
Avatar of AliceInRedHeels

AliceInRedHeels Looking for a White Rabbit In Oz

Member Seen 8 mos ago

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Isabella Finch

21 Blightborn: Energy Lunarian Sound
Shaped By The Water

Blight Born


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Hidden 9 mos ago 9 mos ago Post by AliceInRedHeels
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AliceInRedHeels Looking for a White Rabbit In Oz

Member Seen 8 mos ago

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