The start of every drunk’s protest that they weren’t drunk died in her throat as she realized just how close he ended up next to her, okay perhaps she was a little drunk after all how else did she end up pulling a stranger, a half dressed man into the water with her close enough that she could touch the feathers around his neck. Did they go all the way around and extend into his hair she wondered, noticing that they were different shades of black and blue that blended well against the paler tones of his skin. He wasn’t bulky or covered in muscles but there was a pleasant litheness to his frame, in the pale moonlight covered in water he almost looked like a statue. Once again the thought of how pretty he was crossed her mind; quickly looking away realizing that she had been staring, the blush now seemed to permanently reside on her face as she busied herself by ringing out the excess water that had gotten to her hair.
Soft ringlets and loose curls now plastered to her skin, she was sure she looked a mess, but why should she care how she looked. The thought puzzled her as bit her lip as if to chew on it trying to figure out why she cared how she looked in front of this man who was now emptying his pockets almost frantically. The mention of opium caused both of her eyebrows to raise, [color= #A059FA]”Do drugs even work for blight born?”[/color] her tone genuinely curious as she settled back down against the rocks.
The man shrugged his shoulders when asked such a silly question then he thought about it — drugs didn’t work the same way they did for him like they did for humans. At first he found it silly but the more he thought about it caused his head to shake in the negative, “
i have no clue,” He spoke out honestly.
It might be different for different blight-borns though my experience with taking opium is similar to drinking a cup of coffee when I was human,” That was a surreal thought. He couldn’t have coffee anymore. Without knowing what or who he was after the blight cursed him, he had a cup, and barely sipped anything from it and he was dry heaving to throw his guts up. Coffee was something he couldn’t handle. He remembered how awful it made him feel though opium gave him a similar effect on how he could remember the feeling of coffee giving him.
[color= #A059FA] “Like a cup of coffee?” [/color] She mused in reply, trying to remember the last time she had one. The warm smoke wafting off the cup as it sat at her mothers table, a small spread of breakfast, it felt like forever ago. Granted now it hardly effect her, not as it did when she first stole a cup as a child and spent the entire day running around the town square ecstatic and carefree searching for anything that could keep her attention. It made sense that it wouldn’t be the same for each blight born, it was hardly the same for each human.
“That actually makes a lot of sense..” She wouldn’t admit it but the addition of someone else made her realize how lonely she had become here. She had few people to talk to and helping provide for the town kept her far busier than she thought to be able to build lasting connections. She knew a few names and faces which is why she wasn’t offended when this strange man from the sky didn’t know her. She missed being around people, hearing them laugh. His laugh was nice, she wondered how she could hear it again.
[color= #A059FA]”I suppose my manners might not be much better than yours then.”[/color] Lena replied playfully sticking her tongue right back out at him. Well she had pulled the man down to her level but now what, unsure of what to talk about she ran her fingers through her hair trying to separate the curls back into some type of form. She usually wasn’t this bad while drinking, it must be the spring she lied to herself. A part of her was glad the bottle was empty, she already felt she was acting like a fool; she needed nothing else to add to it. So far it had been fine though, she hadn’t offended him yet, a few complaints but she didn’t truly believe that he was that upset by her actions. A pleased smile and a look of smugness as he settled into the water facing her.
The thought of the opium spilling into the water never occurred to her even though he had mentioned it, surely if he was carrying it around he would have taken the precautions to secure it properly, right? The soft powder dissolving and leaving a slight film across the water’s surface as it settled back down after all the splashing around, a slight sweet scent mixing in with the spring’s steam filled air. She didn’t have much experience with the drug, or any beyond seeing it a few times at it traded hands in the lower wards. Simple rumors of its effects and stern warnings not to touch the stuff. A pity it was too late now for such warning.
A playful roll of his eyes could be seen from their close proximity and he shook his head, “
Manners? What are those?” He sounded genuinely interested and unaware of the word. He grew up in a middle class household so he knew what people expected of others. He didn’t care. Manners were lost when the blight took him. Most didn’t care to have manners for his kind but he still found himself being polite and respectful to others.
”Oh you know, saying please and thank you, don’t punch strangers, ah probably shouldn’t pull strangers into the springs with you either. Should add that to the list. Mmm..” Lena paused trying to recall her mothers lectures, even growing up in a smaller city her mother insisted that they have class and grace. Being less of was no excuse for bad behavior and acting ugly. Her eyes unfocusing as she tried to recall what else there was to having manners. [color=#A059FA]”Oh, being helpful, that’s one. Well maybe not helpful but not going out of your way to be rude either…or things like that. Common decency really, they just like to use fancy words for it.” She giggled shrugging before looking back at his wings tilting her head the other way mimicking his actions from earlier.
[color= #A059FA]”You said you flew down here right? What’s it like? Did it take you a while to get the hang of it?” [/color] Of course he flew down here, who wouldn’t, berating herself for being so slow with her own thoughts.
Then she asked about his flying and he looked at his wings, thinking, and shrugged his shoulders. “
It took me a little bit, I guess?” Pleiades was unsure how long it took him. His memory was fuzzy but he could recall a few dangerously close situations that the learning curve made him experience. “
I love it though…” He spoke softly. “
Flying is my favorite thing to do."
Opium did not affect the bird-like man in a way similar to humans. People would assume that he would be careful while carrying it around though it was in a snatch pouch that looked similar to how people carried currency. There were loose areas and smaller openings though it could clearly let the ground opium leak out. ’t cross his mind that the product would be slipping into the hot springs and affecting everyone.
“You seem so graceful, I can’t imagine you running into anything. Just up in the sky, it sounds freeing.” A soft smile as she repositioned drawing her knees up to rest her head comfortably on it, the quiet ambiance was peaceful and his voice was soft and low adding to the pleasant hum running through her body, it almost sound like she could hear the soft tone of a whistled song.
“What made you come down from it to talk to me?” Another thought spoken out loud, a curious tone lingering behind it. If she could fly she wasn’t sure she would ever leave the sky, just be free of everything and fly away from all of her worries. A soft wistful sigh escaped her as she continued to watch the man near her. Perhaps it was because of how long she had been out in the woods for but it was nice to just talk to someone.
”Not that I mind, of course. I didn’t realize how much I wanted company.A smile appeared on his expression when she spoke about him seeming graceful and that it must be freeing to fly around up in the sky. It was. “
I’ve had years of practice,” The man confessed since he understood that he was of the original group of blight-born. His transformation happened a little less than a decade ago and that gave him years to develop a finesse for flying.
I haven’t seen your face around Dawnhaven and I became curious,” That was the honest truth from the man. He had never met Lena before. New people made him curious and he somewhat wondered if she interviewed with Flynn or not as a human. This was not a topic he would share. He didn’t want to offend the Aurelian prince in any way.
His eyes seemed to sharpen slightly when she spoke to him and a smirk appeared on his lips, “[color=479ca9]If you wanted company, why didn’t you go searching for it?{/color]” Pleiades inquired with almost a child-like curiosity and purr to his tone.
“So you were like a baby bird once, flopping around?” A skeptical look on her face at the idea before breaking out into giggles as she imagined it. The tall feathered man flopping around awkwardly as he got used to having wings and learning how to catch the upward drafts only to fall. Truthfully it was little wonder to her that they hadn't met before, she could barely keep up with who the guards were and only knew most people by name in passing. [color=#A059FA] “Do you know every face in Dawnhaven,
Mr. Porter.?” She teased slightly, he didn’t seem like someone who went by proper titles but since he called her a proper conversationalist she would play along.
The question of why she hadn’t sought out others was met with a furrowed look, the haze in mind had worsened. There was a reason. Why did she think she didn’t deserve to be around others. The thought was for a second foreign to her before she remember the small smile she was wearing slipped for a second into a look of sadness before the haze slipped back and she shook her head to banish the negative feelings tugging at her mind like claws, all the eager to punish the woman.
“Penance”. The word was barely audible as if she said it loud enough she would admit to herself that she was the cause of her own loneliness. A more forced smile reappeared, not wanting to dwell on such things,
“I’m sure there are far more interesting things I could offer.” Mister Porter, seemed to get his face to twist and turn with uncertainty. Did he enjoy being called the title that his father was called so frequently? Unsurely, he had no answer to that. Did he enjoy people being more casual with him? Indeed. “
Mister Porter was my father,” He huffed lightly at the differentiation that he was trying to create. “
And no,” His moonlit eyes looked over to her when he spoke. “
I do not know every face in Dawnhaven but I try to,” There were so many different people showing up. Dawnhaven was becoming popular and soon enough, maybe, it would be like the cities. Faces being blurred by inconvenience and not enough time to stop and say hello.
Penance?” Pleiades spoke out in confusion and surprise. He noticed the force in her smile and the fakeness of genuinity. It was disappointing and his own expression started to neutralize.
Then the conversation seemed to shift in a way that he didn’t know how to respond to that statement. Her words kept processing in his mind as he stared at her. “
What do you mean by that, Miss Lena?” He asked with a spark of curiosity that lingered into something of sultry tones and mystery.
She laughed slightly watching him wrestle with the notion of being called like his father. She liked that he wore his thoughts on his face.
“Does that mean that I can use you as reference the next time I talk to someone?” Another teasing question that faltered when he repeated the word, so he had heard it. Part of her had hoped it had gotten lost in the water’s sound, a chance to come up with a better answer. She looked down away from him as she toyed with one of her curls.
“We all have ghosts, Pleiades. Sometimes when you dig them up it’s very hard to put them back.” This time Lena’s smile was less forced when she looked back up, an apologetic answer to him questioning the word, a tiny pang of guilt as she knew it wasn’t the answer he was looking for. But who tells a stranger that they’re the reason all of their friends died.
It was only when he had asked her what she meant that she realized exactly what she had said to escape answering his probing. Blue eyes widened slightly, she briefly wondered if she could hide under the water to escape her own foolery; as if the one misspoken innuendo wasn’t enough to create a misunderstanding.
“O-oh, I meant that we could talk about something more interesting than my loneliness. Like what I do, or what you do, do you like it here, we could talk about wine, do you drink?, do you travel a lot or if you’ve seen anything strange in the lake,” She was rambling, she knew she was rambling, trying to figure out herself what she had meant by that as his own words rang in her head in that sultry tone.
” if you want since I did soak your pants, I could dry your wings for you while you wait for them? They are very pretty, they look soft.” Lena lost count of the amount of times she let her mouth get ahead of her thoughts. Burying her head into her knees to try and hide from her own embarrassment, she changed her mind. She definitely needed more wine now.
“I really should find a way to stop talking.” she groaned to herself before peering back up at the man hoping she hadn’t offended him.
I doubt you would want to do that,” Pleiades sounded distasteful with his response to the woman about using him as a reference. The man wasn’t horrible and he didn’t think anyone in Dawnhaven had negative opinions about him yet or they did if they were prejudiced about blight-born; something he could understand. Not all of the cursed individuals or the majority were friendly or safe to be around. He wasn’t to a point. “
Indeed, Miss Lena, everyone has skeletons in their closet.”
Seeing her sky blue eyes caused him to smirk since he knew his inquiry caught her off guard. Lena was in a state of becoming stupor but he enjoyed teasing her anyways. Her reactions were lovely to witness, “
Mhm…” He waved a hand in response to her rambling.
Pleiades was about to make a comment about her multiple questions before she brought up his wings. This seemed to get him to sit up and look at her, focus, and glance at his dark feathers. “
People say that they are soft,” He agreed that they were and looked soft. “
Though how would you dry my wings?” He chuckled at that thought. The blight-born didn’t believe he needed help getting them dry though he had been letting them soak — first with Taru now with Lena.
A slight frown appeared on his face when she commented about her talking, “
Lena,” He sounded serious while looking into her eyes. Pleiades came closer to the woman, very close, and he looked into those bright blues with a smile. Grabbing her chin so she would look at him, “
Did I say anything about your rambling? I don’t think I did so don’t worry about it. If I didn’t care for it. I would tell you,” Pleiades let go of her chin after that statement though he didn’t move from his position. He was close enough to observe the specks of silver that brightened her eyes up. “
You have very pretty eyes, Miss Lena,” He complimented her as his head tilted out of curiosity. Their noses only a few inches apart from each other.
Lena was too absorbed in her own thoughts to really hear his reply and ask about how she intended to dry his wings. She was entirely too grateful no one else was around to see the state of folly she had placed herself into. The sharpness of her name caught her attention, and then in what seemed like an instant he was in front of her. He was saying something about her rambling and how he didn’t mind it but she was more focused on how cool his fingers had felt against her flushed skin and how mesmerizing his own eyes were. As if she could
drown in the moon itself by staring into them.
“Yours are far more beautiful.” A whispered reply, keenly aware of how close his face was to hers, the same boldness that saw her pull him into the water nudged her forward as she closed the gap kissing him.
She wasn’t sure how long it lasted, but hearing a loud begrudging voice and the sloshing of water announcing the sound of someone else approaching she quickly pulled away.
”What just happened, did I just kiss him, I just meet him?!’ Her internal thoughts matching the external panic as she looked over toward where the voice came from hoping that the redness in her face would just be mistaken from being in the hot spring for too long. The approaching man seemed more occupied with the spilled contents of Pleiades pouch, her eyes following to where he pointed just now noticing the drug itself had trickled down into the water. The realization of what was happening almost made her burst out into laughter, feeling slightly like a kid caught drinking with their friends by a parent, as she shook her head.
“I’m not sure where that came from, Sir…?” The question lingered hoping that the man would at least introduce himself before continuing his questioning.
Pleiades' breath hitched the connection between him and the woman after her compliment. Anyone would be able to read his body language as shocked and surprised by what was happening. He was bewildered by her actions. [i][color=479ca9]Why is she kissing me?[/i][/color] — that thought raced through his mind as reality began to pull him back down. She was drunk. She had drunk at least a bottle by herself so she wasn’t thinking properly.
I’m not sure where that came from, Sir…? Those words rang through his head since he was so focused on Lena. Was she that confused about why she kissed him? That caused him to step back and run two hands through his feathery hair before he realized that there was someone else with them — Wenyr. Someone he hadn’t officially met but he knew by name.
As he began to question them on the mysterious substance, Pleiades’s eyes widened, and he smiled awkwardly. “
Oh, Wenyr, please do not touch that,” The blight-born stated as he moved towards the rocks with his pants and items on them. A smaller leather pouch bag that would be cinched shut was not so shut at all. Dirt-like contents were coming out of the little sack.
That’s opiu —” He stopped himself while his eyes focused on the contents that were swirling in the hot spring. Heating up. Steaming up into everyone’s faces. “
Shite…” The man whispered out while he tried scooping up the pilled contents and putting it on the rock and trying to clean the rest of it up quickly. “
It’s opium. You two should step out of the hot springs and I should find the keeper… Tia. I should find TIa and maybe Flynn? I don’t… I don’t know if any of you should be in the hot springs right now with this in it… I think it can last up to ten hours,” Pleiades was more afraid of overdosing someone and killing them than it was causing everyone to have some fun.
if any of you should be in the hot springs. He was right, it was probably safer not to be in the springs, Lena had little idea how long or how much has been dosed into the water and herself. Truthfully it was just an excellent excuse to move herself farther away from the current source of her confusion. She knew she had always been bold, brash even but this was a new one even for her. Sure she had kissed a few men here or there on a whim while drunk but a stranger, a strange man who only an handful of minutes ago flew down from the sky to talk. What would her mother think? A soft bark of a laugh escaping her lips as she shook her head. At first taken back by the presence of someone else it provided a much need moment of clarity as she followed Pleiades advice lifting herself from the pool, still somehow graceful in her current stupor as she found her clothing wasting no time putting them back on. The dry cloth clinging to her damp skin was a welcome barrier to the cold air, all too eager to welcome her as she left the warmth. Finding the rock he was perched on earlier, she sat down, the irony that their original positions had been swapped was not lost on her..
“That might be best. I’m sure it’ll be fine tomorrow but better safe then sorry.” Her tone more neutral now, all too eager to focus on the problem at hand. This was something she could handle, what just happened she could not. Idle hands toying with the fraying hem of her shirt as she looked between the two, sure they didn’t need her here to help, right? Maybe she could just leave? Hide? Go find a very deep hole to hide in?
Wenyr blinked his eyes briefly out of disbelief, then reiterated both Pleiades' and Lena's words in front of his inner ear to make sure he really had understood them correctly. Opium ? While never having seen any, he had heard of it. But wasn't this something chronically bored denizens of large cities were much more prone to than some villagers ? He looked down onto his breast to check whether any of it had gotten entangled in his skin's hair, then turned towards the two apparent lovebirds with even a tad less relaxed of an attitude than before:
"Look, I don't care what you are carrying around with you. It is not my business, but my health is very much and I'm feeling dizzy now. Please get this problem solved, rapidly." While using the word 'please', the tone Wenyr deliberately put into his speech told a story of urgent demand instead.
Getting away from the hot springs was the best advice to be given at this point, but the blacksmith remained where he was for a few moments longer still to watch how Pleiades tried to remove the continued trace of self-betrayal behind and around him. It definitely had some amusing qualities to it.
"I hope Flynn and Tia are in a good mood or they might not take this in so well." Wenyr put up a slight grin and patted bird-man's shoulder firmly before he also cast a glance towards his female company. By the time the prince and the priestess arrived here, magic might be the only way to avoid the immediate effects of the drug, he deemed. And of course he was completely unaware just how much of a disaster zone both of their moods were right now for other reasons!
"Maybe there's a dip net around somewhere ? Could be for leaves and other dirt falling in here. I'll start looking." The search effort would also get him away from the immediate vicinity of the now effectively poisonous water while still remaining in acoustic reach of the two now not so happy individuals.
Pleiades’s expression seem to twist and turn at Wenyr’s words, “
I am trying to get it under control,” Those words were almost growled out but it was a problem that took time. It was in the mist and steam, affecting people, and could last for hours.
The blight born glared at Wenyr as he commented about Flynn and Tia’s moods, “
It was an accident. If I wasn’t pulled into the hot springs, this would have never happened,” Which was true. Pleiades was careful about taking all the contents of his skin before stepping into the hot springs. Early with Taru, he took everything off and set it on a small tree growing up on the rocks so it couldn’t just fall into the springs.
He shook his head while hearing Wenyr comment about a dip net, “
I doubt that will help,” He mumbled those words more than anything before climbing up on the rocks himself and putting his pants on. The bird-like man tried his best to seal the pouch before putting it into his pants pocket which was damp. “
I’m going to find Tia, since I think the priestess of the temple was in control of this.”
The small amount of amusement watching both of them try to solve the issue washed away as Lena heard Pleiades snapback about it wouldn’t have happened if he wasn’t pulled in.
Was he trying to blame her? A brief internal debate whether to reply in kind that how was she to know what he carried in his pockets before shaking her head, that was just her pride talking. She wasn’t allowed to be prideful..
“It definitely wasn’t intentional, but I don’t think there’s much we can do. Or at least that I can do.” She could potentially at least summon enough wind to clear the immediate steam but that wouldn’t solve the underlying issue of the substance still dissolving into the water, it would just be replaced in a matter of minutes.
“You do that: I’m going to go home.” Her emotions were everywhere, she was now both high and felt the tell tale signs of a headache from the wine coming on. Sighing she pushed her hair back out of her face before saying goodbye to the two men and making her way back toward the entrance, stumbling slightly but not to the point she wouldn’t be able to make it home on her own.
Wenyr watched how Lena left the scene, him realizing that she probably tried to get away before the insight of her being the ultimate culprit would have settled in too deeply. Yet on the other hand... Wenyr shrugged his shoulders and commented:
"Well she probably didn't know you had that shit on you. How about me trying to find the priestess ?" He felt like there was nothing he really could do here anymore.
Pleiades felt a pang in his chest while watching Lena leave —
Shite… I fucked up… — those words bounced around his head while he stood on the rock and stroked both hands through his hair in a stressed stance. “
No, I wasn’t meaning to try to throw the blame all on her but it’s true. If she didn’t FUCKING pull me in here this wouldn’t have happened,” The man felt his temper rising because he honestly meant for none of this to happen. If he wasn’t pulled in, none of his things would be wet, and the opium he carried around wouldn’t have gone anywhere or out of his pocket.
Growling with thought, he held his hair with his hands, “
It’s quicker if I find Tia, Wenyr. Go home. Stay out of the pools of water,” Pleiades commented before making sure he had everything and letting his wings extend. They fluttered a bit to shake the water off before he began to go up into the air before trying to search for Tia.